HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-06-16 Regular ('� ��!n
June 16, 1975
A Regular Meet�ng of the Friendswood City.Council was held at the City Hall .
at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June ,76, 1975, with ,the following members present:
; ,,
, Mayor Ralph L,. Lowe
; Councilman ��dward Zeitler
��� ' Councilman Benny Baker
Counc9lman 'Richard Haken
� Councilman Milton Windler
' ' Councilman William Patton
Councilman� Pau1 Maaz
With a quorum present, and with none absent� �he following business was
� READZNG AND APPROVAL �OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meet9ng of June 2
� approved as `read;"Minutes 'qf Special Meetir�g of' June 9 appr�ved as corrected,
� .
1 . �rown & Root are�demolish.ing a bridge, on Cboate Road, and have indicated
that Fr�endswood may ha,ve the str7n�er� �for use in the City.
2. May,ors & Councilmen's Association meets in League City on June 25. Mayor
Harrison from Pasadena will speak regarding that �City's desire to acquire
Elling�ton as a city airport.
3. Thursday morning attorneys of �PA, will meet with the Mayor and others at
' the City Hall to discuss` problems 9nvolved in EPA approval of the
regiona7 sewer plant.
� 4. The County Road Department• is .working on Wilderness Trail outfa_11 ditches
' into' Chigger Creek:
__ ; 5. City Sales Tax for this month totals $8,329.44; five months total $32,267.25.
6. City Engineer reports that stone chats are needed to apply to Sunset to
roll in .to the asphal't, approximate cost: $700.
Bids were requested for s�x inch and eight inch FUC pipe and fittings. Bids
were read as follows:
Utility Supply $5,840,10 �
Jones Supply 6,052.07 1 � �
. Eagle Pipe & Supply 6,486.06
Rohan Company 6,176,73
Kenneth Toon was .a�ked to review the b�ds 'with the Attorney; and make recommen-
dation to the Council so that the award�, could be made later in the meeting,
due �o the fact that Windsong residents, who have agreed to lay the line, wish
to beg�n the work this week-end.
1 . Dean Anderson, .Imper�ial Gardens C.ivic C1ub Pre.sident, pointed up four
problems in that subdivision:-�`Speedia�` on Castlewood and Falling
Leaf (2) need for proper pl.acement of: stop signs and speed limit signs
(3) need for police .hel.p in .patrol�ng and enforcing curfew in the sub-
division and on pool and' park. property.; (4) poor cond7tion of street at
ti_ several intersections in 'the subd9vision. Councilman Haken will meet
with the group to seek solu�ions. .
2. Mr. , Mills .and' attorney from CFS requested that thTrd reading of the
electt^ic rate increase ord�nance� be .approved basis the outcome of the �
company's injunction hearing i.n� Texas City last week. They pledged that � �5
if a final court decision does r�o�:�permit the entire increase, the `
c.l'i���' difference w711 be repaid 'to the customers' wi th 6% interest, Counci 1 ��
expounded the �;p���:on�,:. �o passing. the ordinanee, the alternate being
to go to court; however, since� th�. basic issue is already in litigation,
Council agreed to abide by the ultimate outcome of the case, but would
proceed with final reading on the ordinance at th9s time.
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MOTTON: (Zeitler) To adopt`Ord: #T��4A on third read7ng (and assign
per.manent ordinance numb�r 242) .
Second: Maaz '
Vote: Unanimous F0� MOTION :CARRIED
� 3. Mr. Fox from Dunbar 'Estates requested� aceeptance of the s�reets and
.,� u�i ity ines or; ma.�ntenance� Ken Toon explaihed that some of the
�. water 1ines are not at the full depth .r.equired bu� he felt that this �
� was due to the ground lev�l.ing and .would nbt'. just-ify relaying the �
\'� lines. He reeommended .that the. utility lines be accepted. Mr, Morgan �
reported that the..C7ty Engineer� has approved the streets.
MOTTON: (Maaz) To aec.ept .the streets and utility lines in Dunbar
� Esta�es.
Second; Zeitler
;Vote:,.11nanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
1 . Fi,rewor�ks for"'the `4th� of. Ju1 - John T�rado �eported�that- appl:ieation, �
� s��ne , y the Fire Marsha , has� been made to� the s�tate for a permi.t.
� Councilman Windler praposed tha�, �he .Ci=ty purchase short-term $50a000
\ insurance at a cost of $48.00, and �a $1 ,000 bond si�ned by Mr. Wynn and
� two othei� personsa ,and �tha�t.:Mr.. Tir.ado. be .given the. power of decision
making with re�ard ,to 'location of. the display. Mr. Olson is to write a
lett.er agreement between the City and Mr. Wynn, as an individual contractor
for� the fireworks disp7�ay`.
MOTION: (Wind1er) .To authorize:the C7�,y Manager, to purchase a $50,000
liability and .$50,OOO� prope►^ty damage insurance policy to
. protect the City for the 4.tEi of July fireworks �display, cost
not to exceed $100.00. ,
�Second: Zeitler � ` �
� Vote: �Unani�mou� � FOR: � � � -� � . „ MOT��ON, CARR��ED� , �
� - i
1 2, Surfacing of �Briarmeadow. t�o..New-E1�mentar�School - Mr. Morgan, on advice
,1�'� of the Eng7neer, recommends tha't .�oncrete surfacing not be placed on the
� - s_tr-eet.s, �for. one�,year -to p�.rm7t.,�he �1 imestone base to develop.. ,In 1 ight
°� �. of �h�s,..C�unc�1 . dec�d�d� 'to-�pl ace`�bas� ma�e�7 a1` on :Merr�.wood and on
� W7nding Way, the C'ity furnishing�material , County to furnish equipment
aad do the necessary work. Financirtg wauld be accomplished by using the
entire balance of the street budget for the current year, and the balance
, of the cost ;to come from Revenue Sharing �Funds for next fiscal .year.
Mr. Toon said that `the water line fror� Mer�ywood to �Sun�et on Briarmeadow
would have to be laid before the ���ee� wo►�k is done due to the limited
right-o.f�way. The Attorney advised Gouncil t� austhor9ze advertising
for bids on 'the 'water� line �o:,exp�di�te ,the overall project.
MOTION: (Patton) To autho.rize. the.-,..City Manager. to advertise for bids
for the water line on Bri�rmeadow.
Second: Windler
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARR'IEq"
3. Incr�ase in Do License F,e�s - The Pa17ce Department ha$ requested that
t e fee ,be increased...f rom .one dbl�a.r to �tw�. No action was taken.
� 4. Certificates of ObligatiQn for �rott bitchinq Machine .(Street Dept. )
� , � �
► MOTION: (Windler) Ta ad�pt .Re��o,l�ution` #8--75 covering legal aspects
� of issuance of Certificates: of _Obligation in the amount of
� $55,Q00, :authori zi.ng,:,drawi ng.;.u.p'.of...an o:r•d�i nance, and sett�ng
July �7 .as 'the .date fo�^':�.ons:iderataon.. of the :ord�nance.
Second: Patton
, Vo:te: FOR (6) Lowe;. Patton, . WiYtdler., .6aker, Zeitler, Haksn
� ��
5. Tennis Courts - Financing - The Parks & Recreation Committee will ;present
the�ir'fiVe�year.'Mas'ter. Plan a� .workshop next:week. ° Grace Baker ,explained
that th� plan is for- �Facilities and' pi^ograms with fund�r�g ta be done as
a part of each year's budget .plan. She also emphasized that the "plan"
sets out a program for "development of the recreatianal fac9lities and is
fnr the guidance of the Council . _
� 6. F1c�oding on C1ear Creek •- Counei�lman Patton stated that he felt the
� City sY�ould take `some ac�.ion to_get Harris County involved in helping
to prevent,:,or� solve°the .�flooding . problem; and he suggested an injunction
-- to stop additional � drainage ditches from being constructed� to empty into
C1ear Creek, -possibly giv'ing Warr7s County Commissioners some groundwor.k
for. ac�ion. Mr. Olson sa�d he would study the situation and make
' recomm'endation back �o::Council o rr What acti.on might be help�ul .
7. Sewer. Project. � Councilman- Wind1er"reported on the current status of the
project by Gu1f� Coast .and. Eng7neering Science. Gulf Coast is proceeding
with soi1 testing, and figures are now. avai�able on a11ocation and time
� schedule for paym�nts: from the entities .inuol�ved.
� 8. Hol;idays for° Sanitat.ion. Department Empl.o,�ees, - Counci lman Patton
t� recomm�n s that the �Sanitation workers be� g�.ven five holidays a year-- c� ,�,�
� San Jaci nto Day,°�Mem�rial . Da,y, Thanks;gi:v�ng, Ghri stmas, and New Years, �� 1''
� He'� a1so proposes;:to� begin the .middle ofi� July, on Wednesdays, to have a
large t�^ash p7ck=up�; coveri�n� one: half of: the City on.e Wednesday, the
other half on alternate:Wednesdays. The. garbage trucks and the city dump
trUck� would b� �sed; No off�cial action wa� taken an these matters.
9. Re�air� to Park Buildings - Councilman Baker. announced tha�t volunteers
will be working at the park this Saturday, putting new roofs ori the
bu�ildings for the 4th of July celebrat:i'on.
10. Award of Bid for Windsong° Wat�r Line (based on recommendation from Toon) s
� -7
`; MOTION":` (Baker)°To award �the bid to� Uti l ity Supply for $5,840.10. �,��
Second: Maaz
Vote�:� Unanimous FOR � ' - MOTION CARRIED
'1�]..ti R.Q.W, Pro ert Line'Disa reemen� �"Mr. Tom Herrington has�`questioned
t e �C�ty s' rig t to- use the�-old Coun�y road crossin� over Coward's Creek
an^Wi ndi ng°�Way°where �the C`i ty pt^oposes� to-make a connecti ng p�th and „ {�w�
br7 dge b�tween°the two city parks: Mr:. 'O1 son~ stated that the roadway /.2�
would.`have been estab�lished as a �public thoroughfare by subscr9ption and
that the present barrier should be removed, Th� Secretary was instructed
to call Mr. Herrington and ask him` to call Mr. Olson for discussion of
the situation. �
12. Sta^uctures on� Amoco Pi e17ne: in Imperi'al �ardens - City�. utility lines �
are�built on the� same� RO as the ,p�peline, and some fen c e s h a v e b e e n x��`��
constructed on the ROW whi.ch may� interfere wi�th work on the lines. Mr. /
Olson advised t�la�t it should fir�t be determi�ied if there is an encroach-
ment; give a reasonable time for removal ; if not removed, the City could
then go to cou�t for an order .ta'� r.emove. the�fences or pass a resolut7on
directing an employee of' �he City to remove the fen�e. Councilman Windler
will meet with the residents of Imperial Gardens to try to resolve the
_� Ord, #�T`-5B - Amending:Curb Cut Ordinance (Dwg. 74-6)- Second Reading�
M07ION: (Zeitler) To approve second read�ng of Ord. #T-5B.
Second: Baker
� Vote: 'Unanimous FOR � MOTIO�! CARRIED
Ord: #T�5A - Increase i'n Garba�e Rates � Third & Final Reading
MOTION: (Patton) To approve and ���ally adopt #T-5A (and assign
permanent number� 243) .
Second: Maaz
Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Patton, Windler, Haken, Baker, Maaz
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��.� �.
WARRANT'S �FOR APpROVAL. � By.`mot.i or��-of:..Coun.ca.lmarr:Maaz, . Se�onded by Counci lman
Win ler, an approved unanimously; the� �ollawing warran�s were approved:
General Fund #443 - Community Public Service $1 ,206.70
�444 - Ae�na`Life and Casualty 1 ,330.96 '
445 - Browning-Ferris Ind.ustries. 1 ,041 ,87
446 - Mi11er�Freeman Ford 3,303.39
• � � 447 �� Midway Transit Mix Concrete 513.00 ;
' 448 - �u1f Coa�t bodge; Inc. 4,214.18
449 - Gulf Coa�t Didge, Inc. . • 4,274,35 ; ,
450 - Winn'� Of�Pice Supplies 51�.08
451 - Dav�s� Truck and. �quipment 1 ,632.58
452 - Apeco 527.40
� 453 - R. B, Everett & Co'. 955.00
454 - Alvin Equipment. �o. 1 ,164.81
- - 455 � County of• Ga1veston - = r...�:=:t� �.�-� � ��_,-�=�r;;�`
. Publ i c Hea.l th .Fund . � � 1 ,404.00
` 456 .- Safety Lights Co: � 929.00
457 = 01son &" O1'son, A�torneys 2,400.00
Wa,te,r. &,.Sewer. �. #248 � Miller. Freeman Ford 4,037.27
' 249 �, Miller Fr�eman Ford ' 3,303.39
' 250 - Community Pu�lic Service 1 ,522.96
CLOS�D SESSION - Discussion of representation on the Subsidance Committee as
created by. rec�nt legisla.tion: No ac��on take�. `
ADJOURNMEN7 - M�.tion �nade and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Meeting
adjourned at 11 :00 o'clock.
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City Secret y
,:�� n G;`,i� '�
ayor Ra�, L, Lowe . , . .
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