HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-12-16 Regular - - -�:- - - � �, �y� MINUTES OF A REGUCAR MEE'fING OF THE, FRIENQSW00Q CITY COUNCIL December 16, 1974 A Regu1 ar Meeti ng of the .Fri endswood Ci ty Counci� was he1 d at the Ci ty � Ha11 at 7:30 p,m; on Monday, Qecember 16, �974, with the fo11owing members present: �� Mayor Ralph L. l.owe Counci1man �dwar.d Zei�1er . Gounci 1man Beriny Ba[cer Councilman � Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonza1ez Couneilman Wi11iam Patton With a quorum present, and with CounGilman Windler absent, the fol1owing � business was transaated: � �. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Motion made and seconded to approve � minutes of a Specia eetinc� of November 25 and a Regular Meeting � of December 2, as written. � Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMEf�TS & COMMUNrCATZON� FROM THE MAYQR" 1 . Mayor Lowe expressed appreciation �o c�ty employees. and others who have expended efforts on beha1f of the city dtaring the past year. 2. M�yor Lowe, Jim Morgan, Counci1man Wind1er,, and Jim E11er will meet with �PA re��esentatives �n: Da11as on Wednesday� in connection with the proposed�"sewage �rea�ment facl�iti.es. 3e The city's reque5t for matching funds for additiona1 park land is now in �he hands of the Houston-Ga1veston Area Counci1 and the ; Depar�ment of Parks and Wildlife, OPENING OF BIQS� 1 . Bids on Cit Ha11 Ex ansion - Of the two general contraGting bids receive for th�s wor , nel�her contained the required bond. On advice from the City Attorney�, the fo1lowing action was taken: MOTION: (Patton) To return the bids and set a new date for bids to �be recei v�d. Second: Haken Vote. Unanimous �FOR . . . MOTION CARRI�Q 2. Bids for Pavin,� of Shadowbend - Thre� bids opened and read as fo�lows: Marathon=Mischer - $219970.00 � Bost Cons�ruc�ion - 18,700,00 Ike Ha11 Construction � 18,140.00 MOTION: (Gonza1ez) That bids be turned over to the City Manager and City Engineer. for tabu1ation and recommendation to Council . Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR. MOTION CARRI�Q . RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT � R, J. B1anlCen, C.A.R�E, representative, �I �.-'��' , reported on recent actiVi�ies�. and �requested that Council re-commit �- one-half �he sales �ax, through the year 1977 to the Recreatian Department, It was a1so reques�ed tha� Counci1 endorse a p1an �o build four 1igh�ed tennis caur�s at Stevenson Park, financing to inc1ude $10,OOO .budget carry-over, $20,000 in �ime warrants , and, if approved, the: use of $30p000 in grant money from the Parks and Wi1d1i,fe Depar�mentp MOTION. (Gonza1ez) To accep� the CAR� Committee's recommendation on� bui�ding of �e.nnis courts. Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous F'OR MOTIO�I CARRIED � � I - --- - ----- ------— - - - - �� �-� - ----_ . , --- - af �`.� MOTZONs (.Conzalez) Tha� thi.s Council .be on .record as supporting and� :imp1em�nti;n�.� �the-. po,1�-i:cy .of- de1.e;gatang Qne�ha1f the .sa1es �ax to recreation".f�r �he nex� �F�ve years, and the o�her half �a �he s�ree� program, Second: Haken Vote. Unan.imous FOR '� . � MOTION CARRIED PARKING I,ANE AROUND���UNI�OR�= HIGH SCH.00I; .°- �harles Ba�mgardner of the Sc o01 pi str� ct, recjues�ted' t at the Ci�y i nc1 ude an �extra`.park�ng 1 ane on the �?aure1 and Sprea�ing Oaks sides of the Junior High School as a part of the pavi n g programy. ;wi th the :ci ty and the s chool parti ci pati ng 50-50p reason being that .a1ter.native methods of acquiring off-street parking for the s'�hoo1 wou1d be .much more expensive, MOTION: (Patton) That the.�eity par.ticipate in the cost of widening Laure1 and Spreadi..r�g� Oaks in an amount not to exceed $4,000, this amoun� to be financed �y time warrants if needed. Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mr,- Morgan informed the' .Counci�: �hat he and Mr. Baumgardner have dis- cussed the shortag"e of� in�e�ts i�nto �f�e storm` sewer on W.00d1awn at Spreading Oaks. This 1ine �s now being 1aid, and Mr. Morgan stated that three or more additiona1 in1e�s will be added to expedite the flow of water during hea'vy `rai'n�. . , .,BULKHEADTNG AT SUN��T .CROSSING OF �OWARD'�' CRE�K - It was noted that t�ie s1opes of t e crossing recent�ly surf��ed.�b y the .C,ount y� are begi nni nq to •erode�:rar�d t�tiat wi th a h�eav�� ra�n or hi gh water the erosi on may en.danger tlie ct^os�i r1g:: Mr."<„E�9organ was di rected to discuss �he matter wi�h �he Coun'�y'`Englneer to see if the Coun�y would p1ace some . �ype of bu1khead��rig' on:�he s1opes. ADDITIONAL LIBRARY H�LP - "PatY�icia Jbnes .has requ�s�ed that the young ' man who is working in the library ,under a County program for the j underprivileged9 be permitted �o work an extra five hours on Saturday at the City's expense. � MOTION: (Zeit1.er) To. accept the,�Librarian:s r,ecommendation of hel1ng for an additional five hours per week for the extra P• Second: Haken Vote, Unanimous FOR � MOTZON CARRI�D CHANGE IN GARBAG� "ROUTES - Mrs Morgan i'nfor�med Counci.l �hat .Sun Meadow and West Friendswood C1over Acres,) .wi11 , in the .future, receive garbage col1ection on Mondays �and Thursdays.' By a-1so re-schedu1�ng some of the container pick-ups, th,ere wi�1 be no pick�up on Sa�urdays„ thus putting the workers on a five-day forty-f�our week• except in case of° emergen�ies. , I ORDINANCES - Ord. #T�11-A - Abandoning Road =� Tfiird� and Fina1 Reading � AN ORRINANCE FINDING Af�p pEl"�RMTNING_THAT �PUBI.TC.C�NU�I�I�NC� ANQ NECESSITY' QO NOT REQUIRE �THE °CONTINU`Ep EXISTEPdC� OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF A `PRIVATE "STR'EET' SHOWM OfV"�A PL'.AT`OF TH� �VOSS SUBDIVIS ION AS RECQRDED JN VnLUME 254� PACE 63 'OF THE D�ED RECORDS OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AUTHORZZING THE MAYOR OR TH� ��A,YOR PRO-T�MPOR� TQ EXECUTE AND TH� CITY 'SECRETARY" :TO .ATT�S�T A QU�TCL,AIA9 p��D CONVEYING SAID .PRIVAT� ST.R��T RIGHT .OF WAY TO`MR: RALFH L.. LOW�, THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWN�R.; AND CONTATNING OTHER PROVISIONS R�LATING TQ THE SUBJECT. . � MOTION: (Zei�1er) To approve Ord: .#7-11-A on third and final reading.� (and assign a pe.rm�nen�t Ord. No. 234) Secdnd: Baker Vote: FOR (4) Zei t1erp Bake�; r{a`k��n-; Pattan AGAINST (� ) Gonzalez ABSTAINING �1) Lowe MOTTON CARRI�p ._._.., - ------:-- ___ - ----- ----- ------------- -- ----------- --- ----. . �. � � GALVESTON COUNTY WATE� AUTHORITY wi11 appear. before Council on January 20p to discuss ayai1ability' of surface water for this area. WARRANTS MOTION: (Haken) To approve G&A Warrants 5030g 5031 , 5032, and 5033 Secona: Patton „ ' Vote: Unanimous FOR' " P�OTION CARRIEQ �, i MOTION: (Haken) To' approve M&0 Warrant 2673 ��-J ' Secon�: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIOI� CARRIED LEISURE LAN� CULUEftTS - Mr. Morgan asked for verification as to who wi pay for t e cu1verts (or�cu�vert) to be p1aced over the drai nage di tch on l.ei s ure Lane.,_ An�.weri�, was tha� the Ci�y wi 11 take care of the bi11 . ` � AQJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The �, meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p�m. U , � �.....�` �� �`.� , Ci ty Secre�ary APPRQVEp: ....m�/�.� � � , ..�. � Mayor. Ralph L. Lowe " Qate_ 1-6-75 � ��--- , �