HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-03-22 Special � 19� I,�TNUT�S. 0�' A S�'ECTAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 22 , 1976 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, March 22 , 1976 , at 7 : 30 p.m.. with the following members present : i Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman Richard Haken � Councilman William Patton Councilman Milton Windler � Councilman Benny Baker �_. With a quorum present , and with Councilmen Ed Zeitler and Paul Maaz absent , �he following business was transacted : MUSTANG MEADOWS REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - Due to an error , building �p--,1� permits were �ssued for Mustang Meadows prior to installation and acceptance of streets and water lines . Mr. David McCafferty made a request that they be allowed to proceed with building with the �� agreement that the developer would not request nor expect to receive �+ an.y service approval from the city until facilities were accepted. � Contrac�s have been let for streets and water lines , copies furnished � to Mr. Morgan. � MOTION : (Patton) To honor the request and allow building to proceed contingent on the above conditions and with the city attorney ' s approval. Second: Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED SUBDIVISION - FIVE LOTS WITH CITY FACILITIES - Point clarified : Council directs and building permits are not -to be issued under ��� �� this new policy until the amending ordinance has been adopted. FIRE TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT BIDS - Bids as opened and read shown on �� _ �/ attached sheets . MOTION : (Patton) To refer bids for tabulation and recommendation to the City Manager and $ire Department representatives . Second :Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED SALE OF QUAKER"S LANDING LOT �3-7� MOTION: (Patton) To instruct the City Manager to advertise for sealed bids on the lot . Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED INTERIM SEWER REVISIONS PROJECT - Engineering Science presented a !� �-7�� "Modifications to Sewage Treatmen-� Plants Cost Summary" for con- sideration. Notice of an enforcement public hearing set for Apri.l 14 , and notice of a public hearing on Permit No. 11571 for the Blackhawk Plan� set for April 15 , both by the TWQB, were discussed. Mayor Lowe read a letter he proposed to send to TWQB asking for a delay on the enforcement hearing. Following discussion of the above items , Councilm.an Windler made the following motion : i MOTION: (Windler) To accept the report from Councilman � Patton and Engineering Science , Inc. as presented and dated ._ March 22 , 1976 ; that we approve their recommendation ; that we write the Texas Water Quality Board a letter stating that although we recognize that we are not to make substantial repairs or modification to our plant , there are several minor modifications that are in the ,�� �" process , specifically : �1,�-- Item 3 under Plant #1 (By-pass chlorination) �{�ua &�,x�r,,uu�' Item 5 under Plant #1 (Repair � Calibrate flow � ��� �` measurement devices) h Item 6 under Plant #1 (Replace air diffusers) � Item 7 under Plant #1 (Chlorination of treated flows) Item 5 under Plant #2 (Repair � calibrate flow measurement device) Item 6 under Plant #2 (Install new air diffl�sPr�� - -------- ---- - -..__ _. - -- -- - - - - -------- ------- - -— - — - ---- - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - .� � (Motion cont ' d) That this letter to TWQB also state that we have accomplished significant engineering work on modifications to Plants #1 and #2 resulting in an estimate of cost in the order of $104 ,000 ; that the preliminary engineering information on these modifications is available for their review and consideration at the time when our request for increased permits on Plan-�s #1 an.d #2 are to be evaluated at a public hearing. i Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Windler) To approve the letter written by Mayor Lowe asking �for a 30 day delay in the enforcement hearing, with certain modifications . Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTTON: � (Patton) To earmark use of funds from the Industrial District fun.d to finance compliance with the sewer modifications if necessary. Second: Baker Vote : FOR (4) Lowe , Patton , Baker, Windler � AGAINST : Haken MOTION CARRIED WC�ID #108 CONTRACT - Councilman Baker moved the City Attorney be asked t�o review this contract to determine if the Water District should be helping to bear the cost of the interim modifications , secon.ded by Haken. Baker and Haken voted for the motion; Lowe , Patton, and Windler against. Thus the MOTION FAILED. Councilman Patton suggested that a capital contribution be initia- ted for new sewer hook-ups to take care of the expense of additional � capacity required by future population growth. � WATER BILL FOR SCHOOL - Mr. Morgan reported that the school has questioned the increased water bill since installation of a new meter. The city will recheck -the new meter and, using an average usage for the past year, rebill the school for the past billing period. (p���� BICENTENNIAL LIBERTY TREE PROJECT- Stan Luezkowsky reported that Armco has made a donation of 400 . 00 to the project and asked if the city will. have funds available to finalize the job in case donations are not ample. The Council felt that funds would be available. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and secon.ded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 25 p.m. , � ✓ �..� --C-a�/1�� City Secretary APPROVED: � � �� , , ,�,ti��---.. _ a o Ralph L. Lowe r