HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-09-08 Regular � �1 �'.i MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1975 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, September 8, 1975, with the following members present: Mayor Ralph L. Lowe • Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Milton Windler Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman William Patton (Arrived late) With a quorum present, and with Councilman Richard Haken absent, the follow7;ng business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Pleeting of August 18 approved as corrected. . ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Proclamation; Week of September 8-12 as .PTO Membership Week. 2. Telegram from Jack Brooks congratulating City on EPA award of additional fundS for sewer evaluation survey. (Actually, this $148,519 is a figure by which the planning scope for the sewage plan is increased. ) 3. Sales tax for July was $6,268. 4. The County has repaired the guard rail on Sunset which was damaged by a County truck. �, 5. TML Region 14 meeting at "Golfcrest Saturday.night. Councilmen urged ' ;' to attend if possible. Bob Bullock is speaker.. � 6. Council invited to .JC's breakfast Saturday, October 18 at Sunmeadow. �y�� 7. Mayor will attend League. City Planning Commission meeting next Monday night for confirmation of agreement to .allow Friendswood. to annex the overlapping ETJ between Friendswood and League City. 8. James Hold of the State Highway Department continues to work on the drainage problems on FM 528 near Sunmeadow and at the intersection of FM 528 and FM 518. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS R. J. Blanken of the Parks Board requested that a formal agreement be drawn up between the City and Harold Long, who lives in a mobile home at the old city park, setting forth Mr, Long's duties in exchange for space rental. Mr. Blanken also advised Council that the Parks Board recommends the following names for the old city park: Frank J. Brown Park; Friends Park; Heritage Park; Old City Park. The Parks Board also recommended that no city parks be named for a living person unless that person donates the land involved. NAMING OF THE OLD CITY PARK MOTION: (Zeitler) To name the old park "Friends Park." (after confirming that the Friends Church has no objection) Second: Windler ��'�����-� �'���`�i� ���3A.I_ `-�a Vote: FOR (4) Zeitler, Windler, Patton, Lowe ; AGAINST (2) Baker, Maaz MOTION CARRIED RECIPROCAL LIBRARY AGREEMENT - A proposal whereby reimbursement would be made to a library in one county serving patrons who reside in the other county would a1ter the reciprocal agreement between Harris and Galveston Counties. A method for determining the amouat and°method of reimbursement � has been presented by Mayor Lowe and John Hyatt of the Rosenberg Library. A Council approved proceeding with this method at .this time, giving further consideration to a similar method proposed by the Friendswood Library Board. . Representatives will meet with the Commissioners Court Wednesday of this week. ----- ------- -- - _ _---- --- -, � - ------------ , ,� ---- � -- ---- - - ------ , --------- -r.. POLTCY CQ'N��ftNING RELATIONS BETW��N THE C,ITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AND THE ja ,7y FRIENDSWOOD� VOLUNT�ER� F�IRE �DEPARTM�NT�- 1°8 Ata . '75 Copy attached i �' and made a part of these minutes MOTION: (Windler) To adopt this pol�cy. Second; Zeit1er Vo�e: Unanimous FOR. MOTION. CARRIED� . . � MARATHON PAUTNG & UTILITY CONSTRUGTORS have �gre�d. to the. $175 unit price � ; offere by t e City for owering .water service leads on La ur e l i n , � connection with the current paving program. Marathon had ori,ginally asked � for $250 per lead, AMQCO PIPELINE THROUGH IMPERIAC GARDEN�..= A letter f rom Amoco states that they have no surface r9ghts..to the .�u6ject easement and. thus "Amoco cannot '� ����,��y prohibit the building:of "yard fences across its right of wa,y unless it wi11 interfere with ingr�ess and. e�ress. to its pipelines.." In a closed session Council was advised by the City Attorney� that the City`s only concern would be interference with drainage along the right of way which is also a city dra�nage easement. � � EMPLOYEE RET�JREM�NT PLAN - Councilman Zeitler asked that Council initiate the Texas Municipal' Re�ir�ment Plah 'f�r� ci�y. employees. : Other members of �he Council felt that�.a more extensive study should be made of possible � � p1ans, Councilm�n Patton sta�ed.that recent legislation might be contra- �,��-�� dictory to plans currently available and recommended that interpretation of such 1egislation be taken into account in choosing a p1an. This subject wi11 be placed on the agenda for the nex� meeting for consideration, SEWER PROGRAM - Councilman Windler proposed that Ron Ledbury of Engineering- Science be asked to report next week on status of the sewer evaluation survey. H-GAC SUPPQRT QF REGIONAL SEWER PROJECT - Mayor Lowe read a le�ter from f the Executive Director of H-GAC vo7cing strong support for the Blackhawk � project and approval of the environmental assessment of the plan. DRAINAGE - A letter from Hal Granger., .•Friendswood Forest, requested that t e City improve drainage in that area: Mr. Morgan said this work would be done in thre� weeks, aad reviewed' the drainage projects currently underway. •ORDINANCE #T-8-1 (Third and Final Readin�) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AMENDING.A PART OF ORDINANCE 87, SECTION 12, 1 .4, MATERIALS AND USES, AS SHOWN ON PAGE 27 OF SAID- ORDINANCE; AM�NDING SAME TO PERMIT USE OF CPVC WATER PIPE WITH 'EXCEPTION; AMENDING SECTION 19. 5. 1 , TEMPERATURES AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES. MOTIpN: (Patton) For -Final passage of Ord. T-8-1 (and assignment �� of permanent Ordinance No. 247) Secon�d: Maaz Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - On mot�on by Councilman Maaz, seconded by Councilman Wi nd1er'-;' and unan�,,mous vote, �fie �fo11 owi ng warrants were approved: General #783 - Aetna kife & Casualty $1 ,724.63 � 784 - County Health .Fund 936.00 785 - Finger Office Furniture 1 ,680.75 786 - Pemberton Stafford Co. 850.00 787 - S&H Maintenance 576.80 788 - Safety Ligh�s Co. 544.50 790 - Bost Ditching Service 984.00 W&S Fund #383 - General Welding 539.25 Capita�Proj, #126 � Marathon.Mischer 85,524.21 127 - �ngineering Plus 2 016.68 124 - Mazac Construction 7,719.48 Revenue #106 - Bost Ditching 3 102.00 Sharing 107 - Gulf Coast Limestone 1 ,343.20 108 - Barnett & SQns 1 ,�82.00 �,�.09 - ChemLime Corp. 9 194.92 110 - Nolen Contracting ' 2,787.50 -- - ---- - - - -- -- --- � - ---- -- --- - � ���� BUDGET. CHANGES Tn allocation of funds for •the Police Department, Chief Wright has requested that 2�;r1�w�patrol ..cars be budgeted �n lieu of an additiana] patrolman, stating that the cars would be more beeieficial to the department at this time� Cou.ncil agreed �o this change. . r--- i zn a closed sessivn the f,ollowing salary changes were made by Council : ! I Ken Toon: $15,000; Mitch Wright: $15,000; Dale Cryer: $15,100. FROM TN� CI�TY MANAGER 1 . An accident involving a :Shriner motorcycle on �he 4th of July will not be covered by the City's liability; , , 2. Mr. Morgan requested permission to move the dog pound .to .the city � barn areaa reasons being that.the cages are being cut and .the dogs � released, the fact that there is no water at the present pound nor �,,, storage area for.food and supplies, and; �the inconvenience of caring ���-�'�J � for the animals. He was told that this is an administrative matter W and he should take whatever measures necessary for operation of the � Flumane Depar�ment. 3, Extensi.on of the dr:i�v�way :at the side of the Police Department around the back of the bui1ding was discussed. This project will be deferred until the City Hall expansion work is completed and a review of funds is made. 4. ThE number of water taps being requested and the actual . cost to the _ W&S Department to make a tap were reasons �given by Mr. Morgan for f � requesting that an ordinance change be made setting the charge for � � this service up from $100 to $300. Council agreed, and the ordinance f�� �S t._,. _;� wi 11 be revi sed: 4. At present# contractors have not paid for water used during construction. First water billing was. sent after the house is. sold. Mr, Morgan suggesteda and Council concurred, that from the time the service is connected the standa.rd �service .charge will be .made:;xfor water used. , CLOSED SESSZON - Following a c1osed session far personnel discussian .and conference with the attorney, �he fnllowing action was taken. Librar,y Board Appointment - Mayor.Lowe, with approval of the Council , appointed Mr. K�nneth Gilbreath as the sixth member. to the Friendswood �y'J-�s Library Board. Councilman Zeitler requested that the term of office be retroac�ive to January 1975 to coinc9de with appoin�ment of ot��r members. Zoning Board of Adjustment Appointments - Mayor Lowe, with concurrence of � �f$�73' Council , reappointed the following; Position #2 - Bruce Foster; Position #5 - Bernice Box; Position #1 - Raymond Nelson. Jahns-Manville Damaqe Suit - Bill Olson, Jr. , Attorney, advised Council that the City should file a suit based on failure .of pipe furnished by Johns- .• Manvi1le on �he West Tnterceptor Sewer. Line, Jim Eller of �ngineeri,ng- ��9��`� i Science wi11 be asked to document the damage involved for use in litigation. ADJQURNMENT - h9otion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting ----' was adjourned. � City Secretary APPROVED: �:='�'� �,-�J ,�r,`�'�.�.� .r� Ma,yor R ph L.Lowe ��