HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-02-17 Regular � o � MINUTES OF A REGUI�AR,M�ETSNG� OF� THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL ' February 17,. 1975 A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he1d at the City Hall at 7:30 p,,m. on Monday; February 1Z, with the fo1lowing members present: Mayor Ralph Ls Lowe ` Counci�man �[i11iam Patton � ; Counci1man Ralph Gonzalez � Counci1man Richard Naken Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeit�er Counci1man Mi1ton Windler (arrived late) With a quorum present, and with none absent, the following business was trans acted: � REApING ANQ APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Feb. 3, � approve as read. � ANNOUNCEMkNTS & COMMLJNICATIONS FROM TH� MAYOR G� � 1 , Ma.yor Lowe, John � Crenshaw� and Lee Nicho1s met with the Gorps of Engineers '� regarding the Clear Creek project, , 2, Mayor ta1k.ed to Mike Schaffer of the Harris County Task Force and requested tha� before they make any decisions� on �Clear Creek they cammunicate with the City. A1so an invitation was issued to meet with the mayors concerned with f1ooding on C1ear,Creek to discuss the projected p1ans. 3. Comp1etion of FM 518 is now set for March 15, 4. Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority has se�G up a �rip to San Francisco to view so1id waste disposa1 faci1ities. Mayor L.owe and severa1 other - city representatives plan� �o make �he t�^i°p. Mayar Lowe: stated that the expenses for his makin� the trip wauld no� be from city fundsA __� 5. Mayor l.owe asked the Ci�ty Attorney�� to cl ari fy quest�ons regardi ng the change, in County Voting Precincts and new lists. 6, A public hearing on the Regional Sewer System will be held in Friendswood Ci t,y Hal l on February 24. 7. Construction has started on Section II (97 1ots) in Sunmeadow. 8. The Arena Board has recommended Dr. ,�i. P� Jones W. B. Woods Be , , tt White Y � Jack Petty, and Stasan Funk (new) as the new Arena Board� No action was taken on this request. P�TTTIQ�IS & COMMUNIGATIONS 1 . Circus Relocation - The Board of Adjustment issued�;a Spe�ifi� Use Permit for a circus, sponsared by the JC's to set tap this evening on a lot � a�ross from the .Bap�i�t Church. Becaa�se of wet grAUnd, the circus was ��t, given permission �o mov� on.to .Pecan Street. Mrs. Bernice Box� secretary ��l' for the Board, and Rever�nd Fry of the Bap�ist Church protested the �use of the street, over.riding rta1�ng of the Baard. Rev. Fry stated that he fe1� s�ach activities shauld be confined to park areas away from residences. The si��at�on wi 11 be d�sc�assed at the next warkshop. 2, Mrs.� Caro1 n R. Norris appeared before Council , asking that the record / ref ect t at s e has�'fodged a comp1aint against Marathon-Mischer, the ,4`7 contractor. who� is paving streets in the city under the street bond ' program9 complaint being that in lowering the. south side of Spreading '���� Oaks Dri.ve, next to her. home at 418 0ak Vista, the process of 1oading _' the dug-out material into trucfcs had set up su�h a ground vibration she feels that �his resu1ted in hair1ine cracks in the foundation and ceiling of her house. She was no� asking for restitution at this time but aSked that the coritractor be requested to use some other method of 1oading the dirt in the future, , ,r 3. Federa1 Aid to Urban S stems - zn response to a request fram the Nighway �`1� pepar�ment, Mayar Lowe as writ�en '�o MrA Omer F, Poorman setting for�h '� Fr�endswood's pri ori ty request for tfie use of these funds: (1) Greenbri ar��'�� from FM' 2351 to FM 528; (2) Bridge structure over Coward's Creek; (3) Extension of FM 518 East; (4) Extension of FM 518 West: - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- __..—---- -------------------- ------—--- — -------- ----,—-------- � .� � 'I , I MOTION. (Patton) To approve �he acti.on of the Ma,yor in his letter to the �Fli gT�'way Qepartmen� re Federa1 Ai d to Urban Svstems Second: Gonza1ez , � " Vote� FOR (6) Lo�re, Windler� Patton; Gonza1ez, Haken� Baker, AGAINST (1 ) Zeitler MOTIQN CARRIEQ � 4. Doris Heard - ,C.A.R.�E, re a lication for rant for ark develo ment. ;�' MOTIOI�: (Baker) To accept recommendation of CAR� and proceed on for ��� a grant for faci.1.ities, appoint the Mayor as the responsible � officer and the Ci�ty.Manager� as the fisca1 .officer. j Second: Gonzalez . � Uote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIFD RESOL:UTIpN #2=75 (stating that application be made to the Parks & Wi 1 1 i e' for a grant for $30,000, and setti ng forth the offi cers as�s�ated above): MOTZON: (Baker) To adopt Resolutian #2-75 Seco�. . Gonza1ez Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED r ���;�' 5. Houston Natura1 Gas Rate Increase - Mr. Baker of HNG asked Council 's approva1 of a clarification of rate schedule on consumers using 150,000 or 1ess of� gas per month as opposed to 1arger-sca1e users who are on ' con�rac�. The proposed ordinance was referred to the .City Attorney for s�udy and rewriting, for�p�sting and presentation to Counci1 for consideration, with implication that it probably would be adopted. ' 6� Communi�� Pub1i.c Service� - Mr, Charles. Mills asked for .an electrical �� rate increase of 17�3% for residences and 9.76% for commercia1 users, givin� 2680 as the number of customers in Friendswood and relating ,�� a�her figures. which� Counci.1 . has requested. The City Attorney pointed �ap �he fac� that CPS figures are�.based on "original �ost" rather than "fair va1�ae" as r�quired by Statutes and the City Charter. Counci� 's ' decision was to contact other cities in the area considerin� the same � reques,t; and to study the request further to see i f �i t is justi fied� MOTION: (Gonza1ez) � That consideration of this rate increase be tabl,ed for two weeks, Second: Zeitler � , . Vote� FOR (2) Gonzalez, Zeit1er AGAINST (5) Lowe, �iind1er, Pattan, Haken, � saker MOTION FAILED M9T�ON: (Zeitler) To a�athorize the Gi�y Attorney to prep�re the proper ordi nance-�for fi rst readi ng on March 3, Second: Wind1er Vote: Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED Counci1 's p1an is ta make a thoro�agh study af th� r�quest before final reading ,on the ordinance. (Mayor Lowe left the meeting a� th�s p�int� Mayor Pra-tem Haken took the chai r) � G/�LUESTON COUNTY DRAINAGE DTSTRICT .I.�GISLATION - Councilman Baker stated that �� e was�;oppose to creation a a�. rainag� istrict. Coun�ilman Gonza1ez said h that he wou�d bring tc� Council avai1ab1e infarmation frpm the Galveston '�) Co�an�y Mayors & Coun�i 1men"s Associ a�i on and from the Fri endswood Drai nage �istrict which would .c1arify the intent of the proposed bill . I ` � CLEAR GR�EK BASIN AUTHORITY - Counci1man Gonzalez recommended. that some � �, representat�on from Fr�en swood be present at the workshop of CCBA in which ��l they p1 an. �o i ni ti ate a .1 awsui t agai nst thi s ci ty for pol l uti on of .C1 ear r.,� Greek. The City Attorney advised against .discuss�on with CCBA under circum- stances of threatened litigation. Secreta.ry d� re�ted to send them notice of our up-�oming Pub7i� liearing. � �,�, SUNS�T GROSSTNG - Mr., Morgan . reported that �he County has been contacted J.� an ave sta��' that i f the Ci ty �n�i eer wi 11 draw up a pl an for ri p-rap at ��j �he Cow�rd"s Cr�ek/Sunset �rassing, �hey wi7� participate with the city, I � �? �,r LIBRARY REPAIRS - Mr. Morgan said the contract has nv� been awarded because e an Mr. Goss have been unab1e �o get togetfier ta review the bid. PARK PURCHASE - Mayor Lowe and Mr. Mo'rgan have made no progress an purchase of 1 an� at t e ol d ci�y park,4 The Renwi cfc area purchase i s wa�ti ng for an earnest money contract to be executed; �hen �he tit1e �ompany wi11 be ins�ructed to proceed with the transac�ion. � HQRS�SHQE B�NAS Ol� CLEAR CREEK - Mr. Morgan stated that his 1ast word was ����� � 1.� t a� arris an a veston Counties were nego�iating with the Brazoria County ; Qrainage Qistrict to do the work on straight�ning these bends, t ---� STRE�TS IN SUNMEADOW - The deve1oper of Sunmeadow has requested that the City ' accept tfie streets in Section II. Mre Morgan reported that this would not ,� ) �� ' inc1ude storm sewers which sti11 are not comp1ete, but recommended that the streets be accepted contingent on placement of two street signs which have not been erec�ed: I MOTIQN. (Zei�ler) Acceptance of City Manager's recammendation to ac�ept I' � all streets in Sunmeadow Section II with the addition of two street �,� signs, � Second: Pat�on �, Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTIO�! CARRIED � � OR�DER CALLING CITY ELECTION APRIL 5 - Mayor Pro-tem Hak�n read an arder by �;' � �ayor owe �a ing t e elect�on in accordance with the E1ection Code of ���.� Texas. Some discussion centered around use of a11 three new prec�ncts insitead of combining 56 and 60, but the order stood as readt PETITI0�1 FOR INITIATION OF A NEG1 DOG ORQINANCE - An affidavit, si�ned by �" Mr, and Mrs, James E. Maxwel1 , Mr. and Mrs, Noward L, Yeaqer, and L�nda , �j•�9�`'' Richards„ was filed with the City Secretary stating that they wi11 be , ` responsible for circulating a petition for initiative of a new dog ordinance. The ordinanc� the,y propose to circu1ate was attachede Several citizens i sppke regarding the dog situatione ' R�11IS�p BQpKK��PING SYSTEM - Mr. Morgan, in a memo to th�e Council , outlined ,,' ;� some changes recomrr�nded b.y the Auditors. in the Gity's bookkeeping system. �t.�� Mr. Lairson, Auditor, proposes to do the necessary work to set up the new system for a cost of $3,500 .p1us out-of-pvcket cash expenses. Mr, Morgan recommended to Council that the plan be implemented and the services of Lairson, Young and Fitch be approved. MOTION: (Wind1er) That Counci1 approve the recommendation af the City Manager re1ative to the revised bookfceeping system, and services of the audi�i ng fi rm. Secand� Zei tler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL MQTION: (Windl�r) Ta approve �&A Warrants 5272, 5273, 5274, 5275. Secon : Zei�7er Vate.� Unanimous FOR . MOTIQN CARRI�D MOTION: (Wind1er) Tp approve M&0 Warrants 2751 , 2771 , 2772, 2773, an�T2761 Second: BaCcer Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTTON CARRIED AQJOURNMENT, - Motion that meeting adjourn� Meeting was adjourned, � � ; r t...� --�,�.�..�.....�.� = � City Secretary /�pproved„ �� � r � __..�.;=��'���__'____�,_.� r�-�C-G�~�.� Mayor Ralph 'L. Lowe �