HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-03-15 Regular �� 7� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 15 ,1976 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on Monda.y, March 15 , 1976 , at 7 : 30 p.m. at the City Hall wit.h the � - following members present : � i Mayor Ralp.h L. Lowe Councilrnan William Patton `;� Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman Milton Windler Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken With a quorum present , and with none absent , the follwing business was tr.ansacted : READING AND APPROVAL OP MINUTES - Special Meeting of Feb . 23 , � Regular Meeting of March l, and Special Meeting of March 8 , � approved as read. � ANNOLiNCEMENTS � COMMUNICATTOPd� FROM THE MAYOR � 1. The overhead sign has been installed on the Gulf Freeway at FM 2351 directing travelers to Friendswood. 2 . A meeting in Washington on April 6 pertaining to the funding of flood prevention measures on Clear Creek is open to city representatives who would like to attend. 3 . Mayor Lowe �aid he would like the Council to be considering disposition of the Quaker' s Landing lot , and asked the City Manager to get an appraisal of the property. ; 4 . PROCLAMATION - _' OATH OF OFPICE - Mayor Lowe administered the oath of office to M�s . Phyllis Rummel as a member of the Library Board. SENATOR A.R. (BABE) SCHWARTZ- Senator Schwartz offered his services and asked support of the council as Senator from this area. Discussion of certain problems , primarily the present sewer problems , resulted in .the Senator committing his help with the TWQB on behalf of Friendswood. BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - Chairman Tirado reported on plans for the 4th of July celebration and progress on plans for the Liberty Tree. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Couneil met with the City Attorney to discuss action to be taken relative to a meeting on Friday with TWQB represen.tatives on the court injunction (�CBA lawsuit) . (During the executive session , Mayor Lowe turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro-tem Windler, and excused himself for another meeting. ) PARKS � RECREATION BOARD REQUESTS - The Parks Board has requested that Marion Dean and John Crosby be appointed to fill the vacancies �--�_ 7(� on the Board , and would like permission to change their by-laws �o create the posi�ion of vice-chairman . . � , '�� MOTION : (Baker) To appoint Marion Dean and John Crosby to the Parks Board and to authorize a change in the by-laws creating position of vice-chairman. Second: Haken ` Vote..;.. .U.nanimoizs FOR MOTION CARRIED ELECTRICAL BOARD APPOINTMENT - Charles Mills of CPS has requested ,;(- �� that Frank Kimmey be appointed to replace him. MOTION: (Haken) To appoint Frank Kimmey as CPS representative on the Electrical Board Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED - - ---- -- - - - - - - --- --- � � �., - - J�'�� REVISED ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH ENGINEERING SCIENCE, INC. Relative to the City s grant application, EPA requires certain changes in the engineering contract for the Regional Plant. With these changes incorporated , the revised contract was presented to Council for approval. MOTION: (Patton) To approval the revised contract. Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTIONS i #76-8 - Authorizing Mayor Lo.we to sign all documents relative to the Step 2 sewer grant application. MOTION : (Baker) To adopt Resolution #76-8 . Second: Patton Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #76-9 - Designating GCWDA as contact representative for TWQB and EPA on the Blaekhawk Sewer Plant Project. MOTION : (Patton) To adopt Resolution #76-9 . Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED LITTLE LEAGUE $ASEBALL - A letter from state association iJ'g���° requests that Frlendswood ontinue to permit players from Harris county to participate. The letter was referred to the Baseball Association for answer. ��,�� GARBAGE TRUCK BIDS - Mr. Morgan requested and received permission to go out for bids on a new garbage truck as budgeted. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL ; General Fund: #1700 - Texas Industrial Services $ 688 . 05 ' - , 1701 - AT�SF' Railway 673 :06 1703 - Community Public Sercice 938 . 69 1705 - Browning-Ferris Indus . 82y , gp 1706 - Demco Educational Corp. 1 ,022 . 50 Friendswood ISD 14 , 235 . 56 1709 - Ace Parking Lot Sev. 86y , �g 1710 - Rosenberg Library Assn. 791. 42 1711 - Gulf Oil Corp. 1 ,424 . 13 1712 - Aetna Life � Casualty 1 , 818 . 38 1713 - Whites Mines 852 . 44 1714 - Armco Steel Corp. 2 , 314 . 26 MOTION : (Maaz) To approve for payment . Second: Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED W�S Fund : #775 - Community Public Service 1, 455 :96 MOTION: (Maaz) To approve payment. Second : Baker ' Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Waste Disposal Fund : #115 - Engineering Science , Inc. $19 , 747 . 03 MOTION: (Maaz) To approve for payment . '- � Second: Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �-c,_±°_��— �ZL�'' City Secretary AP VED : �` ' r�^"" �:'2,,,_".-��._..--�-- Ma��nr+ Ralr,l, T. T .-,�.,,,