HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-10-07 Regular _"___('�_" ��. t �`�} MINUTES OF A REGULAR ME�TING OF THE FRIENDSbJ00p CITY COUNCIL Oc.tober 7, 1974 (Tn the absence of City Secreta.ry Bobbie Henry, Mr� Morgan made notes and dictated these minutes ta Moonyeen Wood, who �yped them and presented them for approval) r � ; , ' The Friendswood City Council met in a Regu1ar Session on Monday, October 7, ,y ' 1974, at 7:3.0 p.ms with the fo1lowing members present. 1 Mayor Ra7ph Lowe Councilman. Ralph Gonzalez . Counci1man. Wil1iam Pa�ton Counci1man Mil�on Windler � � � Councilman Rlchard Haken Councilman Benny Baker Counci1man Edward Zeitler � With� a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: � W� ANNQUN�C:�M�NTS & COMMUNTCATIONS FROM THE MAYOR . . �{: ,. . � 1. Ma,yor `Lowe announced that there had been a problem at the Captain's Corner Shopping Center concerning the accessibility to that shopping cen�er from FM 518. Mr. Ron Hami1 contacted the Texas Highway Dept. and the prob1em has been resolvedo 2, The Mayor reported that an invitation had been extended to County Judge Ray Ho1brook to appear a� tbe� City Council meeting on October 21 to exp1ain the current status of the Clear Creek f7ood projecte i ; PETITIONS AND COMMUN�CATIONS _ ; 1A Fri�endswood Civic Beautifica�ion Commit�ee,- Mrs� Mi71ie Perner appeared efore t e Counci on e a f of t e Frien swood Civic Beautification Commi�tee to make a report on their st�ady of the plantings to be. p1aced i n �he medi an stri p of. .FM, 518. 2. City Insurance Proqram -,Mr, .Truman Tay1or ,appeared before the Council , a.t Counci 1 reques�::�xp�.1�n� �he� Ci ty's� i nsurance program wi th the Truman� Taylor Agency�.: Af�e'F.,�iscussin� a specific c1aim whic made a ainst the Cit � h had been 9 y for�some inju�ies sustained at the basebal1 park, Mr. Taylor agreed to approa�h his company again to ask their reconsidera- tion for pa,ying that particular claim. In answer to a question concerning ano�her specific c1aim, Mr. Tay1or explained that it wou1d be difficult for �he City to, become invo1ved�in that particu1ar, claim since it had been discussed wi�h the c1aimants attorney. This position was stabstantiated by M1^. Olson�, City �Attorney� An insurance company representative is go;ing���to �contact Mr. Olson to determine his recommendations on a policy �ha� wi11 prec1ude the� insurance company interposing governmental immunity. 3. Schoo1 Safet,� Routes: P�rs: Pa� Riley appeared before the Council to make a pr g s repor't concer.ning the school safety routes. Mrs., Ri1ey agreed to appear with: the Counci1 at the workshop meeting on �October 14� 4. Sunset Crossing on Coward�'s Creek - Mr. Morgan reported that Galveston ! Caunty ad .begun wor on the Sunse� Crossing.•on Goward's Creek 1ast ! Friday by mowing, that� they pl.anned to have their,.surveying work comp1eted, � s�aked out, and actual construction to begin by the latter part of the week of no 1ater than Monday�, October� l4, 1974; 5. Costs for Constructin Bridge on Sunset - Councilman .Patton reported that e a o taine costs or construc�ing a bridge over Coward's Creek on Sunset and that the City �Manager had w�^itten a letter setting forth the details of tfie costs. He indica�ed .it wou1d be his recommendation that the Ci�y pu� this proposa1 to the voters in the form .of a bond issue as soon as the Counci7 could:. determine the necessary width and ler�.gth of the bridge, � After a short discussion it was agreed that. Malco1m Collins should be invited to attend the work session on the 14th at 8:15 p,m. to discuss cons tr�Gti�n Qf a brlda� over Coward's C�eek on Sun�et, �----------------- --- - �----- ---- � .. ------ --- � . _� ----- ----------- -------- , , ------ --�------ OPENING pF SEALEQ UOTA�FION FOR R�PAT�S ON WHITTIER - Quotations were opened and r�a as fo ows: Mora Construction $6,468�00 Barnett & Son No to�a1 given Ameri�an Paving Company $4,812.00 . . � . . . Quota�ions �.Nere referred to the City Manager for eva1uation and recom- mendati on. � � DRAINAGE QITCH THROUGH CITY PARK - Counc�ilman��wind1er mentioned the fact that there is a arge amount of erosion in the large drainage ditch that ' traverses the City Park adjacent to the�.Riding Arena, After some di scussi on the Ci ty Manager was di ree�ed to wri te a 7etter to the Fri ends- wood Qrainage Qistrict suggesting tha� due"to �he size of this particular atatfa11 di�Gch that it might fall" within the purview of the Qrainage Qis�ric� and �o request that if it is within their jurisdiction they ' �ake necessary action to stop the erosion: STATUS REPORT ON FIRE STATION - Van Williams appeared before the Council to give a status report on tf�e construction .of the fire station facility. Very little wark had been accomp1ished during the preceeding week due to the fact that the Contractor had been unab1e to get steel erectors on �he ,job. Mr. Wi11iams requ�sted that the City transfer to the Fire Dept. the $2400 that had been provided by Galveston County for figbting fires in rura1 areas, After .some discuss�ion ther.e �tas a motion as follows: MOTIQN: (Wind1er) That the $2400 from the County be disbursed to the Fire Dept, through the regu1ar City accounting procedures. Second: Zeitler . - Vote: FOR (4) Wind1er, Zei�ler, Baker, Gonzalez � , AGAINST (3) l,owe, Patton, Haken MOTION CARRIED �,�� MET�R DEPOSIT POLICY �� ' i M(lTION: (Zeitler) To adopt the meter deposit po1icy as recommended by '�F�te C�ty Manager Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED: � LOAD LIMIT ON SUNSET�- City Manager Morgan reported that the County had requested a oa 1imit of �5,000 1bs, be estab1ished on Sunset in order to prec1ude the possi bi 1 i ty of rapi d destructi on of that .;;�ia'�ti cu1 ar street. After discussing �his item it was agreed that Councilman Gonzalez and Mr. Morgan wou,1d work out a recomm�ndation estab.lishing load 7imits on. several streets STATUS REPORT ON CURB CUT ORQTNANCE�:t�� Mr. Clyde Raney, P1anning Commissioner, presented a status report on t e ,curb cut ordinancee Upon being informed that the, ordinance had been �ab1ed,. Mr, Raney requested that if the City. Caunci� had no proposed changes ,for the ordinance, action might be taken on it as soon as possib7e. Council agreed to put this item on the October 21 a�enda; ; , ZONTNG REGULATIONS - MrA Raney� stated that:the P1anning Commission had been p ace �n a position of being zoning enforcement off7cer and felt that this was an area that the Rlanning Commission did not need to be involved in, T� was agreed �hat the PC shou1d not be expected to enforce the zoning regu1ations and that if they shou1d re�eive a zoning camplaint or were aware of a zoning infra�tion they shou1d pass that informatiAn on to the � Ci ty Admi ni strat�on. ; ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS � Resolution - Friendswood/Pearland A reement MOTION: (Baker) To adapt the reso�ution authorizin� the Mayor to sign � the Friendswood/Pear7and Agreement Second: Gonzalez � Vote.: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � . �.. � � .'i � � � ��� ,� ,� , � r INTEROFFICE �OMMIJNICATIOPJ ; ,. i � . �( � , M&C-28 � :_ ' �� � - , � �. �,� � . ��r � , , . ;�� ��-0; � Nonorable M�yor aiiri Members of the C�ity Counril ,� � . � - ,�I - Ff:OP1: Ci ty �lanager� - :;..I DATE: October 2, 1974 ' �IiGJECT: hleter� I)epos i t Pol i c:,y . ; ! Gentl errien :' ' ,. . . , . , - '- . - � �r. The fol 1 owi ng i s my recomm'en�dati on for meter M1deposi t ool i cy -brhi ch you asked . me to, formulate a few weeks back : � �� I A11 new re uests f�r water, se��'e��, oi' gart}��ge servi cn 4vi 1 1 � 9 , � r•��quire a $`L0.00 deposit. • . II . If a custonier m�ves firom one lc�cat.ic�n t�o ,�i�c�ther�, t.he f<?1lowir�g � factor�s �Ni 1.1 deternti r�e the rec�ui r�t�mtnt. fc�r c1eF�ii�i.t: � . a ,/ If' a` customer has received service for the preceedina two '� years ��ithout discontinuinc� sei�vicE� for n���.-pavment , . �� s deposi t wi 11 not be requir�ed. ; A; � . w. � � - _ b. If servi ce has been di sconti nued for non-�ayr�ec;t,'e�i���.z�ne or more occasions , deposit will be requir�d. ? • III . All deposits will be reviewed in February of each year. Those customers whose service has not been discontinued for nor�- payment duri ng the preeeed i n9 two y�ar per;i od ���i + 1 t�e gi veri� .3 int of tfieir de�osit) or� th'e ►�ext r��yular ., • mot . ea d� t in th _ , c r c. . , � , ' n ofi s.�tisfiactc�ry t�a��.�r.nt. �tio billing fo1lowing the determ�n� If you have any quc�stions concerning this policy, plf�asE` 1t't ���t'- !�i'�1�`'. ' :.:RESpectfu.11y submitted, . � � � �/ � L�--2`��-.--�./ � � �) � ,�!,��:::.r:. �/ �, . . , . � }• . L� . .. � / James C. '•?oraan ', Ci ty "lanager JCM:mw i . j : , ., , , � I �I � "`� � x � , . , � i . � i � �� � Ordinance #T-8A - Adopting a City Code - Second �Readin� � MOTIQN; (Patton) To approve second reading of Ord. #T-8A Second: Zeit1er Vot�: lJnanimaus FOR MOTION CARRIEp Ordinance #228-E = Sto Si n at Shadowbend and uaker - �mer enc � - , AN QRpzNANC� p�CLARiNG C�RTAIN Fi�IpiN.r,s; p�siGNATING TH� PLACEMENT oF � A STOP ,SZGN AT A C�RTAIN INTERSECTION; PROVIpING A P�NAL.TY FOR VIOLATION; , PROVIpING A S�VERANCE' CLAUSE;' AND QECLARZNG AN EMERGENCY. MOTION: (Zeitler) To adont Emerg�ncy Ord. #228-E on one reading. Se�o�: Baker Vote: FOR (5) l,owe, Zeit1er� Baker., Gonza1ez, Patton AGAINST (1) Windler ABSTAI.NING (.1 ) Na[cen MOTIpN CARRTEQ WARRANTS FQR APPROVAL. � MOTTON: (Windler) To approue G&A Warrants #4760, 4761 , 4762, and 4805; �' ��0 Warrant 2547; and Construction �iarrant 169, � Second: Zeit1er � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � W CLOSING OF PRIVATE ROAD - Mayor Lowe informed the Coun�il that he owns a tract of an at 5 and FM 528 an the narthwester1y �orner, which a� one tim� had a private road on it. The private road had been designed to give �he tract owners access to a public road but had not been used for that purpose for a number of years. He stated that he is interested in getting the road c1osed since there is no longer a need for ite The proper procedure is for the person requesting the closing to obtain eight signatures requesting same, to post this notice at the 1ocation of the � � road and at the City Hall for a 20 day period, and for the Cit,y Counci1 � ` to then ho1d a pub1ic hearing concerning the closing of the road. He '� '� sta�ed tha� he wou1d not vote on this particu1ar matter since he was �'� persona1ly involved, but did want to bring it to the attention of the City Counci1 in order that they might be aware of it, AQJOURNMENT - Motjon made and seconded that the meeting adjpurn, �The meeting T` wa�adjourned. �Zz��u. ,9_„� J,�,�-_>.-� �'A ng or t e City Secretary APPROVEQ: �� � � �