HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-04-19 Regular 3 �� �' MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING 0�' THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 19 , 1976 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, April 19 , 1976 at 7 : 30 p .m. with the following members present :� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman Benny Baker -�-- �i.ouncilman William Patton , • Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Richard Haken With a quorum presen,t , and with Councilman Edward Zeitler absent , the following business was transacted : READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Mee�ing of � April 5 approved as read. Minutes of a Special Meeting of April � 12-13 approved as corrected. ' � ANNOUNCEMENTS � COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � l . Specifications for the recreation area in Stevenson Park have been approved by the State ; the City can now request bids . 2 . The TWQB hearing on April 14 was attended by Mayor Lowe and Mr. Morgan and the program of corrective measures was presented as discussed. � 3 . Galveston County Mayors � Councilmen � s Association will meet Wednesday in League City. Agenda includes election of officers . , i 4. Permit �hearing of Blackhawk Plant was held on April 15 . The engineer reported that the hearing went well with the only _ objector being Mr. Massingale. 5 . A let-L-er from John White expresses favor of EPA with the plans far the regional sewer plant. 6 . The Bicentennial Committee of West Columbia invites the Council to attend activities this Saturday night in their city. 7 . Mrs . Carol Vandenberg who designed the winning city seal, thanked tYie City for the honor. 8 . The Justice Department has commended the City on its submission relative to the Voter' s Rights Law. PETITIONS � COMMUNICATIONS - Douglas Chilton, who is currently running for Judge of the lOth District Court , solicited the support � of the Council in the election next month. RESOLUTION #76-10 - Commending Becky Wood for winning area spelling contests and going to the national spelling contest in Washington, D. C. MOTION : (Haken) To adopt Resolution #76-10 Second: Baker ( Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED i PROCLAMATION - Declaring May 9 to 15 as "FOSTER CHILD WEEK" MOTION : (Patton) To support the Proclamation by Mayor Lowe making May 9-15 Foster Child Week. S.econd : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BILL OF RIGHTS FOR FOSTER CHILDREN - The Council has been asked to ratify this Bill of Rights which was ratified at Congress Hall in Philadelphia on April 28 , 1973 . MOTION : (Patton) That this Council ratify the Bill of Rights for �'oster Chi,ldren. Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED r-- ------,- - - _.... _.-_ -- -_._ _ � - - - --------- � � ---------- � � ------ -- ----- — - _ ;- � I I I � ✓��,'/� OUTDOOR REC�EATION AREA IN STEVE�SON PARK - REQUEST FOR BIDS- � Doris Heard of the Recreation Committee who is handling the pro ect requested that Mr. Morgan be authorized to go out for bids on the � plans which have been approved by the Parks � Recreation Board of the State of Texas . MOTION : (Baker) To authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on the multi-purpose outdoor recreation area at Stevenson Memorial Park. Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED r SEWER FACZLITIES l. Jim I Eller of Engineering Science reported that Ned Burleson of DPA has informed him that Step II request has been found in order and that approval should be final by May 3 . 2 . Interim modifications to SP #1 and #2 - MOTION: (Baker) That the Council instruct the City Manager to prepare a schedule of the items to be done , and that he inform the Council each meeting as to progress being made , the first report to be made next Monday night. Second: Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3 . Councilman Patton proposed that a capital improvements fee be � charged on all new sewer connects . Thls will be discussed at the next workshop meeting. ��-��p OPENING OF BIDS ON STREET SURFACING (Briarmeadow, Winding Way, Merriwood) The following bids were opened and read: Warren Brothers $32 ,150 . 00 Br.own � Root 28 ,600 . 00 Ike Hall 35 ,120 . 00 , MOTION: (Lay) To refer bids to the City Manager for � tabulation and recommendation. Second : Patton Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED $�.,7(p PETITION FROM TOWER ESTATES - Mrs . Cathy Clark requested the oil be placed on streets , that shell be placed in hdles in streets , and that a slat fence be built on two sides of the sewer plant. To the latter, Mr. Morgan said he could not recommend that this be done since other sewer plants in the area have no such screening. Mr. Clark stated that the Civic Club would probably be able to finance half the cost of the fence. Cleaning of ditches in the area was also discussed ; however a further study by the City Manager is necessary before any decision can be made on this . SEWER FACILITIES (Cont ' d) 4 . Request for proposal from GCWDA for assistance in operation of SP#1 and #2 . It has been suggested that technical advice by GCWDA specialists could help City operators to more efficiently run SP #1 and #2 . A letter from Mayor Lowe requesting a formal proposal from GCWDA was presented for approval by Council . MOTION: (Patton) To approve making the request to GCWDA. Second: Haken � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ���'�� 5 . Engineering Contract with ESI for interim Modifications to SP #1 and #2 � MOTION: (Patton) To authorize the Mayor to sign the contract as presented. Second: Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED -2- � � � , (Councilman Lay stated that he voted for the motion because he wants no delay in the modification program; however , if this firm had not already. done work relative to the contract he would not vote to sign the contract. ) AWARDING OF BID ON FIRE TRUCK - Mr. Morgan reported that arrangements �j� ��' have been made for Certificates of Deposit payment for the fire truck and presented a contract from Arlington Equipment Company for approval. MOTION : (Haken) To authorize the Mayor to sign the contract � with Arlington Equipment Company for $67 , 370 . � Second: Lay �� Vote : FOR (4) Baker, Lay, Lowe , Haken AGAINST (2 ) Patton , Maaz MOTION CARRIED DESTGNATION OF MAYOR PRO-TEM FOR 1967 - Mayor Lowe proposed the name ��-�� of Councilman Zeitler as Mayor Pro-tem based on length of service and asked Council for concurrence . MOTION: (Maaz) To designate Edward Zeitler as Mayor Pro-tem. r� Second: Patton �S Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � �..� BID AWARD ON FIRE HOSE AND EQUIPMENT - Mr. Morgan reported that Martin ��'-��, � Apparatus and Equipment , low bidder on this equipment , has requested that they be released from their bid in view of the fact that they were n.ot awarded the bid for the fire truck also , and he recommended that the bid be awarded to the next lowest bidder , Fire Fox Corp. Council decision was not to release Martin from their bid. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS l. Street Program - Under the street bond program, the final payment of $51 , 591. 05 to Marathon-Mischer was above the amount ��" �� ; of the bond issue. Mr. Morgan requested that this amount be appropriated from the Industrial District fund to cover this . „__ The City Attorney was asked to advise Mr. Morgan on procedure . for makin.g such appropriations . MOTION : (Haken) To authorize the City Manager to proceed in the most expedit'ious and legal method to accomplish payment of the balance on the street bond program. Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2 . Increase in Pay for Street/Sanitation Superintendent - The City �97_ �(� Manager asked for an appropriation from extra al valorem taxes to cover a raise to the street Superintendent from December thru the balance of the year. MOTION : (Lay) To approve this appropriation. Second : Patton Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - On motion of Councilman Maaz , second and unanimous vote the following warrants were approved: General Fund: #1859 - Gulf Oil $2 , 536 . 43 1860 - Rosenberg Library 764 . 30 1861 - Browning Ferris Ind. 1,114 . 43 --- 1862 - Community Public Service 902 . 99 W � S Fund # 824 - Community Public Service 1 ,440 . 89 825 - Dixie Chemical Co. 504 . 45 826 - New Electric Sev. 687 . 00 ' 827 - General Welding � Fab 669 . 50 827 - Eagle Pipe � Supply g82 , 12 -�- -- - -- - - - — - --- ----- - -- - ---- - � � � 'i' MOTION: (Maaz) That Capital Projects Check #134 to Marathon-Mischer Company in the amount of $51, 591. 05 be approved contingent on finding a legal method of appropriating funds as advised by the City Attorney. � �econd : Patton Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��'�� LrAISON POSITIONS FOR CURRENT YEAR - Mayor Lowe announced the following appointments o� Councilmen as liaison with city ' committees and departments : Community Service , Drainage , and Utilities (Patton) Industrial District , Fire Dept . (Lay) Finance , Planning � Zoning (Maaz) Library, Mayor Pro-tem (Zeitler Recreation, Beautification (Baker) Streets , Police (Haken) ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. c� � �°,.C_,� � � ��2..! City Secre� "ry I APPROVED: , r �� �.-C.C�--� ;i� Mayor �I