HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-05-19 Regular � r � �,a, - ��''�-� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 19, 1975 A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was called to order by the Mayor at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, May 19, 1975 wi�th the following members I� , present: , I !� , Mayor Ralph L. Lowe '� -��l Counci lman Paul Maaz I Councilman Wi1l.iam. Patton ' Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Ed zeitler Councilman Milton Windler (arrived late) With a quarum present, and wi.th Councilman Haken absent, the following business was transacted: "� READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 5 approved � as read, � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNTCATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � 1 . A check for $20,280 has been received.from EPA, additional grant to cover Sunmeadow sewer �plant, . 2. Latest Sales Tax check is for $5,112.34. 3. Residents of Portage:Lane have requested a stree�. light; this . light has been requested of CPS by the Chief of Police. 4. At the Mayor's reque5�, the Highway Department has agreed to place an overhead sign .on the Freeway indicat9ng the Friendswood Exit, 5� Mayor Lowe has agreed to go to Austin this week with other mayors from ! the area to view the s9gning of' the. subsidance bi11 ; while there, the �� ' graup wi..11 meet,with:the Texas :Water Development Board to request�.that � some control be placed on entities to the north of Friendswood which would prevent drainage ditches, etc, from carrying water into this city via Clear Creek. 6. Mayor Lowe attended the CCBA workshop in Webster last Saturday. 7. The Mayor talked to EPA' s attorneys regarding the problems of approval for th� regiona1 sewer system, and feels tha� progress is being made on this, PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS , 1 � John Tirado, who is in cha►^ge of the 4th of July celebration and the bi- centennial celebration, reported to Cnuncil on plans for these two events . He asked that Council p s a resolu.ti..on reques�ing that Friendswood be included as an a.ctive p rticipant of the bicentennial , whereupon the National Committee will make assignment to the City as such. 2. A petition bearing. 80 n�mes requested that a stop sign be placed at Mary Ann Drive and Christina Lane because of the blind spots caused by the curving of Mary Ann at this point. 3. A second petition signed by 130 residents requested that a four-way stop sign be erected on the- corners of Mary• Ann Drive and Castle Lake where a small boy was hit by a car this week. ; After hearing remarks from these two groups , Counci.lman Patton moved that an emergency ordinance be passed this . eaening authorizing posting of such signs. _..__ Mayor Lowe a.sk�d that Chief aright be called to City Hall to confer with the petitioners and concur with the requests for traffic signs. BUSINESS TTEMS Street P.r.o�ram - Mayor Lowe stated that the re.cent contract with Marathon-Mischer had brought prompt results, with crews at work in the city completing more work in the past week than had prevYOUSIy been done in the past month. The contractor has stated that on the remaining streets to be paved, the work could be done in two ,weeks by closing off traffic completely; if they must be kept open for one-lane traffic the work would take much longer. Mayor Lowe stated that the choice of the city might be in�:..certain cases to close the street to expedite comp1etion of the paving. � r . � � --- -- - - - - :����� � �' � � �� Infiltration Inflow Testing - Earl Romero and .Ron Ledbury of Engineering � Science showed sli��s nf. how this testi,ng is being done in the City, and the types o.f reports the city wi11 be_ receiving on the condition of sewer pipes. This work is necessary to qualify for. feder,al funds for the regional sewer system. Whether or not repairs will be made to the lines which show leakage depends on the cost effectiveness of such �repairs. � � � Windsong �Subdivis7on - In .response to:request, Counci.l has agreed to work � with Windsong on a joint �roject to install wa�er lines and fire plugs in � the subdivision. The City Engineer is to do the engineering work; the people , �i in �he area will contr.ibute a portion of the funds, labor and equipment to accomp1ish the work. ! l\J Wilderness Trail - The grades have been .set..for.d�tching, and the County has ' agreed to o the drainage work on the outfall ditches on Greenbriar and beside �� Dr, Boone' s prop.erty. This should b� upcoming this week. � Briarmeadow - Mr. Morgan quoted cost for ditching equipment to do the required ��'1 work on Briarmeadow: Barnett & Sons @ $22.50/hr. with $75 move-in cost; Bost Ditching @ $22.50/hr. with $60 move�in cost. MOTION: (Patton) To authorize the City Manager to proceed on this work, � using his discretion as to rental of equipment. Second: Windler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � Q� Sunmeadow - '�ewer Stacks - Mr. Morgan has contacted Edmins;�+er-Henshaw, contract � �� engineer on this project, who con�end that insofar as they are .aware, all of the sewer stacks were. ins�alled at the time of construction, The City's Water �p' & Sewer Superintendent has not been able to locate the staeks although records indicate that N. M, Brown was paid for this work. The people who are doing the smoke testing for the. City agreed .to _"TV" these lines to ascertain whether all of the stacks have indeed been installed, Reference the lif t station which has not been completed, the City Attorney ! i advised the city. to place the contractor. on notice by copy of a letter to i � the bonding company, that they have 20 .(or 30) days to complete the station. Councilman Patton recommended that the City Manager proceed 'on� the basis of �/ the Attorney's advice. ��� Polly Ranch - With facilities nearing completion, the developer has asked for Q� clarification of responsibility for 13ne repairs and other maintenance of the water and' sewer systems. - The City Manager was directed to come to. a firm ,�� unders�anding of responsibility based on past agreement: Mr. Morgan suggested 'i F�v tliat a master water meter be placed on the line- where it enters the subdivision, and proposes that water not°accoun'ted. for .through i�ndjvidual meters be charged C� ,�'� to the developer. The City Attorney advised tfiat city crews should not do work ,�G'' on the 1 i nes as 1 ong as the 1 i nes do not bel ong to��;�he Ci ty. ��., ORDINANCES #T-5A - Garba�e Rate Increase - Firs�t Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD.. AMENDING SECTT - 0 ON86 F THE FRIEN�SWOOD CITY COp� AND �STABL`I',SHTNG A SERVICE CHARGE OR F�E FOR GARBAG� AND TRASH PICK�UPS WITHIN THE GITY. MOTION: '(Patton) Approve first reading of Ord. T-5A. Second; Maaz Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Patton, Maaz, Windler, Baker ' AGAINST• (1 )� Zeitler MOTION CARRIED #241-E - Stop Si�ns on Mar� Ann at Chris�ina Lane & Castlelake (Emergency) R.N ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDTNGS; DESIG�IATING PLACEMENT OF A STOP SIGN AT. CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS;, PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR � IITOLATION; PROVIDING A SEVERABILI7Y CLAUSEa AND DECLARING A�� EMERGENCY. , ----- __ . _. I - ---- - --- - ---- -- .. ---------- --- �p _.. .- �,l.� v Y. MOTION: (Patton) •.�uTo ado.pt Or.d, #241-E as an emergency on one � reading. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #231 - Revision to - Building Committee has reeommended that Drawing No. 74-6 (attachment to Ord. #231 ) be revised, Counc7l concurred with , � the recommendation and aa ordinance will be drawn up making this revision. ; � , , � Closing of Ellington Ai�r. Force Base. - A letter from Mayor John Ray Harrison ',___' of Pasadena has asked the� City of Frie�ndswood to support Pasadena's bid for the base as a city airport. The Council felt `that th�y could not, without further information, take such a stand, Mayor Lowe will write Mayor Harrison on the sub,ject. � Board of Equali�atipn - A let�er from: Mrs.. A1ta. Carbone; Tax Assessor/Collector, presented the names of Jess Williams, Truman Taylom�, and Ray F•.i�izzell to serve on the Board, This item will be on the next meeting agenda. �"J WARRANTS - Upon motion by Councilman Maaz, the following warrants were approved '�"' for payment: � � General Fund #202 - Hi-Wa E ui ment Co. G,:a Y q p $1 ,918.17 � 275 = Th� Trophy Shop 825.69 288 - Community Public Service 1 ,043.30 289 - Browning-Ferris Industries 8gg.39 290 - Gu1f 0i1 Co"rp. 1 ,6�0.12 291 - Munic�pal Cade .Corporation �1 ,816.96 , 292 - Casco 564.40 293 - Truman Taylor. Tns. 572.00 294 - Ike Hall , Inc. 906.78 , Water & Sewer 196 � Friendswood .Fence Co. 600.00 � Fund 197 - Community Public Service 1 ,225.82 Capita1 Projects 110 - Mazak Construction Co. 6,650.05 CITY MANAGER NOTES 1 . H-GAC has approved of Youth Counselor for Friendswood. ` 2. Asked Council to make selection for paint for. aut�ide of City Hall . 3, Mr. Cailleteau on Quaker Drive..has requested a. driveway opening where the curb makes the cu,�ve from Clearvaew. ADJOURNMENT - Motion. made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. , � ,' z L.� C�,�../ �. City Secre ary APPROVED: .�--__.� � �-� �'�.�=��, Mayor Ralph ' . Lowe � ,