HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-06-03 Regular - -------- - .9�.� � ��.. MINUTES QF A REGULAR M��TTNG OF' TH� FRIENDSWOOQ CITY COUNCIL June 3� 1974 The Friendswood City Council he1d a regu1ar meeting at the City Ha11 at 7;30 P,M: on Monday, June 3� 1974, with the fo�1owing members present: �� Mayor Ralph �owe l �, Councilman Edward Zeit�er. ---- Counci�man Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Ra1ph Gonza1ez Councilman William Patton Councilman Milton Windler (arrived later) With a quorum present and with ndne absentp the followinq business was transac�ed: � R�ADZNG ANQ APPROVAL QF MINUTES - Minutes of a Special Meeting of Apri1 22, � approved, as corrected. Minutes of a Regu1ar Meeting of May 6, approved as � read, , Cz� G� AN(�OUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR I 1 . Approval has been received from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Qepartment for the "f1ip-flop" of the city-owned property at Stevenson Park as a location far the fire station. 2. Negotiations and meetings eonti,nue on the C1ear Creek project with the County and the Corps of Engineers, � 3. Dow Chemical Company (Their Representativ�: 011ie Townsend) is m�eting with various. groups regarding that �ompany"s plans to run a pipeline i ^ through the City near the Vi11age. Green area. After discussion, no definite stand was taken on whether or not this 1ine would be acce ptab1e t o t h e C i t y. CTT�, Y ATTORNEY - Mr. William Olson, former City Attorney for Houston, was introduced to the audience. Mr, Olsan has been selected to act as Counsel for the City. f�f-?� LIBRARY REPORT - Counci1man Zeitler gav� a report on activities of the Library, stating t at it has the 1argest circu1ation of any library its size in the State. MINUTES QISTRIBUTION - Secretary was instructed to send copies of City Council Minutes to W I 08 and to Clearwoods Improvement District; these entities wi11 s�nd c�pies of th�ir minutes to the City. MINI-PARKS - Mr. Melvin Mease1s reported that the park equipment has been i nstal�e�d'�at the Ki ngspar[c-Whi teha1l mi ni-park, most of the work b�i ng done by ci ti zens of the area. CURFEI�I I�l CITY PARKS - Mrd Morgan stated that he has been approached on setting a curfew on use of city parks after 10:00 or 11 :00 p.m, except by specia1 permission. Mr� Olson was asked his opinion on general curfew laws. He said g�nera1 �urfew laws have not been withheld in court cases , but that a curfew �overing a specific area such as a parfc� based on public health or safety possib1y would be he1d legal . i Decision of Council was to permit the City Manager tg post curfew hours for _. ., the park, and instruct the Police Aepartment to enforce these hours. N, M. BROWN CO[�STa2UCTI0N COMPANY - Mr� Morgan reported that Brown would sett1e for 6,000 on t e 10,000 c1aim they have presented on Sunmeadow construction work not covered by the contract. Counci1 asked that this be d�scussed wi�h the� City Attorney. ---- - ------ a...» —_-. .- .-.._ . -- � - ----- '—_ ' .. -�.. ------ � -- - - - -- , -- ----------�— � t —— �= REST ROOM ANQ GQNCESSIQN STAIVQ AT RZDI�iC ARENA `IN �ITY PARK - Mr. Morgan reporte t at a grin er system an grav�ty ine tp s�rv� the restrooms at the Riding Arena� �ying into the Merrywood sewer 1ine� could be done at a cost o� approximately $3,000 and cou�d be accomp�ished before the 4th of J�ly c�lef�rati on. MOTIQN: (Baker) To authoriz� the City Manager to proceed with this � project. Se�ond: Gonzalez � 1lote; Unanimous FOR MOTIQN CARRI�p � i WEEp CONTROL - Mr� Morgan r�ported that there have been a number of weed �omp aints and that the ,p�~esent procedure for enforcing the weed ordinance is time-consuming, He asked that an ordinance be adopted which would permi t the Ci ty 'to cut' .1 ots i f the owner fai 1 s to do so after recei vi ng notice from the Gity. The Attorney was instructed to write up an ordinance to this effect. GARBAGE COLLECTION - Mr. Morgan explained prab1ems arising from combination of gar age' peop e taking ho�iday� breakdowns .of trucks„ catching back=logp and requested that he be permitted to hire a Mechanic/Supervisor of the Garbage Department, that a third truck be purchased as soon as possible, and that the workers be paid double pay to work on holidays. Council anproved the �lans� with the understanding that receipts for garbage service has exceeded costr with exception of capital outlayy which wou1d take care of the additional expenses. STREET BONQ PROGRAM � Engin.eering Worfc� Engineering P1us reports that work is procee ing on schedule; they wil� have records ready �o go out for bids on Ju1y 15, If the ut71ity re1ocation is contrac�ed separately from the street construction, the former bid requests cauld be ready ten days earlier, Further discussion of the subject9 and approva1 of the engineering contract wi�l be corisidered at next week's workshop mee�ing. - , { COMMITTEE FOR ATHLETIC AND RECREATIONAL ENDBAVORS C A.R E � ave a re ort on .� ) - Ri chard Yancey 9 p progress of the committee, °presenting a copy of the proposed by-laws and membership for Council approval . Council is to study the materia1 and take action on June .179 with terms of office to start on J�aly 1 . Item wi11 be a subjec� �or next Workshop. : ,�,� PI�ANNTNG ANQ�ZONING COMMISSIO�I APPOI�ITMENT - POSITION #5 Io�' MOTTON (Patton) To approve the Mayor's appointment of Mr, John Tirado Secon » Baker Vote: FOR (6) Windler� Pa�ton� Lowe, Haken, Baker� Zeitler AGAINST (1) �onza1ez MOTION CARRIEp Mayor Lowe administered the 0ath of Office to P�r�. Tirado: � � CITY ATTORNEY - APPOINTMENT OF MR. WILLIAM OLSO(V (Re lacinq B�. J. Hoo[cs) MOTI0�1. (Ha(cen) To engage Mr: Ir1i 1�i am 01 son as the Ci ty Attorne� Secon : Gonza1ez Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES (Advanced copies have been received and reviewed) MOTTON: (Zeitler) To approve the advance copies of the Code, and to � authorize the .Secretary to �notify Municipal Code� then ' to proceed with up;dating by submitting a11 ordinances � not included in Code as written. Second: Pa�Gton Vote: FOR (6) Wind1er, Gonza�ez� Patton, Zeit1er� Baker� �.ow� 'AGAINST (1 ) Haken MOTION CARRIEp S�W�R P�.ANT PROGRAM , Project Engineer Jim �11er gave a progress report on gran� app icfi�"^atio�"n p1ansp stating that he hopes to have Phase 2 ready for presentation by June 28, This will•�-be discussed at next Workshop, — ---- _ ------ -- ----- i __--�,���'` Mayor Lawe read into the re�ord a 1etter from Paul pavis of GCWDA to HUgh Yantis of TWf�s as fo1�ows: (Qa�e: May 31 � 1974) "In beha1f of Gu1f Co,ast Waste Dispasa1 Au'thorityg it is our opinion that the City Counci1 of the City of Friendswoody in its efforts to resolve their sewage treatment needsy shall not be manda�ed to ,join with the Authority in its regionalization efforts. � Some progress is being made towards a regional trea�ment solution between � the City of Friendswood and GCWDA, , For example, next week the Authority i_.W� wi 11 6e subm7 tti ng to Mayo'r Ralph L. Lowe and the Ci ty Counci 1 a budget proposa1 for operating their presen� sewer system, along with a construc- tion proposa1 for a regiona1 p1ant to serve both the City of Friendswood and the adjacent developments, Tn conc1usion, I am hopeful that a mutually agreed u,pon proposal could be forthcoming, At the same time, I.would like to emphasize the urgency for grant sewage needs. I am aware of the limited funds avai1ab1e for munlcipa1 construction; however, we are convinced that Friendswood's � needs warrant it to be considered in the Texas Water Oua1ity Board's list � of top priorities." � LEASE BETWE�N CLINT H�CKIVEY AND THE CITY FOR USE OF PROP�RTY FOR BASEBAI,L � T is is for a 3-month lease on 300 ft� x 600 ft. of lan on t e corner of � FM 2351 and Wood1awn. MOTION: (Baker) To authorize the Mayor to sign the lease Second: Pa�ton Vote.. Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED pRILLING PERMIT, FOR AMOCO - .WORKOVER FOR EDWARQS WELL #10 MOTTON: (Patton) To approv� issuance of this permit i � Second: Zeit�er ' Vote: Unanimous FOR: MOTION CARRIED FLOOQIf�G ON. LOCKMORE - Mrs. Qon Fulton appeared before Counci1 to ask that somethirtg be done to divert waters from the prairie in Brazoria County which is flooding Loc[cmore during a rain. Jim�Morgan and Councilman Gonzalez wi11 investigate the situation and take necessary steps to so1ve the problem. L.QNGWOQD PARK PLAT APPROVAL - This p1at has been approved by the P1anning Commiss�on an 1s in comp iance with ordinances in a11 respects with the �xception of furnishing to the ,City additional copies of two of the p1ans. MOTION: (Zeit1er) To approve the Longwood Park Plat �ontingent �apon � receipt of two sepias and fee of $8.60 Second; Wind1er Votea FOR (6) UJindler� Patton, Lowea Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez MOTION CARRIEQ AMOCO PIPELINE CROSSING AT COWARDS CREEK MOTION: (Patton) That Council approve crossing of Coward"s Creek by � Amoco Pipeline at the same grade as the. ather 1ines present1y crossing the creek at tha� point. Second: Ba[cer � � MOTIQN: (Haken) To table the. matter until Amoco makes a request of � Council to go overhead rather than underground as "" required by the Drainag� Board: S�cond: Gonza1ez Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIER SUBSIDANCE - Councilman Baker read an article and spoke briefly on the pro�1ems involving subsidance in the Gu1f Coast area. ----- - ------------.. ._ _ __ --- - ---.__ ..._.._--- - - - ------ ----- - -- --- - - - - -- - ---- 7::�,..�, SUNSET CROSSING AT COWARD'S CREEK - Councilman Gonzalez questioned the status o t is project; Mr. organ `exp�ained tha� the County, who pledged to do the worfc, has changed enginee.rs and the plans,�have been slightly changed but proper grades and paving wi11 be done� MOTIOI�: (Gonza1ez) .To accept the Coun�y'.s assistance .to pave the Sunset crossing at eleva�ions previously proposed. Second: Z.eitle.r . Vote: Unanimous FOR , MOTION CARRIEQ ORQINANCES ; T-5-G - Speed Zones - First Reading ' i AN ORQINANCE ALTERI�iG THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHEQ FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIO�iS OF ARTICLE 6701D,, VERNON'.S TEXAS CIVTL STATUTES, UPON� THE BASIS OF Af� ENGINEERING ANQ TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS �AND HIGHWAYS, -OR PARTS THEREOF, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVI�TNG A PENALTY 'OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200,00 FOR THE VIOLATIO�i OF THIS ORDINANCE MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve Ord. T-5-G on first reading Second: Ba[cer Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ T-5-E - Gas Rate Increase - Second Readinq A�i ORDTNA�iCE OF THE CITY OF FRIE[�QSWOOQ PRESCRIBING RATES TO B� CHARGEQ FOR DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF NATURAL GAS WITHIN TH� CITY; Af�p REPEALING AL`L OTHER ORDINANCES' OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLIGT H�REWITH MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve second reading of Ord, T-5-E, Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Windler, Patton, Lowe� Ha[cen, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST �1 )..Gonza1ez . MOTION CARRIED T-5�F - Rezoning of High Schoo1 - Second Readin ; ± AI� ORDI�IANCE CHANGINr, THE ZONiNG OF CERTAiN PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO � - SPECIFIG US� (SCHOOL); CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORpINGLY; CpMPI�YI�iG WITH ORQINANC� N0. 174 OF THE CITY OF FRIENQSWOOp KNOWN AS TH� ZONI�iG ORDINA�ICE. ' MOTION: (Zeit1er) To approve second reading of Ord. T-5-F Secon : Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T-5-A - Amoco Pipe�ine Rezon��^Third and Fina1 Reading AN ORDI[�ANGE' CHANGING THE ZONING O� CERTAIN PROPERTY FRQM R-1 AND C-1 COMPRTSING ROUTE OF AMOCO PIpELINE COMPANY'S:PROPOSED PIPELINE, TO SPECIFIC USE; CHANGING THE"ZONING MAP' ACCORDINGL�'; COMPCYING WITH ORDINANCE 174 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE; AND SETTTNG FORTH CERTRIN CO�IQITIONS RELATIVE TO REZONING. ORD, #217 MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve third and final reading of Ord. T-5-q (and assign .permanent Ord. No. 217) Second: Patton Vote: FOR (6) Wind1erA Patton, Lowe, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST (1 ) Gonza1ez �10TION CARRIEQ ORD, #218 T-5-B - CPS Rate Increase - Third and Final Reading ! AN ORDINAIVCE OF THE CITY OF FRTENDSWOOD, TEXAS PRESCRIBING RESIQENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL RATES TO BE CHARGED BY COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FOR SALE OF ELECTRICITY WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ANQ REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES � IN CONFL.ICT HEREWITH. MQTION: (Haken) To approve third and fina� reading of T-5-B (and assign permanent Ordb No. 218) Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � - -- -- - - ----_�_-- - - - - - - -- - -----------� ����' �f� T-�5�-C - Firearms - Third and Fina1 Reading ORD.#219 AN ORDINA�iCE REGULATING AND PROHIBTTI�i� CERTAIN FIREARMS IN TH� CORPORATE LIMITS OF TH� CITY OF FRIENASWOOpa AI�D PROVTDTNG A P�NAL.TY FOR VIQLATIO[�S. MQTI0�1. (Zei�ler) To approve T�-5-C on third and final reading (and assign permanent Ord. No. 2�9) Second: Patton Vote: FOR (6) Windler� Patton, l.owea Haken, Baker, Zeitler � AGAINST (1) Gonza1�z MOTION CARRI�p I 'Y�' T-5-D - Hazardous Materi al s - Thi rd and �'i na1 readi ng MOTION: (Windler) To approve third and final reading of T-5-Q Second: Haken MOTIO[�: (Patton) To table the ordinance Secon : Haken Vote: Unani,mous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ TO TABLE � WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL � �`.► � P�OTION: (Windler) To approve G8�A Warrant. #4312 to Aetna Ins. � Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION; (l�findler) To table G&A Warrant 4�13 to Engineering Plus � and Canstructi on (�farrant #155 to N. M. Brown ti 11 next wee[c. Second: Patton � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WG&ID #108 - Mr., Morgan� read a letter from #108 requesting a meeting with � � Counci regarding sew�r servic� �o a few' new houses beyond their bounds through the��;sa�e con�Cract which #108 has with �h� City. No action taken. PERSONNEL S�SSI'ON (C1osed) � � Mr, Morgan said �that Mr. Jones i� leaving the City, that temporarily Leah North wi11 hand1e bui1ding permits� C1yde Raney wi11 do the�electrica1 inspections, and Ken Toon wi11 do the p�umbing inspe�tions. _ This was acceptab1e ta Counci� on a �emporary basis. AQJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeti ng was adjourned. ' �� �� ` ' Ci ty Secretary � APPROVED: . . � ,�� � � ��%���� �C, . Mayor Ra1 p � L. �Lowe � �' �