HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-04-21 RegularIi---------- - � - - -- -- .. _. . _ � C������ �� ti� � � �', MINIJTE� OF: A REGI.ILAR P9FETING OF THE FRTEMI�S��l00D CITY COIJNCIL . , . , . , . . . . , ' Apri1 21 , 1975 A Regu1ar Meetinq of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall �n Monday, April 21 , 1975, at 7:30 p:.m.'�l�it�h the following members present: ! � Mayor Ralph L. l_ouie Councilman Paul Maaz , Councilman Edward Zeit1�er Councilman William Patton �-- Councilman Benny� Baker Councilman Mil'ton�Windler C�unci l�man Ri charci Haken With a c�uorum present, and with none absent, the following business was transacted: -�" ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FRQM TWE MAYOR �,� 1 . The City Attorney reports that he is preparing the deed for the new park � � addit7on, but has foun� that the property is subject to some restr7ctions � which he must first resolve. � � 2. Ga1veston C�unty Ma,yors & Councilmen's Association will meet in T�xas � City on Ap�~i1 3�, at 7:3Q p,m, �,7 3. Houston-Galveston R�ea Council has approved� the grant application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife for tennis courts and other ad`dit7ons to Stevensbn Park. �� � 4. The dedication for a new fire station was he1d on Saturday, Apr71 19. The Ma,yor commended the Fire Qe�artment on the day's activities. 5. Texas Ulater Qualit� Board held a public he�ring a� the City Hall on April 9, wi�th reqard to the �roposed' Blackhawk regional sewer plant. PETITIONS & C(?MP�I,INICATI�NS + � 1 . Steve Frost �of the Friendswnod�JC!�s, invited the�Council to the organiza- � tion's charter banque� on June 13, at f;olfcrest Country Club. 2. Rev. Peter Steinke af the Community You�h Council , requested appraval J � �� from Council to submit a grant request to- the Hoaston=Galveston Area � ' Council �for funds _�or �luvenile SPrvices. Tn this connection, he also requested that thP name of the Youth Council he changeci to "Friendswood Commun7ty Services" since the arants are not available specifically for yauth pro�rams and since, Mr. �teinke st�ted, when dealing with youths you necessarily must also deal wi�h parents and other adults i nvt�l ved. � MOTION: (Zeitler) To change tfie name o� the�Friendswood Youth Council to the Friendswond Communi� Services. Second: Haken Vote: UnanimoUs FOR MOTIOf� CARRIED The� qroup was �requested to file copies of their minutes with the City Secretav�y. ,. . _ , .. . . . _ � The c�uestion of scheduling of the varinus meetinc� rooms available to city'functions was discussed; and Mr. ►�organ �ind the City Secretary were instructed to work' out a system for such scheduling. � 3, I�IINDSONl; MAINTF..PIANCE OR(;AMIZATT.ON �- Mr: John James, requested that a � , mi nimum of three fi re pl ugs ,be i nstal l ed i n the ihl7 ndsong a�ea. He sai d �,'I`� __y_ , that funds, equipment and labor is available from citizens if the Cit,y � will undertake the project. Councilman Patton will meet with the group to discuss the situation. 4. WIN[)ERNESS TRAIL - W, D. Wdod, spokesman, asked for help on their �'� , drainage and stree�s. Mayor Lowe� suggested that tfie County might be ��'1 able to furnish Pc�uinment and help the city with this draina�e project. Mr. �4orc�an is to mePt with Cammissianer Nopkins t� discuss such an arrangement. � � - - -- - ----- - - - - - - -- - ---- ---- � .�I � 5. Mrs. Wilma Munoz, 1�03 Thomas, .Longwoad Park; asked for ass.7stance in getting her driveway ti'l:e se�. Althougli the Cit�'.no lortiger sets these tiles, Mrs. Munoz's ear.lier., request was made before this policy was set; therefore, 9t was decided that the City will hire a coritractor to set this particular drivew�y tile, 6; (;race Baker of C.A;R�F... presented• a set� �of revised by-laws and asked that Council consider adoptinn. This was deferred until ,next workshop. REGULAR BLISINESS " � . ; CLEAR CREEK MEETTNG IN SEABR�OK - Ma,yor L.dv�ie announced that he ar�d P9ayor Sullivan of Seabrook have pu�t togethe� a mee�ing� of th� mayors of Clear Creek cit�es along with r�prespntatives .from other entities interested in the C1ear Creek� pr�jects. Th7s�mee�ting will be held on�l'uesday, April 22, at the Seabrook City H�11 . � SEI�IER LTP1F T� N�I�I ELF�".ENTARY SCHOOL - Councilman Pa.tt.on suggested �hat this line might be laid -From the manhole on Heather Lane. Ken Toon is to work up details and� ,talk to the property awners .involved- for right�of-way. � SEW�R TRU[��C LINES F�R NEt�! SEWER SY'�TEM - Jim E11er and Ron Ledbury discussed � routing �f the force` main°from Plant'#2 td' B�lackhawk�. The most direct y��� route (which has a few minor devlations to accommodate property 1ines and loc;al condi`tions) qoes thr�uc�h Friendsi�rt��d Forest at a cost of $669,000 . (not includinn enaineerinq ���i continqe►�c.y cost) .` An alternat� route down FM 528 ta l�i ndi ng� l�la,y and al ong the Pol ly ranch. ai rstri p woul d�be 660 feet l onger and coTs�t•$64;500 more (not i nc7 udi r�g engi neeri ng� and� conti ngenci es) ; In response to many complaints �rom citizens`of �the area that the more d7rect route would destroy p'rop���y, tre�s; and. harm` the es�het9cs of the subdivision, the engineers and Cnuncil member.s will walk the area on Saturday to try to eval uate 5;�vh��t�:,di rec.ti orr w.oul� _be :m,ost desi rabl e from al l vi ewpoi nts. �y GARBAGE CHARGE .INCREASE - Mr. Morga►� recommen�ed. that rate for garbage ; , , service be increased' 75% per mbnth, basis 7ncrease�of land-fill cost and i f`� other expenses. � MOTI0�1: (Patton)` Tp have the �ttorney draw up. an, ordinance increasing �the�garbage collection fee 75%��per inonth per residentia1 customer and 25% increase in commercial � rates: ' ' Second: Windler ' Vote: Una�h7mous FOR; MOTI(1N CARRIED � OFFI(;IAL NEIAISPAPEa . �� � MOTION: (Windler) 'To direct the City Secr.etar,y to adver�ise �or bids �q for. the' o�ficial newspaper, bid'�to be awarded in June. '� Second: Haken Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTIt1N� CARRIED Cf11..iNCTI.. qPPOINTMFPITS AND DFST(;�►ATI(�NS - Mavor I..ov��e proposed that Cnunci lman !�li ndl er he apnc�i nted as Mayor Pro-tem� for the comi nn ,year i n vi ew of th� fact that he i s t�tdrk�ng tiii th enti ti es on �the ��gi�nal sewer sysrt�m, and woul d be in a favorable position` to dea� with: these people: Cnun�ilman Zeitler and Councilman Windler were equal in time of service on the Council , the � basis usually used to selec� the Mayor Pro=tem: � � a � MOTION: (Haken) That Council confirm appointment of Councilman l�Jindler � as Mayor' Pro-tem. _ . � - : � Second: .Zeitler � ilote: Unanimous FOR MOTIO�! CARRIED Mayor Lowe then designated Councilman Irlindler to continue as liaison for the Council �with �thP, Fire D.epar.tment: as �wel=1 as `working with the regional sew�r system. Councilman Haken will..,wor:k«wi.th .streets , and Councilman Maaz will `assume responsibi,lity:f.or �u�get and warrant�activities as well as working with the Bea�G�7fication Committee. Other appoi'ntments remain the same.� . ,� �,�: m:l QRDINANCES Ord. #211 - Speed 7_ane on Sunset = Se�ond Reading , MQTTON: (Haken) To pass Ord� �#211 on second Reading Second: Zei�ler Vote: Unanimous Ff►R MQTION CARRIED : Ord. #229 - Cedarwood one wav durinq school hours - Second Readin ! P90TION: (Zeitler) To pass Ord. #229 on second reading ��� Secnnd: Haken �lote: Unanimous FOR M�TION CARRTED �rd. #T-4A � Electrical Rate Increase - Second Readinq �90TION: (Zeitler) To pass. �rd. #T-4A on second reading Second: Baker " Vote: Unanimous FQR MO7ION .CARRIED � � �rd. #T-4B - r,,�s Cnmpany contract chanqe - Secbnd f�eadinq � � � M(1TION: (Patton) To pass Ord, #T-4B pn second reading � e�con�c': Zei tl er � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord, #T=4C -. S�eed ZQne .on FM 528 - Second Readinq P�OTION: (Haken) To pass Ord. #T-4Q on second reading Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-4D � Zoninq Chanqe - Oi1� �ihlel,t: (Crown) -. Secor�d >Re�adin�g , �10TION: (Patton) To pass Ord. #T-4D on second reading Second: Zeitler -- llote: Unanimous F�R "�OTI(1PI CARRIED Ord. #237-E - Plac_ement of caution liqht at Sunmeadow - Emerqency Readinq M(1TIQN: (Patton) To pass Ord. #237�E on one emergency reading Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous F�R P1f1TI0N CARRIED s AN ORDINANCE PROIIIDI�1� F(�R THE APPROVAL nF THE A(;REEMENT DATED APRIL 21 , 1975, gETt�IEEN THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, FOR THE INST/�LLATION, CONSTRUCTION, EXISTENCE, USE OPFRATI��I, AN� P9AINTEPIAI���E .(1F NI�HI�IAY SI�NAL PRQJECT AT THE L�c�TTnM �N�!�1�1 n�i FXHTBTT 1 , ATTACH�D NEp.FT� AM� �'!A�F A PART HEREOF, IN THE CITY nF FRIENDSIAI��D; PR�UZDIN� FnR THE EXECUTI(1N QF SAID AGREEMENT; AND D�CLAR7N� AN EMERGENCY. Ord. #236-E =• Adoptin Southern Standard Mechanical Code�Emer�en� MQTION: (I�.�ind1er) Tn pass and adopt �rd, #236-E as an emergency Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIOPI CARRIED Councilman Haken stated that he is willing to adopt this Code , providing an in-depth study is made to determine if this is the `.___� best code for the City prior to permanent adopt-on of an air- � conditioninq code. WARRANTS F�R. ,�PPROVAL M�TJQN: (ldindler� To approve Canstruction Fund Check #107 to Mazac Construction. far work on the Cit,y Hall projec�. Second: Patton llate: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I , - - ---------- --- -- - - ---�--- - � a � -� - -, -- � P10TION: (Windler) To approve �ales Tax Fund Check #103 to Stuart Title Company, voiding (;&A Check #125, in the amount of $31 ,000.92 for park land �ransaction. Second: BakPr Vote: Unanimous F�R MOTION CARRIED M�T.T.(?N: (l��indler) Ta approve �&A Checks #2(�1 throuqh 207. �econri: Patton Vote: Unanimc�us F�R M.OTION CARRT.ED ,, MOTION: (Windler) To approve Water & Sew�r Fund checks 142 and 143. � Second: Patton Vote: l.lnanimous FOR MOTIO�! CARRIED PURCHASE OF' NEInI��RADALL - Mr. !�►.o�qan recommended that �he Gity purchase a h�w (;radall for the Street Department through the issuance of titne warrants. ��,�� Councilman'Pattan moved tn table such action for two weeks to enable Mr. Morqan to investiga�e other types of equi�ment �o do the work of a Gradall . Councilman Haken secondpd the motion, and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Morgan wi11 bring any informat��on available to Council in two weeks. ADJQURNMF�IT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Meeting was ad,journed. ` ,.� � City Secre y APPROVED: �.� ,l, `f/� 1'�yor Ral n. L. 1.���!e , �. �