HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-04-15 Regular �l�' �: �
April 15, 1974
A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the Council
Chambers at Cit,y Ha11 on Monday� April 15� 1974� at 7:30 p.m, with the fo11owing
members present:
I I�
Mayor Ra1�h L. Lowe
�_.__, Counci 1ma� Ri�hard Haken
Gounci1man Ra1ph Gonza�ez
Counci1man Benny Baker
Counci1man Wi1liam Patton
Councilman Edward Zeitler
f,�_����yr�i �.:�:: i 7 ��t.� i,��F t. .
Ci ty Secr�ta'ry Bobbi e� Henry
With a quorum �res�nt, and with Councilman Milton Wind1er absent„ the fo1low-
� ing business was transa�ted:
�+ READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES � Minutes of a Regular P�eeting of P�larch 18,
� approve as rea .
� I�lEI.COME TO fUESTS - Ma,yor Lot•��e recognized the following out-of-town guests.
Judge 'James . Piperi of the County Court of Domestic Re1a�ions; Judge Bi1�
Decker of the 212th District Court� Galveston; D�strict C1erk V, J. Beninati ,
Jr. ; I�uC�ounty. Trea's'ur�nf}Ri ci.hardf_:Ki r:kpa�ri ck;�and:;statEd�tha,t-:�Geiiera1 Royal
Hatch of H�GAC had been present 'bat could'not remain for the meeting,
Later in the evening Harris Count,y Judge Bi11 Ellio�t and Galveston County
Judge Ra,y F{o1brook joined the meeting.
____� � . Through contact with F,E.O.� the Mayor reported that a pledge of more
gaso1ine for Friendswood service sta�ions has been received.
� 2. The two-county work on C1ear Creek inc�uding .cuts on u-curves is to
begin within the nex� 60 days.
3. Judge Goddard has asked that the City Attorney communicate with him
regardi ng di sposi ti on of the WC&ID 108 sui t agai nst the Ci ty.
�. L�ah Nor�h has been reanpo�nted to �he Caunty Board of Health.
5. Frank Carr of Brown & Root was to have appeared tonight to report on the
sta�us of FM 518, but was unab�e �o be here, He wil� be scheduled for
a Special Meeting next Monday night,
6: A 1etter was read from the Schoo1 District commending the Fire Department
on their hand1ing of the fire at �he e�ementary schoo1 recently.
7. Letter from TWQB reporting that Friendswood's grant app1ication has been
gi ven hi gh pri ori ty by them to the EPA.
8, Excess dirt on Cowards Creek wi11 be disposted of by the Countyy re a
letter from Judge Holbrook to the Countv Enaineer,
9. Mavor Lowe outlined a nlan to purc�tase for the .City a portion of the
former1y p1atted Renwick Subdivision as an addition �o �he ba�� park areap
� thus providing � drive-�hrough stree�, a 1it�1e-7eague footba11 fieldp
and a p1ayground area. Tota1 cost of �his property wou1d be $26,800
with a possib1e grant for halfi of tha� amount.
� PROCLAMATION - Mayor Lowe read a proclamation set�ing aside Apri1 20 as
,' Baseba�1 Day in Friendswood. (Because of heavy rains, �his date was later
, � changed to May 4)
, � z
BIDS ON FTRE STATTON - Two bids were opened� and base bids read as fo1�ows= �� 1 �
Losc� Bui1ding S,ystems $123,314,00
G, Franks & Sons $�26,834.00
Bids were referred to the Fire Qepartment and Ci�y P�9anager for review
and recommendation back to Counci� :
MOTI�IV: (Fatton} To refer bids to City Manager and Fire Department
for review� contract to be a�.Narded next Monday night.
Second: Zei�1er
;�'� � ----- ----- - .----- --- --- --_.
HOUSTON NATURAL GAS RATE TNCR�AS� R��UEST , In the absence ofi a report
from � e Counci1 commit��e s�udying this sub�ec�, the matter was,postponed
tan�i 1 next Monday ni ght a� a Speci al Meeti ng.
1 . P�r. Morgan presented a 1ist of current and pending projects.� 'indicating
the estimated number of warking days to completion, whether the work
wou�d be done by city emp�oyees� Gounty.g or cantractor, and his pro- ' I
posed priority ra�ing, He requested _�hat Counci1 make any suggestions i ;
they might have on the priority rating he �.had set on these projects. _ '
,�� 2, Regardi ng approva1 of b,ui l di ng �1 ans by the appropri ate subdi vi'si on's
��- architec�ura1 committee prior to issuance of a bui1ding permit by the
city has been questioned. The City Attorne.y's opinion is that this
practice wou1d b� overru1ed i.�F�` carried to court; however, Council 's
decision was to continue the practice to �he extent possib1e without
incurring 1itiqa�ion,
County Judge Qill Elliott of Harris County �dministered the oath of office
to Ma,yor Ralph Lowe, and to Counci1men Edward Zeitler and R9chard Haken.
In discussion fol1owing were (1 ) finan.cial agreement between. Friendswood
and Harris County regarding use of the Friendswood .Library by Harris County
citizens; (2) request from Harris Countv tha� Friendswood be responsible
for bui1ding regulations and •inspections in ET�i as set forth in agreem�nt
between Houston and Friendswood; and (3) inclusion of C1ear Creek tributaries
in the p1anning by the Corps of. Engineers on the Clear Creek FTood Control
Project, (On the latter.,� Mayor Lowe read excerpts from a 1etter �t¢. Congressman
Bob Casey dated 9 Apri 1 , 1974 r�gardi ng thi s pl an:�f.rom LTC Ray of 'the
Corps of Engineers)
. i �In. discussion with Ga.1ves�on County Judge Ray Holb rook, the fo11owing �
subjec�s w�re considered: (1) Presenta�ion in ►.�Iashington of reques�s -
for appropriations for. Gorps of �ngineers on C1ear. Creek F1ood Contr.o1
Projec�; (2) Presentation and ret�uested support for tf�e total Galveston
County F1ood Control Study which includes $lOq,000 for Clear- Cree[c;
(3) Resolution by Commi�ssioner's Court asking �for tributary study to be
inc1uded in C1ear C.reek Flood Contro1 Project; (4) Additional widening
inc1uding curbs and gutters .for FM 518 from the intersection of
Cast1ewood to the .bridge over Coward's Cree[c. On the latter itemx Judge
Halbroofc stated that he felt this project wou1d be approved if a formal
reqwes� was recei ved from the Fri endswoad Ci ty Counci 1 .
�� MOTION: (Zei.t1er) That a request be made of Commissioner's Court
1�� � to extend the widening of FM 518 to the Coward's Creek bridge,
Second: Patton �
APPROUAL. OF R�-PLAT �FOR FOX M�AQOWS � Mr; Thomas l.ay asked tha� this approva�
�-e for� coming at � e ear ies� date possib1e, since it had Geen approv�d
hy �Che P1anning Commission for some �ime. This ��i11 be p�aced on the '
��genda for �he Sr�ecia� Meeting next Monday. �
1���� On recommendation of the City Manager, �he fal1owing mo�ion was made. ' II
� I
MOTION: (Pa�tan�) That Christia�son-Kei�h1�y Ge awarded �he contra�t I
for bac�c.-hoe as �he 1.ow.bi dder a�C'�$8;858.71 .
Second �afcer
Vote; Unanimous FOR A10TION CARRI�p
�UNI?ORQI�i�11�CE - Councilri�an Patton presented a proposed Gun Ordinance and
as ed at this be sched�a1ed for s�udy and discussion a� the nex� meeting,
/ � �
ORDINANCE T-3-A � Zoning Chan e� - Second�R�ad�ing (Hackney Property)
MOTION: ��'i���l`��r):�,,:T;o�;�appr.�ve second reading of Ord. T-3=A '
Secon : Haken
�"-' MOTION: (Patton) To approve for payment Gonstruction Fund #152
� Second: Zeitler
Vote: Unani�mous FOR � MOTI01� CARRIED
MOTION� (Pa�ton) To approve G&A Warra�ts 4109, 4110� 4111 , and 4112
Se no�d: Haken
, Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ
MO__TION: (Patton} To approve for ��a,yment M&0 Warrants. 2290, 2291p
2292, and 2293
Second: Ba[cer
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIQf� CARRIED
PLANNING COMMISSION RESIGNATION = Mayor Lowe read a letter from Mr� C. C, �'�J��
Bost� hairman of. the P1ann�ing Commission, resigning his position because
of �he press of persona1 G-usiness.
MOTION: (Patton) To present Mre Bost with a plaque in appreciation
of hi s �servi ces to the Ci ty. �
Se.cond: Zeit1er
Uote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED `
CL.OSEQ SESSTON - Mr. Morgan presented �a proposa1 for a cost-of-living increase
for emp1oyees: Those receiving less �han $600/mo. 7/
Those re�eiving $600-:$800/mo. 6�
�V' Those re�eiving $800�$1000/mo. 5/
� Those receiving over $1000/mo, 3_��2/ t'I�
Minimum`sa1aries for eity �employees were also discussed, ��' �7
Tn open meeting the following'motion was made:
MOTION: (Bak'er)' To accept the recommendation of the City Manager- on
' cos��of-1iving increase, `and `to set' the minimum starting sa1ary
for city emp1oyees at $386/mo. for the first `three months , to
Ge increased to $400 at the end of that period�
Second: �eit1er
� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ
AQJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The me�ting
was a ��"ou`rned at 11 :00 p.m.
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Ci ty Secretary
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I i ayor p L. owe
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