HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-06-02 Regular �� ��
June 2, 1975
The Friendswood City Council met in a regular session at 7:30 p,m. on Monday,
June 2, 1975, at the City Hall , with the following members present:
� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
' Counci1man Milton Windler
, Councilman Paul Maaz
— Councilman Edward Zeitler
Councilman Benny Baker
With a quorum present, and with Cnuncilman Richard Haken and Councilman William
Patton absen.t, the following business was transacted:
READING ANQ 'APPROVAL OF MINUTES of May 19, 1975, approved as corrected,
� 1 . The Highway Department is working to get FM 518 completed, with Brown &
Root working at topping the street. The Highway Department has also
Gz� contacted the City regarding right-of-way �or the proposed straigntening
� of Whispering Pines , and indicate that it is possible if this program
develops, this street may be surfaced to the C1ear Creek bridge,
2. Mayor Lowe talked to Bob McCaren, who works with Bob Harrison, lega1
advisor to EPA, regarding the region�l sewer plant. The EPA feels that
the regional system is necessary and will come to Friendswood soon to
meet with City representat7ves. The,y also wish tp talk to Gulf Coast
Waste Disposal Authority regarding their position in the project contract.
f ; 3, Paul Davis , GCWDA, reports that the Regional Sewer System now stands #105
i on the TWQB rating 1ists; former rating was #205. However, he now understands
` i that the Board only plans to fund 85 pra�ects this year.
4. GCWpA is negotiating for a land fill site in Harris County. Mayor Lowe
asked that Friendswood and other Galveston County cities be considered;as
potential users of the site 'in the future.
5. The Mayor, while in Austin .last Fri:day, talked to the TWQB and the Texas
Water Developme�t Board. regarding Friendswood's acqu�ring property on
the Harris County side of C1ear Greek in an effort to exert some. control
over the f�ow of .water into this city. He also talked to the Brazoria
County Drainage District and the Corps of Engineers in an effort to set
up a meeting regarding flood control on Clear Creek.
6. The Ci�y Secretary read an excerpt from a special committee report of
the Harris County Task Force, made to the Harris County Commissioner's
Court on May 20, 1975, wherein the Tasl� Force recommends that the Court
."investigate a plan for flood c�ntrol � on CJear Creek broader than the '
channelizatian concepts, in.cluding the so-called "Parkway" . . .recognizing
that. such an approach may reduce flood. protection below the 100 year
fl ood 1 evel .'' T'�vo members of the: 7ask Force i ndi`cated that i f further
study would harm �he program, or if the Court were forced to make an
immediate ,decision, then they would recommend that the Court support the
up-dated author.ized plan for Clear Creek,
l.undy Lane reside;r+�ts (Phancille DeVore, speaker.) reques.t.ed that ail be placed �
on this road to alleviate the dust.. pro61_.em.. Mr. Da.rrah of Br�arcreek alsa ,�� s�5
requested that something b� done to set�le the dust and f�11 the hnles on � '
Briarcreek. Both� reported that the� speed: limits on �hese streets are not
being adhered to. John Tirado reminded Council tha� Merrywood and Briarmeadow
will need oiling be�fore the July 4 parade. The Chigger Creek bridge on
Greenbriar was also discussed, and Mr. Heaney is to check to determine if
the bridge is safe for traffic.
In the discussion of oil for streets� May.or Lowe reparted that Lowe Chamical
is being sued by TWQB regarding a waste substance f rom the plant which was
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sold as a"stabi1iz�r for soil on a plan� site i.n�:Brazoria. County, , He stated
tha� the use of the �material had been appraved by the Brazoria County Health
Depa.rtment �and the County itself. Me has cancl.uded.that the City might have
to obtain a permit .to use �� asphalt/oT7 material .on streets., Mr.. Morgan said
that on request from Mayor .Lowe that he clear the use of waste oil on city streets,
he had already obtain.ed .permission to use waste oil on the streets as long as it
was not .used ir� excessive amoun�s.
CLOSED SESSION -� Council went. in to a clo�ed sess�ion. to discuss proposed
purchase of property (conti.guaus. to City :H�11=')', office space for the Drainage � '
District, Bicentennial Committee appointments, and lacation for hausing
a fire truck 7n the Sunmeadow area. No action was taken. �
. 1
,��' BICENTENNIAL COMMTTTEE� - Mayor Lowe announced that a request will be made
�� for vo1unt��rs for this committee f'rom �wh7ch the Council will mak� appointments
to work with John Tirado on th,e three phases: Heritage '76, Festiva7 USA,
and Horizans '76.
OPEN2NG OF BIDS - Bids wers opened and:.read as follows:
� Official Newspaper Journal : 7.�/word Local Subscriptions 1 ,394
News: 5.5�/tvord Local Subscriptions 1 ,821
��� Charts, over-size type @ $2,80 per.column
MOTTON_: (Zeitler} To have the City Manager review and recommend award
Second: Baker
Street Equipment
Waukesha-Pearce Industrict (a) Bantam Model S-155 Hoekruiser $67;$65
� Less trade-in 2460 Gradall 12,865
� 55,000 � ,
Optional stabliizers $3,500
� j
� (b) Bantam T-644 Teleskoop $70,064
Less trade in 16,064
, 54,000
Optional stabilizers $3,045 •���
Case Power Equipment Drott Mode7 40 YR $66,440
Less trade-in 15,086
51 ,354
Hi�Way ,�quipment Co. , Inc. Warner & Swasey Model -300
Hydro-Scopic $66,345
Less trade-in 7,365
- 58,980
Demonstrator (same as above) $65a500
Less trade-in 7,365
MOTION: (Zei�ler) That.�the City°�:Manager review bids and mal�e recommendation
to the: Gounci'1 ,
Secand: Windler
Since Mr. Morgan will be out of town on June 1.6 (next regular meeting) �
these bids wi71 be .awarded at a Speeial Meeting on June 9. i
Fireworks Display for 4th of Ju� - The City's fire code sets .a maximum of
200 feet heigfit for displays; however� it appear^s that- this is a dangerous1y
low ceil:ing for such fireworks,. Counci1man Windler is to discuss this with
the Fire Departmen.�;���a�id . repor� back, to Caunc9l, next Monday night.
Cai1leteau curb-cut - Generally, Council felt that this cut should be made
but Mr. Morgan is to determine cost and report back to C,ouncil . At that
time determinatibn will be made as to whether nr nat �his will be done.
� � �
Street Pro ram Schedule - Mat^atho.n-Mische�'�has stated that surfacing of a
street can .be expedited considerably if they :are ;permitted to close the �'
street of�F to� all traffic during construction. It was Council `s dec7sion `�
�'!-- 7
to per�mit. c.1osing.of. spreading Oaks ..an.d Falling Leaf. Woodlawn has more
resident traffic, and it was deci,�ed to inves�i:gate the possibility of
making a temporary dirve for tfie mobiie home park r�sidents. Otherwise;
this street will be done one side at a time,, ke.eping the other side open.
� - , Briarmeadow Dra_��'na��� Projec� - Mr.' Heaney now has the project staked; Bost
� � Ditch�ng wil.l be engaged to do .the work.
'�----� Wi1derness Trail - Mr, Morgan re.ported that the County' s machine which is �
to dn the i�tching; is. being used in another part of the County and the (��' �'�
Cit,y will have to .wait.� unt71 it is. free. The question of the County's
respon.sibility to surface.one .street a year within the City was emphasized
by Mayor Lowe, and Mr. Morgan was instructed to ca�l Judge Holbrook to clarify
the point.
Drainage behind Whitehall - . Mr: Mor.gan said that he had been unable to contact
� Buck Hausman regarding right-�f-way for a dra9nage ditch along the Brazoria
,� County Line.. He is to pursue this matter.
� Permit Fee Structure � Through a survey, Mr� Morgan has de�ermined that fees
�.7 throughou� �he area are similar to ;F?riendswnod's permit fees. He is, however,
i.�7 to pursue the idea of fees on instal.�ation of air conditioning.
Rer�irement Program - Richards White & Warsh.auer Financial Services Corp. , ��
have.�proposed a computer cumparison' of �the emplayee. retirement programs �
being cons,ider.ed .by the Counc9l , at a cnst of �$875. . This ��subject will be
discussed. more .thoroughly' at� the next workshop� se�sion.
Draina e - New .Flood Insurance Ma - A curvilinear modification to the �
f1ood �nsurance rate map an a dition of special flood hazard areas has � -'��
i been received �Prom Mi�hael Baker, Jr. , Tnc. (Be�ver, Pa. ) with a request �
that the City review ��he map �f�r. topngraphic accuracy and verification
; i of community boundaries;. street names, watercourse names and location,
etc. If any mo�7�f�cations� are required,: �he City is to' re�urn the marked
copy within 21 days. If no modifications ar.e needed, one map is to be
retained and th� second one returned with a letter accepting the map. �
RevenUe Sharfin Budqet = Council p'�
,� proposes to spend the expected $33,206 ` p
50% for st.neet /50% for drainage. Notice is to be published this week fior f
a public hearing on July 14, 1975, �
Sunmeadaw �ewer Plant Beautification - Tower Estates residents have � p���
requested � t at the City exrend 100 for w7steria v9nes which they will set
ar.ound the sewer plant for scrEening,
MOTION: (Maaz) l�h,a� the City furnish �unds .for planting at the sewer plant,
Second: Baker
Vote; Unanimous FOR MO7ION CARRIED
EC(JNOMIC DEVEI:OPMENT COUNCIL �- Bi11 Murphy, a Friendswood representative to
this group, reported t at� this. Thursday_ .�s the deadline for submitting projects
to be considered from Federal.ly alloc��ed fu:nds,. Various projects. were
discussed,. but a committee cons7sting of' :th�.:�thr�e representatives to the EDC
and Counci1man Maaz are �to meet before Thursday and make a final determination.
; BEAUTTFICATION CQMMITTEE�- Ma or Lowe made the followin a ointments to the ��
� Commi ttee for thi s year:`�' y g p�
� D�.
Mi11iE Perner, Chairman Les Cowart �
My.ra Patton Mrs, Donnell
Irene Yodzis Hubert Bales, Consultant
Bloria Smith
BOARD OF` ADJUSTMENT �- A letter. �'orm Berni.�e .Box� Secretary, requested that thE�
vacancy i n os i ti on #1 f�rme►^Jy, fi 1,7 ed by I.vy Fossl er be fi 11 ed by appoi ntment
of Ray Nel son a presently Al t�rt�a�te�#1 .`` � �
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�Q MOTION. (Zei�ler) To��,appoin�� Ray� Nelson .to Pc��. #1 on� the Board.
SeconT: Windler �
Vote; Unanimous FOR �MOTION CARRIED �
M —
►�� MOTTON: (Zeitler) That Truman Taylor, Jess Williams, and Ray Frizzell
�i� be appointed to the Bbard'of Equa�izatibn for 1975.
Second;. Wi ndl er � �
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED , � �
, I i
USE OF CITY MAP:BY, CHAMBER� OF��COMMERCE - The Chamber has requested use of i
t e City� s map���Fi m��ta be up- ated by 7om Grace and used for printing Chamber
cnmp.l i.mentary.,maps . I,
M07TON:, (Wind1er) That the City Secretary be authorized to give the base '
map to Tom Grace for up-dat7ng and printing for the Chamber, then
return to the City. . .
Second: Baker
Vote: FOR (4) Lowe, Windler,. Ze.�tler, Baker
A&AINST; none ABSTAINING (1 ) Maaz. (due to his being president
, of the Chamber of Commerce.l
� � � ,
MOTION: (Windler) To, accept the concept of joi�:ing Windsong residents
� in acquirin� 'f�re mains by fu�^n'ishi.ng $6400 from city funds for water
� lines and fire�, plugs; wi�h the residents of the area to furnish
� balance of funds plus equipment .and labor to complete the project.
Second: ,Baker
� Vote: Unan.i.mous FOR MOTION CARRIED
�? RESOLUTION �,NO. �7�75 .�- (Join,t planning, ,etc. with school in community programs) �
� MOTION (Baker) For adoptio,n o�, the resolution #7-75.. �-- '
l � Secon�: Zeitler
Vote: Unanimous,.,FOR MOTION� CARRIED
� PARK GRAN7S - Letters have :been rece�ved�,from ;th� .Parl�s & Wi 1 dl i fe Department
"� i nfo�^mi ng r the�.C�i�y tha t verbal approva�l �has�been gi ven by the Bureau af Outdnor
� Recreation �For acquisition fo�^�ddit7onal park space .and development -of a portion
,� of Stevenson Park. Councilman Baker and the C7ty Secretary are to complete the
� nec�ssary pap�.r•�,-�wor.k� on these�:grant requests.
Ord. ,#T-5A - Increase: in Garbac�e .Rates- - -Second .Reading
MOTION: (Windler) To approve Ord. #T�5A on second reading,.
Second: Maaz
11ote; FOR (4) Lowe, �lindler, Maaz, Baker
Ord, #T-5B. - Amending Curb Gut� Ord7nance bv Revision of Drawing No 75 6
First Reading
, MOTION: (Zeitler) To pass Ord. #T-56 on first reading � I
Second: Windler
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ; �,
WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - Motion made by Councilman Maaz, seconded by Councilman
Win ler, and. approve unanimously 'for issuance of the following checks:
General Fund: #371 - Truman Taylor Insurance $1 ,682.00
#372 - S,afety L�ghts Co. 514.00
� af
Water � Sewer: #218 - Singer 717.55
#219 - �nvironment One Corporation 700.00
#220 - Glynn-Pettit Company 1 ,128.00
#221 - Dixie Chemical Co. 640.80
� � �p'-
Waste Disposa1 : #102 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority $1 ,715.00
#103 - Engineering-Science, Inc. 8,052.85
Capital Projects: #111 - Engineering Plus , Inc. 1 ,463.31
#112 - Marathon-Mischer Co. 51 ,180.97
#113 - Mazac Construction Co. 14,832.44
#114 - Ike Ma11 , Inc. . 16,738,52
� ' GALVESTON COUNTY AMBULANCE SERVICE - Mr. Morgan was requested to get�more
complete information on. this service called to the City's attention by a letter
— from Ca1veston County.
SEWAGE PLANT CAPACTTY - Mayor Lowe suggested that Council might be considering
�he fact �hat the City's present sewage tr�atment facilities are already over-
1oaded with new housing planned, with a view to possibly imposing a moritorium
on building until new faci1ities can be built. No discussion or action.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Meeting was
� adjourned at 12:00 midnight.
� �
� E-i
� City Secretary
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Mayor Ra1ph , Lowe