HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-07-15 Regular _ ------ ---�-- �{� '�, MINUTES OF A REGULAR ME�'fING OF TH� FRI�NpSW00D' CITY COUNCIL . July 15, 1974 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was held at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, �luly 15, 1974� t,vith the fo11owing members present: � Mayor Ralph l.. Lowe j Counci �man Ralph "Gonza1.ez ` �---� Counci 1 man Ri chard Haken � . Councilman Edward Zei�ler Counci1man Milton Windler (Arrived at 8:45)•� With a quorum present, and with Councilmen Benny Baker and Wi�1iam Patton . absen�, the business at hand°was transacted as fo��ows: READING ANp APPROUAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of July 1 � � 19 4 ;approved as correc�ed. � ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMU(���CATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � � _ Cz� 1 , Clear Creek Clean-out Project - Mayor Lowe 'stated tha� a11 of the ROW C� for the hairpin cuts has been obta.ined; the work Gerry Pate is doing regarding ROW a1ong the Cree[e� and acquisition of this ROW�should be discussed in depth; �hat a southern by-pass of C1ear Creek through Friendswood is ��ing discussed b.y �razoria� Harris9 and Galveston Counties. 2, F.M, 518 Praject � Intersection at 518 and 2351 is to be finished by the end of this month; the entire project is scheduled for completion by the first w�ek in October� � , 3, prainage project on Spreading Oa[cs is on schedu1e. ! i BUSIN�SS ITEMS 1 , N. :M. Brown Co�i;�truction. claim for additional payment � City Attorney Olson recommended that the c1aim be rejected on the grounds that there is not enough s ubstanti ati on for the� c1 ai m, 2. Mr, 01son stated that the proposed contract �ram Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority needs some �changes to protect the City. He wi11 re-write the contract incorporating such changes as he fee1s are necessary, In connection with sewage treatment (regional plan) a Special Meeting is to be held on next P�onday night to fina�ize p�ans for the confierence in Rustin on the 25th with GCWDAg TWQB"� EPA, and Friendswaod. 3. Mayor Lowe stated that in view "of recent dea�hs due to au�o accidents� he fe1t traffiG 1ights may be needed at entrances to Sunmeadow9 Wedgewood� and Forest Bend, 4. Street Bond Program - Mro Morgan reported that Harry Granberry will be able to meet with Council next Monday night to discuss the �sale of the street bonds, but has stated that the market and interest rates are not favorab1e to such sale at the presen� t�me. Specia� Meeting item for Ju1y 22. ' The engineers for the street �program report tha� they wi11 be finished i with the engineering by the 29th of Ju1y, that the City cou1d go out for __, bids on the 5th of AugustA bids to be opened on the 21st of Augusty and a contract awarded on August ?_9th, 5, Sewer System - Jim Ell�r presented Council with figures estimating cost � to Clear Woods for sewage trea�men�� by Friendswood in a regional p1ant, and recommended that joint ownership of the faci1ities wi�h GCWDA would � be acceptab1e in his opinion. 6, Fire Station - Mr, Morgan reported that Jim Chi�ders has inspected the construction to this point� that the s�a� is satisfactory but Mr. Chi1ders recammends that the pedesta1s for the� btaildin� co1umns are not adequate and shou1d be torn out and r�-bui1�. Mre Childers recommendations are tq be carried out by the con�ractor. - ----- --.__....__ ___ -- - -- ------- ---- - - - - - ------- - - - -- - - -- -- --- ---� - .-` �, �.� --- - --- ORDINANCES ' Ord. #216-E (For reenactment Bui�din � Re u1ations for Commercial Qist, MOTION: , (Gonzalez) To tab�e reenactment pending advice from Planning Commi ss7 on: . . Second: Haken . , � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI.E� - ORp. TABLEQ . ' i Ord, T-6-A -(Second Read�ng) ��leed Con�rol . ' . �. , , � i MOTION: (Gonza1ez) .To approve second reading of Ord. T�6-A � Second; Wind�er � Vote. Unanimous� FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord, T-7-A (First °Reading) S ecs f�or Curbs and Qrivewa s MOTION; (Haken) To approve first reading of Ord. T-7�A Secon . Wind1er ' I MOTION: To Table Ord. T-7-A pending review by 'the present street � consulting engineerq Malcolm Col�insy and forma1 approval of the ordinance�as writ�en„ from the Planning Commission. Second: Zeit1er � Vote. FOR ('4) Lowe� Gonzalez� Haken„ Zeit1er AGAINST (1)- Wind.ler ' MOTION �CARRIED Ord, T-7-B (First Readin ) Industrial Was'te Controls ' Zeit1er MOTION:/To refe.r Ord. T-7=B to the City Attorney for review Secona': Wind1er Vote�" Unanimous FOR MOTTOI� CRRRIEp � � CLEAR WOODS MUNICIPAL DTSTRICT - Propos"al for sewage �Creatment by Friendswood, i i � MOTION: (Windler) That the letter presented, with changes as set forth by�Counci 1 � be sent to �Clear I�loods MUD� together wi th a copy of the proposa1 pre�ented.tonight b_y Engineering Science, as a proposal for the treatment of the District's sewage by the City of Friendswood. (See 1etter dated Ju1y 16, 1974) Second� Zeitler Vote: FOR (4) Loweb Nakert� Zeitler, Windler A�AINST (�1 ) Gonza1ez MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL MOTION: (Windler) To appr.ove G&A Warr.ant #4460 to the Baseball Assn. Secon�: Naken Vote: FO.R (4) Lowe� Ha[cen, Zeit1er, l�Jind1er ' AGAINST (1) Gonza�ez MOTION CARRIEp. MOTION: (Wind1er) To approve Construction Fund Warrant #158 to Bost � Ditchjng Service on Storm Sewer Project Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIOIV CARRIED MOTION. (Wind1er) To approve Gonstruction Ftand Warrant #157 to Franks & Sons (Fire Station) (based on the fact that materials � � on the site justify the payment) ; Second: Haken ' , i Vote: .Unanimous FOR � ' MOTION CARRI�A LONGWOOD �PARK - Street Acce tance (Extensi�n of �Thomas Street) - City Manager state t at t e street as een built 32 ft, wide instead of the re- quired 34 ft. Council instructed hTm to notify C9r. Ken Yowell either �o bring the street up to requirements vr appear before Counci1 and request a vari ance wi th proper exp1 anati on. STREET.MAINTENANCE -' Mr. Morgan said that Greenbriar will be oi�ed on Wednesday �f �his week� and tha� oi1 wi1� be avai �ab1e for oi1ing other streets in the near future. Mayor Lowe asked that Co�anci1 consider requesting the County to surface Greenbriar this year instead of Sunset as has previously � been reqyested. ------�''�'�> l�lINDSONG - REf1UEST FOR WATER SERVICE FROM SUNMEADOW SYSTEM - Mr, Martin exan er as requeste � at e e a ov�e to tie in�o t e water line in Sun Meadow. Counci� deci5,ion was .that a11 property owners in the subdivision sfiou1d apprnach Counci1 with a request and p1edge to pay for the 1ine direct from. the water we11 � a� which time definitive action coul�d be taken� as .to the Ci�y' s part7cipation. , CI,OSEp SESSIO�I - On the question of developmer�t �of Mustang Meadows� the i �t'torne,y aavised that approval of a p1at b,y the P1anning Commission � is conc1usive under Sta,te. 1awsy that fina3 approual by Counci�1 is not --- necessary„ th�as the developer: may proceed� �o fi1e the p1at and to se11 1ots. However9 un1ess the s�r.eets are buil� to City specifica�ions� the City cou1d refuse to accept the streets and resu1tantly refuse to issue a building� permit: � AQJOURNMENT, -. P�lotion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was� adjourned. � ` �_�.���a-��°��� __.,. I �. - C1 ty Secretary �-"' L"� APPROV�p: � � � r''�,,,._..,� � a,yor a p , owe " , � �. � , . , . _` , . r � i