HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-10-21 Regular � �; �_ MINUTES OF ,A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRi�NDSW00D CITY COUNCIL October 21 , 1974 The Friendswood City Council met in a regular session on Monday, October 21 , ; 1974, ,,at 7:3Q p.m� wi th� �he f,ol l ouri ng members�presen�: , � -� � '; i Mayor Ral�h L. Lowe � Councilm�n'; Ralph Gonza1ez Counci 1:�i�ri Ri chard Haken Counci X�ian l�ti 11�am Fatton ' Counci 1ma�n' Mi l.ton Wi ndler �Counci1man� Benny Baker. Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum, present, .and with. none absent, the fol1owing business was � transacted: � � READING ANQ APPROVAL OF MINUTES: � � G� Minutes of a:Regu1�r Meeting of October 7, 1974 approved as corrected. � Minutes of a Specia1 Meet7ng of October 14, 1974 approved as written, ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMP�UNICATIONS FROM T11E MAYOR 1 . The Mayor reported that the City Secretary was feeling much better and expec�ed to be home this week. 2. The Mayor announced that on October 15, .1974 the Texas Water Develop- ment Board approved two cuts on Clear Creek, one in the vicinity of � � �he Sera Country Club and the other up stream from that near the , (� Friendswood Link Road. ���- 3. The Mayor announced that the County is presently working on the Sunset � Crossing of Coward's Creek, 4. The Mayor�annownced,that the engineer for the Friendswood Drainage Qistrict had� indicated to him the Qrainage Qis�rict would like to expand their boundaries. . , CLEAR CREEK FLOOD CONTROI. PROJECT - Ga1veston County .Judge.Ray Holbrook, ��'"'�� , Commissioner Pau Hopkins, Mr. Jack Armstrong, .and Major.Tennemeyer � of the U,S, Corps of .Engineers appeared to discuss the C1ear Creek F1ood Control Pro��ect, Judge Holbrook indicated that this has been designated the number one.project for �he Southern .District of TeXas if support is unified, The Judge indicated that there are three possible alternate p1ans for the improvement�of Clear Creek: 1 ; The updated authori�zed plan will begin at Kemah-Seabrook, will follow the channe1 of Glear Creek through Clear Lake upward to just inside the Fort Bend County line for a cost of 47,9 mi1lion dollar,s, of which 34,8 mil1ion would be born by the Federa1 Government and 13,1 million born by loca1 governments. This project provides for a 200 foot bottom from Clear Lake .to the lower area of Friendswood, 160 foot bottom through the majority of Friendswood, with 60 feet bottom above 2351 and the sides wi11 be rip-r.apped in that particular location� � � _,.._� 2a North bypass provides for clean-out .�o th� Gulf Freeway on the northern si.de of Friendswood from�the.Gulf Freeway -to�the old .reservoir near Pear1and. The hypass itself wi1� have a 60 to 90 foot bottom width and a dep�h of 22 feet: The estimated cost is 45,9 million dol1ars with 3� a9 being born by the Federal Government and 14.0 being born by 1oca7 agencies, 3� The south bypass is a continuation of main channel to.Clear Creek and up Chigger Creek for 1-1/2 miles �o FM 528. It then paralle1s FM 518 �o the reservoir near Pear1and. It provides . for a 200. foot bottom on �he bypass .and it wi11 be 25 . fee� deepb The estimated cost is �:60d8 mi1lion with 42.9 to be born by the Federa1 Government and 1709 mil1ion to be born by local governments� ' , -- -- -- - - ---- -- - - - ------ ---------- � � � ---- ---- The Judge state.� that either of the three projects have a cost benefit ratio af 2.8 or 2.9 to 1 , The hearing on the project wi11 be held in League City Civic Center on November Z, , 1974 at 7:O.O .p.m. � L.EISURE LANE AND FRIENDSWO(1D FOREST SUBDIVISIONS - The City f�lanager explained t at t e ,C� ty Engineer a een a e to �o tain .maps of both the Leisure Lane Subdivision and� the Friendswood For.est Subdivision� but other legal instruments. were not. avai1ab�e. The Council was unab1� .to make..a determi- . nation of .the..facts. surrounding.this .disagreement:between. the two sub- ; ' divisions ;.and it was referred. to the City Attorney for review and ; recommendation at the nex� regu�a"r. . council meetingo ; ' -._ YOUTH COUNSELLING BUILDING - Mayo.r Lowe .7ntroduced .to� the audience .Mr. Bruce Gossy who a ong with is wife had contributed a large amount of time to the renovation of the Youth Counselling Building .in �tevenson Memorial Park, OP�NING OF SIQS ON FIRE QEPARTMENT FURNITURE -� Upon recommendation of the City Manager an t e Fire Qepar�ment, the fo1lowing motion was .made: MQTION; (Patton) To award the bid for the furniture for the Fire Dept, in the fol1owing amounts: � � Carroll Furniture $3y511 .26 Southwest Stationers 888.99 , Addirondack 952.26 TOTAL 5�3 2,5 Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED The Fire Department agreed to pay for a11 costs .in excess of $5y000.00. Counci1man l�lind.1er informed the Coun�il ,that,.the_dark .brown.mansard.is .now . � � avai1ab1e �hrough Whir1wind Tndustries and wi11 not require the purchase , ° of unpainted meta1 and then painting over it. Council agreed with this � recommendation. . SUPPORT OF FLOOD PROJECT - PEARLAND - Mayor Carlton McComb of.the City of Pearland appeared efore �the. Counci1 =and stated .�hat their City Counci1 wou1d pass a forma1 reso1ution at their.nex� regular meeting in support of '' the updated authorized plan for the flood project on C1ear Creek, He went further �o say �hat their City Council would have no opposition to the nor�h�rn bypass if that was ,the� route fina�ly decided on. PURCHASE OF BORING MACHINE - ' MOTION: (Patton) To nurchase a boring machine for the Utility.Department, Secon�`fc: .Windler Vote: Unanimous ;FOR MOTION� GARRIEQ CONTRACT WITH GCWDA - Councilman Windle.r repo�ted=:that there is a new draft of the proposed coatract between .Friendswood and Gu1f Coast Waste Disposal Authority, but that there were still two or three areas which need to be changed prior to the� recommendation for approva1 of the contract. CLOSED SESSION - The Council retired from the Council meeting room for a c o�se `session in which the fo1lowing . items .were,discussed= . a. Gu1f Coast Waste Disposal Au�hority contract b, Lawsuit of Rqmeike c. Potentia1 1awsuit against Johns-Nianvi1le,for the f1extran pipe No ac�ion was taken on any of the subjects. ORpINANCES Ordinance �#T-10=A - Curb Cuts .- First:Reading AN ORDINANCE ESTABL.TSHIN� RULES AND REGU�ATSONS..EOR:THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION:OF DRIVEWAYS, SID�WALKS, .PARKING..L,QTS, .CURBS, GUTT�RS� ANQ AL,I.EYS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDI(�G � A P�NALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. ---------— ----------____— �,���"'� MOTION: (Gonza1ez) Td approve first reading of Ord, #T-10-a Secon�';' Zei t1.er Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Wlndler, Gonzalez, Haken, Baker, Zeit1er AGAINS.T (1 ) Patton MOTION CARRIED Emerqency Ordinance #229-E - One readin� :o_,_nl�� ' AN ORQINANCE DESIG�tATING: CEQARW00D A ONE WAY STREET BETWEEN THE �4 , HOURS OFFICIALLY POSTED O�i SCHOOL DAYS ONLY; DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF - - POI,ICE TO ERECT SIGNS SO QESIGNATING; AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND PENALTY CLAUSES;` QECLARING AN EMERGENCY: MOTION: (HaRen) To approve Emergency Ord. #229-E on one reading. Second: Gonza1ez Vote: Wnanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS � � � � � MOTION: (Windler) To approve G&A Warrants #4788, 4789; 4790, 4791y `�' � � 4794, 4822, 4825, and 4826, �� Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED W MOTION: (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrant #2581 Second': Baker . Vote:' Unanimous. FOR MOTION CARRIEQ PLANNING COMMTSSION TERMS - Mayor Lowe noted.that the term of�Mrs. Leah P. Nort and r. Jo n irado had expired on the Planning Commission and . that it was his intention to reappoint both of them for another fu11 term. �` - � MOTION: (Gonza1ez) To approve Mrs� Leah Pe North to one fu11 term on � the P1anning and �Zoning Commission ; � Second: Ha[cen --� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ MOTION: (Haken) To approve the appointmen� of Mr� John Tirado to one fu11 term on the P1anning and Zoning Commission. Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Wind1er, Patton, Na[cen, Baker� Zeit�er AGAINST (1) Gonzalez : A10TIO�i CARRI�D CI.OSING OF 'PRIVATE ROAD = Mayor Lowe stated that he had asked the City Manager to inve.stigate the best.method for obtaining the c1osing of a private road on which taxes have been paid'fever since its inception and which had never been opened �or maintained, for traffic, The City Man'�,ger asked the City Attorney to explain the best method for achieving this conclusion and Mr., �l�on explained that it wou1d he best for the Council to adopt an ord,;nance vacating, abandoning, and c1osing the road and vidi a 't ro n u� claim deed to that iece of d p 9 q p 1 an . AQ�QURNMENT - There being no further business9 the meeting was adjourned. I ' � > ��- ,� � �N��-2'-'mx.�l./.�-/u,, P. �J�-�; ; Acting f�the City Secretary ` ' /�PPROVED: :�� �„l� �+�� ay o Qate //- �``- � '��.