HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-03-11 Special ��.� � -�� i o � 7h�t. I �, !9 7� f MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF TNE FRIENpSW00p CITY COUNCIL March 1.1� 1974 . ,. ,, . . � : ., The Friendswood City Counci1 met in a Specia1 Session, duly called and posted� :at the City Ha7� at 7.,30 p,m, on Mondayg March 71 � 1974, with the',fo71owi.ng members pr�sen�G. � Mayor Ra1ph Lowe ; Counci1mar� Edward Zeitler ~-- . CounCi1man' Benny Baker. Counci1maa Richard-Haken Councilman Ra7ph Gonza1ez Gounci1man Wi1liam Pattan Cbuncilman° Milton 'Wind1er (arriv�d 7ate) With � quorum presen.t� �the busi:ness of the :�vening w�s transacted as fo11ows: , � "� CAL�ING OF ENVIRONMENTA� IMPACT HEARIN� - Prior to submission of a revised ��-�� � applicatinn �for sewer grant, the City must have ca11ed this hearing. Mr. � Morgan recommended 'this date be s,et a's Apri7 22. � � ,G;� � MqTI.ON, (Patton) That�'this meeting;be ca1�ed for 7.30 on Monday � � Apri 1' 22•, . Second: Haken . Vote: Unanimous POLLY RANCH` ESTATES .-. The questi on of non-compl7 anee wi th the Ci ty's su ivision or inance� by a build�r in Po11y Ranch has, been discussed, The City At�orney was asked to prepare an or.dinance� for emergen�y reading at this meeting which wou1d require that lot sizes remain .the same as on �he orgina11y approved plat un1ess approv�l � to change is given by the P1anning and Zoning Commission. This ordinance wou1d be �onsider.ed later ! i n the meeti ng,. � AMOCO PIPELINE THROUGH THE CITY - .The Planning� and Zoning Commission has .�5���� re�ommende to Council that the zoning be changed to .Speei.fic Use �for the ri ght-o�F-way of Amoco's pi pe1 i ne� and that the Ci ty approve i ns tal l ati on of the 18 i nch� 1 i ne a1 ong thi s ri ght=of�-way wi th certai n condi ti ons as set �'orth in their minutes of March 7 attached hereto and made a. part of these minutes. � , , . A 1etter �from,.Mr: W: W: Whi te. o�f-. Amoco to;Mayor� Lowe re-capped the agreement of Amoco with the ,P1anning� Commission recomme`ridation, and requested that Amoco "requests that it not become invo7ved in the decision regarding disposition of Lot 28p and is agreeable to deeding s�id 7ot to �he designee sti pu1 ated�.by the° Ci ty. " , . Refererrc� here is to Item 6 �f the Planning Commission's recpmmer�dation which reads: Lot 28A Quaker's 1.anding Subdivision� wi11 be used for access and constt^uction° purposes: However, the� pipe1ine easement is not be be extended beyond the' exi sti ng uti 1 i ty easemen�. Any �va1 ve i ns ta']1 ed wi thi n thi s easement'�i s to be coh�plete1y buri�d. �lJpon� comp1eti on of the pi peli ne insta�la�ion l.ot 2$ is to be deeded by Amoco to the C.i�y of Friendswood and so1d by the Gity� .as a residen-tia:1 bui1ding site; "� . � ' A numb�r of residents from Quaker's Landing were present� and stated that � the,y fe1� the �.ot 28 shaul d b.e deeded to �the ci vi c c�ub i ns tea�d of the Ci ty. '_..� As a resu�� of discussion of. the above facts, the fo7lowing actions were taken. � , MOTION: (Gonza1ez) That the recommendation of the P1anning Commission be adopted with the exceptipn that the lot be deeded. to the Quaker's landing Civi� Association. �for the purpose of resolving the issue. Second: Wind1er - --- - -- ----- ------ ----------- -------------- :-- --- � � � AMENDMENT: (Bdker) To amend the motion to read ". . .that they deem best :as; 1ong as it is agreeab7e with the Quaker's � 1anding r�sidents ' ��� Se�ond: Haken Vote. FOR (3� Baker9.'Haken9 Wim d7er AGAINST �4) Pa�ton� Gonza�ez, Lowe� Zeit7er � , , . � AM�NpMENT �FATLED " ��VOT.E ON'ORIG'ZNAL�MOTION:� 'FOR` (2} Wi nd1er, Ganza1 ez AGAINST (5) P�tton� Lowe�� Zeitle�r, Baker� HakE MOTION FAILED ,, MOTIQN� (Patton) To accep�t the�recommendation of� the Planning Commission, � se�l the lot,�.,place the�money i.n` escrow for any damages done � durin� construction for a�period of one or �uro years� at which ti me the Counci� wi�11' di spose of :the money. Thi s mot�on di ed�for° 1 aak of� a:second, �' � � MOTTON� (Zeit1er) To accept the Planning Commission's recammei�dation of March 7. Second: Patton During discussion; Mr. Rober.t A11en recommended that a comm�ttee be appainted to .reso1ve. tfie� qr�esti,on. . : , , � � A moti on b�y Counci-1man Baker�to str.i ke from� Para. 6 "and :so1 d by the , city as ,a residentia1 site" as an amendment to� the above motion� died for 1ack of a second. Ah1e�{.d�nent to Motion: (Windler) To de1ete the 1ast sentence in Para. 6� an t at recammen ati on :f�r� a7 sposi ti on �of Lot 28 be deci ded by a commi ttee of Qu�kers:"Candi ng ci ti zens. and other ci ti zens of the communi ty. Second,�� G�nz�1ez ' = � � '� � Vo�Ce�on Afnendment: F�R (6) Lowe�. Wind1er� Gonzalez� Baker, Pattonp Haken , AGATNST. '(1) Ze7t1er MOTION CARRIED ,� VOTE ON AMENQED MQTION� Unani.mous FOR MOTION CAR��IED I APPOTNTMENT OF COMMITTEE4 Mayor Lowe recommended the �Following committee for `t is purpose: � � , , , . � Presi derit of` Quaker's Landi ng Ci vi c C7 ub (Ji m• Now1 i n wi 71 ' - � � ser�e� far: the �presi dent) President of Lori: Woods Civic C1ub ' President of Emperia1 Gardens Civic C1ub ' P7anning and Zoning Commission Representa�i've ' . � Mrs. Lucy� Dubuc� Citizen at Lar.ge ;� � ' � Roger!�Mi°11s,'s Citizen at: La"rgep 'to� serve �as Chairman MOTION: (Zeitler) To appoint the committee as recommended by the Mayor econ : Baker Vote: Un�nimous` FOR : � MOTIQN CARRIEQ ' , .,, FIRE PROTECTION OUTSIDE :CITY LSM.ITS - �M"ayor �Lowe stated� that if there was no o ject�on from°Councl � t e secretary wou1d be instructed to write to Ga1 veston Count,y reques�i ng funds ($1800) for �7 ty fi re protecti on'�far areas outside the city 1imits � these funds ta be transferred to the Fri.end�i�ood Vo7unteer Fire department. This� is a standard. annua1 procedure, Counci1 agreed �o proceed with �he request. �(Councilman Windler� 1eft meeting�) � , ����� AMOCO PTPELINE PERMITS - Mr. C1yde Raney poin�ed�out that Sections 8� 9„ � 0� and of rdinance No�. 187 requir�s Counci"1 action before a permit to s,tart work on �the ,�i pe1 i ne can be i ssued. Act�on� on t�y�se i tems fo11 ows: MOTION� (Patton) That permission be given for crossing streets as � �i s�ted i n �the� ordi nance, ���� � � � Second� Haken Vote� Unanimous E-OR MOTION CARRIED �''��� MOTION: (Patton) That, ,Amoco be al1owed .to proceed with wor,k after fi']ing .of 7nsurance an.d ..bonds.� as set forth in the ordinancey with the City Secretary. Second: Zeitler . Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTI�N CARRIED . , , . � „ , , . , . :., .. , . . , MOTIQN; (Patton) �.Th.at'�in ev�n�t �af need for closing of a street� the condi ti ons of Sec.� 9 of Ord;� No. -187, and recommendati ons: of the P1anning Commission are to .be eomp1ied with Secvnd.�-: Zei t]er i , , , , - ��::_��._ . :`s.:.��.�b�,i;,. -- Vote: Unanimous FOR .MOTION CARRI�D , , � MOTION.. � (Patton) To.authorize a variance on the 1,2 homes located within '---- .40 feet of the pi pe1 i ne ri ght-of-way. Second: Zeit1er Vote; Unanimous FOR� MOTION CARRIED ��L � � RESOLUTIQN GALLING STREET SONa ELEC.TION .FOR APRIL 6 - Fisca1 Agent .Harry ��. �"� Gran erry read t e reso7ut�'on �Ga �ng a . 0� 0 street bond election for � April 6� setting ou�t,voting p1aces� conditions for absentee voting� and appointing a canv�ss7ng board for absen�ee votes. � MOTTON� (Gonza1ez) For adoption of the resolution � Second: Naken � Vote: � Unanimous FQR � MOTIQN CARRIED , G�7 STATEMENT FOR TH� RECORD (Patton) The tax.�ob7igation to retir.e;this. tax bond wil e 11� t e first year and 10�.the :second year ac�ording to the bes t i nformati on we �can get, ORDTNANCES - Two or..dinances� re�ative to subdivision can_trols to be extended to t e ity's extra.territoria1 jurisdic�tion, were presented by the City Attorney for cansideration.. � - ORDINANCE N0. 213-E - For assa e as an emer enc ordinance r ;:. �, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD-�XTENDING THE APPI.ICATION . OF SUBDTVISION ORDINANCE N0. 210 TO THE��ITY'S EXTRATERRITORIAL �T JURISDICTION, AND QECLARING. AN EM�KGENCY. Motion: (Patton) For adoption of, Ord: No. 213-E, on one reading Secon : Haken Vote: FOR (5) Patton� Lowe� Haken� Baker, Gonza7ez AGAINST (7) Zeit1er ` MOTIQN CARRIED ORpINANCE N0. 212-E - For as�a e as an emer enc ordinance AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A PART. OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 270� SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE� AMENDING THE SAME TO REQUIRE A SUBMISSION OF ANY RE-P1.AT TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION F(�R APPROVAL, AND QECLARING AN�3 EMERGENCY ' �., " MOTION: (Patton) To pass Ord. #212-E on one r�ading � Second: Baker Vote� FOR (5) Patton� Lowe, Haken9 Baker, Gonza7ez Against (1) Zeitler MOTTON CARRIED LETTER FROM FISCA� AGENT - A 1etter from Harry Granberry,. Fisc�a7 Agent� �� ��� re ativ'e to issuaace of ta��•� bonds was read into the record as follpws: , Dear Mayor Lowe: ; I submit the following ansu�ers and observations to yaur ' „ inquiry about street improvements,;bonds. There are on7y two types of bonds that a city can issue - all �onds must be either tax bonds or revenue bonds. There is no proyision in the 7aw for the issuanGe of street revenue bonds; therefore; a�1 street bonds must be tax bonds. Under existing �aw� there is no way to issue str�et rev- enue bonds secured by a pledge of either Revenue Sharing or Sa7es Tax monies. . If the City has sufficient Revenue Sharing or Sales Tax monies and appropriates it to .pay street tax bonds� that el i mi nates the need to 1evy � tax �t� pay them. When a city issues tax bonds, it guarantees that a tax wi71 be levied to pay the bonds if f unds are not avai1ab1e from other sources. I If ypu ha1�e other questions� p�e�se ca71 me in Alvin at 331-4244e ' ----- - ---.._---__ ..........��__,... .. . , . � --- ._ - - --- �--- ....-- - - ---- ----------------------- - ---_ _- - ----- - - — -- __--, - - - .� �'� , �;. . , , . , � . , , . i��..�� CAMPAIGN SIGNS - A 1etter from the Hi hwa De ar�me , 9 Y p nt was 'read: �tating that arge 'si gr�s '>on the hi ghway ri ght�of-way present a si gh� hazard� and asked remova1 of these signs in �omp1ian�e with an agreement with the City on February 19� 1968. " A' 1et�er`from Commur�i`ty. Publi�c Servi ce requested that campai gn si gns `nat be pbsted on u'ti li�y p�les� as they �a�e 'a hazard to company employees. Discussion�also` center�d around 1ega1ity of posting signs on pub1ic �roperty. No �officia1 action was taken. , , AbJOURNMENT - Motion w�s made and seconded �that the meeting adjourn. � � e meeting was adjourned at:�12:15' A'.M. '� � • . � � � . ;i. .°. <. �� �, ; �i ty Secretary . ' � , � f , -. APPROVED� , � . . ' .-�p r`" . . . � � .. �. ayor ' ., . � , ,,, . , , � � , I i �. � . , , , , , ,; , , , ' , . , I � , � � � . �, . � � �,, � ���< ti�. , .,, , ; . . , .. ,.�. , . . � ; � . ' � � � � � . " � � , � �- , ; . � � - ° '.� r, . . ,, , _