HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-12-15 Regular � d�.����.� ���c. �.���.��/'`,�`���Y
December 15, 1975
A Regular Meeting of �he Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall
at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 15, 1975, with the following members present:
� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
Councilman Paul Maaz
-w-' Counci1man Wi.11iam Patton
Councilman Milton Windler
Councilman Richard Haken
Councilman Benny Baker
With a quorum present, and with Councilman Edward Zeitler absent, the follow-
ing business was transacted:
READING AND APPROUAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of Regular Meetings of November 17
� and December 1 , approved as corrected.
W 1 . Mayor Lowe expressed appreciation to citizens for the cooperation and
understanding during the past year on behalf of the Council and the
City employees.
2. Mayor met with Mr. Poorman of the Highway Department this week and
requested that a representative of the Department meet with Council to
describe aspects of the proposed location for new route of Hwy. 35.
3. Friendswood has been chosen as a Texas Bicentennial City, thanks to the
efforts of John Tirado, Chairman of the Bicentennial Committee, and
volunteers who have helped him in this r�ork.
4. The Mayor and others met with the Harris County Commissioners this week
� on behalf of the Clear Creek drainage, problems.
, 5. Commissioner Bass' office has stated that the de-snagging work on Clear
��� Creek probably wi11 begin in January 1976.
6. Governor Briscoe has notified the City of a grant to pay the salary for
a youth counselor.
7. Friendswood Schools have written commending Chief Wright and Jimmy Sprague
for their work with law enforcement classes in the high school .
8. Members of the Council are invited to an open house at the Galveston County
Courthouse Friday from 1 :00 to 3:00.
BICENTENNIAL BIKE TRAIL COMMITTEE - A letter was presented asking that Council
approve sections of Mary Ann, Stadium Lane, Sedora, Shadowbend, Laurel , and
Cedarwood for bike safety paths.
MOTION: (Patton) To approve the routes as long as they conform to proper ���D'�S,
engineering for future development of the streets.
Second: Baker
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �
The Committee is to keep Council informed of progress in their plans and
ask for more definite approval before any actual work begins.
EXXON USA RE ANNEXATION - Mr. Dick Caulkins, speaking for Exxon, requested
that the City place a moratorium on annexation of the industrial area north
of FM 2351 for a period of one year in exchange for a payment by Exxon of a
stipulated amount rel"ated to an "Industrial District Agreement" as authorized
by the Texas Legisl.ature, between the City and Exxon. Mr. Calkins stated
that Exxon has not been approached by the City with this proposal ; that it �g,��75�
was initiated by Exxon upon learning of the pending annexation of the land.
It was pointed out that a 250 ft. strip from the center;ine of Turkey Creek
might be set aside for drainage purposes. Mr. Jackson of JOC Oil located
in the same area stated that he would be agreeable to entering into such
an Industrial District .Agreement with the City also, and would work to bring
additional industry into the area. 50% of the ad valorem tax for the property
involved was suggested as a fair payment by Exxon's Tax Department representative.
City Attorney Olson concurred with the legality of such an arrangement.
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MOTION: (Patton) o recognize the request from Exxon and ask our
Attorney to proceed to draw up a contract to that effect.
Second : Maaz
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Patton, Maaz, Windler, Haken
REQUEST FROM CLEAR WOODS TO ANNEX 25 958 ACRES - A parcel of land lying
� between Clear Woods and Forest Bend, not being a part of either water district,
C$���5 is subject to development, and can best be served by utilities from the �
water district, prompts Clear Woods Improvement District to request permission ,
from the City to annex the area. The petition states that development of
the area will be in compliance with requirements of the City's Planning Codes.
MOTION: (Patton) To refer the request to the City Manager and City
Attorney for recommendation, utilizing input from the Friendswood
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Second: Baker
CLEAR CREEK BASIN AUTHORITY - Consulting Engineer Jim Eller reported that EPA
�, and TWQB will work with the City on an analysis of interim measures to improve
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,� ''`` ��� eff1uent from P1ant #1 . Mr. plson advised the �,�or to request such advice
�r ��������� on his own and not by action of the Council if such'°advice is in fact requested.
�� J Mr. Olson stated, however, that he felt no action should be taken until the
law suit is actually filed by CCBA against the City.
TWQB PRIORITY RATING MEETING - Paul Davis of GCWDA is in Austin for this hearing.
Mr. Eller said it is his understanding that as of today Friendswood's position
is high on the list.
TWQB HEARING - On January 22, a hearing will be held on the City's method of
sampling and testing sewer effluent. Jim Eller advised Council of some
methods of,i mprovi.ng effl uent from P1 ant #1 . .���~;. r u.���.��?�� .�,���`���.� �f�;«:�zv' �
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�� PARK LAND DONA�ION AIUD P'URCHASE - The Parks CoMmittee has re uested that i
purchase of the Bost property be deferred pending recommendation from the
� The donation by Harold and Mary Louise Soule of approximately twelve acres
,�� of land next to the Creek on FM 2351 is acceptable to the Council . Mr. Olson
���' is to draw up a deed document transferring this property to the City. The
City will furnish the Soule's with an appraisal for tax purposes.
POLLY RANCH - The question was raised whether development in Polly Ranch is
following requirements of Friendswood's Subdivision Ordinance, whether slab
/ heights are in conformance with Flood Insurance requirements, and whether
�y the City can inspect building without requiring permits. Mr. Morgan was
�� �� instructed to contact the Galveston County Building Inspector, Ben Blackledge,
� regarding County inspections.
Agreement documents between the City and the developer of Polly Ranch were
examined relative donation of certain property within the subdivision to the
City of Friendswood.
MOTION: (Windler) To instruct the City h1anager to write a
let�er to the owner of Polly Ranch requesting that he
prepare and submit to the City a deed to the 15 acres
as set forth in the agreement.
� Second: Baker �
Vote: Unanimous FOR l�10TION CARRI.ED �
#T=11D - Annexation of Parcel 2 - Third and final reading
P�OTION: (Patton) To table annexation of Parcel 2.
Second: Windler
Vote: FOR (5) P1aaz, Haken, �lindler, Patton, Baker
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Ord. #T-11C - Annexation of Parcel 1 - Third and final readin
MOTION: (Patton) To table annexation of Parcel 1 .
Second: Windler
Ord. #T-11F -� Speed Limits on FM 528 - Th9rd and final reading
MOTION: (Haken) To approve and adopt Ord. #T-11F (and
� assign permanent No. 255)
� Second: Windler
Ord. #T-11�G - Industrial Waste Requlations - Third and final readinq.
MOTION: (Patton) To approve and adopt Ord.. #T-11G (and
assign permanent No. 256)
Second: Maaz
. Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
�» of the City Manager who stated that the Ueveloper has complied with all y�
� requirements. 1$S'�
� M�fION: (Windler) To ac�ept for maintenance streets and utility
l.ines in the Heritage. Estates Subdivision.
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (5) Windler, Patton, Lowe, Haken, Maaz
WATER & SEWER .LINES FOR GHARLES COE - P1r. P9organ asked for Council approval
to lay, at City expense, the first 100 feet of line to the Coe property in
; ! accordance with general policy. Approval given.
� _ ! WARRANTS F'OR APPROVAL - The following warrants were approved by unanimous
votE of the Council :
Gen. Fund #1128 - Rosenberg Library $ 947.94
1263 - Albritton Trucking Co. 698.25
1264 - Gulf Oil Corporation 3,589.35
1265 - Davis Truck & Equip. 2,482.74
�266 - Industrial Solvents 672.10
1267 - Browning-Ferris Indus. 769.65
1268 - Village Interiors , 542.00
1269 - Gulf Coast Limestone 3,U09.60
1270 - International Crushed Stone 1 ,246.87
1271 - Community Public Service 776.14
W&S Fund #602 - Community Public Service g24,g2
HOLIDAYS - Mr. Morgan asked for approval to make Friday, December 26, a
holiday for all city employees. Permission given.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the m�eting adjourn. The meeting
was adjourned.
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City Secretary
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