HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-02-03 Regular ' d� Y" �� � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETTNG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February 3, 1975 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was held at the City Hall on Monday, February 3p 1975, at 7:30 p.m. with the fo11owing members present: � Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman Benny Baker Counci1man Ra1ph .Gonza1ez --�� Counci1man Richard Ha(cen Councilman William Patton Councilman Milton I�indler Counci1man Edward Zeitler �li�h a quorum present� and with none absent, the fo1lowing business was transacted� READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meetin� of January � 2 , 1975, approve as corrected. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � � 10 Representatives from the Texas Parks & �lildlife pepartment w�11 be in Friendswood Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning to tour the city parks. 2. Jim Watt of the Parks Department wi11 be in Friendswood February 10 to meet with the CARE group to discuss development of city park areas. 3. Highway pepartment and Brown & Root representat�ves were invited to be present tonight to discuss plant�ng of the FM 518 medians. 4a Regarding refunds on construction cost of sewer p1ants built in the past 20 years, the city expects to receive approximate1y $99,000 on the Sun- meadow plant. � 5. The city's request for par[c gran� wi11 be considered by the H-GAC this ' week, and a waiver of retroactivity has been received from the Department ' ; of In�erior which wi11 enable the city to purchase the additions to the �-- parks without 1osing the eligibility for grant funds when funds are avai�ab1e. P�TITIpNS ANQ COMMUNICATIONS 1, Mr. Dan Vinson, State Highway d epartment,� presented a revision to the maintenance agreemen� be�ween the Sta�e and Friendswood regarding the four-lane FM 518 through town, The revision "EXHIBIT 'A' - NON-CONTROLLED ,> ACCESS HIGHWAYS" contains the�addition� of Item IV which states that the ��4� Ci�y is to p1ant and maintain 1.andscaping of the raised esplanade; � � howeverA if the State ever feels that the esplanades are not being �� maintained in a safe and 5ightl,y condition, then they� upon 30 days ' written notice, can take over the maintenance or remove planting, leaving the esplanade in a canditivn most' advantageous to the State. W�QTION: To �pprove the revision �o th�e Mun�cipa1 Maintenance Agreement Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2, Mr� V. W. Stephens who is deueloping Mustang Meadows, requested that the Ci ty parti ci pate i n exte.(��di ng ut�i�i ty 1 i nes to th e s ubdi vi si on to ! eliminate the use of water wel1s� and septic tanks, He was advised by �4` ' Counci� �hat �he City has se� po��cies on such situa�ians, that he �'��' � shou�d di sctass thi s wi th Mrw Morgan. I MQT�ON: (Gonza1ez) That this �tem be p1aced on. the next wor[cshop agenda, that Mr. Stepk�ens ta1k with Mr. Morgan about city policy, giving Council a better basis for discussing the particu1ar situatian, S�cond: Haken � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION GARRIED ,� �4 "-"' 3. Herita e Estates , Accep�ance� vf contractor's work on streets and utili�y 1ines material and workmanship). The developer had relieved the contractor of some items origina1ly ir� the contraGt, and gave the Ci�y a 1etter to this effect, but requi�red approval from the City for the contractor's w�ork before, re1easing payment for the contract. Mr. Morgan s�ated that the work has been. tested and approved by the City Engineer and the Utilit�es_ Superin.�enden.t� and that he has a letter . ' from Dr� �]ames F. Fai.r.1-e�gh ��aki�n� �fu.�l. responsibi1i�y for 25 1ong � Dual water service, 23 short, dua1 water service, 6 long single water service, and 6 short sing1e water service (taps) and that he plans to insta11 these services within 90 days. Also that the contractor has ---- been re1eased. from installation of aspha1t surfacing on two entrances off Quaker Drive; this wi11 be insta11ed when weather permits. Mr. Morgan recommended that the material and workmanship be approved. ' . This wou1d no� constitute acceptance of the subdivision, .� MOTION: (Zeit1er) That the recommendation of the. City Manager be i �-1� accepted and the contrac�or's work b"e approved, Second: Baker �'� MOTION� (Gonzalez) That the matter be postponed till next week to � permit him to observe the work done in Heritage Estates. � Second: Haken � Vote.� FOR (1 ) Gonzalez AGAINST (6} Lowe, Baker� Haken� Patton, Wind1ery Zeit1er MOTION FAII�ED Vote on Ori i nal Moti on ' OR 6 Lowe�Bakern Haken, Pattong� Windlers Zeitler AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED 4. Openi ng of Bi ds on Repai rs to the Li brar� - Only one bi d was recei vedp this from Houston Industria1 Cleaners: Exterior cleaning $1 ,766.25; ; Interior c1eaning $456.00; Weatherproofing of exterior $981 .25; i��� � Other work at $10/hr. ; Materia1s at dealer cost p1us 10%e � i> MOTIQN: (Zeit1er) To refer the bid to the City Manager for study and recommendation, Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � � 5. Dog Problem Co�1aints � Severa1 citizens spoke to Counc�l regarding a , �, specific in�ident regarding dogs at large and the dog problem in � � � genera1 , some specifical1y criticizing the po1ice for their activi- ;,�� , ties related to dog contro1 . The City Attorney stated that there are some weaknesses in the present dog ordinance. MOTION: (Zeitler) To authorize the City Atto.rney to work at correcting any technica1ities in the present dog o"rdinance. Second� Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS 1 . A Resolution �in Supp.or.t of Land Subsidence Legislation - as presented by the Ga1ves�on County Mayors and Councilmen"s Association, was read as Fri endswood Reso1 uti on #1-�75.. ' � �� ,�4-� MOTION� (Patton�) To adopt the resol uti on as wri tten �����J Secorid� Gonza1ez _`. Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2, Surfacin of Winding Wa and Briarmeadow (to accommodate the new elementary � Sc oo - Councilman Gonza ez gave severa1 passibi1ities for surfacing � of �hese streets, a1ong with the cos�9 and recommended the least '� � �xpens�ve approach as fo11ows� For a 28" surface� base 5% lime �reated ��;'�' �S�pha1t inverted pene�ration topning, the City furnishing drainage and �� mater�a1s for base and surface, with the Count,y being requested to furnish �abor and equipmen�. � -- ...... ------�--- - --------------- - - - - - ---- - --- --------- --- - - - - � � �, MOTIQN� (Gonzalez) Tha� �he City:Manager .be instructed to submit a 1etter to Commissioner Hopk�ns setting forth the program as described and request�ng assis�ance from the County as stated. Second� Haken A Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED y���' 3� Park �Purahase��= .Mayor,. Lowe .reported: tfiat progress, is :being made on the �• propose pur,c ase ,of, addi t,i ons to �he par.ks� that, a letter grantz ng a waiver of r,e�roacti.vity has .been received from the DeptS. ,of Interior whereby the park may be purchased prior ta approval o�' grant request. 4. Fire_ Station - Approval of Warrants, for final_payment � ' MOTION: (Wind1er) . To approve Construction Warrant #185 to Franks & Sons as fina1 payment � (excep�ing retainage) on construction 1 af the fi re. station. {��� Second: Haken .G� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ! '�' i MOTION: (Windler) To authorize signing and issuance of Construction Warrant #1.84 for the 10% re�ainage when approva7 has been I , received from �he. City A�torney and �he Building Inspector that a11 conditions of the contract have been fulfilled. Second: Haken Vote. Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ `� 5. C1ear Creek Drainaqe Program - Mayor Lowe r�ad a letter fram Co1 . McCoy ;� - 0-� of t e orps o ngineers giving sta�us of the project at this ,��� point. Counci1man Gonzalez reported that he had met with the Harris C.oun�y Task Force and spoken for the north by-pass plan, Mayor Lowe asked for unity on the Counci1 in support of the best plan for the ci ti zens of Fri endswood. , � 6. C1ear Creek Basin Au�hori.t -� Char es a ainst Fri,endswood - This subject � was Zscusse. at s.ome eng , ounci man onza ez. repor�ed on a meeting � �, witf� CCBA representatives4 Mayor Lowe read a 1etter which has been sent to CCBA in answen to �heir char.ges against the City. The City Attorney stated that in his opinion a situation which .may :possibly end in a l�aw- � suit shou1d not be discussed in open meeting, r� �� r �� 7. Sub-Regional Sewer System - Mr, Eller, of Engineering Science presented }' some new cost figures on the project and presented to Counci1 a comp1ete copy of the ,ADVANCED WASTE TREATMENT PROGRAM for. review� No action taken, � WARRANTS FOR APPROUAL MOTION: (Windler) To approve G&A Warrants 5194� 5�95� 5198, 5199� 2300„ 2301y .and 2197 to Municipa1 Code Corporation to be re1eased on1y af�er receipt of the Code books. Second: Haken � Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOT�01�: (Wlndler) To approve M&0 Warrant 2745 to �ngineering Science. Second: HaKen Vote; Unanimous FOR � MOTIQN CARRIED MOTIQN: (Wind1er) To anprove Canstruction Warrants 181 and. 182. Secon : Patton � Vo�e:; Unanimous �OR MOTIQN CARRZE� MZSGELLANEOUS - Councilm�n Wind1er asked that signs be placed at dangerous p aces on streets under construction. Counci1man Gonza1ez asked that the secretary make up. forms for disc1osures of candidates �as provided in the Charter� R�v, 1974, ADJOURNMENT - Motion made that meeting adjourn. Meeting was adjo�arned, APPROIIED: r ,,.,. �� /�� ,� � �,� � 4 , `„ a..<r'.°.�-��-���2:��'�G ` -''1 � /'��,� Ci�y Secret y ayor R ph l.. Lowe