HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-06-07 Regular � � � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 7 , 1976 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, June 7 , 1976 , at 7 : 30 P.M. with the following members present : ; ! Mayor Pro-tem Edward Zeitler � Councilman William Patton ' �u--� �. Council P.aul Maaz Councilman Thomas Lay Councilman Benny Balcer Councilman Richard Haken With a quorum present , and with Mayor Lowe absent , �he following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes ot a Regular Meeting of � May l7 , 1976 approvecl as read. � � BIDS ON SEWER PLANT EQUIPMENT FOR INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS - Mr. G.� Morgan reported that only one bid was received on this equipment , � that from McKenzie Equipment for: �OO -7�P 5 motors $1,402 . 50 2 air compressors 6 612 . 00 1 blower 7 ,464. 00 MOTTON: (Maaz) That the City Manager compare the bid prices taith the original proposal and contact council members for approval to proceed with purchase . � �, Second : Baker � � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED .; � PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS l. Mrs . Cathy Clark of Tower Es�ates reported that members of /D/�r�O the civic club were not willing to bear half the cost of a wooden fence -to screen the sewer plant , and presented a proposal for using aluminum stripping in the present chain-link fence which would cost approximately what the city had committeed to spend on. the wooden fence. Mr. Morgan was instructed to check on the price and, if in the area of $600 , he would proceed to purchase the material , with, .the residents doing the labor, by the following motion: MOTION: (Baker) To approve expenditures up to $600 for the Z'ower Estates sewer plant fence. Second: Lay . Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mrs . Clark also reques-ted that shell or limestone be placed on the street in the subdivision , and that the civic club be furnished a copy of the drainage report being made. 2 . Mrs . Grace Baker, Chairman of the Parks � Recreation Board made a report on progress of the ' 76 Park in anticipation of dedication on the 4th of July. She also addressed some of the _ problems involved in using Steven'son Park for the 3rd of July activities . .r-�--�°-�-'°__. BUSINESS ITEMS l. Mayor Pro-tem Zeitler raised the question of whether a meeting , will be held on the 5th of July which will be an official holiday. This item was deferred till the next regular meeting. 2 . Agreement with School re Liability during summer pro ram - The school has requested that the City sign an agreement holding the school harmless for any property damage of personal injury occurring during the summer program which the Community - ---- - - - - _ .. .. - - - .__.. - -– - -�------------ ----- --- --------- —------- ------ , � � Counseling Service is sponsoring at the Junio.r High Sch.00l from 9 to 12 p.m. This agreement was referred -�o �he City Attorney for his opinion. 3 . Sewer Facilities -, Mr. Morgan reviewed the status o.f the regional sewer project , the enforcement hearing, and the in,terim modification to SP #1 and #2 . On the hearing he stated that specia_1 services charges would amount to apprpxi-- mately $900 for Engineering Science. �p����p4 . Hike 'n'' Bike Trails - Mr. Pat Riley gave a progress repor� ! on the trails , stating that proceeds are coming in from �he � sale of T-shirts , �hat a grant request has beeri made ta th.e State Bicentennial Committee for $2 ,000 , and a grant rec�ue,s� to the Moody Foundation is being prepared. She asked that the City pledge matching funds but no definite figure was given. This item will be placed on the agenda for the next Regular Meeting on June 21 , 1976 . JD�J�7� 5 . Storage Trailer for Gi.rl Scouts - Mr. Morgan asked ,�o.r Council op�.nion on a request from local Girl Scouts to park a travel trailer behind the City Hall. The trailer would be used to store camping equipment . Council consensus was that there is insufficient parking area for the City Hall and permission was denied. ORDINANCES Ord . #258 - Electrical Ordinance - 3rd � �'inal Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , FOR SA�'E� GUARDING PERSONS AND PROPERTY AND PROMOTING THE [nIEL�'ARE OF THE PUBLIC: REGliLATING ELECTRICAL INSTALLATTONS TN THE CITY OF FRTENDSWOOD: ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: REGULATING THE SALE , REPAIR, USE AND REMOVAI, 0�' ! � ELECTRICAL WIRING EQUIPMENT AND REQUIRING CONFORMTTY : THEREWITH: PROVIDING FOR FEES AND PENALTIES : CONTAINING ' A SAVINGS CLAUSE , AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. MOTION: (Haken) To approve third reading and finally adopt Ordinance #258 . , Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED • Ord. #259 - SewEr Tap Fees - Secon,d Permanent Reading , AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING A CHARGE FOR CONNECTING TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD: PROVIDING THAT APPLICATION FOR SUCH CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE IN WRITING: AND REPEALING ALL ORD�NANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT OR IN CONFLICH HEREWITH. MOTION: (Patton) To approve second reading of Ord. #259 Second: Lay � Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Baker, Patton, Maaz , Lay, Haken AGAINST (1) Zeitler MOTION CARRIED Proposed Ordinance changes - Councilman Lay gave out copies , of some proposed changes to the Subdivision Ordinance for Council consideration. , WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By Unanimous vote of the Council , the following warrants were approved for payment : � ��, GENERAL FUND #2057 - International Disposal Corporation $1,019 . 00 #2058 - Wartex Oil , Inc. 1 ,623. 02 #2059 - County of Galveston-Health Dept. 514. 75 #2060 - Rosenberg Library 816 . 77 #2061 - General Welding � Fabricating 750 . 00 , #2060 - Gulf Coast Dodge 4 ,722 . 35 , i �2063 - Albritton Trucking 1, 236 . 15 ' � #2064 - W.W. Materials 1 ,447 . 44 `��----� #2066 - The AT �SF RR 12 ,420 . 10 #206�,7 - Nolen Trucking 2 ,961. 00 #2068 - Davis Truck � Equipment 1 ,123 . 55 #2069 - Aetna Life � Casualty 1 , 589 . 52 UTILITY FUND #907 - Meter Repair Service 804 . 00 � �#908 - Layne Texas Co. 901. 67 � #909 - Dixie Chemical 727 . 90 �, #911 - Rohan Company 2 ,665 . 96 � #913 - General Welding � Fabricating 754 . 00 Ca� ` #914 - General Welding � Fabricating 1 , 858. 95 � ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 30 p.m. , �� ������ City Secretary � :� � I APPROVED: Fi�c+-vw�.- Mayor . alph L. Lowe