HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-03-04 Regular �.. ���.,� � pt ��� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 4, 1974 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on P�londay� P�arch 4g 1974� at 7:30 p.m, with the fo1lowing members present: i Mayor Ralph L., Lowe Councilman Mi1tnn Wind'ler ! j Councllman Ra1ph Gonza�ez �— Counci1man Richard Haken Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeit�er With a quarum present, and with Councilman Wi11iam Patton absent, the �Fo�1ow� ing business was transacted; READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regu7ar Meetinq of February 18� ,:r,� approve as corrected, inutes of a Specia7 P�leeting of February 259 approved � as written. �" ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATION� FROM TNE MAYOR � � W 1 , Proposa1 is being made to the Parks & Wild1ife Dept. to trade �he municipa1 site on FM 518 for equa� amount of land on the northwestern side of �he park 1and in view of �he fact that the Highway Department has 1ong�range plans whicK wou1d take a portio�n �f the mun�ci �� $ite as i t now exi s ts for hi gl�way ri ght-of-wa��,an p acement o b�i� di ngs on the present site woul necessitate cu ting of some trees. 2. In the schbo1 bond e�ection 7as� Sa�urday� one�-i�ssue passed. The portion of the issue covering new stadium seats failed. 3. C1ean up work at the new city park is proceeding� and the park wi11 be �. dedica�ed on St. Patrick's Day March 19. ��- 4. The Board of Adjustment authorized a variance on the mobi�e home on FM 528„ permit�ing the Bookmans to continue to occupy it as a home. 4. The P1anning Commission has recommended that the necessary zaning change be permitted tp a17ow Rmoco tp proceed with �onstruction of their pipeline in existing easement. PETITTONS 1 . Mrs. Jean Bi1derback read a 1etter requesting that mayora1ity candidates meet in an open forum where citiaens can hear each of the candidates' answers to given questions. Both Mayor Lowe and Councilman Gonza1ez agreed to attend such a forum if asked. 2. Mr. Frank Naulty of Miracle Recreation Company sppke tq Councm.l regarding quality of �quipment offered in the 7ow bi`d by another equipment supplier in answer to bid request from the city. for mini-park equipment. Mr. Mor�an was directed to review bo�h. bids care�'ul'ly and make recammendation ba�k to Counci7 in view of Mr, Nau�ty's remarks. 3, A� ci ti z�n of Imperi a�1 '�s�at'�s�"reques ted'.that tfie Ci ty repai r a 7 eak i n the sewer 1ine between l.ots 75 .and 76 on the east bank o�F C1ear Creek. ! Mr. Morgan is �o hand1e this request. i __„_' COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . Counci1man Baker reparted that. work is being done at the park�, on the grounds and by the Youth Commi�tee an �he bui7ding. 2. Counci 1man Gonza7ez rer�orted that .the Gas� .Rate. Study Commi ttee Fias had � three meetings� �and shou1d be ready �o make r�commendation tv Counci1 soon. 3, Clear Creek Project - Minutes of the meeti.ng in Washington were read and discussed. AlsoA the two-county interim work was discussed. _--- ------------ —--------- ------- ---------------- ; -- ' �'� (Counci )man Zei�1er arrived at �he meeting) � �r � POLLY RANCH ESTATES - VIOLATION OF ,RESTRICTIONS - Mrs. Louise Bacon requested t at the ci ty i nves�ti gate ui i ng e1 ng one i r� P�'l�y Ra�ch Es tates i n what she be1ieves to be in violation of the Friendswood Subdivision Ordinance which Mr. M�Aninch has agreed �o honor. After discussion by CAUnci1 and hearing severa1 p�op7e speak to the subjectp inc1udin� Mr, McAninch�, the �Fo�lowing actions were taken: Mayor L,owe stated that he fe1t a�1 p7ats wh�ch are a�pproved by the Planning Commissian must come back for approva1 in the. case that any changes are to be made. � ' . MOTTON: (Windler) That the .City Manager .�e instructed �o send a letter � to Mr. McAninch, wi.th:.c�pies to �the. appropriate peopleg to stop construction on the bui1ding. in question unti1 1ocation of the s1ab can be reso1ved (in relation tv property lines) and that the City Engineer verify that the stakes are in comp1iance with . the p1at. Second: Gonza1ez Vote: FQR (3) Gonza1ez� Wind1er, L.owe AGATNST (3) Haken9 Baker� Zeit1er MOTION FAILED MQTION. (Baker) That the City Engineer� Mr. Gartrel1 � and a licensed pro�essiona1 surveyor to be paid by Mr. P�cAninch go to the Pearson property and m'ark off the 1ines� the City Engineer to va1ida�e Mr. Gartr�71 's work. Se�ond: �Zei t7er Vote; FOR (3) Wind1er� Haken� Baker AGAINST (3) l.owe�, Gonzalez„ Zei��er MOTION FAILEp ! MQTION: (Gonza1ez) That the City Manager be authorized to retain a cer'�ified surv�yor �o determine if the activities in Po17y Ranch are contrary: �o `th� recor�ded p1at� and� i;f they are found to be so„ tha� the City Manager instruct the City Attorney to file an injunction in pistrict Cour� to stop the action. Second: Wind1er ; Vote; FOR (2) Wind1er� Gonza1.ez RGAINST (4) HakenA Bak�rg �.oWeg Zeitler MOTION FAII.ED MOTION: (Zeit�er) That the City determine whether or not the present ��bui1ding site in Po11y Ranch �states is in compli'ance with the su6divisi.on ordinance and if it is not� that we seek an injunction in pistrict Court unti1 it is in comp1iance. Se�ond: Haken Vote: FOR (5) Wind1er� Gonza1ez� Naken, Lowe� Zeit1er AGAINST (1 ) Baker MOTION "�RRRIED SP�CIAC M��TING - Counci7man Wind1er requested that a Specia1 Meeting be . posted for next Monday, night, March '11 , to enable Council to act on the Pol�y Ranch situat7on, Amoc� Pipe1ine� and the Street Bond Program. The Mayor cal7ed the meeting in compliance t�vith the request. Counci7man Saker moved tha� a letter be sent to the bu��der saying that the �ity is in doubt as to the praper�y 'line and �if it is proven to be as indicated� the bu�7der wi"17 have to remove his s7ab. This motion died for 1 ack of a second, Counciiman Gonza7ez moVed that the contract agreement with Po11y Ranch Estates as proposed be voted down. The motion died for 1ack of a second, MOTIONp �Baker) To postpone acceptance of. the Po71y Ranch Estates agreement ' -unti1 other prob1ems .are solved, Se�ond� Zeitler Vate; FOR (5) Windler, Gonza�ezp Haken� Lowe� Baker AGAINST (1) Zeit1er MOTION CARRI�D � �' � �: , GERRY E. PATE, CONSU�.TTNG ENGINEER .INC. - Mr, Pate has made a proposal ���"- �� to the City for cer�ain surveying services in connection with acquisition of f1ood-way� easements a1ong C'�ear GreekA setting forth rates and work to be performed. (Copy�fi7ea with "Cbntracts" in the Ci�y Secretary's office) Tota1 �ost estimated� to �e $4�50Q. MOTION. (Windle'r) That the City enter into an agreement with Gerry Pate in accordance wi�th his, 7e��er proposa7 to provide ri ght-of-�way descri pti ons a1 ong C�ear Creek, � : Second: Zeitler , Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED /./ ROUTiNG OF SEWER LINE FROM` PCANT ONE TO PLANT Tt�10 - Mr. Jim E11er of Engineering�'Zff ----- Science as made studies and_ recommenda�ions �o Counci1 on routing of �his 1ine. Capy of drawings fi7ed with_ the City Secretary�. Motion: (Wind1er) That the City Counci1 aGCept the "red line route" as shown in the engineer's report presented February 22„ 1974� � and that the line be� installed as a 27 inch gravity line from P1ant #1 to P�ant #2. Second: Haken � Vote: FOR (5) Windlery Gonzalez� Haken, Loweg Zeitler � AGAINS�'W none �, ASSTAINING (1�) Baker MOTION CARRIED � , G� REGIONAL WATER (�UALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN - H-GAC has notified the City that the _3��7� Cxi Texas Water Qua�l i ty Boarc�has contracted wi th�tlaem�'to devel op thi s new pl an� and has provided 50% of the cost. The other 50% is to be borne by the cities ia the area. Friendswood's shar� is $861 .00. �MOTION; (Zeitler) To approve payment of $861 .00, to� H-GAC for this Water Quality Management'Plan. Second. Gonzalez Vote; Unanimous FOR " MOTION CARRIED 3� _7� APPOINTMENT ;�:F BOARD OF E UALIZATIQN - Mayor Lowe recommended. that Dean Anderson� . Jess Wil1iams� � and E1sie Mi . s e appointed in concurrence .with request from � �he T�ax Assesso'r-Co1lector. ; The names� of Joe Taylor and `John C"renshaw were ���" a1so� suggested. � � � � � � MOTION: (Qaker)� To accept the Mayor re�ommendation and appoint Jess Wi1�iams� E1sie Mi11s� and Dean Anderson to the Board wi th Joe Tay1or and, John Crenshav�r as a1ternates. Secand; Zeitler Vote: FOR (5) Windler� Haken� Lowe� Zeit7er, Baker AG�IINST (1) Gonzalez • MOTION CARRIED ACCEPTANC� OF STREETS AND UTILITY LINES IN FOX MEADOW SUBDIVISIQN - Upon 3�� �� recommendation of Mr. Morgan with the statement that the streets and uti1ities have been approv�d by the Street Superintendent and the Uti�ity Superintendent,� Counci1' took the fol1owing action; MOTTON° (Baker) To accept' the streets and: uti�ity lines in Fox '�eadows Subdivi'sion, � Second: Zei t1er Vote» FOR �5). Wind1er� Haken�. Lowe� Ze.it7er� Saker � AGAINST (1� .Gonza1ez MOTION CARRIED The City is to bear the expense for the difference between � 6'" water 1 i ne �and an 8" .l.i ne� and cer�ai n fi�re pl ugs. ' APPROVAI. OF PINE� SHADOWS SUBDIVISION �Q�7� MOTION: (Haken) To apprave the final p1a� of Pine Shadows Subdivision Secon : Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR -------------------- ---- ------------------ � � ���� } DRTLLTNG PERMIT - Workover - AMOCO's e er . P t P�cAona�d W�11 #72. MOTION: (Zeit1e'r) To approve a Dri1ling Permit for Amoco econ . Baker Uote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD (Gonza�ez) (Regarding the Street Bond �lection) et me state c ear y for the recard that my position and recommendation� were for the $624g000 street bond e1ec�ion withou� a ta� increase and to s�pecifical1y a11ocate the city sa1es tax and the .revenue sh�rin� funds ' for the bond indebtedness� and at the r.equest of Mayor l,owe� who used a 5� tax increase as a compromise with the ather Coun�i1 membersp �hat I � agreed to this proposed p1an for the financin� of these proposed street bonds. " TIME FOR CLOSE OF FILING - As a result of a po11 of the Counci�� the City Secretary was instructed to end the period of fi1ing a� the close of the business day on March 6. The� City Attorney eoncurred with this action. �'1�� ORDINANCES - T-11-D- Charter Changes EleGtion - 'T{�ird and Final Reading �� AN ORDINANCE CAI.LING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD9 TEXAS� SUBMITTING CERTAIN PROPOSTTIONS TO TH� QUAL.IFIED. VOTERS OF SAID CITY AS R�VISIONS TO'THE CITY CHARTER;` PRESCRIBING THE pATE, � TIM�, A(�D PLACE OF SUCH ELECTION; APPOINTING EI��CTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVtSIONS RELATING 70 SAID ELECTION. I MOTION� (Haken) To pass and final7y adopt on third reading the ordinance ca11ing fnr a. charter change election (and assign permanent number 214) Second� Zeit1er Vote: FOR (5) Haken, Zeitler� Wind1er� Lowe„ Baker AGAINST (1) Gonalez MOTION PASSED , ,`�Y� CAMPAIGN SZGNS ON PUBCIC RIG � - - � HT OF WAY Tn response to a discussion initiated ��� y Counci man Wind ery the City Attorney stated that in his opinion any signs , erected on pub1ic property or public rights-of-way cou1d be removed under the City's anti-littering ordinance. WARRANTS MOTION: (Windler) To approv� for payment G&A Warrants 3969 through�973. Second: Haken Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Windler) To approve for payment M&O Warrant 2196. Secon�': Haken Vote� Unanimous" FOR MOTION CARRI�D MOTION° (Wind1er) To approve for payment Constructian Fund Warrant 147. Secon � � Zei tl er Vote: Unanimous FOR . MOTION CAR[iIEQ CLOSEQ SESSxON -. The City Attorney gave Council a status report on the WC&ID � 108 lawsuit against the City. No action required or taken. AQJQURMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meet�ng was adjourned. a�� � f��� Ci ty Secre . y � APPROVED� -�� -..� ::-:� �� �% - :� a or