HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-07-07 Regular �_ ------ - _ - - - -------------—_ --- ---- - � �'�' MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July .7, 1975 A Regular �Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, .July 7, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. with the following present: � ` Mayor Ralph L. Lnwe ! ' Councilman Milton Wi.ndler - = Counci7man William R�tton Councilman Richard Haken � Counc7lman .E�dward �eitler Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Paul Maaz With a quorum present, and with none absent, the following businsss was transacted: � � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES of.June 16, approved as corrected. � �` ANNOUNCEMEN7S & COMMUNICATTONS FROM THE MAYOR � � - W 1 , Mayor Lowe met. th7s week with representatives of Sunmeadow, the County Commissioner; and talked to the Brazoria County Drainage District, regarding solution to :flooding in Sunmeadow. 2. Councilman I�indler has written letters'to Schwartz, Baker, Harris, and Holbro.ok asking for help in securing .funding for the regiona7 sewer plant. C1earwood has written a. letter to �PA giving the necess�ry authority to Friendswood far grant purposes. 3. Mayor Lowe talked to the Corps of Engineers and Judge Holbrook today coneerning Clear Creek flood control , Mike Noblet from the Harris County + Drainage District will be speaking to this meeting later this evening. I 4. Mayor, speaking for the Council , voiced appreciation to John Tirado and , his helpers in.making the 4th of July celebration a great success. It was Counci1 's wish that a resolution be adopted reflecting appreciation to Mr. Tirado .and to Sueann Langdon for her appearance in the parade. � . Su�cess of the fireworl<s display was also noted. QPENING OF BIDS ON LIMESTONE FOR BRTARMEADOW AND MERRIWOOD (6,000 tons) �,, Gulf Coast Limestone �`y $7.3o/ton ��,3 J Texas Crushed Stone Co. 8,55/ton Bids were referred back to the City Manager for recommendation. Award will be made at a, special meeting on July 14. PETITIONS Mrs. Rusty Patterson appeared before Council to protest the manner in which ,r �� the Humane Officer came into her home and removed a dog which her young son j�7� was keeping. A committee composed of Councilmen Zeitler, Maaz, and Windler are to inves�igate the incident. HERITAGE EST�I1`ES '�UBDIVISION - Councilman Windler reported on a meeting with persons invo ve w�th completion of this subdivision. Result was the following 17st o� items to be handled: ' 1 . $12,000 for 48" drain _pipe is still valid. _' 2. City will consider participation proposal for surfacing Quaker Drive. � 3. Developer is to complete 1ift station and access. y��y 4. Developer to furnish bond ii1'�1ieu of 75 water taps. � � 5. City to fix roads at entrance and where pipes go across Quaker. 6. Bill to be presented to City for extra engineering on storm sewer. STREET PROGRAM - Malcolm Collins gave a status report on the street bond program, A question of loweri.ng water �leads at $2.00 per foot ($4,000) is to be discussed. i Mr. Collins feels that this figure is t�o h7gh for the work. The contractor is r� to be directed to notify the Fire Department ;wh�n a street is �o be closed. ��.� Mayor Lowe asked Mr. Collins to empbas.ize .�� the contractor that streets near the schools should be completed before school begins in August if at all possible. i --- - - --- - - _ _ _-- - ---- -------- - - - -- - - ---- - - ---- C=�' �,. �� CI.EAR CREEK FLOODING CONTROL - Mr.. Mike Noblet. of Harris County Dra7nage Distric�:discussed. the 'various:�':aspects: of :the flood .contrpl projects proposed for Glear Creek from �he viewpoir�t af Harris County. In p�rticular, he explained the thinking behind a resolut�on by the Harris Coun�y Commissioner's Court relative to -the Corps of Engineers ' plans. PRESENT'ATION OF BICENTENNTAL FLAG - John Tirado presented to the City from the Future Homemaker� of the Friendswood Wigh School , a bicentennial flag to be flawn below the American flag�at the Ci'ty Hall from now through 1976. - 1 COMPLATNT RE ZONING AND DRAINAGE� A7 LOCATION ON WEST EDGEWOOD - Mrs. Hicks � ' was concerned that�the chald :car.��center being bualt next to her residence ' is not in a commercia1 zone, and that the dra7nage and driveway next to her property is being insta7led improperly� She was re�'erred to the Planning Commission �or solut�ion�. to the: pr.oblem: � y RERAIRS TO WEST INTERCEPTOR�LIN� � The breaks in the line reported by Clear ��� Creek Basin Authority, have been repaired, and the campany who manufactured �� the pipe is bein� contacted for r.eplacement or reimbursement to the City. �CONTRIBUTION''TO .CITY HALL OFFIC�S - Councilman Windler accepted a check from � ���;'1� Mayor Lowe in the amount of 2,000 which� will be used for "extras" in furnish- ing the new offices for the Mayor and the City Secretary. ORDINANCES � #T-5.fl - Curb Cut Qrd. Revision to drawing_ - Third and Fina1 Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 231 SECTIQN 6 (f) TO ADOPT D�AWING N0. 76-6 (Revised) as attachment TO THE ORDINANCE. MOTIqN: (Zeitler) To approve on third .reading, finally adopt, and assign permanent`�number 244-) � I � Second: Maaz � Vote: Unanim�us FOR. MO7ION CARRIED � `O�r�d. #245 � Authorizing Issuance' of Certfi�'icates of Qbligation - One reading AN ORDINANCE AUTHQRIZING ISSUANCE OF $52,000 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CERTTFICATES OF OgLTGATION;. S�RIES �1975; AWARDING CONTRACT; AND CONTATNING OTHER PROVISI.�NS R�LATTNG" TO�THE� SUBJECT. MOTTON: (Haken) To appr.,ove;and:adopt. on. one reading. Second: l�li ndl er � Vote: FOR (6) Lowe; Windler, Haken, Baker, Patton, Zeitler AGAIN�T: none ABSTAINING: Maaz MOTION CARRIED. Ord. #246 - Approving Claim and Authorizing Deliver,y of Certificates of Obl�gation AN ORDINANCE APPROVING CLATM AND AUTHORIZING DELIVERY OF CERTIFTCATES OF OBLIGATZON MOTION: (Haken) To approue: and. :adopt on one reading Second: Windler � Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windlew, Haken, Baker, PattAn, Zeitler AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: Maaz MO7ION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL -� On Motion by Councilman Maa r, seconded by Councilman Baker, the following warrants were approved°for payment: ' General Fund #529 - A-1 Oil Company $ 800.00 530 - Bay Concrete .Pipe Company 537.68 531 - Bost Di'�ching Co. 787.50 532 - Friendswood School. D�i,strict 2,050.0� � 533 - Gulf Oil Corporation 1 ,428.41 534 - Nolen Contracting Co. , Inc. 600.00 535 - Sterling Electronics 1 ,761 .30 Y,�536 - White Mines 954.79 �- ---------—- -- --- - - --- - -- ,,,, ------------- s, ---- � � � �k Utili.ty. Fund #273 - CMC .Spec:ial.ists ; ,648.70 � 27A� -: Glynn-Pet.tit .Company 1 ,128.00 275 - Util.ity S.upply .Company 5,840.10 Capital Projects Fund #116 , Engineering F1us Incorpo,rated 931 .38 117 - Maratho►�"Mischer Co: 28,376.24 , -- � 118 - ,Mazac Constructi or� Co. 11 ,632.35 � �. Waste Disposal Fund � #105 - Engineering Science, Inc. 60,795.00 ADJQURNMENT - Mot�on made and seconded that the meeting adjnurn. The meeting was adjourned, � � . ��. . �4 � ;r �v_ .��. �,,, Ci t,y Secretary � APPROVED: � ,., /�� ��=�c�. �.-%�'' C�--Zn.�....� Mayor Ra1ph�C. Lowe � � � . � ` I � , .. _...... . .. I