HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-03-18 Regular . � ��-�' �i� � ��,��' ,�- �� �� � ' MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CLTY COUNCIL A Regu�ar Meeting of the Friendswood Cit,y Counci7 was held at the City Ha11 at 7:30 p,m. on Monday, March 18� 1974y with the followinq members present� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe � Counci1man Edward.Zeit1er Counci1man Benny Baker Counci1man Richard Haken � Councilman Ra1ph •G6nzalez Councilman Wil1iam Patton Counci�man. Ti1ton Wind1er With a quorum present, and none absent� the following busine�s was transacted: � READI�N�r='I�Np'�C`A�'f�.ROVI�I���f��+��Nl�I1VUT�S`'�.` f`�'c'1"9 'TIIf"� �1il�if)��� ..,.....w-w...,L�,;.,:�._.�.,. �.. .. , ._..... •_--�._�'�^^ . � P�linUtes of a Regu1ar Meeting of March 4� 1974 approved as corrected. ,� Minutes of a Special PReeting of March 11� 1974, approved as corrected, � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FRpM THE MAYOR C� � 1 . The P�ayor reviewed statistics dea1ing with use of the Friendswood l.ibrary for 1973n stating that it is one of the bes� used 1ibraries in the U.S. 2. Review of the Stevenson P�emoria1 Park dedication March 17y as having an a�tendance of between 800 and 1100 present. 3, Friends of the Library wil� hold a Book Review and Membership drive at the Library at 10 A.M, on Friday, March 22. 4. Optimists Oratorical Contest wi11 be held at the City Hall on March 19� a� 7:00 p.m, in the City Ha11. Mayor Lowe wi�l be one of the judges. 5. Telegram from Rep, Jack Brooks stating that Friendswood wi11 receive � , $87�500 from EPA as partia1 repayment for sewer faci1ities built i� pri or �0 19�8. � _ 6. Letter from .Mayor Aro1fo, League Cityy expressinq appreciation for planned trip to l�lashington re C1ear Creek project. 7. Letter from Congressman Bob Casey re meeting in Washington, and regrets that he could not attend park dedication. 8. Telegram from Congressman Jack Brooks re Clear Creek project, and park dedication, OP�NTNG QF B�pS ON BACKHOE�LQADER � Tf�r�e p�ds received and opened- �� °'�� Christianson�Kei�h1ey (��asse,y Ferguson� $��858,71 (immed�ate de�ivery) l�ansdown & f-it�ody (Ford) 11 �626,O�J (7�10 days de1ivery) Creco Machine Supply (P�[assey Ferguson) 9,444:49 (30 days de1ivery) MOTION: (Haken) To refer bids to �he Ci�y Manager for review and recomm�ndation back to Council . Secand: Patton Vote; Unanimous PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Flo Kemmerer, who act:ed as secretary for the group who went to i,�ashing�an on the Clear Creek Flood Cc�ntro1 Project, gave a progress report on activities , resulting f rom-this trip. Mr. Tom L� appeared regardirry Ordinance #212E passed. last Council Meeting„ and -5��`�`{ ---� its impact on Fox Meadows Subciivision which he is currently developing, He stated (1 ) that prospective buyers have expressed interest in sma1ler lots; (2) he wishes to change the name of some streets; and (3) he desires to give additional easement for streets in strict com�n1iance with the Subdivision Ordinandey which wou1d reduce the size ���f lot� to some degree. Af�er some discussiong Counc-il fe1t that the ordinance as passed last meeting was not broad enough to cove►� the 1egitimate problems presented by Mr. Lay. They directed the City Attorriey to revise the ordinance for passage in its new form later in this meetiriq. This was doneb as these minutes reflect. -- --- -- - - - ---------- - - - -- --- - �� �:. � �N�IN��RING CONTRACT WITH ENGINEERIN� SCIENCE INC. - Action on this contract wi be hand e at a Specia P�eeting next Monda,y night. RESOLUTION #4-74 - Sets forth projected "Dates of Action" for ac�ivities in connec�ion with Friendswood's request for a federa1 grant under Pub�ic i. Law 92�500 for additional sewage tr.eatment faci�ities. MOTTON: .(Haken) To adopt ,Reso1ution #4-74 Second: Zeit�er Vote: FOR: 6 (Councilman Wind1er was not present for the vote) AGAINST: ,none P�OTION CARRIED �,,�� MIMI-PARK PLAYGROUNQ EQUIPMENT "=�JBi�ds opened 1ast meeting indicated even the � ow id was consi era 1y more money than had been a17ocated. Mr. Morgan's recommendation was that the Imperial Estates group and the Kingspark-Whiteha11 group delete enough equipment from their list to bring the cost down within the $2,000 allocated. MOTION� � (Baker) To accept the recommendation of the City Manager. Secon�': Zei t1 er Vote: Unanimous � �OIVD EI,ECTION PUSLICJTY � Mr: P1organ and Mr. �ranberry are to write a 1etter of exp anation and draw up a map showing streets to be paved under the � bond issue� these materia1s to be 'ap;�i�oved by Council and mai1ed to qua1ified voters before the eleetion April 6. REPORT ON Quaker's Landing Lot 28 COMMTTTEE - Councilman Gonzalez requested t at t is Committee report be presented at the regu1ar Counci1 meeting on Apri1 1. REPQRT FROM GAS. RATE COMMITTEE - Councilman Gonzalez reported that their studies are not camp ete; more information is due April 8. The Committee wi�1 then make its report. " , I i ORDINANCE"N0. 212E (Revised) was presented with two added paragraphs under Section 3� an was read in its entirety. MOTION: (Patton) To adopt the amended version of Ord. #212E� with the addition of two paragraphs as read by �he City Attorney. Second: Haken VOTE: For (5) Windler� Patton� Lowe, Hakeny Baker , AGAINST (2) Zeitler� Gonzalez , WARRANTS MOTION: (Wind1er) To anprove G&A t�arrants 40�6 thru 4020. Secona: Baker 1lote; Unanimous FOR MOTI(1N CARRIED MOTION: (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrants 2229p ,2230��2234, and 2235. Second; Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTIONu (Wind1er) To approve Construction Fund Check No, 150.. Se�' cona. �aker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT - Motian. was made a.nd seconded that the meeting adjourn. � T�ie meeting was adjourned. ����'�--"�-T��_ � ��.��r��� Ci t,�,�ary APPROVED: ''� �,/.�./ './ J yor �.� _