HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-09-15 Regular �� � �� � MINUTES OF A REGULAR l�EETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUiJCIL September 15, 1975 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Nall at 7:30 P.M. on f�londay, September 15, 1975, with the following members � '� ' present: '-�-�I Mayor Pro-tem Mi 1 ton Wi n�l er Counci lman t�li 11 iam Patton Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler Mayor Ralph Lowe (arrived at 8:45) With a quorum present, and with Councilman Naken absent, the following business was transacted: � � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 8 - Approved as corrected. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � 1 . Meeting of the Friendswood Drainage Board on Tuesday at the Schoal Administration �ui1ding. 2. hlayor's & Counc�ilmen's Association will attend �the Astro game at the Astrodome in lieu of their regular mee�ting on September 24. 3. Word has been received `�that grant funding for Phase I of �the sewage project has been increased to $219,405 to cover the expanded area involved. 4. 1'he City Secretary will be attending a saminar in Houston this week. � � 5. A news item states that Pasadena has doubled their sewer rates to � cover actual cost of treatment. , , "" PETIT20NS & COMNIUNICATIUNS ' , 1 . Roger May appeared. to protest the rate schedule for �arbage pick-up, pointing out that as the ordinance presently reads, he could receive two 3-day pick-ups for less than one 5-day pick-up. This was concluded to .be an error in figures and the ordinance will be revised to reflect a more logical charge for the five-day pick-up. 2. Alternative Study Center - The Friendswood School has asked permission to hold special classes for certain students who have been proh7bited fro m �tten i d ng regular classes, at the building in Stevenson Park. Compensation would be made to the City through payment of utilities, etc. , MOTION: (Baker) To grant permission to the Friendswood Independent /��y �s School District to have temporary access to the building in Stevenson Park for alternative study classes starting tomorrow � morning. � Second: P�tton ' � Vote: Unanimaus FOR f�10TI0N CARRIED The Ci ty A�ttorney and Ci�ty Nianager wi l l draw up an agreemer��t between the City and the School for this purpose. . SEWER PROJECT REPO�T - Ron Ledbury made a report on �the status of the sewer __ evaluation survey, giving relative figures for i'nfiltration to cost for sewage treatment for a 20-year period, concluding that infiltration in certain areas is acceptable whereas in other areas the cost increase indicates corrective me�sures. He predicted that the cost for the survey will be within the bud�eted figure set for this work. (Mayor Lowe arrived a�: this point) Paul Davis of GCWDA stated' that he has conferreci with John �Jhi,te of EPA, �hat the legal questions on the project raised in June have obviously been resolved, but the question of legal control by Gulf Coast and the City of inflow from the service areas still remains open insofar as EPA is concerned. Additional infarmation has now been furnished to them on this. Permission has been requested by Mr. Davis to proceed on with Ste 2 or �Ste� 3 be�f�re fina1 completion of Step 1 . Decision from EPA should �e fort co ing a e this week. - ---- - --- ----- ----- -- -- - -- — -------- - - j � �� - ✓ IS���� HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PROJECT ON WHISPERING PINES - Mr. Morgan said that the Highway Department is proceeding with approval , however to date the City has not acquired the right-of-way for straightening Whispering Pines to FM 518. � „ ANNEXATION -. Mayor Lowe visited the League City Planning Commission this �f�-�7� evening regarding Friendswood's annexation of area within the two cities' overlapping ETJ, and reported that no action was taken due to lack of a quorum. However, he was told that there would be no opposition by the i Planning Commission nor the League City Council on this matter. The City , Attorney was requested to start the necessary paper work to reach a formal agreement on this ETJ as well as the overlapping area with Pearland which is proposed to be annexed. The City Engineer is preparing field notes on ' the two area. Questions of annexing businesses in Wedgewood and Forest Bend, and the Community Park in ,Forest Bend were discussed. The City Attorney was asked to explore possibility of an ordinance which woudl control construction of ditches and flow of water within the city, this being one of the reasons for the proposed annexation. The approximately 25 acres formerly known as the Gore Homestead will also be considered for annexation. CLEAR CREEK PROJECT - Mayor Lowe asked for a united effort by the City and areas across the creek at the meeting to be held in November to explore methods of flood control by the Corps of Engineers. He reported that he met with the Harris County Task Force this week and they seem to concur that some action is necessary to protect Friendswood. FTRE STATION - Mr. Morgan has been in contact with the General Contractor and E1ectrician regarding some problem areas at the Fire Station. Both are to respond to his questions. MOSQUITO CONTROL - Mr. Morgan reported that the City and County are � ' cooperating on a spraying program in an effort to cover all areas of the City. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - On motion of Councilman Maaz, second, and unanimous vote, the following warrants were approved for payment: General Fund: #817 - Community Pu,blic Service $1 ,041 .60 818 - Browning-Ferris Industries 974.65 819 - Nolen Contracting Co. 681 .25 Utility Fund: #415 - Community Public Service $1 ,275.71 ORDINANCES #248 '- Adoptin Bud�et (Emerqency) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET AND REVENUE SHARIfyG BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975-76; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PRO- VISIONS RELATING TO1HE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. MOTION.: (Zeitler) To adopt on one reading Ord. #248. Second: Patton � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #249 - Tax Levy (Emer ency) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENI', LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AD ,,�< UALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1975 AND FOR EACH YEAR THEREAFTER UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVIDED; REPEALING ALL ,, ORDTNANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. MOTION: (Windler) To adopt Ord. #249 on one reading. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� ����` CLOSED SESSION � A closed personnel session was held by the Council with the SEcretary absent. No action resulted. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Meeting was adjourned. � ���� � �. � � City Secretary � APPROVED: , ��� �� � � i�ayor Ra�ph L. Low� � � � U W � - uw_� i � � _