HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-09-23 Regular ------'`�� �9 , �: ��G���.���� �e� �-z.�. !�, / 17� MINI�TES OF A REGULAR P�E�TING OF THE FRIENQS��(OOQ CITY COUNCIL September 23y 1974 The Friendswood Citv Counci1 met at the Cit,y Ha11 on Monda,y� September 23y 1974� at 7:30 p.m„ for Regular Meeting, with the fo11owing members present: , ; ' Mayor Ralph L. Lot�e � Councilman William Patton ���" Counci1man Ra1ph Gonza1ez Counci1man Milton Wind1er Counci1man Benny Baker Counci1man Edward Zeitler With a quorum present, and with Councilman Richard Haken absent, the followin� business was transacted� � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of September 9y � approved as read, Counci1man Wind1er asked that the Secretary transcri,b�e �, his statement regarding enforcement of the Weed Ordinance; he may possib1y � request that this be included in the minutes under consideration) � Minutes of a Specia1 Meeting of September 16, approved as corrected. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE P�AYOR 1 � Proc1amation - National Open Meetings Month, �has been sign�d by the Mayor a� the request of 6�eight Watchers. 2., Workshop meetings are being held with GCWDA to complete the contract between GCWDA and the City for s�ewage treatment faci1ities. ; 3. Ga1v�ston Cotant,y Mayors & Counci1men's association wi11 meet in Friendswood ' �his coming f�ednesda,y nighto _; 4. Bo�h garbage trucks are running at this time; a new copy machine has been purchased and is due for delivery late this week; the fire station con- s�ruction is progressing--the roof should`be on this week. 5. Tfie Y'outh Counseling building will be formally dedicated next Sunday with open hotase from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 6. C1ear Creek Project progress report: Both Harris and Galveston County representatives are present1y making app7ication to the Texas Water Rights Commission for a permit to do this work. This wil� cause another delay in star� of� the two-County project, A meetirig is to be held in League City on November 7 to review the proposa1s for the overall Clear Creek ��rojec� with the Corps of Engineers, PETTTIONS & COMI�IUNICATIONS Mrs. Mary Gis1er presen�ed a peti�ion requesting that Cvunci1 make p1ans to bui1d a permanent bridge across Coward's Creek on Sunset. Suggestion was made that possibl,y a bond issue wou1d be presented to the voters for this prupose at some future da�e. Counci1man Patton will explore cost �Figures for 5uch a project. In connec�ion with this discussion, Counci�man Zeit7er made a report on meetings he1d by the Schoo1 Safety Route Committee, � UNFINISHED BUSINESS < ` .- 1 , Sale of ��irecked 1965 THC tractor - A bid has been received from Bi11y ��ines for $1Q5.00. �The question arase as to tfie price of scrap meta1) MOTION: (Patton) To hol'd up sale of the tractor for one week, Secon�. Baker Vote„ Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2. Sa1e of o1d bi11ing macfiine - A single bid has been received from Bayou City Office Machines f or $100 for this machine. - --- ---- - - - - - - - - -- - � (� _.. -- MpTION: (Zeitler) To accept this bid for the bi1ling machine. Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3, Pearland/Friendswood Aqreement (for annual renewa7 ) MOTION: (Patton) That this item be tabled pending review of the '�ocument by the City Attorney: Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mr., 01son also stated that a resa1ution or ordinance is needed to cover � I this agreement. � � 4. Cit��'..s. I�ns� �u�rance Pro ram - Mrr Truman Tay1or, Insurance Agent, was to appear�ore�ounci�to exp1ain or answer questions on insurance coverage. Howevery he was ca1led from the meeting to be informed of his father".s. death. This subject� will be discussed at the next meetingW Counci1man Baker asked tha� some explanation be sought regarding the claim by Qr. Conway on an accident which occurred a year ago: 5� Garbage Service - Mr, Morgan recommended to Council that, to so1ve the ex�sting pro�ems with garbage service, a new truck be p1aced in service, �hat two-.fu11 crews be maintained for the routes, and that a 50¢ increase �n garbaqe charge be effective January 1 . MOTION: (Patton) That Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager. Second: Wind1er Vote: FOR (5) Patton, Wind1er, Lowe, Zeitler, Gonzalez AGAINST (1 ) Baker MOTION CARRIED � Counci1men Wind1er and Gonzalez made separate motions to give credit or reba�es for recent poor garbage service, but motions were withdrawn and no action�was taken on �his subject. 1 6. Street Bond P_ rogram - Pro�ect �ngineer Malcolm Col1ins reported that he has�`is'cussed with Marathon-Mischer represen�atives, 1ow bidders on this work, the need to eliminate certain streets from the program due �o increased street constructian costs. They have agreed to accept the contract with the ba1ance of the program to cost $712,083,75 p1us�..certain engineer.ing and inspection fees, approximate1y $58,000. 7. Re airs to Whittier S�reet - Mr. Morgan was directed to investigate cost of t is worcTy a contractor rather than City emp1oyees. 8, Ho1ida - Since next Monday is a ho1iday, it was agreed that no meeting wi 1 e he1d that evening. 9. F1ex-Stran Pi e -, Some of this p1astic pipe used in building the West � � Intercentor sewer line in 1969-70 has been found to be deteriorating, and P1r. Morgan stated �hat� several other ci�ies in the area who are having �hs same exper�ence� plan �o �'i1e a joint 1aw suit against Johns- Manvil1e for rep1acement of this pipe. He asked if Council wau1d want Friendswood to join in t�h'is suit, Mr. Morgan is to work with the City At�orney �o dete�^mine �he. �dvisab�1fty of this mAVe. lOv Em loYe�e.._s. '�Salar Increases - The 5% increase for emp1oyees� as set forth in t e 19�4�� u ge�, as formerly been considered in two steps, i .e, 3% on October 1 � and 2% sametime next Spring. , � MOTION. (Baker) That the 5% increase be given effective October 1 . Secon�: �Gonzalez ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORQINANCES � Qrdy #T'�-7B - Industria1 Waste Ordinance, which was presented for third an fina rea ing, was �ab e y t e o��owing mo�ion: MOTTQN» (Patton) To table the Industrial Waste Ordinance until need for it has been determined. Second: Windler V�te: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�Q �'����9 Ord. T-8A - Adoptinc� City Code - Second Readinq M�TION: (Zeit1er) To approve Ord, �#T-BA on second reading Secon : Patton Vote. Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp bJARRANTS . � - MOTION: (Wind1er) To approve Warrants(G&A) 4728 and 4730 through 4734. ' ; Secon�: Pa�ton , ?` _. Vo�e. Unanimous FQR MOTION CARRIEp MOTION: (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrants 2524, 2525, and 2556. Secon ; Gonza1ez Votes Unanimous FOR MOTIO[� CARRIED MOTION: (Baker) To approve G&A Warrant 4729 to the Arena Board Secon : Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FQR MOTION CARRIED � ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded tfiat the meeting adjourne The d� � meeting was adjourned at 11.00 p.m, W � � ��- �.�_ City Secretary APPROVEp: ��� � -������� May o r ���� a � � � V..