HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-07-01 Regular - -- ------------: -- � ���: P�ITNUT�S OF A REGULAR ME�TING OF TH� FRTENDSWOOp CITY COUNCIL July 1 � 1974 � The Friendswood City Counci1 met in a Regular Session at the City Ha11 on Mondayx Ju1y lp 1974, at 7:30 p.m. wi�h the fo1�owing members present� � Mayor Ralph L. Lowe �_ ! Counci lman Mi ��on �^i n�1 er Counci1man R�chard Haken Counci1man William Patton Counci�man Benny Baker With a quarum present, and with Counci1men Ra1ph Gonza1ez and Edward Zeitler absent, the fo1lowing business was� transacted: REAQING ANQ APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regu1ar Meeting of June 3� � 4� a Specia eeting of June 10� 1974, and a Regu1ar Meeting of June �t°+ 17� 1974, approved as read. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � � After wel comi n vi si tors to the meeti n Ma or l.o e , g w announced that char es 9� .Y 9 for the Ga1veston Count,y Hea1th Qepartment is being increased s�ightly this y�ar; tha t Houston Natura1 Gas Company has dec1ared a ga�e rate increase which is a art from their recent re uest for a bas�c i cre p q n a s e i n r a t e t o customers . He urged everyone to participate in the 4�h of July celebration� and commended the City Manager for the condition of the city parks; and asked that the sewaqe facilities at the parks be c1eaned and ready for the 4th. � He reported on a meeting in Nassau Bay �ast wee[c regarding the Clear Greek Project. Al�o, reported that the Library was f1oaded last week but that the '--- �arpets have been removed and cleaned at a cost of $1�00 which will be cavered 6y insurance. George U1bri ch has tendered hi s resi gnati on as Chai rman of the Ci ty Beauti fi- catian Committee� and Ma,yor Lowe suggested that Mrs. Mi11ie Perner be designated to fi1� the position. No vote was taken. REPORT ON NEW POLICE E(�UIPMENT - Chief l�right reported on equipment which has T�en received�through the Omnibus Crime Program which is funded 75% by the Federal Government and 25% by �he City. He also asked for specia1 help during the summer months due to vacation relief. WELCOME TQ BOY SCOUT TROUP 444 -- A group of scouts working on their Citizenship Mer1t Ba ge were presen� wi� �heir leaderp Mr. Scatt� and were we1comed by Mayor L.owe to the mee,ting. ... GARBAGE TRUCK - Jack Connell and Joe Smith offered the city a demonstrator Kuka Shark�ga�bage truc[c for $15,500y the truck �o be put in first class canditi�on then be used by the City for a wee[c or mQre prior to purchase. MOTION: (Ratton) .To direct the,-City Manager .to prepare specs for bids � for thi s type of trucfc. Second: Bafcer � , Vote: Unanimous FQR MOTI�IV CARRIEp , --- FOURTH OF JULY PARAp� ANp PICNIC -� John Tirad�.who is in charge of the parade and celebration� gav� a progress �ep�rt and stated tha�. �he: KIKK� Disk Joc[cey� Bi11 Bai1eyr wi11 be the parade marshal and that 80 entries have registered for the parade. AMOCO PIPELINE'S COWARD CREEK CROSSIIVG � Counci� consu1ted with Jim Nye of t e Qrainage Qistrict and it was decided �o �et the pipe1ine company proceed to �ake the 1ine under Coward Cree[c. -- --- - -- --- -- --- - - - -- - -------- , ------ - - -------- ------- ;Y�A��. -,---- --- SEWER SYSTEM - Mayor Lowe r�parted on a meeting wi�h GCWDA9 Wedgewood� the City's project Engineer� Counci�man Wind1er, Jim Morgan and himse1f to discuss the regional plan, Outcome .of .this meeting indicates that the most efficient and cost effective method might be �o go to the 61ackhawk plan� with the City handling the grant application and funding, and GCWQA building � and operating the plant. A meeting is presently p1anned for July 25 in Austin with EPA� TW�6, GCWDA, and Friendswood to try to finalize a .workable plan. � ! QRILLING PERMIT FOR AMOCO - Edwards We11 #1 (Workov�r) � MOTION» (W�ndler) To approve issuance of a dri11in� permi� fQr this we11 . Se.cand: Patton Vo�e: Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED ANNUAL I�iSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY ORDINAN�E #187 - Inspector C1yde Ran,ey requested permi�ssion to for.ego .re�uir�men� for.inspec�ion fee of $35.00 for those we�1s which have received Drilling or Wor[cover Permits at.a cost of $500,00 for the Gurrent year. He gave a report on wells inspected to date. MQTION: (Windler) That the annual inspection fee be eliminated for the year in which a dril1ing or wor(cover permit is issued. Second: Haken ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORQINANC�S - � EMERGENCY - .ORD� #222E - PROHTBTTING GL,ASS BOTTLES IN CITY PARKS AN ORpINANCE MAKII�G IT UNLAWFUL TO CARRY GLASS BEVERAGE BOTTL,ES INTO PUBLIC PARKS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD OR HAVE SAME IN ONE'S POSSESSION WHILE WItHIN THE PARKS; PROVIDING A PE[�ALTY; AND DECLARING AN EM�RGENCY. i MOTION: (Baker) To adopt Ordinance #222-E as an emergency ordinance , Second�. Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR (5 votes) MOTI�N CARRI�D FTRST REApING �" ORD. T-6-�A - WEEQ ORDI[�ANCE AN ORQINA(�CE PROVIDI�iG TNE CONDITIONS UNQER° WHICH I�EEQS� BRUSHa RUBBISH AND OTHER MATTER ON �EAI, �STATE SHALL CO �` T I��TI ITE A U P BL.IC NUISANCE; DEFINII�G CERTAIN TERMS° PROVIDI�iG' FO `� OT C ' , R N T E ABATEMENT ANp THE � � CREATION F A I • 0 l.E N CONTAIM1iI�IG OTHER ROl! � , P I IOf�S RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIQI�IG A PENALTY; CONTAII�ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND A REPEALING CLAUSE. MOTION: (Patton) To approve first reading of Ord. T-6-A Second; Baker Vote: FOR (4) l.owe,, t�(ind1er� Haken� Baker AGAINST (1) Patton MOTION CARRIED THIRD AND FINAL READING - Ord. T-5-G - Speed Zones AN ORDINANCE AL1'ERING THE PRIM�I �FRCIE_ SPEED:LIMITS ESTABLISHEQ FOR VEHICLES UNQER THE PR01fISI0NS OP ARTIGL� 6701D, -b�RNON'S TEXA� CIVIL STATUTES� UpON THE BASIS OF AN, EN�IIV�EaING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION� UPOf� CERTAIN STREETS� A�iD FCI�FIWAY�, .OR PARTS THEREOF, AS SET OUT IN � THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENAL,TY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEEQ � $200.00 FOR THE VIO�.ATION. OF'THIS ORDT.NAf�CE: MOTION: (Patton) For f�na1 adop�ion an third r�ading of Ord. T-�5-G �"�'and �assign permanen� number 223) S�cond: Haken Vote: Unanimous F'�R MOTION CARRIED ----- -- ---- ----- -� - ----- -----_.. � � ��' WARRANT'S FOR APPROVAL� � MOTTON. (Wind1er} To a�prove G&A Warran�s 4440 and 444� for paymen� Secon : Pa�tan Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION° (Windler) To approve M&O .Warrants 2406, 2407� and 2409� and ` to�old Warrant #2408 to Nay1or Pipe C1eaning Gompany for further investigation by the City Manager --- Second: Ba[cer Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION GARRI�p FTNAI�CIAI. REPORT FROM THE CiTY MA�IArER Mr, Morgan reported that expected income and expenditures �For the G&A Fund appear to be: in balance for the rest of the fisca1 year; that M&0 Fund wi�l be $500 in the black, baring unexpected exp.enses. Inc�uded in these figures were a fron�-end loader and furniture for � the enlarged po1ice and city ha11 facilities (caaital outlay) . � � ADJOURNMENT � � � Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. � L �._�_ � ���� ` City Secretary APPR011ED: ' I � � � I , ; Mayor Ra p L. �owe , �