HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-02-24 Special f�(� ��t" ��°�� �� �' �, � MINUTES OF A SPECIAI� MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CQUNCII, February 24, 1975 The Friendswood City Council met in a Special Meeting on Monday, February 24, 'a� 9:00 p.m. fo11owing a pub1ic hearing pn environmenta1 impact of - the proposed subregiona1 sewer syst�m. Members of the Counci1 present were: � ; Mayor Ralph L. Lo�re -��� Counci lman Wi�11 i am Patton Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman. Richard Haken Councilman Ra1ph Gonzalez Councilman Milton Windler � G�ith a quorum present� and with Counci1man Edward Zeit1er absent, the fal1owing business was transacted: � EMERGENCY ORDINANCE N0, 233-E � � �' �,,,� AN ORDINANCE �STABLISHING EL�CTIQf� PRECTf�CTS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDS- � W00�; D�SIGNATTNG TH£ PQLLING PLACES IN EACH SUCH PRECINCT; AND ���',' � DECLARING AN EMERGENCY , i¢�' MOTION: (Patton) To pass Ord, #233-E as an emergency Secon�: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED R�601�UTION #3-75 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF FRIENQSWOOD � AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EARNEST MONEY GONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN , '�-`', _ TH� CITY OF FRTENQSWOOD AND A. J: PETERSON BUILDER, INC. (for additional '`��'' i 1and to �he baseball park} 4 ! , MQTIOI�: (Baker) To approve Resolution #3-75 �-� Secon�: Wind1er Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED A�lNOUNC�MENT FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Lowe announced that the EPA has approued ,-j'J reimbursement to the City for expense of the Sunmeadow sewer plant ��.'� ` cons�ruction in the amount of $54,000, with an additional like amount to be forthcoming when a11 audits are comp}1eted. COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH CLEARWOODS RE TRANSMI$SION SEWER LINES - Councilman Win er rea a etter from t e Mayor to Clearwoo s proposing that the two entities appoint representatives to meet and discuss the installation, ownership or renta1 of these lines. The Friendswood Committee wi11 be Mayar L.owex Coun�ci1man �[�ind1er, Manager Jim Morgan, and Engineer Jim Eller, , , �.. �QG PROSL.�MS - Mr. Maxw�71 appeared to discuss the proposed dog ordinance ,'1 " present� with his petition 1ast week. He stated that there were some , `� errors �n �he ordinance as presen�eda He wou1d 1ike to see Council �� work up a new ordinance incorporattng the changes req�aested by the ' p�ti ti oni n� gro�ap. A 1 etter was read from the A1 exanders wherei n the� gaue thei r vi ews of the dog questi an. ADJOURNME�iT - Moti4n made and secanded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting ' was a�journed. � ; -� � Ap P ro v e d: � .��,`�,a,---��,/,�..�.��.c�� � �"�'��'���,� ' Gi ty Secretary ��' C�%i+� �„1� Ra ph L, Lowe, Mayor, ,