HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-03-03 Regular Q9ae � _'•,_ ' C.���_if-�az.e�� ���cz.�r . /7 " �. MINUTES OF A, REGULAR MEETII�G OF THE� FRI�NQSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March �3, 1975 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he1d at the City Hall on Monday, March 3, 1975, with the �fo11owing mem6er.s p�resent: Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ' , Counci1man Rtchard Haken Catanci 1man Wi 11 i am Patton �-- Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Mi1ton Windler With a quorum present, and with Councilman Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Special Meeting of Feb. 10, � and a Regular Meeting of Feb. 17, approved as read. .� � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIQNS FROM TNE MAYOR � � 1 , Counci1 me� this evening with attorneys hand1ing th� Romeike 1awsuit �.7 against the Clty, This case has been postponed wi�h no date set, � 2. Mayor Lowe went to San Francisco to view so�id waste treatment faci1i- ties, ' He reported that the p1an does �show promise� 3, Harris Gounty, F1ood Task Force has promised to meet with �he Council before making their decision on Clear Creek� 4. �xpansion of City Ha11 has now started. 5. Construction has begun �on improvements to FM 528, 6. Grant funds from EPA on Sunmeadow Sewer Plant is being paid to Friends- wood, Initial payment is for $54,200 (50% of the total) with the balance to be paid when paper work has been completed. � � 7. March 5 is the last day for. candidates to file for the Apri1 5 election. � � °� PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS • � 1. Mr� Jerry Burns of Riverside Court in Vi11age Green petitioned Council �"� �o make permanent repairs to main sewer line serving his home, stating �Gy' �hat this work has 6een done periodically, but due to delay in answering ` his ca11 Saturday, his house was flooded with considerable damage. He asked that the City reimburse him for the loss. The City Manager �ras directed to follow up on this situation, but Mr, Burns was told that .�he City could not reimburse him for the loss. 2. Mr, 6i�1 A11an, Friendswood Community Servi�e (formerly Friendswood Youth Gounsel i ng- Commi�ttee) di-s cussed wi th Counci 1 requesti ng funds � through ,%' the Ho�ston-Ga1 ueston Ar�a Caunci 1 Regi Qn in a Criminal Jtas�i ce Counci 1 -'��' Ac�ion Grant �o hire a j�avenile c.ase worker. A req�airement of the grant ,��' reques� is for the Council �o pass a reso1ution s�ating that the City wi11 continue this progr�m whenever funding has been conc1uded by the Crimina1 Justice Counci1 (which cou1d accur after three years), Resolution #�4-75 :to thi.s ,effect was read by Mayor Lowe. ' � MOTIQN: (Haken) To adopt Resolutian #4-75 S�con�: Qaker , Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � 3. Counci1man Gonza1ez announced that a group, including himself, would '�� make a tour-of C1ear Creek area via the Goodyear blimp on Wednesday of this weekp purpose .to make observation of alternate plans for the C1ear Creek flood control project. 4. A 1etter from the Women`s League �states that that organization wi11 be comp1e�e1y inactive for the year 1975 but hopes to reactivate its acti vi ti es i n 1976. .. - ----------- - - - ---------- - --- ------ ---- -------------.,.._ I� � �. 5. Mre Bill Murphy has writte� reques�ing a refund of a pub1ic hearing fee paid to the Planning Gommission on the basis that there is no published or unpub1ished schedu1e for such charges, This item was referred to the City Manager for an opinion from tfie City Attorney. 6. A letter from Attorneys McNea1 , Thrash ,& Williams re C & C Enterprises proposed suit against the City, states that the suit is being fi1ed. STRE�T PROGRAM - Councilman Go.nza1ez reviewed street work in progress, � propose�pragrams� and priorities for the balance o�F the �iscal year. � With a ba1ance of $18,000 in the street improvement budget, he proposed � ��1 that Pecan Street (from Heritage to Shadowbend) be surfaced with asphaltic ��� concrete, 32 feet wide, at a cost of $8,000, leaving a balance of $10�000 in the budget for capital street improvements. The Baptist Church has requested that parking space in front of the church be included in the project at the Church's expense. The City Attorney wi11 be consulted on wfiether city employees and equipment can lega11y do this work for the Church. �„��,�s_�,��=�;��l�w�der the Federal Ai d to Urban Systems ProgramF the Hi ghway Department � Qti' p1 ans to expend $60pQ0�J wi thi n" the Ci ty. The fi rst request from the a� Ci�y was r�jected, so it was suggested �hat a request be made for surfacing '1 on Whispering Piries from FM 518, uti1izing a new righ�-of-way to be acquired by the Gity, which would eliminate the curve in Whispering Piries. The City Manager was� asked to get a report on the status of payments to the contractor on the bond street paving program to determine any overage. ELECTRIGAL RATE INCREASE - A letter from Mayor George Freebornp La Marque, reques�s input from cities served by Community Public Service regarding their feelings and/or anticipated actions or investigations into the reques�ed rate increase by CPS,. ;This wi11 be an agenda item for March 17. RESOLUTION #5-75 � A RESOLUTION DECLRRING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF ` FRIENDSWOOD TO JOIN WITH OTNER GOVERNMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREPARING ; � AND IMPLEMENTTNG A COORDINATED WASTE TREATME�IT MANAG�MENT PLAN (and �- designating the H-GAC as the planning agency for the area) MOTION: (Windler) To adopt the Resolution #5-75 Secon�: Naken � Vote:� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D LCTTER FROM JUDG� HOLBROOK RE CCBA - Mayor Lowe .read a 1etter fr�m Judge Ray Ho roo �to. Senator Sc wartz asking tha� he use his influence to abo1ish � the CCBA. Copies were sent �o Mayors in the area asking that they write �) letters supporting this idea to Sena�or Schwartz, ��� MOTION: (Wind1er) That Gouncil go on record as supporting the County � � —`J�cu ge on this matter; and to authorize the Mayor to write a 1etter ' to Senator Schwartz stating �his fac�. Second� Patton Vot�: Unanimous FOR MOT�ON CARRIEp REGIONAL SEW�R SYST�M - Coun�i1man Wind1er made a presenta�ion of the cash f ow expecte in construction of the system� inc�uding r�ecessa;ry credit and reimbursemen� of gran� �'unds. Three let�ers were read from �he Texas Water (�ua1ity Soard, subjects: Infi1tration/Inf1ow Analysis and Survey P1an; Pre1�minary Faci1ities P1an; and Project Change Request. EPA REGIONAL DIRECTOR - Mayor Lowe� reported �hat he wil1. ta1k �o Mr. Russe1l Train of the EPA an Mr., Bi11 Wa�ker� Exec�tive Assistant �o President Fordp in Washington next Wednesday in an effor� to get Mr. Pau1 Como1a appointed . as Regional Qirector of EPA in this area. � �. �' , LIBRARY REPAIRS - Mr. Bruce Goss report�d on a study of th� bid to repair the ibrary, pointing out �wo areas which might run as overages on the bid from Houston Industrial C1eaners, tlie only bidder for tfiis work. He and the , ,,`' Ci ty Manager recommended tha� tfie contract be awarded for $4,475.00 t�;a�� �� MOTION: (Patton) That the library repair contract be awarded to Houston Industria1 Cleaners. � � Second� Windler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . ANIMAL CONTROL - Mr. Morgan made a report on the dog pound conditions, �� sugges�ing t�iat a wa�er 1ine be run from Fox Meadows to serve the pound and that a temporary bui1ding be used to house supplies and as a cat pound. He also made a report on �he number of dogs picked up this week. Revisions to the dog ordinance are sti11 with the City Attorney. i BIQ RE UEST FOR NEI�J CITY VEHICLES - Mr. Morgan asked authorization ta go �� ` � ^� out�or�i ds on tFie fo�Towi ng ve�Fii cles (�i ne i tems i n the present budget): -�,��' one sma11 pi�ck-up for the Utility Depar�ment; one sma11 pick-up for the � Sanitation Department, one 1arge pick-up for the Stre�t Department; and �+ two po1 i ce cars. � � MQTIQN: (Baker) To authorize request for bids on this equipment � Second: Wind'ler, � �Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES Ord. #211-E (Re�enactment as emergenc.y) (Speed limit on Sunse�) AN ORDINANGE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISYONS OF ARTICLE 6701Dy VERNON'S TEXAS CIVII. STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC ' INUESTIGATION� UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE ,�x�� _ NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLA�'IOIV OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND ;({; DECLARING AN EMERGENCYA '"' MOTION: ,(Haken) To adopt Ordti #Z11-E as an emergency. Second: Baker Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D Ord, #228-E (Re-enactment as emergenc�) (Stop si�ns at Shadawbend & Quaker) AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN FIND NGS; DESIGNATING THE PLACEMENT OF A STOP SIGN AT A CFRTAIN INTERSECfION; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR 1lI0LATI0N; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , ,� ;7� MOTION: (Hak�n) To adopt Ord. #228-�E. as an emergency4 � Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR 1�OTION CARRIED '...9{ <<,,Ord. #229-E (Re-enactment as emer enc ) (Cedarwood one-wa at schoo1 hours) ' AN ORDTNANC� D�SIGNATTNG C�DARWQOD A ON�-WAY STREET B�TW�EN THE HOURS OFFICIALLY POSTEQ ON SCH001� DAY5 ONLY; DIRECTING TH� CHIEF OF POLICE TO ERECT SIGNS SO QESIGNATING; AND PRQVIQING SEVERABILITY ,� ��, ANQ PENALTY CLAUSES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , ,� � �-, MOTION: (Gonzalez) To adopt Ord� #229-E as an emergency ---- Se-con�: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord� #232-E (Re-enactment as emergenc ) (Construction s eed zone on Clearview) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT DURING CONSTRUCTION ON A ,� PORTION OF CLEARVIEW WITHIN TNE CITY LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOOD; PROVIQING �;a A P�NALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ,£� ;�;� MOTION: (Gonzalez) To adopt Ord. #232-E as an emergency ,' Secondp Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp - --------- - ------ --- -- -.-— -- --- � � �, � FIRE STATION - Mr. Morgan repvrted that�� variou� i�ems� ne�ded to comp1ete �'1 tFe fire s�ation-wauld cos� appro�cima�e�y $1500. These are: sand, �� landsc�ping� shrubsy- s�riping drivewa.ysy car- stops, doo.r c1oswres, p�aque, �� and f1ag�nole, Money cou1d ne used from the EPA reimbursement funds� then replaced if tax money runs over the anticipated amount. MOTION: (Windler) To appropriate $1500 for� the extensions. to the fire station Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FpR MOTION CARRIER WARRANTS - The fol1owing warrants were unanimously a�proved for payment: G&A #5331 - Adirondack Chair Co. 9 Inc, $ 659.12 #5332 - Browning-Ferris• Indus. 637�10 #5333 - Aetna 1508.71 #5335 - Rosenberg Library Assn. 1052.06 M&0 #2778 - Amer.ican Tank Co� 2074.50 Const. #187 - Engineering P1us 2447.02 #188 - Marathon-Mischer Co. 72,547�69 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The mee�ing was adjourned. ' �� p.�-�- �� ����2-` _.___.�,.,_ City Secretary . Approved: �,�.,. � .�. , �1 � ayqr Ra L. Lowe ' �