HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1975-01-20 Regular �.'� e?' -- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWQOp CITY COUNCIL A Regular Meetin� of the Friendswood City Counci1 was held at the City Hall at 7:3� p.m. on Monday, January 20, 1975� with the following members present: ; Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ; Counci1man Edward Zeit1er , � Counci lman Benny Baker , �---� Gounci 1man Ri chard Haken Coun�i1man Ralph Gonzalez Counsi1man Wi11iam Patton With a quorum present, and with Councilman Milton Windler absent, the fo�1owing business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of � January , approved as read. � ACCOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � � Gx� 1 . Hearing on regional sewer system � Que to an error in wording of the i� notic� for a hearing held January 13, proper notice wi11 be given and a s�cond hearing will be held on Febraary 24. 2. Oath of office for Planning Commission members Leah North and John ,� Tirado, was administered by the Mayor on Thursday night prior to the �L� � ' P1anning Commission meeting. May�� LoWe' a1so �7sited the Library Board meeting and the �uxiliary Police meeting Thursday evening. 3. Harris/Ga1veston Couny Clear Creek Proje�t - P1ans for this clean- out project, as drawn up by Harris Courity Engineers, were found to be more extensive th�n �is anticipated for the work, ' As a result, Galveston ; County �ngineers are re-drawing the p1ans. If they meet with Harris County's approva1 , there wi11 be a meeting wlth Brazoria County people _ I next Thursday. Mayor Lowe wi11 make further reports at next meeting - of the Counci 1 . 4, Beautification Committee wi11 meet Friday with the Highway Department in hopes of obtaining approval of plans for plantin� of the median on FM 518. 5. Houston-Ga1veston Area Council annual meeting will be held on Friday, January 31 , in Galveston. CI.OSED SESSION (To discuss appoin�ments to �ommittees. See 7ater meeting i tem PRESENTATION OF PLA(�UES - Presentation of plaques by �he Mayor to Mrs, Ruth , � a oney for nine years of service on the Library Board, and Mrs. Janice �' �� Berthiaume for her eco1ogica1 contribution to the City through the reG,j�c1 i ng program whi ch sfie started and oaerated unti 1 recent1y, �' . � ! OATH OF OFFICE FOR LIBRARY BOARD MEP�BERS - Mrs. Dorene E. Chambers and j� Mr. Bruce G�ss were sworn in as members of the Library Board� � AWARpING OF BID ON CITY HALL, EXPANSION� - Roy Harper of E. Kelly Gaffney Arc itectural Firm advise Counci on ways in which the cost of this �ontract can be reduceds, by not removing old brick from back of b;uild�ing �'� ��� �o����ease�i��nnf.ront; donati on of 1 abor or materi als; sa1 vage of materi a1 s; ���, � 1�� �` Truitt New fee�s he can save some money on the wiring when he gets into I the job; possible� reduction in cost of carpet,{ He stated that Mazak's _�_. bid iS in line with cnnstruction costs today and that they will furnish a performance bond in the amount of the contract. He and the City Manager both recommended that Mazak`s bid be accepted. MOTION: (Haken) That the contract� be awarded to Mazak for improve� men�s to City Hall with the stipu�a�ion that the contract be reviewed by the City Attorney and that any addi�ions be made to the contract that he deems necessary Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FQR MOTION CARRI�D - ------ - __._ ___.._._.____-- --.___ ..--------.--- --_ . - - _------------ , ------------- ----- � � � ------ -- -- ---- APPOINTME�IT OF CITIZ�N COMMITTE�S - P�ayor Lowe stated that he wauld like to se� a preci ent of reappoi i�ti�ng' a�1 ` ci ti zen commi t�ees i n Janu�ry � r�ather than at various �imes' throughout the year, and that each group �� e1ect or re-appoint a chairman .when the new appointments are made. ,y Counci1 was in agreement.with this policy. A1so, that a17 committee \ members be assigned 'a "posi'tion number" and that Councilmen serve as ex-pffi ci o memb`ers on1y w-i�th- no voti ng power. �oning �oa�r�d� o�f R'djustmen� � � MOTION. � (Haken) That Wil�liam Dykes be appointed as Alternate #3 � Se'co: Zeit1er � Vote. Unanimous Ff1R M�TION C�IRRTF..D Baseball Board MOTION: (Zeitler) That the Basebal1 Board be dissolved and that its responsibi1ities be transferr�d to C.A.R.�. Second: Baker Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTIO[� CARRIED Beautification Committee - Mrs. Ghris Perner, Chairman, is to be " contacted for recommen ations to this committee, Communit��aYouth Counci1 MOTIONa (Patton) . That Dot Davis, Russe1l Wil1iams, Jean Welch, and Jean� Cab1er be �appointed to replace Ra1ph Gonzalez, Diane van Wagner and fi11 out the Counci1 to seven membersy and that Benny Baker be� appointed as Coun ci��1 representative to the group. Second: Zeitler � � � Vote� FOR (5) Lowe, Patton, Zeitler� Baker, Haken AGAINST: none ABSTATNING (1) Gonzalez MOTTON CARRIED Committee �For Ath�1etic and Recre��tional Endeavors (CARE) ' i � I MOTION: (Baker) To appoint Howa�d Wi1coxony Ann Spears , Ken Wester- fie1d, and Don Wade to replace A1 Gratia, Jack Petty, and Richard Yancey� and fi11 one vacancy, and that Glen Summers be appointed as A1terna�e #1 Se�ond: Zeit�er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Electrical Board - Ordinance requiring a Councilman to serve on this oar w� e changed and an additiona1 member wi11 be appointed to fi11 the vacancy, of Councilman Haken, l.and Use Committee (appointed to `study park purchase in 1975) ' I MQTION: (Zeit1er) To dissolve the committeey a new committee to be appointed if a need arises. Second� Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Term of Office for appointed Boards , Committees, etc. MOTION: (Pattan) That present committees as appointed serve for one year, with re-�appointments to be made each year. Second: Haken Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ i � � i � PETITI4N FROM SCHOOL FOR IMPROU�MENT TO STREET IN FRONT OF NEW �LEMENTARY �' S H 0 - rs4 7c ie owison reques�e "tha�',,Br�armeadow e improve to �,±� Sunset and that 'the work be done be•fore .opening of the� new school in � August. Mayor Lowe sta�ed tha� it might be possib1e that the County would he1n the City on this project. ��;�,� �n I SUNSET CROSSTNG ER�SSON - Mr„` Morgan report�d. that the County has said , they wi work with the City on some type of control of erosion at � the Coward Creek� cr,oss��ing on Sunset,. SOLID WASTE FEES - Mr. Morgan repor�ted �ha�t the Commissioner's Court has recommende that the increased ra�e per ton for so�id waste be set ,�,;°� at $3,OQ, but no officia1 actiort has been taken pending in-p�ut from )��" other cities using the dump gr.ounds: Mayor Lowe said that Pearland is now negotiating for a dumping area for so1id waste and Friendswood � might be able to make an agreement� wi�h Pear1and to use this fac7lit , Y AVAILABTLITY OF SURFACE WATER US. WATER ►�ELLS - John Tirado of the Planning amm�ssion intro uce representatives from the Galveston County Water � ��; Authority who gave a presentation of projected plans for furnishing �.�' surface water to cities and industries in Galveston County and parts of Brazori a County. LETTER TO WC&ID #108 RE INFILTRATION STUDY - In connection with the Regional Sewer faci ities ah necessity for infi �tration studiesy Mayor. Lowe �'� wrote a letter to WC&ID #108 informing them of their responsibi1ities �` in �his program. Counci1 appr�Ved sending this letter. � � CI.EAR CREEK BASIN AUTHC�RITY - Mayor Lowe read a 1etter answering charges ;� from CC� regardinq PoT�ution of Clear` Creefc by Friendswood, stating , ;' that records ref1ect that the City's faci1ities are within required � ��� � standards, and inviting CCBA representatives_ to meet with Courrcil if they� so wi�sh..: . Counci l approved the° 1et�er. � SUB�IQENCE RESO�UTION � Co.uncilman Gonzalez. asked that Council consider a reso ution from� W-GAC requesting that 1egislation be enaeted regulating excessive ground water wi�hdrawa1 for the purpose of con�rolling subsidence. The reso1ution wi11 be on the agenda f.or the next meeting. � , . I ' WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL � ��-� MOTION: (Patton) To approve G&A Warrants .5163, 5164y 5165, 5166p 5167, ��y. 5170, 5171 , and 5174, SeGOnd: Zeitler Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTIOI� CARRI�Q MOTION; (Patton) To approve M&O Warrants 2717, 2718, 2719, 2720. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D MOTIQN: (Patton) To approve Constru�tion AGCOUnt Warrant #180. Second: Z�i�1er Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D AD+lOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was ad,�ourned. � L . � � ..s � � �2.-,_/,� �, �;-. City Secretary APPROV�Q: ��° �.5 - ��5 �' Da.te' � ! C�.,.�:'=C Y ��S',� J/ , ' Mayor Ra�p� l..Lowe� , �., ,, , . � , ,