HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-02-25 Special ,�,'�.�G �z,c..�_,r�j�.,��1��.°r....�,.w,...,::�..�1 � J�.��,� (� {"] , 4� :�'c.-e�—� � 4.1 �t� MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOQ CITY COUNCIL February 25, 1974 A Special P�eeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the Cit,y Hall on Monday� Februar,y 25� 1974A with the fo11owing.members present; � ! Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ' Cauncilman Edward Zeitler __.� Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman� Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Milton Wind1er With a quorum present� and with Counci1man William Patton absent� the following business was transacted: - ENGINEERS REPORT ANQ RECOP�MENDATION ON SEWER LINE FROM PLANT #1 TO PLANT #2 � �t+ Jim E�ller of Engineering Science presented a1ternatives for routing of the �'°• line� and the engineers ' recommendation on routing and typ� of 1ine (forced � feed or gravity) . Council genera1ly agreed with the recommendations. � STREET BOND PROGRAM - Councilmen Gonzalez and Haken made recommendation for a _3;z-7� street bond program which inc1udes three concrete streets (Clearview� Shadowbend, and Fa1�ing Leaf) as major arteri,esp and five s�reets to be f1ex base construc- tion� a total of 3,01 mi1es of permanent streets, at an estimated cost of $700�000. MOTION: (Gonza1ez) That the $700�000 program as presented b�Q. presented � to the voters in the form of a bond election for a permanent � ! street proqram with an estimated 5� tax in�rease to support the ' � proposed program� and with readjustment of the street program to ---- inc1ude specifical1y one-half the sales tax and revenue sharing funds. Second; Windler Vote; FOR (5) Lowe� Zeitler� Haken9 Gonzalez� Wind1er AGAINST (1 ) Baker MOTION CARRI�Q CURRENT STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM - Mr. P�organ reported that he has been ab1e to rea �ust u get figures to cover the under-estimate on this work� therefore the resurfacing wi11 proceed as p1anned. ' PROPQSAL FROM GERRY PATE RE FLOOD-WAY EASEMENTS ALONG CLEAR CREEK - A letter proposa ated Fe ruary 3 set fort hour y rates„ and estimate a total of ,��' �� $4p000 to $4z500 to perform surveying services in cannection with acquisition of necessary rights-of=wa,y in connection with the two-county Clear Creek program. Mr� Pate and Mr. James Nye of the Arainage Boar.d �ti11 be invited t� attend the regular meeting on March 4 to discuss the proposal . COPY MACHINE - Mr, Morgan stated that he has p1ans to purchase a new copy mac�iine for the city offices. hlayor Lowe asked that a machine be rented for j the ba1ance of this fiscal year rather than making the purchase at this time. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ORDINANCE - Councilman Windler requested that this ordinance i e p ace on the agen a or arch 4 regu1ar meeting, ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Meeting was a jo�urned at 11 :25 p.m. �: - ,� --�'�� ��� -.��-�� APPROVEQ: City Secretary ���� �, '� � . �� ���.J May