HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-05-20 Regular —__------ .. . " f __-. ..., �_"_.'"__'__ __�, �+Y MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 20, 1974 A Regular P�leeting of the Friendswood City Council was he1d on May 20, 1974 in the Counci1 �hambers at City Ha11 with the following members present: I �r Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ; ; Cauncilman Milton Wiindler �� Counci1man Ralph Gonzalez Counci1man Richard Haken Courtci lman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler I�i�h a quorum presentp and with Counci1man Wi1liam Patton abs�ntA the following business was �ransacted: ANNOUNCEP�ENTS & COP4P�UNICATIONS FROM THE f�AYOR Minutes of Snecial Meeting of April 22„ and of Regular Meeting of May 6 have not been writteny �hus na minutes were presented for approval . County Gommissioner Paul Hopkins spoke at the local Chamber of Commerce meeting 1ast week. None of the Counci1 attended. (City Secretary and Mr. Cline represented the Cit,y) . FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC AND PARADE - Mr. John Tirado has been app�inted as Parade Chairman wit P�9rs, Carolyn Jones as Co�chairman, �+ir. Tirado reported �o Counci1 on p1ans to date. Counci1 wi11 be rPS�onsib1e for the bar-b-�ue. CLEARWOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT re sew�trea�ment - MrA Mike. Yates rep��s- en��ng the Clearwood Water Board, stated that they are investigating the possibility of a new sewage treatment p1an�� and that they are in�ere�ted in discussing �he possibi1ity of joining Friendswood's system. He as[ced for cost figures and conditions on which to base their discussions . RESIGNATION OF GARY TALIAFERRO FROM YOUTH COUNSELING BOARD - Mr. Taliaferro �r�.. 7� by et�er resigned his positian on the Board. The Board suggested that Rev, Peter Steinke be appointed to rep1ace Rev. Taliaferro. Mayor Lowe made the appoin�menty and the fol1owing .acti.on was taken by Counci1: MOTION. (Gonza1ez) To approve the Mayor`s appoin�ment of Peter Steinke to fi11 the ,vacanc,y on the Community Youth Counseling Board. Second: Haken Vote_ Unanimous •FOR MQTION CARRIED POLLY RANCH ESTATES AGREEMENT A deed from Polly Ranch (Mr. McAninch) to the City for a sewer plant, oca�lon was discussed and �portions were unaccep�ab1e . to Counci 1 y so the Ci ty Attorney (Mr, Nooks) was di rec�ed to re-wri te the deed incorporati�g sugges�ions from Council ; to be presented for action at � the nex� Counci1 h9eeting. SELECTION FOR ENGINEER FOR STREETS TO BE BUILT UNDER BONDS VOTED - P�Ir, Morgan reporte t at' e,5.and Counci men Ha eny in er� an Gonza ez ave interviewed ��P'7� sev�n engineering firms who bid on the engineerinc�„ and now recommended that Fngineering P1 us be a��varded �he con�rac�. Mem�ers of �he fi rm are Mal co�m Co�1in�.r Lyman Reid� and Tom C1emens„ with Mr, Cal1ins 6eing the ProjeGt �ngineer. MQTTON: (Gonzalez) That �ngineering Plus be designated as engineers for engineering �vork on �he Street Bond Program, ' Second: Haken Vo�e: Unanimaus FOR MOTION CARRI�D Mr. Morgan s�ated that he wauld ge� �hem �to star� wor[c immedia�e1y so �hat thi s porti on of the projec� wou1 d be done by the ti me �he bonds are so1 d and the Cit,y can go out for bids on �he paving. Council concurred. LONGWOOD PARK PLAT - was not ready for approva� a� this meeting, ----- ---- --- r� � --- -- ----- --- ----- - r - - ----- ------- - -.. , , - - - . . --- - - C� _-' __'_ . ' '__ ��,n� SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY - (Sign in Enchanted Woods re Ed Stuart} MrA organ reporte t at e has contacted the Civ1c C1ub 1eader and asked th.at �he sign �e removed„ but response� was indifferent. Since the sign is on pub1ic propertyp Mayor I�awe asked that Counci1 take necessary ac�i on to have the si gn removed, MOTIQN: (Zeit1er) To instruct the City Manager tA have the sign removed from City Property. Second- BaCcer Vote� �.T.I���;FQR (5) Windler, Gonza1ezg I�owe� HaCcert, Zei�1er ' RGAINST (1) Baker � MOTTON CARRI�D � , ��,�� SUMM�R RECREATION PROGRAM - The School Qistrict is again requesting tha t � t e C1ty pay 2,400 for salaries for a director and two assistants for the program. Since this is a budget 1irie i�em, no action was necessary, and the warrant was approved 1a�er in the meeting. „�.o.w...�..,_ t'' APPOIf�TMENT OF' CI1'Y HEAI.TH OFF�CER . t��j��� MOTI01�: (Windler) That Qr, J. J. Symon be appointed as Hea1�h Officer far �he coming year. Second. Zeit1er Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTIQN CARRIEp ��.'1� ** DRILLING PERMIT � Request from Crown Central for dril1ing permits for Ware . �' l�e 1 fi ana Harris f�e11 #1 . Insnector Raney recommends issuance of �hese permits, The fee ,has been p�id� MOTION. (Zeitler)`To approve these two Dri1lin� Permit� Secon : Windler Vot�� �Unanimous �FOR MOTION CARRIED ���� OFFICIAI� N�WSPAP�R' FOR 1974 . ' � , MOTION: �Wind�er) To desigr�ate �he Friendswood Journa1 as offieial � � � newspaper for 19Z4-75. Second: Baker Vot�: FOR Unanimous MOTIOI� CARRI�Q ��,��� MAYOR PRQ-T�M FOR 1974-75 �90T'ION„ (Gonza1ez) Ta designate Counci1man Ha[cen �as Mayor Pro-Tem. Secon : Bak�r Vote: FOR (5) Wind1er, Gonza1ez, l.owe, Bakery Zei�1er Abstainina: Haken PqOTION CARRIEp ��,�v` PI�A(��IING COM��ISSTON APPQI[�TP�Ef�T�- Position #5 - The fol1owing have vo1un.teered to s�rue: Janice Koenigy Sarah Weigle� Dorothy Jones, Richard Hardin� Roger P�i 11 s� Ray Kaufho1 d r John Ti rado, h1ayar L.owe out1 i ned a p1 an to meet with �he P1anning Commissian/City Council ta se1ec� the appointee. Official acti on �to Ge' �aken at next Cotanci 1 Meeti ng, **QRI�,�,ING P�RMIT � The above motion a1so inc1uded a permit request fr.om �xxon far converslon of R, p, Haden #14, APPROVED,- ��,1'� R�SQ�.UTIOf� RE APPQZ�iTME�iTS' T0 GACUESTON' COUPdTY HEALTH DISTRICT -' Names presen�e y the i stri c�� �for °appai ntment to �erve unt� pr� 1976� were: P1. l,. Ross� M4 D, ; G, Z. C1 ouser, Ci ti zen a� l,arge; Mrs. Leah �iorth, Ci ti zen at l.arge; P�. w. Bran�fbrd, Q,D:S.; Edgar Ray Hendrick, Engineer� MQTION° (Gonzalez) To approve the reso1ution setting forth these aapointments; Second� Zei�ler Vo�e, l.lnanimous FOR MOTTON CARRIEQ �l�� USE OF BI�B� RU�fH BASE�ALL' FIELp BY SCHOQL FOR COMPET�ING IN U.T.L: BASEBAkL �ounci�man�BaTc�E.r' presente a" et��r �o the schoo di stri ct`set�ing for� an � agreement betwe=en m�rrd�ers of the baseba11 g�~oup and the sch�o1 . The Ci ty At�orney was r��quested to draw up a reso1ution authorizing the Baseba1l � Board to negotiate such an agreement witFi the school . � ' ' '"'"___'___""__'_.__'_'�1�5���' i . ` MOTIOf�; (Baker) That the Ci�y agree to permi t the School Di stri ct � �o use the City basebal� field ta support the school 's . program under the agreement as set forth in the abavemention�d 1etter of May 20. Second: Haken Vote; Unanimous FOR P�OTION CARRIED LISRARY � RECIPROGAL AGR�EMENT�B�TWEEN HARRI� COUNTY�AND GITY - Harris County ���'.�,� , as een �requeste to support � e r�en SWoo � rary to t e extent that it � is used by Harris Coun�y Citizens . A �e��er was read from the Harris County Pub1ic Library s�a�ing that they feel their facilities are being used by -- Frien.dswood residents �p� a matching� degree. ` PR��RESS REPORT ON FIRE STATION AND PLANS FQR CTTY HALL EXPANSION - Discussed but na act�on ta en, Sneci i ca�i ons are to e ra��►n un for bi s on ci ty hal l , CITY MANAGE� - STATUS REPORT' ON PF'�OJECTS a�(p qpMINISTRATIVE OUESTIONS 1 � Re-routing of air at sewer�p1ant to be finished th�s�week-�end. � 2. Li ft s tati on for Carie Corporati on wi 11 be fi ni shed• i n �wo wee(cs, ,� 3. F1�x-Stran nine check sho�ted �wo ho7es in 1iney to be repaired in two weeks. � 4. Juni or Hi gh drainage - t�to boxes and two in1ets yet to be done: � 5, ��[vrk on f�lerrywood/Bri armeadow i s ne.xt on wor[c 1 i st. � 6. l�ugus� l-3 a Yauth� Revival is to be he1d; request use af city park. P�OTIO�I: (Zei�ler) That approva1 and permission for this event come from the Youth' C�unseling Commi t�ee. Second; Ba[cer Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MQTIOIV CARRIED , 7, Request for shel1 on Wi1derness Trail - Not approved, (Request from ����/ citizen who has built since annexation and beyond point where Coun�y had she1led� road) , A1so discussed was use of oil field roads by � citizens and 1iabi1ity of the Ci�y �o maintain if the road is abandoned � � by �he oi1 company. � � 8, Utility Extension Po1icy to go "the firs�° �OO� ft. on� a utility line where utilities are not avai�able � Wou1d $300 be an equitab�e cash payment y' g''7� in 1ieu of the ,Gi�,�-'s� actua11y 1aying the 1ines? Counei1 stated� �hat fn �he present case (Bob Reed and Bi11 Murphy) �hat the City might purchase $300 worth of pipe for �he line� since these men p1an to 1ay �he 1i,ne themselves , � 9, Oi1ing of Streets � City Manager to send copies of pet�tions requesting oi1ing �o Judge Holbrook s�nce �he Caunty has commit�ed to do this work. I�IBRARY QONATION - A joint dona�ion for �he l.ibrar.y has been made by D. Prince ���'�� an a p Lowe in the amoun� of $100.10. EXTENSION OF PAVING FOUR LRNE„ CURB AND GUTTER TO COWARDS CREEK AS A PART /��"%� F � .P S F J - ayor to wr�te etter �o t e ommissioners Gourt arid Hi ghwa,y Qepar'`�ment maki ng thi s reques�;(��e��.C�.��e��.��1� �;,�ti���.�-� ������-�'� PARK LAND - 6.7 acres next �o �he basebal1 .park and one acre at the old city park were discussed as additions to. the City parfc syst�m. Mr. Clay ton Rudder of the Texas Parks and Wild1ife Department is to be contac�ed regarding grant money on"these proper�ies. ORDINA�lC�S 216-E - Commercial .District Re�ula�ions (Emergenc�Reading) MOTION: (Windler) To adopt Ord: #216-E °as an Emergency Ordinance Secon�: Gonza1ez Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler� Ganza1ez,� Haken9 Baker AGAINST (1 ) Zei�1er , C�fJTION CARRIED T�5-� , G,�S RATE INCREASE (First Reading) . � AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIE(�DSWOOD 'PRESCRIBING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR DISTRIBUTION AND SAL,E OF NATURAL` GAS WTTHIN THE CITY; ANQ REREALI[�G ALL OTHER ORQI�iANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CQNFLICT HEREWITH, -----,--------- ---------- - - - - -- ---- I' ;,�� MOTION.. (Ze�t1er) To approve firs� readir�g of Ord. T-5-E. Second: Baker � Vote: FOR (5) Lowe� Windler, Hakeny Bafcer, Zei�ler AGAI(�ST (1 ) Gonzalez ' � f�OTTON� GARRIED T-5-F - REZONINC OF''SGHOQC '(F�r�t° Read�ng), ' AN OR.DINANCE CHAf�GI�iC THE ZONING OF CERTAII�` PROPERT�' FROP� f�w:� TO �PECIFIC USE (SCH00�) ; CHANGTNG THE zONING MRP =ACCO(�pINGL,Y; COMPLY.ING WTTH ORDINANCE N0. 174 'QF TH� CITY QF' FRIENpS6�l00Q KI�OWN AS THE ZONTNG"Of�DIf�ANC�:..' �' : , MOTIOf�- (Zeitler) To approve first reading of Ord, T=5iF: Secot��'� Haken Vote:' Unanimou� FOR° ' ' MOTTON CARR�TEp T-5-A - REZONING'OF`'AMOCO' P'IPEC`INE � (Second' R�adi�, A�i ORDI[�AI�CE CHANC�ING°'THE'ZONLNG OF CERTAICd PROPERTY F'ROM R=1 AND C-1 , COMPRISI�IG ROUT� `OF 'AM'OCO' P`I'P��TNE' COMPAN'Y"`S PROPOSEQ `�IPELtNE� TO' SPECIFIC`USE, "CHA�IGTI�G"�THE� ZONI`N� MAP' ACCORDINGLY; COMPLI�INC WITH ORDINAN,CE 174 OF THE CITY OF FRTE�fDSW00Q Kf�OWN RS THE ZONING ORQINANCEP A�iD SETTIf�G �FORTH' CERTA'I�I GONDITIO�IS'RELATTVE T� REZONING: " MOTION: (Wind1er) To approve secortd reading of T=5-A. � Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (5) Lowe� �Iindler� Ha[cen� Baker, Zeit1er AGAIf�ST:` (1') 'Gonza1ez - P�IOTION CARRIED " � T-5-B - RATE INCREAS�''TO""COf�r�UNTI'Y PUBLTC 'S�RUTC� (Second R�adina") AN ORDI�IANCE OF' THE CITY OF' F�IEI�DSW00D; TEXAS PRESCRTBING RES'IDENTIAL ANQ COMMERCTAL RATES 'T0 BE 'GHAR'GED 'BY CO(�MUNTTY' PUBLIC SERVTC� COMPA(�iY FOR SALE OF ELECTRTCITY WTTHIN THE CZTY OF FRIE�IDSI�l00D, TEXAS„ ANQ I REPEALING ALL OTf-{ER ORQ�NANCES ANQ PARTS OF ORDINA�ICES IN CONFLICT � I H�REWITH. � MOTIQN: (Zeit7er) To approve second readTng of Orde T-5-B: Second. �Gonza1ez Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIO(� CARRTED T-S-C � FIREARMS ORDINANCE' .(Secor�d Read,ing) Af� ORDIIVAI�CE REGULATING ANQ PROHIBITING CERTAIN FTREARMS IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS 0� THE CITY OF FRIEI��S�f00Q,� AND `PROVIQ`ING 'A PEf�AL.TY ,FOR VIOLATIO�iS. MOTIO�i., (Wihdler) To approve second reading of Ord, T-5�C. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, �Iind1er, Haken, Baker, Zeit1er AGATNST: (�") �Gonza1ez�� �•90TION CARRIED T�5-D � .FfAZARp�.US�;=.1�A�':��fA�:��:��(�e�can''d-�Readin ) � , AN ORDINAf�CE PROHIBITING` THE TRANSPORTATIOIV BY TRUCK ��IITHIN TH� CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOD OF`HAZARDOUS MATERIALS UPON CERTAIN STREETS ANQ HIGHWAYS OF THE CITY OF. FRIENDSWOOD; PRES"CRTBING ROUTES FOR TRUCKS�TO FOLLOW WHEN TRANSPORTING HAZARQOUS h1A'TERIALS THR�UGH THE CITY OF' FRIEN�SWOOD; CO�iTAINING QEFI�tITIONS; f�IAKII�G ,CERTATI� PROVISi,��I�SREI.ATED TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDI�iG A PENALTY; PROVIDING A SEVE��AB;ZLITY''GL"AUSE F11��'PROVID'ING AN EFFECTIVE°QATE. P�OTION: (!�Jindler) To approve secand reading of Ord; T-5=p, � Second= Gonza1ez Ilote: (5) L,owe, Wind1er� Haken, 6akery Gonza1ez FOR AGATNST (�) Zeit1er MOTIO�! CARRIED RE-EI�ACTMEPdT OF� EMERGENCY ORDTNANCES `� ' ' ORp. N0. 212E �Amended) �- AN ORQI�IAI�CE AMEf�DING A �p,ART' OF FRI�NQSWOOD ORDI�IA�iCE N0; 2T0„ SU[ipIVISIQN ORQINANCE;' AMENDZN� THE SAME TO REQUIRE A SUBP��ISSTON� OF A�iY R��PL.AT TO TH� PLANNING AAtp ZONING COMMISSION FQR APPROVAI.� ANQ DECGARIfVG �"/�(� EMERCEIVCY. ' PqpTT01�: (Haken) To approve re-�enac�ment of Ord. 212E as an emergency o�^din�nce. ----- -- --- -- -- ------------- -- - S' � � � ���Q. Second; Gonzale� Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, windler� Haken, Gonz�1ez„ Baker AGAINST (1 ) Zeit1er MOTION CARRIED ORQ. N0. 213E - AN ORDINANCE EXTE[�DING TE{E APP�ICATIOfV OF THE CITY OF - IEND �OD ORDINANCE'NUMB�R 210 AP�D 21'2E ESTABLI:SH'I�iG RUL�S ANQ REGULA- TION� GOVERNING PLA1'S AND'THE SU�pI1(ISTON �OF LANq T0 AI.L OF THE AREA UNQER THE �XTRAl'EfZ"RTTORI�II�:•J,U�TSQIGTIOI��OF THE CITY OF FRT ENDSWOOD, T�XAS; PRQVIDI(�� THAT A .11IOLATI01� OF TH� ORpI(�ANCE IN SUCH AREA' OF � EXTRATERRT70RTAL� JURI�QT�TION'SHAI:L NOT BE'A MISDEh1EANQR' NOR' SHALL ANY � FI�i� BE APPLICABLE; PROVZpING FOR E[�FORCEMENT OF SUCH ORpINANCE BY -- INJUI�CTTON"IN THE- DIST�TGT'COIJRT;, ANp"DECLARZNG NN EMERGE[�CY: MOTION: (Windl�r:) To approve re-�enacement of Ord� No, 213E as an emergency: ' Second: Haken Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, [�lind1ery Ha[cen, Gonzalez, Baker AGAINST (1) Zeit�er MOTION CARRIEQ � WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL ;" ', � MOTIQ�I; (Wind1er) To approve G&A [�arrants 4272 through 4278. �, � Secon : Zei t1 er � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTIO[�; (Wind1er) To approve M&0 warrants 2343 and 2344. Secon : Zeitler Vote: Unarrimous FOR MOTIO�! CARRIEQ MOTION� (Windl.er) To approve' Constru.ction Fund warrant No. 154. Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unani.mous FQR ' MOTION GARRIEQ I PROCESS TO BE US�q FOR SEWA�E TREATMENT �' Last Meeting Jim E11er presented the engineer s nropbsed process to b� used in resent 1 , p p ans, Pendin t d ; , . g s u b th e Y Cpunci1 � no actlon. was taken a� tha� time an the rocess y re commen d d P e b th e engineery ('On file in the off�ce of �the City Secretary) y MOTION» (Windler) To approve the process as recommended by Engineering Science, SeconcT: Haken. Vote: Ur�arlimous FOR MOTION CARRTED CL,QS�p PERSONNEL SESSIO�t Mr� McCar�y of�th� Uti�i�y Qep�, has had surgery� has used his sick leave� and Gouncil agreed to permit him �Go continue to draw his pay under his pro-rated vacation time unti 1 �he �s ab1e `to.- return �o work. Ci ty att�rn�ey di scus�sed ��he Romei tce 1 awsui�Grwi th Counci 1 . ADJOURNMEI�T - Motion made and seconded �ha� the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ' '`�, �-� l`� �.�-2 - � APPROVED: 1 y Secretary � � � � �'� _-� , , I •�'� ,..�I�. .��.' �-� 4 � til.�-@� � ���""�''°�