HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-04-07 Regular ��������.� .� � � 3 � MINUT�S OF A REGULA!? ME�TINf; OF THE FRZENDSI.+IOOD CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1975 A Regular P�eeting of the Friends��iood City Council was held at the City Ha11 on M�nda,y, April 7, 1975, with the fol1owinq members present: '� Mayor Ral ph L. Lot�!e --' Counci 1 man ��i 1 ton Wi ndl er Councilman William Patton Counci lman P.i chard Ha.ken C�tancilman Benn.y Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum present, and with Councilman Gonzalez absent, the following business was •transacted: � ANNOUNCEP9ENTS & COMP�UNTCATIONS FR(�M THE MAY�P, � � 1 . �lednesda, morninq at 10:00 a.m. , � Y the TI�1(1B wi 11 hnl d a heari ng at G� the Friendswood City Hall . rec�arding the proposed Blackhawk sewer plant. � 2. Mayor Lowe has received a lett�r' from �he Idhite House stating that the � a�npeal he made regardang region�1 �!dministrator of the EPA is being given full cons9d�ratiort. 3, Councilman Zeitler announced that Friday, April 11 , has bee,n set aside at the Library for a book review to boost the annual membership drive for the :Fri ends of the Li brar,y.� � � � 4. Mayor Lowe annou�ned that a mee�ing of the Clear Creek cities' mayors will be held in Seabrook on April 22, at 7:30 to discuss flood cnntrol pro�ects on Clear Creek. � � � CANVASSTNG OF �THE APRIL �5� ELECTI(1N ��- An �Order Declaring Result� of City Officials Election was read by Mayor Lowe setting forth the following �- election results: (Copy of Order a�tached hereto and made a.��part hereof) COUNCIL POSITION #2 Ral ph �;:� (;onzalez 538 � � ; Paul E. Maaz � 824 0 ,�7 ��I��lCTf�. P��1TInN #4 �leanette S. French � 522 � ' �ali 11 i am B, patton 795 COUNCIL POS2TION �#6 � �Benny R. �Baker 830 � � Ron Brennan 508 P�argaret Bt^i tton 3 (Wri te-i n) ; , , „ . MOTZON: (Waken) To adopt a resolution and the order setting forth the results of the election and declaring Paul E. Maaz; William Patton, and Benny Baker as having been duly elected. ` Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED The Oath of Office was administered to these persons. The meeting was then recessed for a reception fnr the newly elected officials. The meeting was reconvened with Councilman Paul E: Maaz taking his place as the new councilman in Posi�inn 2, Thus, with all members of the Council � present, the mee�ing con�7nued: t STREET BOND��PRO(;RAM� - Mr. Brown of Marathon-Mischer answered questions from the Cauncil regarding the status of the construction. SeVeral requests were made from Counci1 regardinc{ warning signs, l�iqhts, etc. during construction as safet,y mPasures. FM 518 PROJECT - Mr, Morgan reported that the Hiahway Department says the topping of 518 will be dela,vecl due to a required re=testing of the topping materi�l to he usec�, and the contemplated date f�r completion is now mid-Ma,y. : — --------. ------- � --- - - - ---- - -- --------- � � - - SEWER LZNE TO NEW ELEMENTARY SCH�(�L- Charles Baumgardner asked that this line be installed priar to school npen7ng in Auqust,. method of financing was discussed,. and �he 7tem was placed on the apenda for next workshop, TQWER ESTATES - Mrs, Cathy Clark. has appealed to Council regardin� postal serV7ce, telpphone �ates , s�treet sign� and light� , drainage, and beautificat7on of the .sewe.r°p1ant, These suh�ects were discussed between. Mrs. Clark and �he Counc7l , P9r.�Mo1~gan was a�ked to pursue the items the City has jurisdiction over, and Mrs. Clark was asked to come back to the workshop next Monday nigh�. ! � REPORTS FROM CITY MANA(;ER - Councilman. Baker asked that the City Manager l list complaints coming in to City Hall , qive copies to Council , and follow up with a checklist when the item has been handled. This procedure will be pursued by Councilmen Baker;�;a�c� Ulindler; and �!r. Morgan. DANGEROUS GQNDITION IN CITY PARK - M.rs.. Leah Nnrth reported that children � h�ve built a swing out over the' drainage`ditch. in the park, and that at the bottom of the ditch is mate�ial which could° set�iously injure a child if he happened to. fall from the swing, Some discuss7on followed regarding the ditch itself; �ecision was to discuss the situation with the Drainage District. �9eanwhile, Mr. f�nrqan is to have the su�ina removed for the City and th� chil�ren's �rbtection. ' ; , , l � ENGINEERINC FOR SEIAdER PLANT AND LINES - Previ�us engineering contract wi�th ��,� Walsh Engineering Company' h�d' 7ncluded prel�minary work �n the Annalea �� and North Tnterceptor sewew line desiqn: An evalUa�Cion was made into the advisability of usinq� Walsh Fnqin�ering to supplement the Engineering Science c�ntract fin order `to take advantage 'of this past" design activity, Councilman Windler rep�rted tha� a'l�hnugh '�lalsh Engineer.in� was capable of proVid9ng this service; Engineer�9nq` Science had agreed� to u�ilize the previous desi!qn' informati'or� and give the City c'redit fnr the previous work. The credit available to the C��ty with either firm was apprbximately $20,000. There were some attendant dis�dvantages in coardinatinq the two engineering firms and it was aqreed that the engineer�ng effort would remain with a ' sing1e �Firm,`Engineering' Scienc�. � ' Counci1man Windler also reported that EPA,is considering the Cit�'s request to proceed with infiltration studies pending completion of other engineer- inq work. Rights-of-wa,y for the trunk lines were discussed with the Engineer. POLICE DEPARTMENT - Mr. -Morqan gave Ct�uncil a written report on the incident recently which prompted Mrs. Hall to come to Council , He stated that it did not a�pear that the policeman �had acted e��roneously, however some new policies hav� been: formula�ed� to �prevent a similar occurrence in the future. LEFT TURN LANE AT FM 518 AND CLEARVTE►.�i - Mr. Morgan reported that a left turn lane' at this 1o�:ation has cause some c�ncern in the pas� weeks, and asked if Cnuncil would consider making request to� thP Hi�hwa,y Department to add this �us^ning lane in the con5�ruction. ORDINANCES Ord. No. 211 � A�l ORDINAN.f,E ALTERING' THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLTSHED F�R VEHICLES UNDER THE �PR(1VISIONS OF' ARTICLE 6701D, I�ERNON'S TEXAS CIVTL StATUTES, UP(1N THE �ASIS QF AN E�J(�INEERING AND TRAFFtC INVFSTI(;ATION, UP01�1 .CERTA�IN S1'RFETS A��D' HTGFIIAIAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, AS 'SET OUT IN THrS ORDINAMCE; PROVIpING A PERIALTY � OF A FINE NOT T� EXCEED $200,00 FOR' THE� VIOLATI0�1 OF THIS ORDINANCE. i MQTI�N: (Haken) To pass Ord. No. 211 on first reading Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous' FOR MQTTON CARRIED Ord, Na. 229 - AN ORDINANGE:DESZGNATING CEDARWOOD A ONE-WAY STREET BETWEEN THE HOURS QFFICIALCY P(1STE[1 ON SCHOOL DAYS ONLY; DIRECTZNG TH� CHIEF OF� POLICE TO ER.ECT SIGNS SO DESIf;NATING; pRI�VIDING SEVERA- BICITY" AND PENALTY CLAUSES. � � � � MOTION: (Haken) To pass Ord.' No. 229 on first reading. Second: Zeitler � . . 1�ote: Unanimous FOR� � � � � f�OTI�N CARRIED � Ord, #T-4A - AN ORDINANCE OF. 1'HE CZTY. COUNCIL OF THE CZ'TY OF .FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, PRFS�RTRINr,, RESIDENTIAL. AND COMM�RCIAL �RATES TO BE CHARGE� BY" COMMUNITY , PUBLIC SERUI.CE C.OMPANY FOR_SAL�:: OF �LECT.RICITY WITHIN --� THE CI°T�Y �F FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AND REPEALTNG ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND i ; PARTS OF ORDINA�ICES TN CONF'LICT H�REWITH. '�w�w� P10TTOPI: (Ze,it.ler) To approve .Ord. #fi�-4A on first �reading Second: t�Jindler � Vote:. Unanimous FOR' - MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-4B - AN. QRDINA.NCE AM�NDING ORpINAPICE N0. 220 QF THE CITY OF FRIEf�.IDS �OC?D, T�XAS, PASSEQ A�l� APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CI�TY (JN JUNE .17, 1974; DETERNlINING AND FIXING THE SCHEDULES OF DOMESTIC ��r�. RATES TO: BE CHARGED BY H(1U�T�N NATURAL GAS CORPORATION TN. THE CITY OF � FRTENDSWOOD; PRESCRIBING THE. MA�JNER �F FIXING RAl'ES FOR LARGE 110LUME � CONSUMFP,S; PROVIDINf; A SFVERARILITY CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDTNANCES � TN C�N�LICT HERFWITH. � � � �- . . � � MOTION: (Zeitler) To pass ,Ord� T-4B on first reading Ex� Second: ��lindler � 1lote: l�na.nimous F�R M.flTIfl�f CAR,f�IFD Ord. #T�-4C - AN ORDINANCE ALTERZNG THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLI- SHED FOR VEHIC�ES .UND�R TH� PROUTSIONS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNQN'S TEXAS CIVZL STATUTES., 'UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC. INVESTI- GATI(1N, UP(�N CE�2TAIN STREETS AhID HIGHI^IAYS, OR. PARTS THEREOF, uIITHIN THE CORPI�RATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRI�:NDSI�IOQD, AS SET, OUT IN THIS ORDZNANCE; AND PR�VIDiNr A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 �, (""'1 FO,R THE I I�LAT:[f1N OF THI.S ORDINANC�. ' � ; � � � � � '� � , MOTTON: (Windler') To pass Ord. T-4C on first reading. ° Secortd: Patton Vo�e:. FQR (6) Lowe, Windler, Pa�ton., Haken, Baker, P�aaz AGATNST (1 ) Zeitler • M�TIOPI CARRIED , Ord. #T-4D - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING �RDINANCE �NO. 174 (ZONTNG ORDIPlANGF) ; �RANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERM2T FOR�OIL. I�ELL DRTLLING ANp RELAT�D •STRUCTURES BY THE CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION; ACCEPTIN� AND ADOPTTNC THE FINDINCS OF THE RCAl�ININC AND �ONI�aG COMMISSION. M�TION: (Patton) To approve f'irst reading of Ord. #T-4D. e o a': 7_eitler� Vote: Unanimous FOR . MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROUAL ��nTxnM: (I�!indler) To ap�rove �&A Check #125 to �tewart Ti�c�le Company in the amount of $31 ,000.92 as final pa,yment and transfer cost for pur�hase of 6.652 ac�es o� park land, Second: (Baker) Vote: Unan7mous FOR MOTTQN CARRIED "( ' MOTTON: (l�lincller) To. approve.G&A Checks #126 through #134. Second: Patton ' ._._, Ilote: Unanimous FOR. MOTION CARRIED ' MOTION: (Ulindler) To approve M&0 Checks #123, 124, and 125. Second: P.atton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTI�N CARRIED --------------- --------- ----- ----- �� � , MOTTON: (Windler) To approv� C�pital Projects Fund Check #101 to Mazac Cn.nstruction Company, Inc. in the amount of $6,937.59 subject to receipt of performance bond on beh�lf of the c�ntractor. Second: Haken Vote: Un�nimous FOR MO7ION CARRTED MOTION: (Windler) 7o approve Capital Projects Fund Checks #102 and #103. ' , Second: Haken i Vote: Unanimous" FOR MOTION` CARaTED �_- ADJOURNMENT - Motion made that meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. — E . �-� �' - - i/ ` City Secretar APPROVED: � ... - �2� ���''� .� , M�yor Ralp ' , Lowe � - � I . . . .. � i , , , ,. .. . „ - , . . , ,� �. ' . ,. . . , � 'A i � �