HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-06-17 Regular _ --_...--- -- ------ --------- �'� �" MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TH� FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL ' � � June 17, 1974 A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friendswood. Cit,y Council was held .at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 17, �974 with the fo11owing members. present: � Mayor Ralph Lowe � Counci1man William Patton —°� . Coun ci�man Milton Windler Councilman Ralph Gonzalez " Counci1man Benny Baker , Counci1man' Richard Haken With a quorum present, and with Councilman Edward Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted: ' � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of May 20, � 1974, approved as corrected. � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � G� C� 1 , Mayor Lowe asked that the brush piles in the City Park be cleared away before the 4th of July celebration. 2, A water leak at the Library over the weekend caused considerable damage, 3, Mayor attended a meeting last wee[c on the Clear Creek project, A by- pass w.as discUssed betWeen the Corps of Engineers and Judge Holbrook, the Friendswood Drainage Board, and mayors inuo�ved, which would go through Brazoria County,. across. .Mary's Greek, Coward' s Creek, and FM 518, An evaluation of this will be ready in about eight weeks. ; 4. Mayor Lowe stated that he inquired about subsidence in the area and , wi�hout further informationa the Flood Insurance requirements will be _ �nforced in Friendswood in accordnace with present elevation figures. P�TITTO�iS & COMMUNICATIO�iS Mrs. Kirkland and attorney, Mr, Beck, asked if Mrs. Kirkland and would be permitted to purchase a building permit from �he city if she should complete purchase of property in the area formerly presented as Mustang Meadows. After some discussion, indication was given by Council that this would rest with the Planning Commission� that they have ruled out this as being a subdivis.ion in essence,� and a building permit pro6ably would be very difificult ta secure. � COMMITTEE FOR ATHLETIC AND RECREATIONAL ENDEAVORS - By-laws of this Comm�ttee were ac�epted as presente y t e Gouncil , and the Mayor made the fol1owing appo�ntments to the committee as recammended: ONE YEAR TERMS TWO YEAR TERMS Sandy Anderson .. Grace Baker �p,3'"�� Cheryl Bouillion R. L. Blanken Harry. Cole Susan E. Funk Al Gratia Doris Heard Vicky Howison Dr. Bill Jones � Jack S. Petty Richard Yancey ; _..... MOTION: (Baker) To approve the above listed appointments by the Mayor Secon�: Patton Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�Q GULF COAST WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY - ENGINEERING SGIENCE RE SEWAGE PLAN Mr. Paul Davis of GCWDA read a letter setting forth conditions under which that organization would join or assist the City in sewage treatment through a p1ant on either side of Clear Creefc, which would serv� as a regiona1 plant� and gave cost figures for an operation by GCWDA for treating Friendswood's sewag�. �.. ------ � - -- --- - --------- Jiln E11er of Engineering Science :then presented his completed plan and cost figures for a plant at Site �#3 and alternat�s. This presentation included treatment for Forest Bend: and �fedgewood. After discussion of the figures and comparison between the Blackhawk location and Site #3, the ma�'ority of the Counci1 fe�t that it was desirable to pursue joining GCWDA in a regiana1 plant, probably located on the Harris County side of the Creek, but with Friendswood having some voice in the management 'and decision making �af the operatian. � , . � Mr, E11er was authorized to alter h�s figures to reflect this p1an for presenta�ion to the� EPA and TWQB on JuTy� 1 . REVISEQ WEE� ORpINANCE� - City Attarney' Ol�on presented a revision to the ' ee r �nance whic wi11 permit the" City to cut high grass and file a lien against the property when the owner fails .ta comply with the 1aw regarding high� grass. This will be posted for reading at the next Council Meeti ng. � Suggestion was made that the property owned bv hqr, Peterson presently being used for parking at the ba11 par[c, and proposed for purchase, be leased fram: him for $1 .00� far six months� and for th� City to ask Mr� Pet�rson's permissipn �o �ut the grass pending s`igning of a 1ease. ORQINANC�S T-5-G - Speed'Zones - Second Reading A�I ORQINA�ICE ALTERTNG THE PRIP�A �FACI�E SPEEp LIMITS ESTAB�.ISHED FOR VEHICLES UNQER TH� PROVTSIO�IS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVII. STATUTES, UPO[� THE BASIS OF A�I EN�INEERING ANQ TRAFFIC INVESTIGATIOIV, UPQN CERTAIN STREETS AND H'IGHWAYS� OR PARTS THEREOF, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; ANQ PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE 1VOT TO EXCE�D $20.0,.00 FOR �THE VIOLATION OF THIS' ORDINAf�CE. MOTION: (Patton) For passage on second reading of Ord. T-5-G Secondi' Wind1er ' ! V,ote: Unanimous , FOR MOTION CARRIED T-5-E - Gas Rate Increase - Third and Final Readin AN: ORDINANCE"OF THE CITY `OF FRTENDSWOOQ PRESCRIBING RATES TO BE CHARG�D FOR DISTRIBUTIO�i AND SALE OF �IATURAL GAS WITHIN THE CITY; AND REPEAL.ING ALI: OTHER ORpI[�ANCES OR PARTS' THE�tEOF IN CONFLICT H�REWITH. � • MOTION: (Patton) To ap.prove third and final reading of T-5-E (and assign permanent Ordinance No. 220) Second: Wind1er Vote: FOR (5) Patton, . Lowe, Wind�erg Haken, �al�er � AGAINST; (1.). Gonza1ez MOT�ON .CARRIEA T-5-F - Rezoning of Hi h School - Third and Final Readina MOTION; (Patton) To approve third and fina1 reading of T-5-F (and assign permanent Ordinance No. 221) Second: Baker llote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T-5-p - Hazardous Materials - Third� and Final Readin � Ta e . a� ast Counci1 Meeting The ordinance was untab�ed and �he �� ' fo11owing .�vo�te��: was tafcen:,to pass on third and fina1 reading: , ' 'FORr!(��3) Gonza1ez, Ha[cen, Windler AGAINST' (3) Patton„ Lowe, Baker MOTION FAILED Counci1man Bafcer"request�d .that an ordinance .b� written prohibiting the carrying of g�.ass. bott1es into �he City Parks. Councilman Wind1er proposed �hat Chie�F.,Wright be. asked if the Po1ice p�partment wau1d be able to enforce such a 1aw. - --- -- -------------,,�i�. 7 �. REVENUE SNARING PROPOS�p SUAG�T ,FOR�.1974-75 - Mr. Morgan has presented a proposa1 for app1yin� the expec�ted 28,392 revenue sharin� funds to "Transpor�ation" (capi�a1 street improvements) MOT.IOI�: (Gonza1ez) To approve tf�e proposed Revenue Sharing Budget Second: Haken Vote: FOR (5) Windler, Gonza1ez� Haken, Baker� Lowe AGAINST (1 ) Pa'�ton ' MOTIO�i CARRIEQ � RESOLUTTON RATTFYING APPROVAL OF CO�iTRACT WITH �NGII�EERING PLUS +-- -� A R�SOLUTION AUTHORIZING A�i .AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AND ENGINE�RING PLUS, INC. , COI�SULTTNG ENGINEERS� FOR PREPARATION OF PL,ANS ANQ SPECTFICATIONS FOR CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE CITY AI�D MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS RELAT'ING TO THE SUB�ECT. MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve the resolution ��� Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � SECURITY IN SUNMEADOW - P�ayor Lowe read a 1etter from Sunmeadow Development � to t e Civ�c C ub regarding vandalism and the need for a security guard in � �he area, Mayor Lowe also sta�ed that he wou�d like to hire a 24-hour guard � for the Go1f Club� but wou1d need to furnish him a place to 1ive on the �:,y premises� and suggested that provisions be made within the scope of the Board of Ad�ustmen�t to permit them to alloi�v mobile homes to be placed on ten-�acre tracts of 1and (more or less) for special needs such as this and �he reGen� case of the Bookmans. This matter wi1� be discussed with the Board of Adjustment. � VACATION RELI�F PATROLMAN - Chief Wright has asked that David Murray be hired for 3 weeks as a vacation reTief officer� No action was taken on �he question due to the absen�e of the City Manager. This may be hand1ed � a� a Specia1 Meeting next Monday n.ight. I I I GERRY PAT�� CONSULTING ENGINEER - FLOOD-WAY EASEMENTS FROM CHOATE ROAQ TO ---� POLLY �ANCH - Survey plats and metes and bounds descri tions for this P contract have been delivered to �he City for tas� on the C1ear Creek project, WARRANTS FOR ApPROVAL MOTION: (Windler) To apprave G&A Warrants 4362 through 4372 Second� Patton � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIO�! CARRIEp (Wind1er requested infarmation on Gerry Pate's payments and contract) MOTION: (To approve M&0 Warrant 2378 Secon�: Patton Vote: Unanimous F�R MOTZON CARRIFp Cans�ruct�on Accaunt warrants �o N. M. Brown and Guti�rrez, Naylor and Associates were not approved pending exp�ana�ion by the City Manag�r. OILZNG OF CLEARVIEW -� City Secretary reported that Clearview wi11 be oiled - on Tues ay wit Tony Banfield furnishing the oi1 and transportation of oi1 at an estimated cost of $400; the City Street Department �o do the work. Mayor Lowe requested tha� the same process be applied on Briarmeadow with , � the Ci t,y furnishing the oi� , � '__ � ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was a�j�ourned. APPROVEp � � ;��� � ,� ity Secretary ��� � ' f�' { '` � �`�-� ayor Ra ph L, Lowe