HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-08-05 Regular -- ---------- - ------
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August 5, 1974
A Regular Meeting�of the Fri.endswood City .Council was held at the City Hall on
Monday, August 5, 1974, with the following members present:
Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
Councilman Richard Haken
Councilman Edward Zeitler i
Cou.nci�lman Benny Baker I
Councilman William Patton - �
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
With a quorum present, and with Councilman Milton Windler absent, the following
business was transacted: ,
Minutes o'f a Regular Meeting of July 15, approved as written.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of July 22, approved as corrected,
l . Meeting in Austin with EPA, TWQB, GCWDA, and Friendswood representatives,
, attended by Mayor Lowe, Waste Water Consultant Ralph Somers, Mr, Morgan,
Councilman Baker,��;�onzalez, Patton, to discuss terms of a joint area-wide
sewage treatment plant, on July 25,
2. FM 518 (Friendswood Drive) - State Highway Department has agreed to exten-
sion of four-lane to Coward's Creek, with the County and the State shari`ng
the cost; however, no progress can be made on the project for the next two
3. Electrical and Building Inspections - Mayor Lowe stated that there has ; �
been some dissatisfaction with the present inspection set-up, and he � �
called a meeting to be held on Thursday, August 22, with the Planning Com-
missian, builders in the area, Water Districts in the area, U. S. Homes,
and the Friendswood Electrical Board, to discuss the subject.
4. Mrs. Millie Perner, Chairman of the Beautification Committee, has announced
that C. Windle Horn of A&M University will speak at the Library at 7:30 p.m.
on Friday, August 9, on diseases of tre�s in the area and methods of
1 , Mrs, Jean Welch stated that she has been on vacation but was pleased to
know that the Council is pursuing the solution to sewage treatment, and she
feels that the trip to Aus�in was well handled.
2. Mr. Kenneth Clarey requested that a meter deposit not be required of�water
subscri�bers who lived in the City prior to the date the meter deposit was
initiated. He also ques�ioned the City's water cut-off practice. Dis-
cussion by Council pointed up the fact that possibly a 20-day grace period
should be used rather than the present 10-day period, inasmuch as the 20-
� day factor was a City req.uirement in the recent gas rate increase.
3, Mr. Joe Smith, Environmental Improvements Inc. , presented a proposal for
the used Kl'!ka Shark Demonstrator (IHC) for $15,500; this machine has been
in the possession of the City for several weeks, but has not run properly,
Council asked that Mr. Morgan make recommendation to Council on this matter.
4. Mr, Ralph Somer.s, Waste Water Consultant to the City, made a prepared
statement regarding the meeting in Austin on July 25, and review of various
steps taken by �he City to reach the present proposed jointly owned area
treatment plant. In his review of the Austin meeting, Mr. Somers charged
Councilman Gonzalez with "statements and discussions of irrelevant and in-
appropr�ate matters" and with interrupting the Mayor in his presentation,
and asked that the Council take official note of these actions.
----� �'�.
MOTION by Councilman Patton "That this Council take notice that
Councilman Gonza7ez was out of order (at the July 25 meeting in
Austin) died for lack of �-• second.
MOTION: (Baker) That any time a minority report is made to a group;,
outside the City, that the minority report first be presented to
the City Council ,
Second: Gonzalez
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Haken, Zeitler, Baker, Gonzalez '
AGAINST: (None (Councilman Patton was out of the room)
-� 1 . Sewa e Treatment - Letter from Gu1f .Coast Waste Dis osal Authorit : Summary
of agreements reached, as GCWDA understands it, was set forth in a letter;
Council and the Engineer suggested a slight change in some of the wording
and Mr. Morgan will reply to the letter setting out these changes , in
accordance with the motion:
MOTION: (Haken) That the City correspond with GCWDA and indicate
.agreement with �he guidelines set forth in their letter of July 30,
� and that we will correspond with them and indicate our basic agree-
� � ment with .their� letter.
�.. Second: Zeitler
� Vote: Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED
� 2. Street Bond Pro�ram - Cou.ncilman Gonzalez reported that the Engineers are
� prepared o'go out for bids on the street program, bids to come due on
September 4. He stated that two drainage projects have been added, bring-
ing the� cost figure ta $752,000 (estimated by the engineer) . This figure
does not include engineering fees,
MOT.ION: (Gonzalez) To authorize the City Manager to go out for bids on
�tFie street program as recommended by the Engineer, with concurrence.,
�� of the- Street Superintendent's review and comments , and with the '
! addition of the minimum amount designated for� construction and
��� Second: Haken
(At this point Council recessed for 10 minutes, Councilman Gonzalez left the
meeting. )
3. Sale of Street Bonds - Fiscal Agent Harr Granberr 're orted
Y y p that he has
foun a buyer for the bonds at 7,9/ interest, that from a purely financial
standpo.int, he could not recommend the sale of the bonds at this time at
this price, but he could see no prospect for a better sale within the next
nine to twe1ve months.
MOTTON: (Patton) To instruct the Fiscal Agent to pursue and tie down sale
� of the bonds at no more than the ,quoted interest rate.
Second: Haken
'`. : LLThe question of interest rates on Certifi.cates of Deposit was discussed, and
the City Manager is to inve�tigate the situation and 'report back to
Council , � ,
4. Drillin Permit - Amoco, J. M. Elliott Well No. 1 (Workover .
• i . , , , , ..
, MOTION: (Patton) To approve issuance of the subject permit to Amoco
� Second: Haken
--- Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
Request for an exception to Section 18, Para, 2, Page 25 of Ordinance 187
relative to fire protection equipment, made by EXXON, was discussed.
However, due to the fact t.hat the Friendswood Fire Department is not
equipped to utilize the required tank equipment, no action was taken
either to enforce or except in this instance,
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5. Cowarts Creek Dr.ive - Re uest for acce tance. 6f street (Approved by the
City Engineer
MOTION: {Patton) To accept Cowarts Creek Drive for maintenance by
tfi e City on recommendation of the Ci�y Manager,
Second: Zeitler
Water and sewer lines need some corrections before presentation for
approval . Mr. Morgan is to make a survey of street .light needs on
this street.
6, Bud�et Hearin� - The Council members have received copies of the Manager's �
� proposed budget. A workshop will be held next. week on the budget, and i
a public hearing will be held in accordance with the following:
MOTION: (Zeitler) Th�at a public hearing be called on the budget for
August 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Second: Patton
7. Chan e of Meetin Dates in Se tember - Due to the fact that the 2nd of
September is a legal h.oliday, the first meeting of the month will be
held on Monday, September 9; workshop on September 16; second regular
meeting on September 23; and workshop on September 30. City
Secretary to make public notice of this fact. `
�,�� 8. Resi nations - Heloi.se Brown Cantor, Auditor for the City for many years , '
� py as resigned; Velma Murray, City Bookkeeper, has already left the
C�ty's employ; and Russell Williams has resigned as. a member of the
Youth Counse1ing Board. Mayor l.owe will write letters of appreciation '
to each of these people.
O,RDINANCES - Ordinance T-6-A-Weed Control Third and Final Readin
" MOTION: (Baker) To approve the final reading of Ord�. T-6-A, (and
assign permanent number 224) ,
Second: Haken
Vote: FOR (4)Lowe, Haken, Zeitler, Baker ;
MOTTON`: (Zeitler) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 4474, 4534, 4535,
4536, 4538, 4539, 4551 , 4554, 4553; 4555, 4556.
Second: .Baker�
Uote: UFiahirhous��FOR I!<al,�n ;r,�:r:-l-{:��q ������ MOTION CARRIED
MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve for payment M&0 Warrants 2422, 2458, 2459
and 2460.
Second: Baker
Warrant #4370 (G&A) was not approved pending consultation with Gerry
Pate regarding work and charges involved,
OTHER SUBJECTS: Regarding purchase of the used garbage truck, the point was made
that a new truck can be purchased for $17,000, thus the price for the
used t'ruck does not seem in line at this time.
Mr. Bruce Goss, who has been doing painting and renovating of the Youth
Council building at the City Par.k, together with the help of his family,
is to be commended.
ADJ,OURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was
APPROVED: ..,L�'r.._.�-�, ,�.;���
City Secret ry
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R lph L. Lowe, Mayor