HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-04-01 Regular _1 � 11 � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING QF THE FRIENDS�iJ00D CITY COUNCIL Apri1 l , 1974 The Friendswood Ci:ty Council met in a Regu1ar Session on Monday, April 1 � � - 1974� a� 7;30 p.m� a� the Ci�y Ha11 with �he fol�owing members present; i ; � P�ayor Ra7 ph L.. Lowe —� Counc�1man �dward Zeit�er Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken Counci1man Ra1ph Gonza1ez Counci1man Wi11iam Pa�ton Counci1man Mi�ton Wind1er City Secretary Bobbie Henry � With a quorum present,, and with none absenty the fo1lowing business was ' � transacted: ,, � P-1TN(1TES - No mi nutes �r�ere presented b�t the Secretarv for apnrova1 . I� � � . . G�7 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM TH� MAYOR 1 . (�etter from Charles Gibson thanking the City government for he1pin� to so1ve an erosion problem on ,his property at 420 Fa1�ing L.eaf. 2, Mayor L,owe; stated that it has come to his attention that �he City does not have a "Fire .Code" and�that he has discussed �he matter with Fire Marsha1 Oren McClurey and tha� he is to discuss �his further with Councilman Windler for further action. 3. Letter from E. B, Cape� Direetor of Pu�1ic �IorksA Houston� stating his ; concurrenee with ex�ansion of S,P. No. 2� but further s�a�ing that ; � he does no��fee1 this plant wi�1 serve ��fedgewood Vi�7age Subdivisionp � and sta�ing that the City of Houstr�n has no objections to present plans. 4. Thursday„ March 28.� Mayor �owe .met in Texas City with o�her mayors in �he area to discuss Galveston County flood con�rol with eng�neer G�rry Pate. 5, The Mayor pr.oposes to form a recreation programs planning group to act as advisors to Counci7 on reereation p1anning. He proposes to ca11 `' ���� �his group C.A.R.E (City Athletic & Recreational Endeavor) The group wou1d be made up of representatives from all areas of recreational activities within the city. 6. Damages done to Stadium Drive b,y dirt haulers will be repaired by the con�ractor who did the work on this street, OPENING OF �IDS ON DARK ROOM E .UIPMENT FOR THE POLICE pEPARTMENT - This materia1 �s eing acquire y t e P; , t roug a rimina 3us�ice Grant. (85/15) g �c� South S7de Cam�ra Comnan.yy Inc. ,� Bid; $6�023.9� �� r�OTION: (Haken) To ac�ept the b�d of Sau�[i Side Camera Company, Inc. Second: Wind1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION .CARRIED PETITIONS ANQ COMMUNICATIONS - 1 , Mrs. S�.a1ey protested the fact that �oca� newsp�pers do nvt �over n�ws even�ts regarding Friendswood in an unbiased wa,yy and stated that the ; ` Sun Progress gives more news coverage than do these loca1 papers. 2. I,�IELCOME WAGON PARK E UIPMENT QONATION - Mrs� Marie Donne11 , speaking � for � e G!e come agoni informe Counci1 tha� this group have now purckxased 8 stainless stee1 stoves for �h� picnic ar�a of the par[c --���7� and one stain1ess steel water fountain (�ota1 cost of $600) for dona�ion to the City. P�r. Morgan said that plans are being made to s�t these items in concrete. Council commended these ladies for th�i r donati ons to th.e ci ty parks. .,, � �„ - -- ---- ------------ - ----------------- - -— ------- -- -, - , . , . " °� / J `���'P�. . , �; ,�✓'f,c,-� � ---—.. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Lowe declared April 14 thru 21st as "OPERATIQN SP RKLE" �i n Fri endswood and urged ci ti zens to clean-up and pai nt- up. � ��-'�� COMMITTEE REPORT -(Quaker"s Landing L�t 28 pisposition) Mr, Rober P�i11s, Chairman of this Committe�, made the committee's repart to the Counci1: "We, ..recommend that the Amoco Fipe1ine Company deed said 1 ot to the Ci ty to be subsequent�y sol d �y the Ci ty as a resi den�i a� bui 1 ding ._ si�e, . . . . . .fur�her recommend that the revenue received as a result of the ' , sale be used to additiona11y equip the Friendswood Vo1untary Fire and Ambu1ance Service," i P�10TION: (Zeit1er) To accept the Committee's re�ommendation. Second: Patton � MOTION: (Pa�ton) To tab1e the above motion Second: Zei�ler Vo�e: FOR (6) Windler� Patton, Go�zalez, Haken� Baker� Zeitler AGAINST (�) Lowe MOTION CARRIEQ MOTTOIV,: (Patton) To write Am�co a 1etter out1ining the appointment �� of the Committee9 incorporating a copy of the recommendations from the Committeey and pointing out the dis�ension on this f1oow tonight. Second: Zeitler � AMENpMENT: (Wind1er) Inc1ude in the 1etter that we find their request meets a11 ci ty requi rements and that 'the ci ty wi 11 not take any actiori to prevent their bui1ding the pipe1ine as long as they meet the city"s requirements� and that; in fac�t, their � �>�����':����:��t,e '�de��d���ng� of��he 1 ot �to anyone i s not a prereq ui s i�te �0 6 ui 1 di ng the pipe1ine. � Second: Baker Vote on Amendmer�t: �FOR (3) Wind�era Haken, Gonzalez - � AGAINST (c�) Patton, Lowe, Zei�1er ABSTAINING (1) �Baker MOTIOIV FOR AMENDMENT FAILS ' VOT� ON MOTION: FOR (3) Patton, Wind1er, Gonza1ez � AGAINST (4) Lowe, Patton, Zeit1er� Baker h10TI0N FAILED MOTION: (Baker) To do� nothing at this time. That the pip�line b� a1lowed to .go through and if any damage has been done at the ti me the pi pe1 i ne i s comp1 eted that the proper�y go to the subdivision. Motion died for �ack of a second. P�OTION: (Wind1er) To unta�le the original motion by Councilman Zeitler S�con : Pa�ton � Vote. Unan9mous FOR MOTION CARRIED VQTE ON ORIGINAL MQTIO�i "To accept the Committee's recommendation" F�. 4 Ha ert, Zei t�er� Patton; Lowe � A(;AINST (2) wind�er� Gonza1ez ABSTAI�IING {1) Bafcer MOTION CARRIED FIR� STATIQN CONSTRUCTIQN BIDS - Mr. Morgan recommended that new request far �\`� i ds e reques�te or pri 1 , and tha� the contract be awarded Apri 1 78, and tha� the single bid received on March 26 be rejected. The motion made by Counci1man Pa�ton and tab1ed on P�arch 26 was untab1ed and withdrawn, ; MOTION. (�Vi ndler) That,��he Ci ty�_���e�j�.��;��the bi d from Rampar�, and that � � �� ^' the City Manager proceed with advertising far new bids on the same specifications, with bids to be received and opened April �5; and Gontr°ac� to be award�d no ear1ier than April �8. Second: Pa�ton � Vo°f;e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �! � �� � GREE�IBRTAR II SUBDIVIS�ON PI.AT FOR APPROVAL. � Upon recommendation by the �O� �� P1anning Commission, MOTION: (Patton) To approve the fina1 p1at for Green6riar Sec, II Secon : Zeitler Vote:. Urranimnus FOR MOTION CARRIEp t R�COMMEf�QATT01� FROM CITY MANAGER � 1 . Frdm the $87,600 received from EPA; Mr. Morgar� recommended that $63,000 -- be p1a.ced in the Interest & Sirtking Fund for retir�ment of the Sunmeadow debt. This was 1eft as an open i�em. . �„ 2. That employees be given a 5% cost of� living increase from a�portion of tFie funds,,� The Manager was as'Iced to make a more comprehensi ve p1 an wi th lawer paid employees receiving a grea�er percentag� of increase. 3p Drainage at school has been postponed ��caus� of rain� This work will � continue with a11 speed possible. � RESOLUTTON #5-74 - GCMCA has requested that each city pass a resolution in �3 -1� � support of th� l�ssociation's request for a Sta�e Utilities Regulation Board. � The reso1 u�i on was r�ad a1 oudA � MOTION: (Gonza1ez) For adoption of R�solution #5-74 Second: Zei�ler - Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED DRILLI�iG P�RMITS - 12 WELLS FOR �XXOf� (WORKOVERS) In �i�u of requesting a ri�1in� permit for ea� well at t e �time of wor over� Exxon is requesting ��-��' �ermits for �2 of their wells in the area �o be issued .at one time. These we11s are: Bercfchemer Hei rs �le11 #1 ; Ri chard D. Haden !�de11 #2; Ri chard p. ( Had�n Giel l #8; Ri chard D, Haden .l�de11 #10; Ri�hard D. Haden t�(ell #12; Richard p. Haden We11 #15; RiGhard D. Haden [�e1T #17; Richard A. Haden 4�e11 #18; a SWp Syst�m II �le�1 #3; SWD System II We11 '#4; Paul A. Hoidale A/C 1 We11 #1 ; G. M. Moody We11 #1 . The fee of $500 per well , total $6,000 has been received. MOTT.ON: (Haken) That these 12 permits 6e issued. Second: Baker Vote. Unan.imous FOR P�OTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL P�OTION: (Windler) To approve G&A Warrants 4076 thru 4080 Se+cond: Ba(cer , Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTIO�I. (Wind7er) To approve M&0 Warrants 2280, 2281 , 2279y and 2257 Secon.d� Pa��on Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ MOTION, (Wind1e�) To approve Construction Fund Glarrant #151 SecQnd: Pa�ton ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIQN CARRIED ' OftpINANC� - �7:�3-A - Zoning Change - First Reading i � ; M�TION: (�onzalez) To tab1e first r.eading of the ordinance j Mo�ion died for 1ack of a second MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve first reading of Ord. T�3-A Second: 6aCc.er Vote: FOR (6) Zeitler, Baker„ Ha[cen� Lowe, Pattona �Jindler AGAIN.ST (1 ) Gonzalez MOTIQN CARRI�p C�.OS�D S�SSION -�� Di s cussi on wi th a�torr�ey re 1 i abi 1 i ty of the ci ty i n connec�ion wit the "Fire Service" charge being levied by the city on wa�er customers. ------ ----------------------------- --------- - ---- ---------;--- - �T _�� � AQJOURNMCNT - Motion was made and seconded tha� the meeting adjourn . The meet�ng was adjourned. - � , --e--�-- l„� Ci ty Secretary _. APPRQI(ED; � � �� � /�.-�' ° -�.�, v ' C�'�.�,�--� ayar Ra p , owe t . , � . 'II II � , � -- '