HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-11-18 Regular ---------_._- - �F� � MINUTES OF A REGULAR�M�ETING OF TH� FRIENQSWQOQ CITY COUNCIL November 18, 1974 A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was .held at the City Hall on Monday, November 18, 1974, at 7:30 p.m, with �he fo11owing members present: --� Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Edward Zeit1er . Coun ci 1 man Benny. Baker Counci1man Richard.Haken. Counci1man..Ralph Gonza1ez Counci1man Wil1iam Pa�ton Councilman Mi1ton Windler .; With a quorum present, and with none absent, the fol1owing business was � transact�d: � � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a REgular Meeting of September � 3p , ap�rove as rea ; Minutes of a Regular Meeting of November � ' 4, approved as corrected. ANNQUNCEM�NTS AND COMMUNCIATIOfVS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Ma,yor Lowe welcomed all visitors �to the meeting, and the Secretary who has been �absent from work for six.weeks. due to illness: : 2. Friendswood Drive is schedu1ed for topping on Tuesda.y of this week. 3b In talking with Bovay Engineers . regarding subsidance, the Mayor learned �I that a�new geologica1 survey is being comp1eted for this area and ' copies will soon be availab1e, 4. The Coward Creek crossing was previously scheduled- for comp1etion this weekp but work has been delayed because of rain. - � 5, Invitation from S&B Engineers to Council to visit their Woodlands sewer Plant. 6. Supplements �o the City Charter are now available in the office of the City Secretary, AWARDING OF BID ON M�LOQY LANE WATER LINE - Mr. Morgan recommended that the contract e awar e to ora Construction for both 1abor and materials � sinc� the tota1 of his bids. would,be less than any other bid or combi- nation of bids. There was some discussion as to whether bids received from one �Firm for both parts of �he contract• wou7d be legal . MOTION: (Zeit1er) To accept the recommendation of tlie City Manager � and award the contract to the low bidder, Mora Construction Coo Second: Baker MOTION:. (Zeit1er) To table the .above motion pending arrival of the attorney, Second: Baker Vote: .Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLEAR CRE�K PROJECT - Mayor Lowe gave an explanation of the status of this project at t e present time� and read two 1etters into the record, one from Judge Ray Ho�brook and orte from Commissioner Bass of Harris County. � Mr. Bass" 1e�ter stated that he fel� the� "Authorized P1an° is the only ___ feasib1e routing for the .Clear Creek Project�, Judge Ho1brook voiced his disappointment at the opposition expressed by many citizens and environ- menta1ists against this plan at the meeting in League City, and stated that this opposition must .be countered by letters from citizens who support the Authorized. P1an urging the Corps of. Engineers to proceed at a11 haste��:•�o imp1ement this p1an, 1et�ers �o be sent.before Qecember 6, A number of citizens in the audience urged �the Counci1 to pursue this project. A po11 was taken indicating �he Mayor and five Counci1men favoring pursuing �he Authorized P1an; Councilman Gonzalez s�ood firm for the north by-pass, No officia� act�an was �aken. _._� .. - - -- - ---- � --- --- --- -- - --- --- -- �":.����� ---_- ----- AWARDTNG OF BIDS (Untabled by motion and unanimous vote) VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: (to award both materials and labor bid to Mora) Unan�mous FOR � MOTION CARRIEQ �,r�_t, LEISURE LAN� — Councilman Hakeri re�orted that it is the City Engineer's � yr � opinion that:�no mor.e than..one cross—over shou1d be permitted between Leisure L.ane and C1ear Greek Drive, that _this shou1d be placed. at the end of the street� that a cer�a�n size� cu1vert shou1d ,be used. in order � that drainage w4u1d.not be�. curtai1ed, and that .the crass�over be 40" i wide, Mr» Ba1dovan, Mr. Blanken, and Mr, Ga11ey spoke to the subject before the fo11owing: action was _taken: MOTION: (Gonzalez) To accept the recommendation of the City Engineer to. place one cu1vert aceording to City specs on Leisure Lane: S�cond: Wind1er Vote. Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED STREET PROCRAM REPORT — Counci1man Gonzalez reported that Shadowbend,from S.unset to Woo awn, as has been budgeted� is ready for surfacing at a cost of $15,975. . MOTION: (Gonzalez) To proceed with the work on Shadowbend at a � cost of $16g975, Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�Q� DAIRY QUEEN REQUEST FOR CUT IN MEDIAN ON FM 518 — Councilman Gonza1ez ma e a recommen at�on that t e request be enied, and made the fo11owing moti.on• �� MOTION: (Conzalez)� To inform �he:Dairy-Queen that the request will not �be supported .by the City a� this time, but at the proper I � time follot�ing complet.ion ,of construction a traffic survey � wi11 be made. � Se�ond; Windler Vote: FOR (6) Windler, Gonzalez, Patton� Lowe, Haken, Zeitler � AGAINST (1 ) Baker • MOTION CARRIED I���� GCWDA/FRI�NQSWOOD SEWA�E TREATMENT: CONTRACT -- Councilman Windler and Mr. I Pau Qavis"of GCI�D reviewed ;the� status :.of. contr.act nego�iatiansA Attorney Bi11 O1son. �tated.tha� an�,easement�� deed from GCWQA to the City shou1d be made an a�tachmen�t to the cont�ac� before con'summation. or.execution on behalf of the City. Wedgewaod;:...M;Ubp. .55; and Homart Development (Sears) a1 so need to si gn s��andard'"-con�rae�ts� for servi ees :from the tr�atment faci1ities before finalization . of the GCWDA/Friendswood contract. Mr. 01son read a reso1utibn authorizing Mayor Lowe to sign the contract and the City �ecretary to �attest; `orr fu1fillment of the above con:ditions. MOTION: (Wind1er) To adopt the resolution Secan-3: Gonzalez Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ Mayor l,owe ,read a joint letter from Friendswood and GCWDA to Clear Woods (Wedgewaod) sett7ng November 19-as� deadline for regional contract signing. (12:20 a.m. Councilman��-Gonza1ez left the:meeting) ''���� CTTY AUDTTOR SELECTION' — Mr, Morgan presented a:1et�er proposal from Earl airson & Company �o do the 1973-74 audit for a fee not to exceed � $4�500 to $5,000 �1us cash expenses (not to exceed $250) . MOTION: (Wind1er) To.accept the recommendation of the City Manager � and engage:��ar1' Laa rson &. Company as :audi tors. . . Second:� Patton Vote: FOR (5) Windler, Patton, Lowe, Haken, Baker AGAINST (�) Zeit1er MOTION CARRIEQ — - - -- --- – - ------------------- �. �� � � �t�'" ! J � ACCEPTANCE OF HERITAGE ESTATES SECTTONS I & II f MOTION: (Patton) To accept Heritage Estates Sections I and II con- t�n.gent upon a guarantee from the .deve1ope� stating that the �ift station and, fo�ce ma�n wi�1 be comp1eted as p�anned, and th,at no bui1ding permit wi1� be issued un�il this work is done and paid for, t Se�ond: Zeitler. � ; Vote: FOR (5) Wind1er, Haken, Patton, Lowe, Zeitler i A.f.,AINST: none � ABSTAININ� (1) Baker MOTI01� CARRIED The question of whether the develo.per of Heritage .Estates should receiv� a refund on cost of drair�age pipe for the storm sewer through the subd�v�sion in=which the Cit� participated� was . di scussed. The op�ni on.� of th�'Ci�y� Attorney•was that i f Dr. Fairleigh has not paid the City for the tile, this should be done at once; if he has paid, the law wi11 not permit the City to make a refund to him. � THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY FOR CITY EMRLOYEES' � ., _ , ,.. , . . ,,.. ,.:, . .. .� � �,; - . . , .. �" MOTIONs (Wind1er) To appro"ve the City Manager's request to close � the. Cit offices on Frida November 29 followin Thanks �vin [�1 Y Y� y> 9 9� 9• i� (The P.D, and Sanitation Deptd would. be in operation) Second: Zeitler Vote: �Unanimous�. FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES � Ordinance #230 - Adoption of City Code - Third and Fina1 Reading � �AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CITY CODE OF. THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD,;� TEXAS, ESTABLISHINC THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL ( OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES' IVOT INC.LUQED TH�REIN, EYC�PT� AS HEREIN �XPR�SSLY PROVID�D; `PROVTQING `FOR'THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH CODE; -� ' PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREQF; PROVIQING FOR THE MANN�R OF AMENQZNG SU.CH COp��: AN�. PR�VID.T.NG AN EFFECTIU� QATE, N10TION: (Zeit�er) To adopt Ord. #230 on third and final reading Secon�: Haken V'ote: Unanim�us FOR�: � MOTTON` CARRIED Ordinance #231 - Design for"Dr'iveway�/sidewalks/etc:-3rd & Final: AN ORQINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES� AND REGULATIONS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTTON OF DRIVEWAYS; SIDEWALK�, PARKING LOTS� CURBS, GUTTERS, AND ALLEYS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A P'�NALTY; AND PROVI.DING FOR SEVERABILITY: MOTION: (Zeitler) To adopt Ord. #231 on third and final reading Second: Windler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Emer enc Ordinance #232-E - Const�uction S eed Zone on Clearview AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMI7 DURING, CONSTRUCTION ON. A PORTION OF CLEARVIEW WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOOD; PROVIDING ! A PENALTY FOR THE' VIOI.ATION THEREOF;`DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. i � MOTTON: (Haken) To adopt on one reading Ord, #232-E Second_ Patton. Vote. Unanimous FOR,. � MOTION GARRIEQ Ordinance #T-11-A = Abandoning Road - First Reading . , AN ORDINANCE FT.ND.I.NG AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ANQ NEC�SSITY QQ NOT REQUIRE THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF A CERTAIN PORTTON OF A PRIVATE STREET SHOWN' ON°A PLAT OF THE VOSS SUBDIVISION AS RECORDEQ IN VOLUME 254, PAGE 63 OF THE QEED RECORDS OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING TW� MAYOR OR THE MAYOR PRO TEMPORE TO ;�� ---- - � _ _ _ ---- ---- - -- - ---- ---- :('�i� EXECUTE AND THE CITY SECRE7ARY �1`0 ATTEST A QUTTCLAIM DEED CONVEYING SAIQ PRQ�VATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY TO MR, RALPH L: LOWE, THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER: AND CONTAININC OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE � SUBJ�CT: � �`�� � � � � ,. MOTION: (Wind1er�) To approve first'reading:of Ord. #T-11-A Se�' con�: Haken , Vote_ FOR (5) Windler, Patton, Hafcen, Baker, Ze�t�er AGAINST: none � ABSTAINING (T)�� Lowe � � ����� � �� � �MOI'TON CARRIED - �. � � �� ,� i WARRANTS FQR APPROVAL - The �following warrants were approved for payment ' on t c motion o Councilman Windler,. second by Counci1man Patton� and unanimous vote of all Counci1 membe�rs; _ - , G&A: 4920� 4921 , 4922, 4923, 4925� 4926 • M&0: 2641 A Construction Account Warrant #172 to Franks. and .Son was tabled on the mo�ion of Counci1man Patton, Second: Haken9 Vote: Unanimous FOR ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meetin� was � adjourned� a� approximate1y� 1.30 a,m: � � City Secret APPROV�p '� ,.-����,�,�,� ,�� ��� /"� -r'il.....-'� E"-�C.. L� �.• �J� ayor Date��-� T_�� I I � ' � --_._....----- -- - - - - -- -� -- -- - - --- ----- - ------- ...... - �,�'� i MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRI�NDSWOOQ CITY COUNCIL November 259 1974 A Specia1 Meeting of �he Friendswood City Council was held at the City Ha11 on P9onday9 November. 25, 1974, in conjunction with a workshop session� for the express purpose of ap�raving a warrant to Franks & Sons, contractor for the fire station�, in the amount of $169814.00. �i� All members of the Council were present. � MOTION: (Patton) To approve Construction Warrant No. 172 � Seco�: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ CLEAR CREEK PRO�]ECT - A number ofi citizens from Wedgewood were.present an spo e for an against the Up�da�ed Au�horized Plan. P�layor Lowe �� read a 1e�ter from the Corps of �ngineers on the subject� No ac�ion d" was taken. �.► � Motion was made and seconded that the meeting ad,journ. The meeting � was adjourned. � � �. . :'-E.�_ �� .. , �, City Secretary ,� APPR�VED: � ,;. r,..... , � I '" � �� 4`s ,,...�'�` �' ' Ma or Date• 12-16-74 !