HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-05-06 Regular � �� � � MINUTES OF A REGUI�AR MEETING ,OF TH� FRI��iASW00D. CITY COUNGIL , May 6; 1974 A Regu1�r Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he.1d on May 6y 1974 at �7:30 p:m� in the Coun.ci1 Chambers with the fol1owing merrd�ers presen�. ; ' Mayor Pro-tem N[i 1�i am Pa�.ton Gouncilman Mi1ton Wind1er '-i' Cc�unci1man Ra1ph Gonza1ez Counci 1man Ri ch�rd hla[cen � � Counci1man Benny Baker Counci�man'�dw�rd Zei�ler Wi�h a quorum present, and with Mayor Ralph l.owe a4sen�, the fo11owing business was transacted: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minute�� �of a Special Meeting of March 25 approved as read. � Minutes of a Regu'lar Meeting of April 1 appraved as read, '� Minutes of a Special Meeting of April 8 approved with �`'° ' the excepti on that ta1ly sheets of the Apri 1 6 e1ecti on � � are to be attached and made a part of the minutes, Minutes of a Regular Meeting� of. Rpril 15 approved as read. ANhlOUNCEh1�NTS & COMP�UN�TCAfiIOhIS' FROM 'THE �MAYO� � Reminder that election expense accounts are due this week. Romeike 1aw suit is 5ch��duled fo 'r trial . Attarney is to review this and report bacCc to Counci1 nex� Monday, Le��er from Bob Casey re Clear Greek Projec� time schedu1e. l,e��er to Mayor P�cComb from Gharles Law s�a�ing �ha� he has erron�ously beei� '1.iss�ed��'.;as a party i n a l aws ui t by the Im�eri al Es tates Ci vi c I ' C1ub and" o�hers against Friendswood, etc. re Clear Creek. Lega1 repl,y from Harris County� to the court re tfie above-mentioned lawsuit. �--' Joint -Chamber of Commerce and GCMCA annual meeting Friday night. Reservations to 6e turned in to City Secretary. S�W�R SYST�M -� Jim �11er- reported �hat f1aw figures from WC�Ip 108 hav� been 1 ��-7� c ec e�o�and confirmed but wi�1 check meters once more sin�e �hese figur�s �re be�ng c�ues�i oned hv some members of ��:e Counci 1 . He gave Council copies of material on the process selected by Engineering Science as best for the City, also outlining alternatives for review. This repor� wi11 be scheduled for workshop next week. A let�er is to be wri�ten by, Mr. E1ler and f�1ra Somers asking if it would be possib1e ta get approval vf the sewer 1ines as proposed separate from the request for funding of the �re�t�nt p1ant� itself. h1r� Eller said that his understanding is tha� if the 1ines were funded separate1y, the City would only be el i c�ib1e for 25%` grattt rather than °75% i f �ombined wi th the pl ant, HOIJSTON NATURAL. GAS RATE INCREASE - The Gas Company's reply to �he Cit 's coun�er-proposa1 was read wFierein they sta�e that no exception to theiry � � ,� origina1 reques� can be gran�ed. MOTION:(Zeitler) That the. proposed ordinance as presented by the Gas ; Company be revised (1 ) to se� for�th a 20 day penalty from date of ' bi 11ing instead of the 1Q days se� out in �he ordinance, and (2) that ' v �he pena�ty limit no� exceed $3,00 per bi1ling, I ` Second: Wind1E�r � Vote: FOR (6) Pattvn; Wind1er, Gonza1�zp Haken, Bakerx Zeit1er AGAINST: none �lOTION CARRIEp The revised orc�inance is to be pos�ed for nex� Counci7 f�leeting. FIRE STATION CONTRACT- Mr. Morgan. s.�ated tha� �he:contract for construction g���� of the fire sta�ion was si�gned �oday at a �ota1 of $144��7p, and tha� ground- breaking ceremot�ies wi11 �E� held at �he site on Satt�rda,y, May 1� , at �0_00 A.M, ----- - ------------- --_ --- - ----------- ------------- ---.------------- -- j � � � 3 MOTION: (Wind1er) To ratify signing �f .the cantrac� and ground br�aking ceremoni�s. S,econd: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR ' MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Windler) Th�a� in the e�en� of"an over-run on tfie contract ni�ny amount above $100, that the Manager is �o come bac[c to C��anci 1 for appr.ova1 . Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIQ;V CARRI�p EXPAN�ION OF CITY` HAL.L - It is es�ima�ed that .six weeks from start af the fi re stati on, �t e ui di ng wi�l be read,y �o house the fi re equi pment, sv tha� a� �hat time work could�begin on expansion �o Ci�y Ha11 . P1ans for �he City Ha'11 �wi11 6e scheduled �for next Workshope � STREETS ANQ DRAINAGE' - Mr, Morgan gave a report of status on Junior High Sc oo rain�ge p�rogram. �ile is in but boxes are not finished, Heritage �states drainage program has not yet been star�ed. Street crew wi11 be patching tomorrowy .w�dn�sd"ay�they wi11 6e grading. SI��N ORQINANCE - Councilman (�►indler wi11 have this ordinance ready for next Works op. � R�SQLUTI�N. # -74 - A resolution r,equesting park planning assistance from t e' exas Par s and Wild1ife Department far`park planning assistance. MOT____I04V: '(Bafcer) To adopt the reso1.u�ian as re�d Secpnd: • Zeitler � Vo�e. Unanimous FOR' MOTION CARRIED' FIRE KEY RATE -. Mrs. Leah North made a presentation on fire key rates, poin�ing out changes �o or enfarcem�nt of ardinances which wou1d affect th� � � rates on fire insurance in Friendswood. � YOUTH COUNSELING CQMMITTEE - Mr, Qi11 A1lan, Counselor, made a report on t e present status o t e committee, stating that the program has been designated as "The Bridge," Tfie�� can�act telephone number is 482-6717. \�,�� HERITAGE ESTATES II PLAT APFROVAI. (Recommend�d by Planning Commission) � MOTTON: (Zeitler) To approve the plat for Heri�ag� �states IZ ' econ : l�ind1er Vote. Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED ORQZNANCES ' , / �� Third & Fina1 Readan� �- T-3�A - Rezoning Hackney Proper� ��' MOTION; (Zeit1er) To approve fina1 °reading and adopt (Permanent Ordinance No. 2�5) � Secand: �Iind1er V.ote: FOR (5) W,ind1er„ Pa�ton, Hakeny Baker, Zeitler ACAINST (1 ) Gonza�ez . � MOTION CARRIED Fi rs t Readi nq - T-5-A - Am�co Pi pe1 i ne Rezoni_'n�c � MOTION: (Windler) To approve first reading of Ord4 T-5-A econ : Zeit1er Vate: FOR (5) Uiind1ery Patton, Haken� Baker� Zeit1er 5 � � l�GAINST (1 ) Gonza1ez MOTION CRRRIED First Readinq - T-5-�R - C.p,S. Ra�e zncrease MOTIQN; (Ha[cen) To approve fi rs� reading of Ord, T-5-B Secon : Zei�1er Vo�e_ Unanimous FOR MOTiQN CARRIED �'���. First Readin� - T-5-C - Firearms MOTION: (Zeit1er) To approve firs� reading of Ord. .T�S-G Secon�: WZndler Vote: FOR (5) (�indler, Pattorty Haken, Baker, Zeitler RGAINST (1 ) Gonza1ez MOTION CARRIED � , Fi_rst Readin� - T=5=p - Hazardous P1aterials ; . ; , MOTIO�I� (Ganza1ez.) To approve .fi rs�t read9ng of Ord, �T�5-p �— Secon : Wind1er Vote: FOR (5) Windlery Hakeng, Baker� Zeit1ery Gonza1ez ACAINST (1 ) Patton MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPRQVAL MOTION: (f�lindler) To approve G&A.l�arrants 4189y 4191 , 4192, 4193, 4194„ 4195p 4196, and 4201 . � Secon,d. Baker � Vate: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � MOTION: (Wind1er) To approve M&Q �iarrants 2303y 2304, 2;305� and 2306. G� Secon : Ba[cer W Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED !i CL.OSEQ ER P , SON[�EL SESSION - Several subjects regarding personnel : cross.ing guar pay lncrease, vacation r�lief for investigator, extra night patrol shifty Municit�al Court judge„ and �he question of appea� " cases in county caurt, were discussed. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT i Motion made and seconded tha� �he mee�ing adjourn, The meeting was � adjaurned. .__..! � � � ��-�--� �- -����.e� _�.� f�PPROV�Q Ci ty Secretary � � ay r r i t