HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-08-04 Regular � ��,, MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 4, 1975 A Regular Mee�ing of the Friendswood City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, August 4, 1975, with the following members ; � present: . � `,�.�� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman William Patton Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Richard Haken With a quorum present, and with Councilman Windler absent, the following business was transacted: � �~+ READING AND APPROVAL QF MINUTES of a Regular Meeting of auly 21 , approved � as read. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � 1 . The Contractor is working to get the streets around the schools ready for the opening of school ; however; recent rains are deterring work. 2. Counci1man Windler is in California in connection with his work; Councilman Haken is back from Russia relative to the space shot. BUSINESS ITEMS 1 . Report on Committee to Stud Do Ineident (Zeitler, t�lindlera Maaz) ' ' confirmed reports as true and recommended that (1 ) Humane officers be �, briefed on exercising restraint and judgment in enforcing provisions ' �� of ordinance which allow entry into homes and property; (2) All police /033� 7� afficers be reminded of the nee,d for them to remain out of civil cases; and (3) The apartment manager be briefed on limitations of police in situations involving landlord-tenant relations. 2. Support of Pasadena's Effort to Acquire Ellington AFB - MOTION: (Zeitler) To authorize the Mayor to write a le�ter to Mayor Harri son supporti ng th7 s effort. ��s_ �s' Second: Maaz Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3, Burning Permits - It has been called to the City's attention that its issuance of burning permits is in conflict with State law. The City �3� ��� Manager was directed not to issue any burning permits in the future, and the City Attorney was directed to write a revision to the ordinance (#131 ) covering this point. 4. Variance to Qrd, #231 (Sidewalks) - Mr. Morgan reported that strict comp1 i ance wi th Ord. #231 b,y Ron's Fri end Chi cken wou:l�d. p�1 ace a tel ephone pole .in the midd1e of the sidewalk. Ne is to discuss with Mr. Mills of CPS the possi bi 1 i ty of movi ng the uti 1 i ty .pol es out of 1 i rie of the sidewa1ks. , 5. Equa1ization Board - Mr. Morgan reported that the School Board was not �� �fficially present at the meeting of the Board, and that the evaluation an gas wells has been increased from $9,183,590 in 1974 to $20,756a740 Zn 1975. 6. House Numberin� �stem - The Planning Commissian has developed a grid system for house numbering. Residents f rom Windsong appeared to ask that the numbers in their subdivisi�n remain as they are rather than revision to the entire subdivision. MOTION: (Zeitler) To adopt the �rid system as proposed by the /3 7 �-� P1anning Commission with exception of Windsong which would be outside jurisdiction insifar as house numbers are concerned� Second: Patton llote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED , / - -- - --- _. - ----- r -------- ------------- ---- --- -- -- ------- - --- ------- --- � �� ��: . I�� 7. Revenue Sharing Bud�et - Will be adopted at� the same time as the regular pudget, and by� ordinance to be written by the Attorney. � 8. Use of Eire Department .Meeti,ng Room - Meetings will be scheduled through City Hall and a set of rules for use af this room has been presented for Council approval . This wil�l be considered at the next regular meeting., , The Fire Department has been asked to investigate a possible site for I a new station on FM 528 ne�r Sunmeadow to be dpnated by Mr. Q'Larry. QRDTNANCES - ' , Ordinance #T-8-1 (Amendin� Or�. #87; Sec. 12 1 4) First Reading MOTION: (Patton) To approve �First reading of Qrd. T-8-1 Second; Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FQR MOTION CARRIED Ordinance #236-E (Adoptin� Southern Standard Mechanical Code) Re,adopt�on on Emer enc Bas�s. MQTTON: (Patt�n) To adopt #236�E on emergency reading. Second: Maaz Vote: (5) Lowe, Patton, Haken, Baker, Maaz FOR � (1 ) Zeitler AGATNST MOTION CARRIED ANNEXATION - The City Engineer directed to draw up a map and figures on areas w�h �re eligible f�r annexat7on by the City for study next workshop. REQUEST FOR RETMBURSEMENT on a faucet supposedly ruined by sand in the city water, will be answered by the Attorney that the City acknowledges receipt but not sufficiency :of the claim; � iHerrinqton/Park Crossing - Mr. Olson reported that a preferential hearing is to be held �rr 60 to 90 days regarding. the right-of-way question. � __. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The follow�ng warrants approved by mation of Counci1man Maaz, seconded; and voted unanimously FOR: General Fund #653 Gerald Wood Tractor Sev, $ 1 ,592.50 654 Aetna Lifie & Casualty 1 ,732.64 655 Midway Transit Mix 718.20 656 Ch�ristianson=Keithley 674.62 657 Hall 's. Insurance 1 ,472.00 658 Armco Steel Corp. 905.04 659 Gulf Oil Corp, 1 ,829.86 661 County Health Fund 936.00 662 S&H Maintenance 529.30 W&S Fund 315 McKenzie Equipment 612.61 � 31G Eagle Pipe & Supply 999.53 317 The Rohan Co. 784.35 Capital Prdjects 120 Engineer9ng Plus 3,848,39 121 Marathon-Mischer 170,510.29 Waste Disposal 106 Engineering-Sciencea Inc. 48,337.25 ROMETKE LAWSUIT - .No� settlement. funds are t be paid to plaint�fif.���. C:-,�., I ��'"a� ��ti�,�""��L���.�-.� �_, . ADJOURNMENT - Motion. made and. seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meet7ng was adjourned. � „' �Lf---�r � ��� , City Secretary � � APPROVED: ,, � � � ���' � � �S ��'t�v�-�__ Mayor Ralp L. Lowe