HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-02-16 Regular --- - - - - - �� � � ��� ,�,,'�.,.�-�.�-r--�'� c.� - �.._f� � �l MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February 16 ,1976 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at The City Hall on Monday, Februar.y 16 ,1976 , with the following � members present : Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman.•�Edward . �ZeY�tle�(arri�red 8 p.m. �)�.� --..- Council Willlam Patton Councilman Richard Haken(arrived 8 : 30 p.m. Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Milton Windler With a quorum present and with Councilman Paul Maaz absent , the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of February 2 , approved as read. Minutes of a Special Meeting of � February 11 , approved as read. � �" ANNOUNCEMENTS � COMMUNTCATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � � l. The Mayor welcomed a group of Boy Scouts in the audience. i 2 . Mayor reported on a meeting with the Bicentennial Committee , and progress on plans for a gazebo in Stevenson Park. 3 . Mayor Lowe expressed gratitude to John and Sharon James for their community effort on behalf of the Guatemala relief program. 4. Application has been submitted to TWQB for Phase 2/3 of the sewage facilities project . 5 . The Tax Assessor reports that 1040 of taxes in relation to total anticipated in the 1976 Budget , has already been received. � PETITTONS � COMMUNICATIONS �- Mayor Lowe introduced Galveston Gounty Sheriff J. B. Kline . Mr. K1ine in turn introduced rnembers of his staff and outlined relation- ship between their work and the City. In answer to a question from the Council , Sheriff Kline stated that a mutual agreement could be made between the City and �he County wherein Friendswood Police would have authority in the unincorporated area of Polly Ranch. ANNOUNCEMENTS (cont ' d) 6 . Mayor Lowe announced that State Senator Schwartz will be in attendance at Council' s March 1 meeting. 7 . Status of CCBA suit against the City - Mayor Lowe reported that the City has received a copy of the CCBA attorney' s proposed conditions of the injunction. No official word has been received from the Court . SELF-INSURANCE BY AMOCO - Ordiance #187 makes certain insurance ��T �� requirements for the operation of oil and gas facilities within the city. Amoco has presented a letter of indemnity which would waive requirements under this ordinance , along with necessary copies - ; of Power of Attor�ey and resolution. Amoco has requested that the city accept this���lieu of traditional insurance coverage. ,�:�,a . MOTION : (Patton) To accept the indamnity agreement submitted by Amoco in lieu of bond requirements . Second: Zeitler Vote Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BICENTENNIAL, COMMITTEE REPORT - Chairman John Tirado reported on status of the various plans for the bicentennial year and the 4th 3� � f"� of July celebration. These include : Pop Concerts , Square Dance , Festival ,Village Fair, Liberty Tree , and City Seal Contest. Selection of the winner of the City Seal Contest would be based on the publicized quidelines and the judges group would inciude two councilmen. Mayor Lowe polled the Council regarding allocating $10 ,000 toward the Stevenson Park gazebo. Four members said they would support the project if plans materialize and funds are available. (Lowe , Zeitler, Baker, Windler) . - - - - - - -- ---- ----- - ----- -- a� �F ---- - - �� �:� ��. ��-7� `GALVESTON COU�ITY HEALTH DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS - The terms of M. L. Ross , Leah North , M.W. Brantford , and Edgar Ray Hendrick expire in April. Each city must vote on the appointees . MOTION: (Haken) To approval reappointment of Ross ,North , Brantford and Hendirek to the Galveston County United Board of Health for 1976 . Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ; MILEAGE ALLOWANCE FOR USE OF PERSONAL CAR FOR CITY BUSINESS 3�l7� . MOTION: (Patton) That the allowance be increased to 15�/mile . Second : Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED SEWER PROJECT - Jim Morgan and Jim Eller estimate that $11 ,495 will be needed to acquire necessary right-of-way easements for �,�-� �p the trunk line from Annalea to Sewer Plant #2 ,based on 2 . 299 acres of land involved ,land valued at $10 ,000/acre , easement value 50%� of land value. Eller reported a $20 ,000 over-run on the sewer evaluation on Step l due. to the need for additional lines in Forest Bend and Wedgewood. PARK LAND OFFERED - Mr.. Morgan reported that 4 or 5 lots in Almas Perdida� has been offered to the City �or a park. He was instructed �j���� to ask the doner to make the offer in writing, and the Recreation Committee will be asked to give their comments on the property as a city park. ENGINEERING CONTRACT - In order to comply with requirements of the 3�y ,�1_ sewer project grant , the consulting engineering contract has been , V� revised. Councilman Windler reviewed the changes with Council. � The contract , as revised, has been submitted to TWQB with the Phase 2/3 Application, and a copy will be given to the City Attorney for study prior to approval by the Council. ', LOAD LIMIT ON CERTAIN STREETS - Mr. Morgan stated that Melody Lane , Whispering Pines , and Sunset are being damaged by heavy trucks and suggested that a load limit might be set on these streets . Mr. Olson �j�p-`�� said that load limits would be unenforceable without scales. After discussion of prohibitive criteria by weight, axle number and size. The Attorney advised placement of "No Thru Trucks" signs as a deterren� to use of the streets pending furth�r study of the problem. ORDINANCE No. 257-E - AN ORDINANCE M!-�KING IT UNLAWFUL TO RIDE , LEAD, OR PERMTT HORSES ON CITY BALL PARKS :MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO RIDE ,DRIVE , OR OPERATE ANY TYPE OF MOTOR .VEHICLE ON OR ACROSS THE CITY BALL PARKS OR OTHER PARK AREAS : PROVIDING A PENALTY: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ` MOTION: (Baker) To adopt Ord. #257-E on one reading. Second: Windler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED The .City Attorney was requested to wri-te..�.a permanent ordinance covering the points in this ordinance. � SIGN.AL LIGHT AT FM 518 � SHADOWBEND - The Highway Department is to make a survey to determine the need for such a signal. WARRANTS - By motion of Councilman Windler, seconded by Councilman Haken, and yoted unanimously FOR, the following warrants were approved for payment : - -� `�'��. - General Fund 1559 - Community Public Service $ ggg , pg 1560 - Southwestern Bell Telephone 857 . 52 1561 - Truman Tay].or Insurance 2 , 713 . 00 1562 - Browning-Ferris Industries g'7'7 , gg 1563 - Crawford Door Sales Company 520 . 20 � 1564 - Rosenberg Library 885 . 69 1565 - Gulf Oil Products 1 , 955 . 82 �`` 1566 - Davis Truck � Equipment 1 ,987 . 18 WATER � SEWER FUND 720 - •Community Public Service 1 �.110 . 93 721 - Albrittori Trucking Company 698 . 25 722 - Meter Repair Service , Inc. 672 . 29 723 - Aqua Chem Laboratory 656 . 00 � �w AUTHORIZATION FOR SIGNATURES ON CITY CHECKS - Certain changes �+ have been. rnade on bank cards for authorization to sign checks ; � official action by the Council has been requested. 3 �' �� � MOTION : (Windler) To authorize .Councilman Paul Maaz and Dale Cryer, Assistant City Manager , to co-sign checks (with City Manager Jim Morgan and City Secretary� Bobbie Henry) , and to remove from the permitted signors Councilman Milton Windler and Mr. L. B. C1ine , former Assistant City Manager. Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Subject : discussion with attorney of _� s�tatus and proposed p�ocedure relative to CCBA law suit against the City. Decision was reached, and announced in open session, to instruct the attorney to enter an immediate appeal when the injunction order is issued. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. I� The meeting was adjourned. i i � . ���_a,�� � ���.7,�'r,�;,.. City Secretary�' APPROVED : ,,-'�� � �---'? � } � /.�� :,:y�4� r ,-�>'�_.r_�'-{�_ Ral h . Lowe � ayor ;i ��