HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-11-04 Regular , � ���,�- MINUTES OF A REGUI,AR MEETING OF TH� FRI��IDSWOOQ CITY COUNCIk November 4, 1974 The Friendswood Cit,y Counci1 met in a regu1ar. session on Monday, November 4, 1974, a� 7:30 p,m. with the fol1owing members present: � Mayor Ra7ph l.. Lowe -- Counci1man Mi1ton wind1er Counci1man Ra1ph Gonza1ez Counci1man Richard Haken Counci 1man Benn Ba(cer Y Councilman Edward Zei�ler With a quorum present� and wi�h Counci1man William Patton absent, the fol1owing business was transacted: � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES � � Minutes of a Regu1ar Meeting of October 21 , 1974 were corrected G� as fo1�ows. W a, Ordinance T-10-A to be designated as. Curb Cut Ordinance b. Emergency Ordinance should.have �a number and shou1d be designated Stop Signs a� Quaker and Shadowbend, Four-Way Stop at Quaker and Shadowbend: Minutes approved� as corrected, ' ANNOUNCEMENTS & GOMMUNICATIOIVS FROM�TNE MAYOR I1, The Mayor announced tha�t the general e1ection wi11 be held on Tuesday, ; November 5; and he-urges everyone, to vote; 2. The Committee that had gone to Washington ear7ier in the year concerning � the C1ear Creek F1ood Proje�ct would be having a meeting at the Nassau Bay City Council Room on f�lednesday at 7:30 p:m. , 3, Mr. Lowe read a letter from Pete Snelson, Senatorx concerning library appropriation.s for the coming 1egis1ative session. 4. He expressed corf�b1ences to Commis�ioner Paul Hopkins upon the death of his fa�her. 5. He stated that representatives of the City and Gu1f Coast have had a meeting on November 4 for the purpose of contract negotiation for the regiona1 sewage system, 6. He read a 1etter from Southwestern Be11 Te1ephone Company stating that the mi1ea�e charges for a sma11 portion of the north section of �own and a 1arge portion of the southern part of the+.town would be reduced. CHURCH STRUCTURE AT THE CORNER OF SUNSET ANQ FM�2351 - Reverend Herrin of t e Unit� Pentecosta ureh presente , a etter to the City Council ` i n whi ch three property owners ,sta�ted �ha�� they- had no ob jecti on to the ; 1ocation of a church structure at the corner of Sunset and FM 2351 , Mr. �___ Herrin was referred to the P1ann�ng Commission with this information. ENTRANCE TO QAIRY QUEEN - Mr, Jack Bub of the Friend5wood Dairy Queen appeared e�Fore t e Counci1 for the purpose of requesting the e1imination of what he considers a bottleneck,at the entrance .to the Dairy Queen upon �omp1etion of FM 518o He stated:that. he�. fe1t for traffie purposes . . i� wou1d be .be�tter: to.have an additional cut through the median. This I item was re.ferred �o Counci1man Gon�alez for recommendat�on a� the next regul ar Counci 1 meeti ng, . ----- --. . - _- ----- - - --- - -------------- - - ---- - - ---- --- -;- _ ..� � �� �t� CLEAR CREEK F�OOD CONTROL' PROJECT - .The. fo1lowing members of.the audience (�� a resse t is , particu1ar questian, Mr� . Buzz Kerr� read a letter. from + � � the Imper�i.a1 ' �sta�es.;�Civic, C1ub to the U.S: . Corp .of.�ng�neers :�n .which � the Civic C1ub sta�ted they.preferred the nor�h bypass .but would be agreeab1e to accept the upda�t�d authorized.plan. , Mrs: Qavid.McCraw expressed an° opi ni on that. the Ci ty shou1 d .exerci se::extensi v�..eontro1 over �he Corps project:;regard1e�s:�of..wh�ich plan. they fina11y determined to be mos� .prae�i.c�1 e : :She: s.�at�d 'that�sh�. �referred- the-north bypass route. Mrs. Diane Van �l�lagner expressed an opinion that the north bypass route shou1d� b.e �he route recammended; � ' MOTION: ! ' (Gonza1ez) That the City Council .suaport the north bypass a7ternateb Mo�ion died for, lack of a second. �, MOTION: (Windler) That�the City Council support the upda�Ged authorized plan. Second: Haken Vote: FOR (5) Lowe� Windlery Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED Mr, Gonzalez stated at this point that�.it.was his intention to present a minority report.at the Corps of Engineers hearing on November 7 at the League City Divic Center supporting the north bypass alternate. REGIONAL SEWER SYSTEM - Councilman>.Windler.explainEd the .pertinent points of� the proposed contract .between ;th.e City and Gulf Coast Waste Qisposa1 Authority� and answered questions that were raised concerning various poin�s, He stated tfiat if the �Counci1 ,.had no objection that this i�em would be on the� aqenda for Council action on the regular meeting of November 18, 1974, and that it was believed that MUD 55 and the Sears project would have signed their contract prior to that ti me. ��� LEISURE LANE AND SOUTH CLEAR CREEK DRIVE - Mr. Bill Olson, City Attorney9 i � �� state t at after is review of.this particular situation he had - determined that both Leisure Lane and..South Clear Creek Drive are City s�reets by prescription even. though .at.one time they.had. been designated as private. roads. HP stated further that the City.may regula�e the. ins�al1ation..of culverts in the ditch since the diteh is an easement to the City. After a 1engthy discussion.with residents on both Leisure Lane and South Clear Creek Drive it was determined that Councilman Haken shou1d study this with City Engineer Heaney and make a recommendation to ' City Council at the next regul-r meeting.on November 18� 1974. INSURANC� - Councilman Baker requested a copy of a11 correspondence between Roya1 Globe Znsurance� Company.and�Doctor .Conway. OPENING OF BIQS FOR EXTENSION OF WATER LINE ALONG MELODY CANE TO VILLAGE GREEN - Fo11owing bids were reeeived and opened: Labor On� Materials Only Mora Construction Co. $6,795.06 Utility Supply Co. $ 9,993,00 Ben Fe1ts Construction 9y741 .91 Western Supply Co. 10,588.55 Bos� Ditching Service 7,569.00 �.abor & Materia1s � i Mora Construction Co. $17�002.00 P�OTION» (Haken) To refer �he bids to City Manager for recommendationo Second: Baker Vote. �Una�nimous FOR ` � ` � � MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES �- Ordinance #T-�10=A - Curb Cu�s - Second P,eading. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS .FOR THE RESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF QRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS� RARKING LOTS, GURBS� GUTTERS, AND ALLEYS; CONTAiNiN.r, OTHER PROVISIONS RELATIf�G TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIQING A P�NALTY; AND PROVIDIN(; FOR SEVERA�II,ITY. �y � �... WARRA�lTS . P10TION: (Windler) To approve. G&A Warrant #4861 for $16,750, M^&�l�larrant ,#2601 .for $729,08 and Construc�ion Warrant #171 for $22�'129.64 Second. Haken. Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler�. Zeitler, Haken, Gonzalez ; AGAINST (1 ) Baker MOTION CARRIED -- RESOLUTZONS Reso1u�ion No. 15-74 - A RE50LUTION ENDORSIN� THE UPDATED ' AUTHORIZED PLAN BY THE 11.S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR THE ENLARGEMENT AND RECTTFICATION OF GLEAR CREEK. MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve adop�ion of Resolution #15�74 Secon : Wind1er Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler, Zeit1er, Baker9 Haken � AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez � �"' AQJOURNMENT - There being no further business.� the meeting was adjourned. . �..� ! � �� / � I ,�=t ,<�, y,�-�' Acting fol the City Secretary APPROVED: j ;.. -,�.���� �� f�� ' 1Tay 0 rA v - Date f/-1 � �- "7� ,