HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-04-08 Special -- --� ------ ____. — _ --- --------- -- -- -- - ------- —------------------------ ` ---- ,. � � �. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETI�iG OF THE FRIENDSWOOp CITY COUNCIL Apri1 8, 1974 I � :� A Specia1 Meeting of the Friendswood City Co�nci1 was he1d at the City Hall ' � '1�-�.:. on Monday� Apri 1 8,.�1974, at 7:30 p.m. for th,e purpose of canvasing returns , ` of the Apri 1 6 Gi ty �1�c�i ort among other i tems. Caynci 1 members present �� '1 were.� ' �. ��.. � � I � ' Mayor Ral ph l,. l.awe �' �����"' Coun�ci1man Mi1ton G�ind1er , � Counci1man Wi11iam Patton Counci1man Ra1ph Gonza�ez Counc7'lman Ri chard Haken Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeit1er � Ci t,y Secretarv Bobbi e Henry '� [�[i�h a quorum present� and with none absenty the fo1lowing business was �` �ransacted: U G,� � LETTER TO AMOCO REGARDING Lot 28 in Qua[cer's Landing - A letter was read by Mayor Lowe to Rmoco P�pe1ine Company reporting on recommendation of a special commit�ee to decide dispoSition of Lot 28 as being that the City should receive the lot, se11 it as a residential 1ot, and use the mone,y for the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department; and the City's acceptance of the recommenda�ion by the C.ommittee. Some a1terations were pr.oposed; the 1etter wi 11 be ret,yped artd represented. LETTER FROM CONGRESSMAN CASEY �o f�ayor Lowe commending hi�m far his efforts '�,,�'` i towar expe it�ng t e C1ear Creek F1ood Proj�ct, and assuring the Mayor of a his continued stapport of the City 7n this ma��ter� ;��,a.,_i OT�II�G `:�F STRE�TS FOR DUST CONTROL - Requests have been received from Clearview an from Sriarmea ow reques�ing oi�ing of the streets. Mr, Morgan is to � determine if this is the wish of the majority, and if so, to proceed with �`�J7 the ai1in� which is being done by �he County�as a service �o the City. DRAINAG� AROUND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Mr. Morgan reported that an .���i�i�mated ��,�'� 800 of a di ti onal ti le wou1d be needed to replace unusable ti 1e whi ch has been r�moved from the ditches. The school has been notified, and will take the ma�ter under adviserr�nt a� their next meeting. ORDERS pECLARIf�� RECULTS OF CtTY ELECTION �,,�� A��F'��SO�.UTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIEI�DSWOOD, TEXAS, � CANVASSING TH� R�TURNS AND pECLARING TH� RESULTS OF A SOND ELECTION H�LD ��! SAID CITY ON THE 6TH QAY OF APRIL, d974 (Attached hereto and made a part hereof) and setting forth the fo1lowing results on the proposition FOR or .AGAI�iST the issuance of $700,000 in Street Improvement �onds: FOR AGAINST � Proper�y Owners 585 349 f�on-Property OHir��rs 92 30 � +�� �� TOTAL, 677 379 ��;.._.� MOT�O�i: (Ha[cen) For adoption of the resolution canvassing returns and I dec1 ari ng resul ts of �he bond electi on : Second: Ze1.t't>er , Vote: Unan-imous FOR MOTION CARRIED ------------------T- --- - --- ----- -------- � :�, � ----------- ----- , ----- A RESOLUTION DECLARING RESl1LTS OF AN EL�CTION TQ ADOPT THIRTEEN AMENDMENTS TO TH� F'RIENDSWOOQ CTTY CHARTER (Copy a�tached hereto and made a part hereof) stating that a11 amendments were du1y adopted by the voters as set forth in the Reso�ution. P�OTION: (Baker) For adoption of the reso7ution setting forth results of the Charter Amendment E1ection, S�cond: Pa�ton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED A R�SOLUTION SETTING FpRTH RESULTS OF A CITY OFFICIALS �LECTIpN � I- ANQ DECL,ARI�lG the fol l owi ng persons to be duly e1ected to the ._..� res�ective positions: ° P�ayor--�-_-_��---.. Ra1ph �.� l.owe �ounci 1 Posi ti on #1 Mi 1 ton L. Wi nd�er Counci1 Position #3 �dward Zei��er Counei� Posi,tion #5 Richard Haken MOTION (Patton) To adopt the reso1ution declaring results of the City Officials Election as read, Second. Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � , Ma,yor Lowe read a statement to the people of Friendswood thanking them for their support and pledging to nursue nroarams in progress and to initiate netv programs for thP betterment of the communitv. AQJOURNMENT - Mo�ion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was a�journed. � � � I L� Ci�y Secretar � � APPROV�D: • ��.�.�� �'��`� �� Mayor R� ph La Lowe _{; � ___�. , .. . „�� . ,i-� � .-- . . .. -�-• —m----�.,_ , . , � � . 'r - � i A @ - ' , ' . - ' ,k... ,M -' � t 34�,i' . . • , ' , � ' . . ` , , . , - - G - . . �, r;.' i�� � ��� .� � � - :` , • � . . � . , , . �` , ' . ' . , .. . � , . ' � , ' , i l��� . . �, r . ... �. . . . . ,.. i � , � ., � ,. � � , . . , , � . .,{"7 . ,o . . �. . � , . �.1:. ,�<. .... ,; ' , _ , .' � �t , . � � ' . ' . � , , i i; � , , ' � _ , ..<'y" ..a " '"- ' , - - ' , '. , '�' J_ y'u� ,. ' tE � , ' . ' ., , .. .a , . '. x�� ,A Y`�'3 ,' , .. ' � . , � , i , . � �, ' . . .'{ . ' � _ "i�' . o � _ ' , . ' '3'>'.'�` � , �.'�i�� STATE Ob� ��'EXAS � � . . � ���' . . .. � � � , � ' - . � � � X k9� � Y ' :t . i,�.. , _�, , . . F COUNTY OF GALVE.5T0�1,� , � � � i CITY OF� FRI�NDSWOOU . � � 1 � 1 � , . � , . t . .. '`__ � - � . . .. : ; . . . . .On "'thia, the 8th dayt .of April�, 197� , a� 7':30 o' clock P. P�t. , the� Cit� Council of the Cit� of Friends�voad, Texas , � � convened for a spec3.a1 -�me.eting in the City,,Hall within said C3.ty , _ wh�.ch meetin�; was� at alx �i.rries open. �to°..the public.; and_ �he :roll -, �TaS ��.�i�a of �he ,duly con�tituted of'f'icers and members of�'said _ City Counc3.]. , name�.y : � '� � � RALPH L�. ' LOWF , -. :.� .,., , ' MAYOR �::; . .. :: .: . .... . . , . 4.. ,_., . . ,, .. . . . . � . . � � . _ � MILTON L. WTNDLER COUNCILMAN , � � WILLIAM �3. PATTON, SR. COUNCILMAN � � � ' � . , . RALPH G. GONZ�ILES COUIICILMAAI _ �� EDWARD O.:. ZETTLER�•� COUNCILMAN _.. . , , BENNY BAKER � - CbUNCILMAN . . . � RTGHARD L. HAKEI� � _ COUNCILMAN � �- AND � BOBBTE C.' HENRY ' . �`�'''' , CZTY SECRETARY � � :. and a11 of sa�.d persons were present with the excep�ion of the. �:''. fol�.ow�.n�: none' ' : ' ;;�: cons�itutin� ' � `", :' ;s , thus �.,.,�,�.LL ,,� , a quorum. `°`W�ereupan, amnng o�her business, the foi- lov�.in�; was transaeted at sa�.d �meeting: A written resoluti�on CAN� a � VASS�I�IG THI; RETURNS APdU DECLARING THF RFSULTS OP A BOP1D ELECTION � � was in�roduced .f�or the consideration of the Council and read in �' �'u71 • xt was then ,duly moved and seaonded that said resolution� be �' � � � ;� ,� -.�adop�ed; and, after aue di.scussion, said mot�tor, ,�, carrying with it � the adoP��,on of said r�solu�ian, prevailed and carried by the fol- low�,n� vot e: � . :,.. AX�S: All members of said City Counc3,1. � .. � shown present above voted '�AYE" ; ' �; 5 . NOES: None . � n � � � � � ;��;� , { ;; � . . . . • . _ . . � � . � � � � � ��y� i:� . . . ... � -,.a � . , . � ;,",•.i - ' � ' ' � ti� , . ,. , - , • . • � `•Pic � ' ,. . ' , ' . ' . . ' � , , .. ' ' � � "��J '' . . , . . , . • ' _ . . ' .. .. ' . . . � . .. i�,`� ,. � . .. . . . • .' ' ,,;.'.�:'. _ .. � ' .� i""� , � , . . . . ' :r�a•'i'�i�a, . . . . Li, . ` • . �, . , r � `i�;1�r;),- � . .. ';'' �5:.. � � � . . � " s� ti�� , , • ' ' {� . . . . . , —_. ,. .-—_— . . , --_ • . ... . . ' , . ' - Y .. , � . ���9�'. I I • I . I a ( A R�:S�LU`:C�ON ' !, , ' BX THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIEi1DS��+l00D, � ��, ' TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS APJD. DECLARIT�IG THE `� � RESULrrS OI' A BOND ELECTSON �iELD IN S�1ID CZTY OIJ ', � THE 6TIi DAY OF APRIL, 1974 . , ' ri�F�F7F3:��:���:yF�E�Fm�f}��:�F�FiF�F,��.���:'k3��F�F�Fa:i��F�F�F��iF�3:��F�:���?:�:�;�C?���:�Ff?e�:�E��3�r":?�x WHEREAS, there came on to be considered �he returns of a bond election duly and legal.ly held in the City of Friendswood, Texas, on, Apri1 6, 197�, at which election there were submi�ted to a11. resid�ent qua13.f3.ed electors of the City of Friendswood, Texas, who own �axable property in said City and who have duly rendered t�e same �'or � taxa�ion, and to a11. other resident qualified elec�ors ' of sa3.d C3.ty, vot3.ng separately, for their acti�n thereupon, the followin� propasition, to--wit,: . ' �. � , . � � � � � ° � � � � , . , ��I � � .�• .� �� � � � � � � � � � ; . . . . ,, � � �'> ' . � . �, , . ' , ` �; . ; , . ' . . , . . ' . � , _ ' , . . . ^3 . � . . ' - . � . , . • . ,. • /• ' '� � 3 ` ' . ' .. � � ,.. ' � � . �, ' ._ .. . ` . � '' , ,I ' �t� � � .� ,' �. . � . . . , . . . . , ' . �.}^ , ` � . . . ' ' - . • . . � . , ' . . � , � . . , ' � . ' G.J,��d..i� ' . .� ' . . . � , i. ..„....� .... .::', i... . . 1 . '� . , � . , � � . . . . � - � � .. . " . � �. .• ' .l��,�,'.",,' � � � ��; � � ' � ��� � � : ` �- . . . - �— - � �_?` � { ��� ,� �, : . , yt{;. � � . 'y _r . - . � . -, - ' . . _ , . . .. . . . �� � . . ' ' .. ��... " � . . ` . �� ' , ' � ' , � ' � , � , . , PROPOSITION , � . � .,1� � ' "Shal1 the �City Council of the City of Friendswood, � £' � . . . � . � � Texas , be au�horized to issue bonds in �he principal � � '� � _ , �:. : � � amount of SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS . ' . (� 700 ,000 ) � tor the purpose of constructing permanent ; � �.. . . , R, street improvemen�s in said City; said bonds to mature �. � . �` , , . serially or otherwise , as may� be. detezmined by the City � ��. � � �, . � � Council of said City , the max�,mum maturit�r being not more than farty (40) years from their �date; and any is- ' � ,` sue or series a£ said bonds �ta bear in�erest per annum � ; ;. (payable annual.2y or semi-annually) .at any ra�e or rates to be determined within the disczetion of the City Coun- �� � � � • � ; � - cil of ssid. City, pravide.d that su.ch rate or rates shall t . , , , 1 , . nat exceed the maximum rate per annum authorized by law � � � � .,,� - at the ta:me of the issuance of a�y issue or series of I �, � � • . ', � : � . . �, , said bonds; and sha7.l the Ci�y Council be authorized to .� i � . . � � � levy an annual ad valorem tax on all fiaxabl.e property � . ' , i �, • . i • in said Ci�y sufficient to pay the intexest on said � , i_ ° . bonds ,as the -same accruesf and to create a sinking 'fund , sufEicient to pay �.he principal thereof as the same ma�ures , as autharized by the Consti�ution and laws of � the State af Texas?" . "� ",,� r � . , , ,. • . . , � � � � � ' ' � � .l4`: ' . �'�' , 'J�,. . ' ' • � � .f , � f� I , '� j —�� �`v � �� �� — - �' . . :...,r,_,,, , , _ . ,t , ' . , . . ' , _. . � : . . . i������ ,. , ,.,.� ' � � . . . �, . . . . . � � . ., ��.: , . � . , . . � . ... . . , . . � '����`,. , , . ., , ' , � , � , . , . , , , , � - , � � " ' , , Syt., . . , , . • . . � . . . , " . " , , . �;'r� . , . . , , • , � � . - � . , ' - ..a.� ;.: .. .. • i"a;: :` �°`�'� � � � � ��� ;� WHEREAS � ,,, . � , this City Counci]. has diligently inquired in�o �}_ ,:, y- ; - � � the po],1 �.ists and �he official. election returns which were duly ;:�r�� . . «,°f; � , , �=4``" and -lat�lfu].ly made '�a tYiis City Council by the Judges and C1.erks �Y�� .�r " . �'�� ` . ' hal.din� said c].ect3.on; said po11 lists �.nd officia7. eleetion x�ew R�...> . � � `�`����-' ,` turn� .show3.n� separately ,�he votes cast in said election by all �£,;` , ��;�}.,. ,.. � ; thase resic�ent qiialifi�d electo'rs of said City who ovan taxable pro-- �:a�. � , .y.� ; ,::, . � ,. `�:' perty �there3.n and who have duly� rendered the same for taxation, ana :����' . .. • '°�' ° : �he �vo�es of a11 other resident qualified electors of said C3.ty , �s;a� � �a:� :�� � voting s.��arately �,n. said election; and ����. , ' . ,`; . ' � •� � - WHEREAS, from said re�ux�r�s,- this City Council hereby af- r� �'Y� "';•�� " � ' f�.rmat3.ve],y f3.nds that there were cast in sa3.d e�.ection by those <?.� � , :�, . �,�'�' �` voters who were residen,t qualified electors of �he :C��y of Fr�.ends-- S'St• 'f:�. ' , � •� . ' . _ ' , +���� f , Y y �which had been �•-:� , . .� � �+rood, Texas, who owned taxable propert 3,ri said Cit �tF, ���:: . � � .,sx . . . .. . . "'"'" duly, rendered for taxa�3.on, the folloVaing votes FOR and AGATNST the ���� ��4'. propas3t3.on subm3.tted as follows., to--wit : a:�._ � - � . ,. , . ��`��° � ° . . FOR �he iss.uaxice of AGATNST the issuance �-r�: . �� ; �__700 ,000 � of � 700 ,000 ,;�,.:. , , r � � � .' � Street Improvemen� Street Improvement t ' ' . Bonds and� tkae le�y and Bonds and •the Zevy and ��c�• ' . � ' . �4'��° � pled�e of the tax �in pl.edge of the tax in ;,�`�° � - payment �hereof, as payment thereof as ,.... . �`:;, �' � submitted �.n the subrriittcd in the �° ' � POLLTNG PLACE Prapos3.tion. ProPosition . _,;, . �.;� . - � . � �- CounciY Chambers - � � �°:,; . �,�. - City Hall 294 votes 200 - � votes r.�.. _ � � ; - . � � �` � Cafeteria, Jun3.or � ' . � ;:.. . High Schoal Cam�us 246 votPS 129 votes �..:. . ,,:, � Absentee Po].l ' 45 votes 2� , � votes � � . .. � ,, . TOTAL • ��585 � votes 349 vates �� . �.., `� and � . ,` T�JHEREAS, from said returns , � th�3.s City Council hereby 'af-- '::� � t:�.`.� � firmativel finds that there w�re cast i.n said election b those �'" ,1 y Y �� '�'`° � voters who were otherwise resident qulaified electors of sa3.d Ci�y, tha� .is b �hose ' , y �ersons who were resident qualified electors of ° , � sa�d City but who did no� meet the requirement of ovrning taxabl.e '� v ' property in. said C:ity which had been duly r�ndered for .�axat3.on , � �he fol�aw�.n�; vote� FOR and AGAIIIST the proposition submit�ed as �"; �'o11ow�, to-wit : � ; <r;� :�.5 , . . . � , §iC�• , . - . ... ' ' ., . . ` � � � � �-- — �'>, � �i. � � � � , — —, —, �—, ,;�s�� ' l � �� I. � � , '— z� F fi�a• , � . - . , . ii i� . . �, " � ,, � - � , . ., , ' ,. . ., � . � - ' , ' , . i;e , ;'�, � � . - ' . . ' � - ' ,� �� � ', � - . � � � � .. .� . . ' � � . . ' - . . _ , . ' _ � .. ' � ' FOR the �.ssuance of AGAINST the issuance � �oo ,000 of � �oo ,000 . . Street Improvement Street Smprovement � . , � Bonds and the levy and Bonds and the levy and � ;: pledge of the tax a.n pledge of the tax �.n ,' , payment thereof, as payment thereof, as ' � submi�ted in the submitted in the ��_ � POLLING` PLACE Proposition. Proposi�3.on. � Council Chambers, -* ' _- City Ha11. � 57 votes . . 20 - votes ` ° Cafeteria, Junior , Hi�h. ,School Campus � 29 votes 7 � votes 7 • . Absentee Po11 6 VOtES 3 vates ,�, , � , . ,. , fiOTAL 92 votes 30 � votes and � WHEREI�S•, thi:s City Council hereby affirmatively finds that , : there were cast . in said • election by both classes of voters voting in� �„ � : sa3.d election, in the aggregate, FOR and AGAIIdST the proposition sub- mitted, tihe followiMg votes, . a1.1 b�ing cast by persons who were � � � . 1e�;al�.y qualxfied resident electors pf the City of Friendswood,� Texas , as foll.ows, to=wi� : . .". , � FOR The issuance of $_ 700�000 f . . � Street . Improv�ment Bonds and � � � - the ,levy and pledge of the tax � � . ' . �.� paymen� th�reof, as sub- ° I � � mi�ted in �he Pro osition. 677 votes �. I� , ' . AGAIVST � �The issuanee. of $ 700 ,000 ' Street Improvement �ionds and � the levy and pled�e of tne tax . ' in payment thereof, �as sub- mitted �in �he Proposition. 379 votes � N041, THEREFORE, , . , � � ' . , . . , ' B� IT FOUND AP7D DECLARED AND BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY / COUNC�L OF THE CITX OF FRIEPIDSU]OOD, TEXAS: . � � . � . _ Z + s ,. � That a ma�ar3.ty of �he resident qualified electors of th� � _ , C3.�y of Friendswood, Texas, wha o�aned taxab].e property in said City and who had duly render�d �he same for taxation, voting in said el.ec- tion, hav3,n� va�ed FOR �he au�horization and issuance of` � �00 ,000 ,�' Q�' Cr;n�ra�, Ob1.i�;a�:tan �3onc�s to caMS�ruct p�rma.nent Stree� �m�rovem�nts �, ,. .. � � in saicl� C�.�� and tlie 1�vy of tl-�� ��.x �.n paym�riti thc�r�of as suk5mi��ed � , . , � ` _ . . . • .' , • , , " „ � . .1.�,.�. . .. . ry�� . ... .. ' . � , . . .. . . � .. , . '��._ . . . , _ � •. . . ,. ._ . . „ '�., . '{�(•Yi: � ' , . . � . . . . `. . 'I . e �`��£ ' - ' ` ' ' ' , , ,. ` �r .. „ _ . ��� '. s. � . � � '� �. , ,. „ � . . . . . . . �,y����x`� . . . ' , ,_,. , —.. . ";f.4 — . � . � � ... , , : � �a�>;��_ " � � �,t� �he Pro � � � � �� , pos3.tion, and �hat a ma � � � ����;`- �� �� � ,�or3ty of all those persons �vo��n � ��, .: ��' � �,,x ��:: -. in said �election, both those persons . who were .resident . qualified ;', e���'��rs °f said .City who � owned �axable i pro�?erty �in said City wh�.ch '�, . ,: had. be�n duly rendered for taxatian and tho��e persons who were other-- t;, �. . �� �jise �.res3dent qualif"ied el.ectors of said City but who did not meet ��� the requirement of owning taxable property in said City tivhich had , '� �� �� been dul � . � ' ::: y renderecl f'or taxation, hav3.�ng voted. FOF� the authorization � � . � �` anc�..'issuance of said � 700 000 ;4 � of General Obligation Bonds Q� �� canstruc�. ,.permanen� Street Tmprovements in 'said City and �he lev . r.._ ` Y . of the �tax,. in payment thereof as subm3.tted in .thc Proposition; �he � , , , City Council of said �City hereby d��ermines that 3.� is accordingly _. authoriized to issue said bonds in� accordance urith the authority granted in said Proposition and with 1aw. � � II i . The 'public importance of •this ' measure and the pressin� need of the City to obtain funds for, �he purposes described � in the - foregoing proposit3.on, for the immediate ' . preservation of the public peace , health and safety of the ci�izens of Friendswood, Texas , con-„ , st3.tute and� create an urgent public necessit,y requiring that this � ordinance be passed and �ake effec�' as an emergency m�asur.e, and th.is ordinance is ��.ccordingly, passed as an emer�ency measure and shall� take effect and be a.n force immediately from and after its passage. �, . � PASSED AND APPROVED thi� 6 � ' . . . . !�� day of Apri1 , 1g7�{ , ' . ` -�-� �l` , � � _ . . , �.-�"' ��l/ ' f� y''",,..�'�.J'�C �� � „ P�[ayor, i�y of Friendswood, Texas , ATTEST: : � � „ ��''� � -�, '�""�'"� � _ --E.�7'Z�i�� • City Secretary, Ci�y o � Fr3.endswood, Texas - The forego3.n�; resolution is hereby approved as to form: Y Y , : C�.�y .�ttorney, City of (SEAL OF CITY) Friendswaod, Texas � . . . , , .,�:k.k�.�;<,�' --- �=----rJ�._,»..-.._.....,�.. , . � �, . i -- --- ---- ,.. . - --- -- , . , ..� , ,:ur � ,',� . . , , , . � . . � . . -- — -_ �k:r�. � " ,. . . � � , � ' � ' � � � - ' . . ' _i� . . - ; , . . .k ; _ � ' ORD�R DECLARINC SULTS QF CI7Y ELECTIQN � TNE STATE. OF TEXAS � � ' . . . CITY OF FRS�NhSW00D � � ,� . . � , ,� On �hi� th� 8th. ddy af Apri 1, 1�74, the Ci ty Coun�i 1 of the Ci ty a{ ` Frier�dswood, Texas, convened in Snecial .Session open to the pub1ic at the ° - regular meeting place thereof with the fol7owing members p.resent, to wit: P1ayor Ralnh L, Lowe Councilman 6enn.y �aker . Counci lman P,alph G,onza1ez, � Counci7man Richard Haken CounGi1man Wi1)iam Patton .� � - � Councilman Milton Wi�ndler � � Councilman. Fdward Zeitler y - � �City Secretary Bobbie Henry � . and with the fo1lowing absent: � None '� � canst9tuting a c�uorum, and among other proceedings had were the fo ovring: r , �� Counci1man Baker � introduced a reso1ution and - order arid�moved its a ontion. e mot�on was seconded bv Cfluncilman PattQn . and the motion carrying�with it the adoption of the resolutioh and or er � prevailed by the f�l1owing vote; � AYES: • 7 �" NOES; none � � . Th� reso7ution is as follows: �- , �- ... , _ , „ ; � . - RESOLUTION . . � . . , - � TherP came on � to he considered the returns of an election held Qn the � 6th day ai�.qpri'1 , 191� f�or �fie purnose of electi ng the herei nafter named offi ci al s . and it appearing from said returns, duly and lega1ly made, , that there were c�St a� said e1ection 1923 va1id and �ega1 votes; that each of the candi�dates � � in said election receive the fo11o!Ning votes: � ' POSITION N0. CANpIDATE N0. VOI�S � - Mayor � Fta1 ph� L:. l.owe '. �038 � �� • � Edward�F. Stuart - �68, � � . . Ra1ph G. Conzalez 717� �� Council Pos. #1 Narry Van Wagner ,g� . . , Milton 1�. Windler 1256 � Counci1 Pas. #3 Janice Koenig 806 - � � - ' '" �d�Kard Zei.t1er ' � � ..� ' �, �0�7 . �, . Cauncil Pos. #5 Richard Haken � 1131 � �� Ran f3rennan �gp � - THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C?7Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FPIENDSWpOD, STAT� OF .�`E:XIIS: � That said election w,as du1y called; that notice of said e1ection was gi,ven in accordance �Nith 1aw, and that said e7ection was held in accordance ���ith la���, an� �hat the follo!.�inn nersons ,are here�y �ec1ared c(u1y elec�ed t � � . „ . �� , „ � ., � � � � � `r�� , ,, . . �;, ;. ,:: � . , :„ .. , . . . ,.. .. . . :, .,. ,., ,f.. . - .. , ' � , .: ` .jlf'.,. t Ve y. , . . ,-, ,�7.a� ..� ., ... � . � . • . - . . . „ ,���, :. .._A:.:„.a<.� ` . . ; ' _, '..; . � . � . �.. .. ,. . ' . � ,. .. . ,'' ",l•5 the respectrve offices, suh,ject to the taking of their oaths as prouided by �he 1aws Qf the State of T�xas. , , � Mayor � Ra1ph L. LoiMe � � Counci� Pos. �1 Mi 1 ton L, l�li nd1 er Council Pos. #3 Edward Zeitler Counci 1 f'os. #5 Ri charci Haken ' It is further ,found and determined that in accordance with th� order of �his governing body� the Secretary posted written notice of the date, p1ace and subject of this meeting and said notice having been so posted and remaining aosted for at least three days preceding the date of this meeti ng. • PASSED, ADOPTED APJD APPRaVED this the 8th da,y of A�ri1 , 1974. � � . . .' � .. , � , ,� �,,� , , ����....� °� �',. ��-�,..��'....,�..�, Ra1 nh �L.�Lo��ve, P�avor � ��� ATTEST; s_. '/o_• ,t. ! (.,._., 3�../�:,.;�'L...��:. „ •�t_,.�' City Secretary j . , � � . , . � � � ' � � � . � � . , . i � , . , � , ` .. . �: , ' ' , .. „ � � ; ., �z; . . . .. , .... . . .. ... . , ,. . , . . . .. . . , .. . .. . .,';��': �, --- , . � , - - ,..� , : , --- -- -- ,� .. , , ; ,:, ' - ��� ,", � � � � � � _ � ' � �,�,� ,•, , ,. � _. ,,, , � ��, �.. , .,,,.,. � ,, ,., . . . ; , , , ,�. ° � � I . . .. , . , . . � ,� _ . ORqE:� qCCLARIN� RF:�IILT� 0� CITY EL,ECTION � . � . , ,, . ' THE 5TATE OF TEXAS � . ` �� CTTY 0�' FRIENDSWOOQ � . ' `'� , r '1., ``` Ort thi s the $th day of l�nr11 � 1974, the Ci ty Counci 1 of tf�e C�ty ' '" of �riendswood, Texas, convened in Special Session open to the pub1ic at � the regu1.ar meeting p1ace thereof with the fal7owing members present, to wi�; , . . P�a,yor Ral ph L. Lowe � _ Counci1mdn Benny Baker � ' Counci1man Ralph Gonza1�z ;' . � . Counci1man Richard Haken' - � Counci1man Wi.11iam Patton � ,. . Councilman Milton Windler � . � Councilman �dward Zei�ler� ' Ci ty Secre�tar.y Bobbi e Henry �� � and tNi th.. the fol 1 owi ng absent: � � none , constituting a quorum, and among ot er pracee Zngs ad were t e o owing: . ° Counci1man Pa�ton introduced a resolution and or.der ` � and moved its adopt�on fihe motion was seconded .by Councilman Baker : � and th� moti on carrvi ng 4�ri th i t the adapti on of the resal uti on an�or e'r� nrevai led k�y �the fol l ou��i ng vote; � � , , , AYES: 7 ` � _ __ . NO�S� nor�e � . � - The reso1ution is as fo11ows: � • R�Sf1LUTI0N , There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on ' the 6th day of Apri1 , �974 for the purpose of voting. for �or against the �� �cio���on of thirteen amendments to the Gity Charter, and it appearing from � said returns� duly anc� 1ega11,y made, that there were cast at said e1ect9on , 1923 va1id a�id 1ega1 votes; that each proposed amendment in said e1eGtion - rece�v.ed the fa1lowing votes: • � AM�NDMENT N0. �� V�TES FQR VOT�S AGAINS�' � � 1161 345 2 ; 907 600 , ' 3 i 887 669 ' � , 4 �160 365 , ,. 5 �28� 283 � � � �g23 594 - . � . , � � 111 Q 'w �09 . , 8 1207 340 . 9 1Q51 473 � 10 1106 415 �. � , 1� , 1274 246 . . 12 ' 1300 238 13 ;::870 646 ' ° TN�REFORE, aE IT RESOLVED BY TNE CITY COUNCZL. OF, TH� CITY OF FRIENOSWOOD, S7ATE qF TEXAS: . � � ' , ''; �,;�. . , , � , � .. . ,. � . � � � � , �:r. .. ,.. �,�. � � � ' � � ...� � , � �: i That said election was du1y cal1ed; that notice of said election , Was given in accordance with lat�r� and that said election ��ras held in ' accordance with law� and that the thirteen amendments to the City Charter sing1y received a majority of the votes cast favoring adoption, and that the thirteen arnendments are hereby adopted by the City Council, and the Citv Charter stands thereby amended as of� the date of this resolution. � � it is furth�r found and determined that in accordance with the � ord�r of this gover-inc� body, the Secretary ppsted written notice of the ; - date, p7ace and subject of this meeting and said notice having been so posted and remaining posr�ed for at �east three days preceeding the date � of this .meeti�g. • PASSED, APPRf1V�D and.ADOPTED this the 8th day of Apri l, 1974. �. � ,.��� � �,a %,� : , � ��� . . alph L. Lowe, Mayor . ATTEST: � : ,,� . �_ . �va ° � �--- ,.��,� v�-�`-�t�-,�....c' �`� ..<^ r��f..�:� . � Ci ty Secretary � . � . ..,, � --- , � . � � , ... � i � , ' , , . y �' � � , , . ' _ ; , . : ' . . � � . . . . ��;. , _ � . :,,�;. , t � ; , . ; , +., . . . £,. � " . . ` . . • , . � ° . �,"� , ' , ; � . : . � , , � �, � : ,, ,; : . . ::; � :r. - . � . �<, ,2 ,.,,, .. . ,�. .., . ,, ; ,. ,-; . , , . ,: „, ,. . .:,. . ,;� , , , :. �,..,.: . . . ...x P,. ,. .,,. .� , ,� . .. . . � . . � 'r . . . . -. . '1..�,..'�"i.��... . . . a . , , �. �� (..' �, ... 5:... ,. . , . . . . • • . .fi�'%) � „ i .i i �.�r.. . . , . � . . Y` � i !' i' • _ . . . � .i��.,�.'��k a.< .-� ' . . . - . _ r . �. . . �,I,i. t, r ' '.'iM1.^'' � . . , , " . � � ' _ . . , - .. _ .�''���'•`r•� �. . . , . .... �..... .�.. , i. � �. , . � ' � . . , .. " . . . r, .i�����