HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-12-02 Regular �...'��� MINUT�S OF A REGULAR M��TI�1G OF THE FRI�NDSWOOQ CITY COUNCIL December 29 1974 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at 7:30 p.m. December 2, 1974, at the City Ha11 with the fo1lowing members present. ' Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ---- Counci lman Mi 1 ton l�li nd1 er Counci1man Wil�iam Patton Councilman �Ra1ph Gonza1ez Counci lman Ri chard Haken Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum present and none absent, the fo1lowing business was � transacted: � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of November � � , approve as corrected. � Gx7 ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYQR - Mayor Lowe reported t at the Sunset crossing has been comp eted� and asked that the Secretary wri�e a 1e��er to Commissioner Hopkins �hanking the County for this work. DRILLING P�RMTT REQUESTS 1 . Amoco - T. C. Edwards No. 15, SWD We11 No. 28, East Hastings Field Reques� to Repair. � , MOTION; (Patton) To approve issuance of Drilling Permit Secona: 1�(i ndl er �-� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � 2, Crown Central - Application for permit to dri71 Segelquist Sa7twater Disposa1 We11 No. 1 and Crown Centra1 - Application for Permit to dri 11 Emma Ruege No.���1e11 . MOTION: (Windler) To approve these two Permits for Crown Secon�'» Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIQN GARRIED BI-C�NTENNIAL - John Tirado, Chairman for the Bicentennia1 , presented �a -ag which has f1own over tf�e _cap.ito1 bui1ding in I�ashington, D.C. , to Ma,yor Lowe who.9 in turn, presented it to Mrs. Wi�1iam Patton, president of the Hsritage Gardeners. The f1ag wi11 be f1own at the Heri�age Hous�� P�useum. CITY MANAGER - Mr, Morgan- .r.e�orted. �hat the Friendswood/Gtalf Caast contrac� is ready �for signing; that drainage work on Shadowbend is� comp1e�ed; and that �h.e fire station is now dried in, � CL,EAR CR��K PROJ�CT MOTION: (Patton) That Counci� reaffirm its position supporting the Corps of Engineers" Upda�ed Authorized Plan� _.. Second: Baker Vo�e: FOR (6) Lowe� Patton, Baker9 Windler, Haken, Zeit1er AGAINST: none ABST�INING (1 } Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED QRpINRNCES - Ord. #T-11�A - Abandoning Raad - Second Reading AN ORDINANCE FINDING RND DETERMINING THAT PUBI.IC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY DQ NOT RE(1tlIRE 7HE CONTTNUEp EXIST�NC� .OF A C�RTATN PORTION OF A PRIVATE STRE�T SHOC�Jf� QN A PL.AT OF TH� VOSS SUBQIVISION AS RECORpED IN VOLUME 254, PAG�.63 OF Tti� A�Ep REGORpS OF C,AL,1l�ST0�i ____.�.�___-- - -- -- ___ _--------- - -- - - -.._ _ - - -- --- - --- ---- :� �`� � � COUNTY, TEXAS; AUTHORIZI�NG THE M�4YQR OR THE P�A�'OR PRO TEMPORE TO EX�CUT� AND THE CITY' "S�CR�TARY. TO AT.TEST R QUITCLAIM DE�p CONVEYING SAIQ 'PRIVATE STRE�T';RI`GNT OF I�AY .TO MR. RAI.PH l,. LOW�, THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER; ANQ CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. ° ' ' MOTION. (Haken) To 'approve.second reading of Ord. #T-11-A Second:� Baker . Vote: FOR (�) W�nd1er, Pat�on, Naken, Saker, Zeit1er �GAIN�T �(T): ��onza1ez ASSTAINING (1) l,owe MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPR011A1: - MOTTON. (Wind1er) To approv� Construction l�arrants #173 and #174. Second: Haken Vote= Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED MOTTON: (Windler) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 4980 thru �984 and �961 , Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�Q MOTION: � (Wind1er) To approve for payment M&0 Warrant 2664, Secon�: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:1.0 p<m� � � � � � � � � City Secretary APPROV�D: � ..;:.�-_...� �� J ��C_'��.��.�. �--�� �'�i. t9--Z.�,�-e.� ay oM r Date: 12-16-74 �