HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-08-18 Regular � � ar.
August 18, 1975
A R�gular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at 7;30 p.m.
on Monday, August 1$, 1975, with the following members present:
Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
Councilman Paul Maaz
- Councilman William Patton
Councilman Milton Windler
Councilman Richard Haken
Councilman Benny Baker
Councilman Edward Zeitler
With a quorum present, and with none absent; the following business was
APPROVAL. OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of August 4, 1975,
approved as read. �
1 . The Subsidence Committee,, of which Ralph Somers is a member, will meet
in Webster next week,
2, Work on the streets is progres.sing, and effort is being made to get
them in satisfactory ,shape for the opening. of school .
PETTTTON ON NAMING OF OLD CITY PARK - A petition signed by 21 city employees
requesti ng that the park be named "L.B. Cline Park" in honor of Laurence
Cline who recently retired fram the City after almost twelve years of service.
Council accepted the petition and will give it consideration in n�aming the
� park.
� CHANGE OF MEETING DATE - The first regular meeting in September would fall
on Labor Day, a Cit,y holiday.
MOTIQN: (Windler) To reschedule the first meeting in September for the
second Monday, September 8.
Second: Maaz
JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Mr. Ron Marshall of the JC's invited the Council
to a breakfast at 8.00 a.m, on Saturday, October 18, at Sunmeadow Country �
Club. He also stated that they would like to erect a JC' s sign at the City
1 . Propos�d by City Manager.: S�wer- rates be increased in Friendswood to
$4.50; Forest Bend rates ��to $3.�50; The d�fference due to- the fact that
Friendswood rates must cover line maintenance, etc. whereas Forest Bend
maintains their ow�n lines` outside th.e �treatment. fee paid to Friendswood.
Ed Stuart objected t.o the difference. as being in violat�on of th.e contract
between the City and Fo.rest. Bend. Cou.ncil was satisfied that the actual
"cost of tre�tment" is equal in both areas and the rates as suggested
by the Manager. is. acceptable.
2. A. J. Blanken of the Parks & Reerea�ion Committee repuested that the
".__ ' Community Counseling Service be set apart as a separate committee from
the Parks & Recreation, and that thei.r budget not be reflected in that
of the Parks Committee. Council agreed to this .reques.t.
: � ,.
3. Balance of drainage bonds for Heritage Estates will be scheduled for
other drainage projects this year, Overage was due to payment by the
developer for a portion o�F the storm sewer system in Heritage �states.
Revenue Sharing funds are earmarked far streets and drainage equally,
less $2500 for microfesch for �Library,
- - ---
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--- ----- - -;. .
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� STREET PROGRAM - Marathon-Mischer h.as. _requested that the City pay $250
= per tap for extra work in moving utility l:ines necessary to complete
� the street work around the school . In view�� of„the fact that the City
�� charges $100 for this service, Council felt that '$150 per tap would be
I�� a more realistic figure and asked that the Engineer discuss this with
the contractor, [At a workshop the following week it was agreed to pay
$175 per tap for 26 taps, total charge $4,340]
(Councilman Windler left the meeting at.this point) ,
SIDEWALK VARIANCE - In connection with the problem of utility poles being
located where sidewalks would be located, Cduncil r.ecommends that that
� section of Qrdinance #231 �^equiring that sidewalks be built at the time
J��' ��� o�F construction of a business be amended. The Planning & Zoning Commission
will be asked for their ;�pinion on this change.
EASEMENT IN ZMPERIAL GARDENS - A question of ownership of the pipeline
easement wh7ch is also used as a City drainage easement) has been raised.
Cauncilman Patton recommended that the City maintain the easement insvfar
� as drainage is concerned but have nothing else to do with the prop�rty in
J�p�,�.� the right-of--way.
Councilman Patton also called atten�ion t� a memorandum from the Friendswood
Drainage District relative to the Clear Creek project and asked that the
memo be made a part of the minutes of this meetin�. (Memo attached hereto)
ANNEXATION - A map showing areas which are eligible for annexation by the
City was discussed. The Attorney was requested to draw up an annexation
calendar and advise Council regarding recent legislation on annexations.
No def i ni ti ve acti on was �taken, ,
ORDTNANCES - Ord. #T-8-1 (Amendinq Qrd, #87) - Second Reading ,
MOTION: (Patton) To approve second reading of Ord. T-8-1 ��
Second: Maaz
WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrants were approved by unanimous
vote of the Council :
GENERAL FUND #703 - Texas Office Supply 816.20
704 - Browning-Ferris 1 ,073.06
705 - Gu1f 0il 2,530. 18
706 - Community Public Service 1 ,115. 12
707 - Nydra-Lok 580.00
W&S FUND #347 - Community Public Service 1 ,697.45
� 348 - The Rohan Company 564,28
CAPITAL FROJECTS #122 - Mazac Construction Co, 7,725.68
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting ad,journ. The
meeting was adjourned.�
Ci ty Secretary
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alph L. owe, Mayor
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MB�10 �R THk� �CqRDa 13 k.ugus�, ��75 � - ° . . ; '
� `� C1n th�.s date T ca3led Harris Co�nty�Co�i.��ion�r Tvm Bass o a� .requ�stm�t �hat Y�
ugdat� �� as �o H�ris County'°s pa�itic�� �axl irat�nti4ns r���.rdita� �c�r� af�'aet�.r� - ` .
d�ai� into a.r� thru C7��ar Cr�k, .p��c'ti��l�rily� a� ta its z�l�tian��ip .to �ix�
in��$ndita�$ �rad �.�sue.
�[r. B��s started� bg►� tellin� t�e his pos#.tion. �g�xdin� the Corps of �u�izz�r �3��t,
which is tP�t he favozs a flocad ,Pls3n e���t �echn3qta� aa���.l ar�i �anle�s.tP�� �C�r�ss . . :
axanounG�s that they consider it .unf��.si1c�I.e���� �Pla�"vs1� ��ld ���'���� t�t�I�ura��x'��� ,(
��u].d prob�.,laly s�itch his sup�art to th� �' _ ��� ,��,� ,
st�ad h;is pasition an this matter, but th�t I w�nteci tw c�iscu�s p7lats�.��~°p��+ „
w�re �or� directly u�der hi� ir�tluence and tha� �re could reasn��� �,���� '�� �ceta� . . . ' ` ;
soenerm such a� �rhat �arri:a County int�tbd�d tc� doeta�� keY ���. B� tr3gd �o����aa��� :,.` .�;
ar� Power i�dust.rial co�plex a��ociated with 'I�a�c y � �. .tI'�a'�..�' � : , ;
tha� nathing af anY �$Sn�'�uds xas goin$ tc+ t� don� +r�r� �oon .3n th��� ��s. . i ,..
i n�r�s�t�se to e�arlier inqui.ries (apparantly frata �r. Runn�3� o�' Fa��� Bera�;} Pse"�i: ,, : : :::.
discus.�ed $his �ith Tv�c Lani�#'oyd s x 4 d h a t i l��n �o l d b y �rv �L���e a a�t l^�.� ������_ ff ,�t�e��; ;`,i�,�::_,:°`�
natus� of rout3ri� maintena.nc� �ro�c�C �o� th� 1�r�fit � a�
l�r. B�,ss how they hap�ned to have ma,in�nanc� f�a�.� £c�r this. �tc��� '�t, � �a'�� ' ,',.,
a ,
asked. . �
- for �sinteai�rxc� work on Gle�.r.Creel� �roper. He the�. said tha� � �3�,'�z''�$� ��3�������' �:
did nat t�ant any woxic dorae� on the ex�e� � I ��i�.d�d h3� that. t4ac�s� �hti agP��� '���. �r�1 =;:° `:�
euts, etc a was�e on .r�cazd a� �'avarin� b�us�a clearin�,- d�bxi� x��val, �� d�-°� . �� . : , �
I asked h�.m ho�r he could ra.tion�.i�e doir� �o� in a csamp�+��e�.p �tr��ve�n� as�� ��e���� "
axffii Beam�r Ro�d area�) atbd th�rr°°�.�y �►ove t+�ter from �a��nt�Scar��s������s p��sc�,�ac�. ° . .
' pr�eci.nct te� where it srould .i�p��� t�e ��,��mc?d�Ftare��t B�a�. as^sa�
� His onl.y x�sply �r�.s that Tom L�a�f'o�l 3na�d. as�us-�d hi� th���this �s�a '�i� �%P��' �'�,����e
in �r�sich to �rcrk this a�attsr.. �
� 3. wit�h drainag^e i�pr��s�en;�p fi�it �� �� c�u'�d,.:,,"� : .,..: . ,>
I told Mr. �ass that x� had zto qu�rre ..._ .�
not ur�ciersta�r�. the logi� o� i�pxa��ring drainage 9:n an �a thnt 3s �3����' ��.�'���u� . ,
- csr -that' @oes not have a seve�ce flaod h�ard, a.z�d �nJ such .i�a�r�ve��a��� ������.���� ..,, '.;,
int� ari ax�ea �nat has z�centZg+ suf'�er�d se�or� f'l.oc�dsdPz�s����beia��'�it�a1�L a� .h�..s - '.
��r°�. All xe are askin� is tkaat draina$�
canst9.tueney - not just par't o£ iL � .in a �aanner to .disas�e�.roa�.y i���� Qth�� s�a�'��o��;, ��j
o� it:� I �tal.d h�m this cauld � accomp�.�st��ci �y s��rtin� ��a�� on ��.e�.r Cr��k g���'
a� �'olly R�n�h ar be�.ow, but x�esived no a�s�ax�nce that this �c�uld � csa�t3.d��edo ta���a
iess imp�.er�en�tad. ' � ° : ,
I questioraed Mx. F.�.ss about the ata�us o�' th� �v��ic�riu��e����� t�� ����i���'��; ;` ;,
Mike �1o�i].at at a recent F`�ierxiswn�d �ith H�21 m ng . , .
s��' �,ny such proposal and th�t Milc� .was nat availa�al.e. I als� tol� �i� t�.� it ha,� �ts�t�.':' >:�.;;
about two e►onths since �re ha�. told Ptr��L�a�atf na actir��had ��n t�.er���������h��n.!, :�`
_ County si.d� and erer� �bl.ocking the cr� , _
he Would �,sk �r. Lar,gfosd at�out it: - , .
My conclu�i�n �'rom this conversation is that �re Bass ar�3. H�rris Ctaunt� h�,ve �
_ ._ int�nti.r�n �.��. per�oxmir�'any meanir►� fuI �rork on �iear �r�e�C un�Lil a� ur�3.es� the�y� .
-- �e forced to by some mare poNer#"ul authority, � �L�P�ir�iustrial�cv�p3e��can��� ..
' eniarge and rectify Turkey Creek in orc3er tha.t thE H ,.. ,-
�eveloped� anc? that they are pregaring to draiz� the area x�aere the s��+ �tJ�s are pl��a�. ."_..,;
' beYwe�n `'�a.�°mazi��Sca:,.rsdale arxi Clear Cr��;k� Mr. Bass is choos9.ng to interpx�t �3.1 his :
pr�vi.c��z� c�ommun�.cations fxnm lded�ewoc�d�Forest Berxl as advocatir� r� �ork an ��"Gre�� ,
_ _ ����ci �ahen th�,s� ax-eas are flac�sded by �.ncrea.�ed drai�ag� r�w plazansd c�r �r� �ac�r�, he w�l�.
- ;
,,,.......�.,.,,,.._...�..,...,,...� _. ,. . .. .. . ....... .. , . _ .
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t�:?�. �;��:m �h�t k�e l�s �be�x� fo�.lowin� th�ir express�d de�ire. ra��T:�i ng Cl�:ar t�r�:��c
� t"�;� C3.�:� ��' h�'z^ier�.�wc�aci azxi th� F�-i.�ndswocr� X�r�..9.rr��� I?istr•��.#. sh�t.��� �tve c�►rasic3.+�a�cs.�.�.ca��
�.�, th� �oints c���cu�sec� ha�x°e1nM �rx� t.aic�+ wl��.t�v�t• mc��..,i.;re`; nr�� �v`4���=��'Al.ca tAti,�.f'c�r �h�=
� �c, p.r?ver�t Har`z•is �ounty fx-onl r.ompleting t�i�ir �s-o;�ected .it�.�.r��,�� .�- � :..,.
�+r�d.s �hich �re tn t� vot�d on in th��r � SE'P'�8Ri1��bp�gt`"B�r>d.��The �??��,(JOt��identi.f�ed
therin th�t wou.ld �n�fit �'rie�iswood c�r Wed�ewoad� � � j. ��, �neers vz��3e�t matex°iali-- '
ir �f�� t�rxi �ssue for Clear Crc�ek is c�n�tin.�°r.t on a ,,o�� �= �g
zing , �.rxl is izladeqja.a.te far the Harr.is Cou� ty sha.re of thaL, s�culd it hap�r�. 'z"n� ,
��-�S67,f30C eaxrnari�ed for Turkey Creek ar� assc�ciated d3.rc�jes, latPrals, F+�, , �r1.11 ,
�'�a�ther Uverload C1.ear Crse�C ar�d greatly cam�aeund t�e �ood hazax� f�-r ���ib2e8on�t�e�. " .
az�ao Tt is my opini.an that F'�iendswood sheuld prc�ceed as rapid y as p�•
p,� sed annexation plan, and pass an eraergency o�3ina.;lce tc? �4I'I�7."O� Hd.='L'�a.8. CC9S.I22��
ai s a��ivity in that area that will � az�rexed.
Bfl�h the City of �'riendswooc� and
�h� F ier�iswoad. Draina,ge I3istrlct si�notald asa�sult with thP��rt��s.������ ����,�z^�.nenwhat�ot.h�z•
the� T xas ' er 4u �aaxde azad the Tex�.s Water �Sigk�t,.�
av:�n s t to u:. ,
f . 1"S1J.St1
c�: Presid�nt
ri�zxdswoad D a nage I��.stric�t , , `
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FRTE S 0 �V LUNT � �FT E� TMEf�T I8 � G �
The huZ,1ding �s a pub1ic bui]ding cons�ruc�ed with tax funds;
however, t�ie primary u�e is dedicated to support of, the Friendswood
Volunteer Fire Department, the Fire Marshall , and Civil Defense opera-
tions. Public use of the facility is allowed to the extent practical
on a non�interference basis. Rules governing the facilities are to be
developed by the Fire Department and approved by the City Council .
These wil] be reviewed annua7ly by both parties each June. Considera-
tion wi]1 be given to the fact that the building will be utilized to
some extent by groups outside the Fire Department.
Title to the Fire Department vehicles is to rest with the City,
The insurance coverage on the vehic7es will be provided by the City
outside the regular Fire Department budget.
Policies covering vehicle operations, the standards for emergency
technicians, etc. , are to be developed by the Fire Department and
approved by Council . These po7icies will be reviewed annually each June.
These functions are part of the City government and as such reports
directly to the City Manager. The budgets are independent of the regular
Fire Department budget. The City Manager will obtain recommendations
, � from the Fire Department prior to recommending appointments to the
' � Mayor and �Council .
Y �
Agreemen� between non-�governmental entities will be between the
Fire Departmen� and the entities themselves, Payments wil] be made
directly to the Fire Department. Tt is desirab7e that terms of these
agreements be consistent with those exis���ng �or Friendswood residents,
Tncome and projected expend�'�ures from �hese agreements will be included
as par� ofi �f�e proposed FVFD Budget. The agreements w111 be approved
by �f�e City� Council ,
The City wi17 provide an annual Fire Department Budget which wil]
include any funds availab7e as a result of agreements with other
governmental entities (such as Galveston County). This budget will be
divided into 3 categories: Building Maintena�ce and Operations;
jDepartment Operations, Training, and Minor Maintenance; and Major ��'.. `:' ,
� Maintenance, Equipment, and Capital Improvements.
The Building Maintenance and Operations Section wi7] include the
bond payments, utilities, janitorial services, etc. This section of
the budget will be developed by the City Manager with the assistance
of the Fire Department,
The Department Operations, Training, and Minor Maintenance Section
I will include the funds for schools, miscellaneous supplies, uni�orm
i upkeep, minor equipment repair, etc. This section of the budget will
be developed by the Fire Department by July 15 each year and submitted
to the City Manager for inclusion in the budget process as prescribed
in the City Charter. An amount of 1/12 of this budget section wi71 be
transferred to the Fire Department each month. The Fire Department
will submit a monthly accounting of these funds in a manner acceptable
, „ to the City Manager and City Auditor.
The Majar Maintenance, Equipment, and Capital Improvement Section
� will include items of major expense such as vehicies, radios, hose, major
repairs ta vehic7es, e�c. This section of the budget will be developed
by the Fire Departmen� by July 15 each �ear and submitted to the City -
Manager for inclusior� in the budge� process as described in the City
Charter. Funds budgeted in this section and not expended in a fiscal
year �hou1d accumu1a�e in following fiscaI years,
A mon�hly statement of the FUFD account wi17 be prov�ided by the
City Manager.
Both the City and the Fire Department wi71 provide an annual
statement reflecting all income and expenditures.
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