HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-07-22 Special --— —, ---_ - ---_- --------- — ---------- ------ ., ---------------- , -- ---- _- — ��,�. --------- MINUT�S OF A SPECIAL: M��TING QF TH� FRIENpSWQQp GITY COUNCII. J��y 22, ��974 A Special Meeting of tfie Friendswood Ci�y Counci1 was held at the City Ha11 on Mondayy �luly 22, 1974� a� 7:30 p.m. with �he fo1lawing members presen�: , � Mayor Pro-tem Richard 'Hafcen � - Counci1man Ra1ph Gonza1ez' ' Councilman Wi11iam Patton � Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward" Zeit1er With a quorum present, and with Mayor� Lowe and Counci1man Wind1er absent, the fo1lowing business was transacted: REQUEST FOR VARIA�ICE UNDER ORpINANCE #�87 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Munoz own property in l.ongwood Park, and Mr. Munoz spoke to Counci1 stating that he has a �at which is crossed at one corner by a high-pressure gas pipeline which would„ under the City's Oi1 and Gas Ordinance No. 187� require that he build within ten feet � of his property line or t{iat he set his house on �he back of his lot. He requested that Counci1 grant a variance. in his case. in order that h� might. build at the center of the �ot. This �o�ation w�uld p1ace his house twenty feet from the edge of �he p-ipe�ine right-of�way. ! MOTTO[�; (Patton) That the variance be granted, with the Attorney's approva1 . Se�ond: Baker. Vote; FOR (4) Gonza1ez, Patton, Baker, Zeit1er � A�AINST (1) Haken MOTION APPROVEQ STRE�T BONDS - Harry Gran�erry, Fisca� Agen�, advised Counci1 of the bad si�uation in the bond market at the present time, with high interest and ti ht mone . He stated that at d ' 9 Y to a s interest r te y a s, the Cit y . wi11 pay $133,000 in interest over the next 25 years for the $70,000 in street bands, He said however tha tiftheCi 9 t wishes him to 9 y ursue sa1e of the bonds now, he felt he caulc� have the money in the bank on August 31 which is the date .proposed �o award a contract. MOTION: (Gonzalez) To authorize the Fiscal Agent to find the best � available interest rate for sa1e of the street bonds at this time. Second; Ba[cer Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp SEW�� FACILITIES - Meeting in ,'Austin Ju1 25 with �PA and TWQB As guidelines for th� City`s representatives to the meeting in Austin, the members present discussed various views and reviewed a cost summary and comparison presented by Engineering Science, �hen taok the fol1owing ac�ion: � MOTION: (Patton) That the p1ant be sized for 3 mi11ion ga7lons per day f1 ow. , S�cond: Gonza7ez � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOT�ON CARRIEA ' � MOTIQ�I: (Patton) To support a joint ownership with Gulf Coast � Waste pisposal Authority with management and po1icy to be controlled by a Board of pirectars proportionate to usage. S�cond: Gonzalez Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D , , --- � �'`�- It was agreed that any Counci1 Member cou1d attend, but that the Mayor and �h� Consu1ting �ngineerg Jim �11er, wau1d be spokesmen .for the group. AQJOURNMENI' - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. �Fe mee�ing was adjourned at 10:�0.A with a workshop session fol1owing adjournment. ; ; � , � � I i j , , � � ��.� `--�-' Ci ty Secretary APPRQVE�: , � �,� u;y. �' .��---'' May r ro- em i c ar Ha en �� � � U � G� , � . , I � , ; i �