HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-04-22 Special _._.-------- __�+,...._--- ------- � ���i f+IINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETTNG OF THE F'RIENDSWOOQ CITY COUNCIL Apri1 22, 1974 A Specia1 Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was ca1led to order at 10:30 p.m� on Monday, April 22� 1974� fo11owing a .public hearing on the environmen�a7 impact re1ative to proposed sewer projects , i�embers of the Council present inc1uded: � � Mayor Ra7ph L, Lowe Counc.i1man Milton Windler Councilman Ra1ph Gonza1ez Councilman �enny Baker Councilman Edward Zeit1er With a quorum present and with Councilman William Patton and Councilman Richard Haken absent,. the fo11owing business was transacted: � �+ NOUSTpN NpTURAL GAS RATE I(�CRE�SE - Study Commi ttee Report. A commi ttee ��v�+�(za �`�► consisting of Councilmen Ra1ph Gonzalez and -R,�-e�r�.k� with Ken 4�atts as ��'+t�°�r � Chairman, had made a thorough study of tfie proposed rate increase, and the � fol�owing figures were presented �o Council by f1r. Wa�Cts: W HNG`.F-I�l1RE�r1. COMP�ITTEE PROP�: 1 GOMMITT�E PROP. 2 ��r�% Orig. 462 462 462 Repro. 659 --- 587 Fai r Va1ue 562 462 526 ROR 7.25% 7.25% 7,25% NOIn 40,761 33„610 38,128 ,' ' NOTX 28„921 28,921 28.921 ' ` NOZ 11y840 ;-- 4,689 9,207 Revenue 23�359 9,250 18,164 (equal to an 8.05% increase i n re ven ue) The Committee recommended that Counci1 Use Proposition 2 as their counter- �ro�osal �o Hous�on Natura1 �as , Gas Company representatives stated that �his nro�ositian wou1d not be acceptab1e to their company and rejection of �heir r�rigina1 proposed increase wou1d prompt �hem �o refer the ma�ter dire�t1y �o �he Rai7road Commiss�on. Nevertheless� Council as[ced that considera�ion be given to two points: (1 ) extending time of payment without pena1ty from 10 days to 20 da,ys from bil1ing date� and (2) that the 1% penalty , no� exceed $3.00 for any sir�g.le bi11ing period, An immediate answer was requested. No forma� action was taken, (Councilman Gonza1ez lef� the meeting a� tnis point) h�_Z� FIR� STATION CONTRACT - The Citv Manager� recommended that the contract be ��.�, awarded �o the 1ow idder, W�1ston Cons�ruc�ors a� 000 s�Ga�ing that �'���✓���t negoti ati ons are s�i 11 underway on some detai�s of constructi on. ���""c' . p��,�-�.J MOTION Wn�.nd1er � � ) Ta authorize �h e Ci t y Manager to continue ne oti Wo1ston and at the ro e g ati ons r ti me o p p , t s i n a c o for construction. � ntract � Second: Zei�1er � � ; Vote: FOR (4) 6dindler„ Lowep Bakery Zeitler ��" AGAINST: none� f�IOTIQNI�CARRIED COP�MUNITY PUBI.IC S�RVICE RATE INCREASE R� UEST - P�r. Char1ie Mi11s of CPS � ��� requeste appt^ova of a .39a incre�se for residential customers �ased on 7 a gate increase ta the company. He asked �ha� this increase become effective June 3 fol1owing third reading of an ordinance authorizing the increase. M�TION (Zei�1er) That an ordinance authorizing the increase be posted for fi rst reading a� the fi rst meeting in P1ay. SeGOnd: Ba[cer Vo�e= FOR (4) Wind1er� I�owey Baker, Zei�1�r AGATNST: n.one ��OTION CARRIED ;, -- - -- ------------- ---- --------- - - -- _ , � -- — >,—. � ���� FOX MEADOW REPI�AT �PPROVAL - Th�s . 1 at:decreases s i ze of some 1 ots on the � orlg�na� p a�, bu� � ey sti11 comri�y wi�h subdivision ordinance requirements„ and the P1anning Cammission has anproved the �hange, MQTION (Zeitler) To approve �he F�x Meadows replat Second: Baker Vote: FOR (4) Windler, Lawe, Bafcer, Zeit1er AGAINST: none MOTION CARRIED OATH OF OFFICE - Mi1�on Windler, who was re-e�ec�ed to Coun,ci7 Position 1 on pri �'was gi ven the Oath of Offi ce by ��ayor Lowe, � . ADJOURNMEf�T - Motion made and seconded `that the meeting adjourn. The mee�ing was adjaurried. '� '" ..�, P- L-�:�' V Ci ty Seare ary � � APPROVED: �../.� ��� . f� yar ; � . . , .,�., , �. . , '