HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-06-10 Special '� �.
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Juna 10� �974
A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was h�ld at the
City Ha11 on Monday� June 10, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. with the fo11owing
mem�ers present. � � �
� i
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Counci1man William Patton
Councilman Edward. Zeitler � ,
Councilman Benny Baker
Counci1man Mi�ton Wind1er
Mayor Ra1ph Lowe (arrived late)
With a quorum present, and with Mayor Lowe and Mayor Pro-tem Haken absent,
�he meeting was cal1ed to order by the senior member of the Council present,
Caunci1man Gonza1ez, . .
STREET �OND PROGRAM - ENGI�iEERING CO�ITRACT - Contract for engineering .on
t e paving progr.am ond issue was previously award�d to Engineering P1us
with Ma1co1m Collins •as Project Engineer, Mr. Co1lins has proc�eded
on the work prior to execution of the contract documents: In order for
a progress payment to be made on the work done, this item was considered
to he urgent enough to warrant a Specia1 Meeting of the Council .
MO1'ION: (Windler) That Council authorize the City Manager to enter
into a contract with Engineering P1us as� soon as
he and the Mayor are satisfied with the Attorney's
version of the con�tract as written, and upon exe�ution
of the con�rac�a au�horization is hereby given to issue �
G&A Warrant #4313 to. Engineering P1us for work performed.
Second: Baker
(After this action, the meeting was recessed, several workshop items
were discussed, and the meeting was reconvened on arr-ival of Mayor Lowe)
�UTLpING VARIANCE FOR MR. TOM MANISO�i - Qu� to an error in issuing a permit,
Mr, anison was a 1owed to start construction on a bui�ding which would
be in vio1ation of Ordinance #187; being 32 feet from a pipeline rather
than �he required 40 feet.�
MOTTON; (patton) To grant a variance to Tom Manison to allow him to
, continue construction of a building within 32 feet of
' an >.exi sti ng pi pe1 i ne to compensate for e�r�ror by the
City's building official in �ranting the permit,
Second: Zeit1er
� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp.
AQJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meetin� adjourn,: Th�
meeting was adjaurned.
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Ci ty Secretary '
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ayor Ra p L, Lowe