HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-03-25 Special � �i , ; MINUTES �F A SPEGIAL h1EETING OF THE FRI�NDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 25� 1974 The Friendswood Cit,y Council met in a Specia1 Meeting on Monday, March 25, 1974, at 7;30 p.m, at the City Ha11p with the fol1owing members present; �- , h1ayor Ra�ph l,. Lowe � Caunci�man P�i1�on Windler ��---�� Counci 1man Wi 11`i am Patton Councilman�Ra�ph ,Qonzalez . .... Counci1man�IRichard Haken � Councilman Benny Baker Counci1man Edward Zeitler City Secretary Bobbie Nenry With a quorum presenty and with none absentg the following business was � transac�ed: �"' �3� 7� � OPENING OF BIQS F'OR FIRE STATION - Only one bid was receivedg from Rampart � Deve opment Company for 137b100. � � MOTION» (Patton) To rejec� the bid as not being compatable with the � bond issue, Second: Gonza1ez MOTION: (Haken) To tab1e the motion for one week Second; Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MQTION CARRIED CITY SEAL - Mayor L.owe suggested that a contest be held to find the best �'�f 7 � � �esi gn for a ci�y sea1 . � MOTION; (Zeitler) That the City sponsor a contest that would be set up by the ar� class at the high schoo1 so that the ou�come would be a recommendation for a city sea1 to be adopted by the City Council . Second: Patton Vo�e: Unanimous FO,R MOTION CARRI�D It was decided �hat judgin,g wou1d be done by �Ghe Planning Commission, �he Beautification Committee9 the high schoo1 ar� teachers, and tlie City Counci1 . Fina1 date for the contest was mentioned as May 20. kNGINEERING CONTRACT WITH ENGINEERING SCIENCE INC, - A contract presented by �„�-�� Eng�neering Scienceb Inc. or services in connection with current sewage treatment programs, was reviewed by CounGi1 , ��OTION� (Patton) To adopt the contrac� as presented, Second: Wind1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ P�AIL-�OUT TO U�TERS RE�ARDIN� STRF�T BONQ rSSU� - A 1etter to be mai1ed out b.y �he Fisca1 /�gentM a�ong wi�h an exp�ana�ory map, set�ing ou� facts abou� the proposed bond issue to be voted on Apri� 6� was approved by �he Cpuncil . ! "��TION,:, (Haken) To inc1ude in the mai1-out package� a copy of the 13 '_...__� proposed amendments to the Ci ty Charter. Second: Windler Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D QRAINACE PROJECT AROUND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Mr, Plorgan was directed to pursue this work with all haste, cantinuing �o use regular city emn1oyees. �� - �'� , _,— _.._------- ---- ---.- ----- -------- --- ------------ ----- ��..�' � ----- ADJOURNM�NT � Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned, ° (� � City Secretary . APPROIIF..D: ' � � �" �;` , �,� M o r '�' � Y I � , I � J � 4 �