HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-02-04 Regular � .�Ce z,7 ��cL�e�� � G���� �_��_7� MINUTES OF p REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCTL February 4,; 1974 A Regular P�ee�ing of the Friendswood City Council was he1d at the City Hall on Monday„ February 4� 1974� with the �o11owing members .presen�. ; � Mayor Ra1ph L. Lowe Counci�man Edward Zeit1er ���1 Counc�lman Benny Baker Counci1man Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonza1ez. Gouncilman`William Patton � f� Counci 1man .Mi 1 ton Wi nd1 er C�tir���' ��� With a quorum'present� and none- absent„ the fo1lowing business was transacted: REAQTN(; ANQ APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of January 21A � approved as corrected, Minutes of a Specia1 Meeting of January 28 were I � corrected but wi11 be presen"ted for appr�va1' on F�bruary 18 as corrected, ' � ANNOUNGEM�NT$ & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR '� 1 . A trip to L�Jashington,, Q.C, is p1anned for February 20� to try to expedite f1ood control measures on Clear Creek. Mayors and dignateries from the area �i11 be in attendance. 2. The City is in receipt of a check. from the Texas Parks and Wi1dlife Dept. for $47�500 for reimbursement of 50% of 'cost of park land, 3, Garbage service has been improved. during the past two weeks. Negotiations with Pear1and are a�med at providing for a "re1ief" truck for Friendswood. 4. As requested by citizensg Spreading Oaks has been patched pending �installa- tion of the drainage tile along this street. � ; � 5. The Fire pept, wishes cl�rifjcation �of the $1 .00 fire charge, Council � � cancurred tha� e�ach $1 .00. co�lected wou1d go to support ambu1ance and fire ,��.__ protecti on 'servi�es for the fi sca1 year�. OPENTN� OF BIDS - PLAYGROUNQ EQUIPM�NT (for Mini-parks in Imperia1 Estates 17- 7� and on Stratmore . T e o ow�ng two bids were opened and read: Game Time Equip. Co. Tota1 Equip. - No install.ation $4,�503.91 Alt. A. $4�,539.89 Alt. B. Miracle Rec. & Equip. Co. Total Equip. - No insta11ation $5y084,00 - Insta11ed $6�455,00 MOTION» (Haken) That bids be referred to �the City Mailager for study and re�ommendation. Second: Saker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp BALL PARKS FOR SUNMEADOW - Counci �man Baker reported that a request has been . receive for permission to place ba�� parks on �wo acres of pipe1ine easemen� property in Sunmeadow. He stated that he .has agreed tha� the Ci ty wou1�d cooperate w3�h them on �thi s �projec�. ADMTNISTRATIVE ITEMS - Cit Mana er 1. Mr. Morgan has found a frortt end 1oad�r for $9p000� fre�ght ,from Ft. Worth - a�G around� $200. He asked a member of the Counci1 �o accompany him to �--- examine this equipment, CounGilman Haken said he wou1d �ry to get some information on condition of the 1oader. 2. Offset a,t• Sunset on Castlewood - The devel.oper of. Greenbriar Subdivision �g -7'� has agreed to d�e.ds,29.5 feet of right�of-�way to the City to eliminate this affset. This wi11' necessitate relocation of` the water 1ine at a cost of $2A700� and constr�uction of additiona1 street :width for a distance of 340 �Feet. Mr. Morgan recommended that the ROW be accepted with the understanding the stra�ghtening wi77 be done when funds are avai1ab1e. ; ,' � d`'� --------------- _ -- -------- ----- -- - - .�d ----- 1 MOTIQN: (Haken) To go into agreement with Sam �ester, accept .the ROW for s�raigh�ening Castlewood, as recommended by the Planning and Zon.ing Comm�ssion. � Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR ' MOTION CARRIED 3. Defensive Dri;�r�in Course;for� C.it �m lo ees -�� Mr. Mor.gan stated that a defensive r.iving course wi be con ucted fvr a11 city emp7oyeesy and a17 opera�ors of city vehic1es- wi�� .b.e required to take the course. . � � 4. Resu1ts of hone and mai1 surve -of .�outhe�n �area of city - Mr. Morgan � I reported t at t e survey car s sent �to residents in the Sunmeadow � area show �hat they almost unanimous1y�wish to be serviced by phone and mai1 service vi�a Friendswood� rather" than Alvin. . .. ,:, , � � . Gounci1man Patton recommended tha�ra reso1ution be drawn up to be sent to the telephone company and the postal department requesting that a11 efforts be made to get these changes made. 5. Garbage vehic1es - MrR Morgan recommended that a stand=by garbage ruc e purc .ased�, with a• heavier chassis. He s�ated that the second truck wi11 be pa7d off in May. �.g�e.c�,�.t�.r� �,t�N�e� ��.�-�e.e-�/�� Y�e.e��'°. �''�'r'��:`1 Fi re char e on a artments'and mob�le home parks - Mr, Morgan stated t at e recommen. s �hat t ese charges remain as presently being charged, 7. ��n ineering Contract � The City .Attorney has �not s.tudied this contract t}ierefore has made no recommendation with regard to it. � �p�.h� 8. Fi re stati on al ternati ves - Mr. Morgan and Lar��i��r-:r'�� Beatty of the Fi re epartment discussed the new figures on construction of a bui1ding„ and Mr. Beatty said that� a11 things concerned�� the Fire Department feels that the park 1ocation shou1d be ,used: � MOTION: (Zeit1er) Th.at we go ahead wi�h a fire station on the Sunset i property. - Second: Wind1er FOR (3) Wind1er� .Patton� Ze�t1er " AGAINST (4) Gonzal.ez, Lowe, Nakeny Baker MOTION F'AILEQ MO1'ION: (Wind1er) To proceed with the fire station on the property at FM 518 and Wind�;��•,-Way. Second: Gonzalez �- AM�NDMENT: (Saker) Tf�t the tota1 contract for the city wi11 be 10ZD�000 p1us,/accrued interest p1us what funds the Fire Dept. wants to pu� in out of their awn budget. Second: Wind1er Vote on Amendment: FOR� (6) Wind1er, Patton� �onzalez� Lowe� Haken� Baker AGAINST: (1) zeit1er MOTION CARRIED . VOTE ON ORIGINAI, MOTION FOR (6) Wind7er, :Patton�, .Gonza7ez� Lowe� Haken9 Baker AGAINST: (1.) Zeit1er MOTION CARRIED C�unci1man Zeit7er proposed that �he Mayor° send a 7etter to Mr. Cecil �rown� Jr. thank�ng him.�for his .donation of the two acres on Sunset � for the purpase of•bui1ding a �fire.station� and to say that we are unab1e to consumma�e the agreemen�. Counci1 concurred. � SPECIAL MEETING MOTION: (Wind1er) To call a: .speci.�l meeting for next Monday night to „ approve a contract for the fi'i.r..�.�department bui 1 di ng. Secand� Patton Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D �,, ,� - ���_ �p�7� HOUSTON NATURAL� GaS�RATL" . INCR�ASE RE UEST - Representatives from the Gas Company gave eXp anatlon. of t eir wr7tten, application for an increase in rates� and were asked a number'�of c�uesti.ons �y Cotanci1 . MOTION: (Pattnn� That the conversa�ion ,be discontinued and that a committee be appointed to meet with the Gas Company representa- �ives to discuss the increase. Second: Zeit1er Vote : FOR (2) Qaker� Patton � /�GAINST (5�) Windler, Gonzalez, Lowe� Fiakenp Zeitler � MOTION FAILED The Gas Company representatives were permitted to .continue with their presentation after which Mayor Lowe appointed a committee (Ken Wattse Counci1man Zeitler, and Counci1man Gonzalez) to meet and discuss the matter. wi th the company. • , ; . , , �� ,: STREET BOND ELECTION - Mr: Morgan presented a proposed street pragram � �✓ 7� consisting of five phases, Mayor Lowe stated that he fe7t Phase I and ' ,,,� Phase II probably should be combined into a $2,Q00,000 bond issue, In '� ,�,,, connection with a bond issue� Mr� Morgan recommended that the present �,,,, topping program proceed in the same vein as it is presently set up. � MrR Morgan was instructed to expand on Phase I and II, naming the streets � �indfi'i���^,�h"�th�6�;h�e7��T��;�,,�he City Engineer9 set out the type of surface for � eaci��street with-a corresponding do1lar value, and a definite tax rate to support the street bond issue. � DRILLING PERMIT - Amoco (Peter McDonald #9) MOTION: (Windler) To approve issuance of a drilling permit to Amoco �� "7� � for their Peter ��cDona1d UJe11 #9 Second. Patton Vote:. Unanimous FOR. MOTION CARRIED � SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM - Engineering Science made a presentation of the '` a ternatives or t e sewer line from Plant #1. through Heritage Estates, with cost figures and possible grant funds considered, Decision was to postpone a decision until next Monday night at a special meeting. ORDINANCE T-11-D - Charter Chan es - Fi.rst Readin APJ ORDINANCE GALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF FRIEJypSW00Q T�XAS, SUBP�IITTING C�RTAIN PROPOSITZONS TO TH� QUA1,IFZ�D U07'�RS OF SAID CI7'Y AS REVISIONS TO THE CTTY CHARTERx PRESCRIBZNG THE QATE, TIME, AND PLACE OF SUCH ELECTION; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION MOTION: (Zeitler� To approve f9rst reading of Ord. #T-11-D Secon : Baker Vote: FOR (6) Wind1er� Patton� Lowe, Haken� Bakery Zeit1er AGAINS? (1) Gonza1ez P�OTION CARRIED At this point in the meetingp Councilman Baker and Councilman Gonzalez 1eft. POLLY RANCH ESTATES -(Agreement re land for sewer plant) No agreement was reach�d on wording„ and the City Attorney was instructed to study the document. ORDINANCE T-11-A - Subdivision Ordinance � Second Readin � � MOTION: (Zeit1er) To approve secand reading of Ord. #T-11-A econ ; �lind1er Vate: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEA ORQINANCE T-12-C - Zonin Chan e Crown Central - Second Reading P�lOTIONb (Haken)� To approve second reading of Ord, #T-12-C Second: zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D ------ ----- — _... .__ __.� . - - - -- -- ___ � ------ ---- - --- — - - , - --- --- -- - WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL (See addendum below) CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - Counci1 agreed �to increase janitoria1 service ���'�� fee rom per mont to $125. Joe Garcia has been on this job for three years without an increase, This was not done by formal motion. C�����G.e�..o..���e.����.�`�������.��-��y�����y y�az����. ADJQURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn, The meeting was adjourned, � � ` City Secretary ' _ � APPROVED: r~�� -%---� .�,1. �... � � . .. �yor ADDENDUM- MOTION� (Wind1er) To approve for payment M&0 Warrant #2163 Secon�c.�. Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Wind1er) To approve for payment G&A warrants #3855 thru #3860 Second; Zeit1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION» (Windler) To approve Construction Fund Warrant #142 to Bost �""Ditching SerYice for storm sewer work on Spreading Oaks. Second: Patton - Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTTON CARRI�D I , � ' � f: � ; � i F