HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-01-28 Special - -- -- - --_ . _ _.._�------ - - ----- -- -- - -- ------ - ----- -,------- - � o: �i �-�-��� ��-.��.�f � -�� - �� � � � MINUTES OF A SP�CIAC. ME�TING "OF; TH� FRIENQSWOOD CITY GOUNCIL January 28, 1974 {' � A Specia1 Meetinc� of the Friendswood City Counci1„ duly posted� was he1d a� the C1ty Ha11 .on January 28„ 7974g at which the fol1owing members we�.e.��p.resent when the recorded action was taken. Mayor Ra1ph L, Lowe ' Councilman Richard Haken Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeit1er Councilman Ra1ph Gonza�ez (1eft before the fo11ow�ng ac.tion Wi�h a quorum present� the following action was taken; was taken) MOTTQN: (Haken) To authori ze pos ti ng .of Ord. #;�-12-Q a�::r�v�i se_d�' � re1ating to ca1ling a specia1 election f.or City Charter revisions, ' Second; Zeit1er ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' Motion made and seconded �hat the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ' � City Secretary APPROVED; �,. � i ' �''�''='�-. `°. �-.. �' .�.._.�._ M yor, I ; At a .workshop: s sion prio ta t ,Specia1 Meetin at, ch ' • ounc' an Ra1ph Go a1ez was�also p ent� a.single bid fo construc- tion of a 're tion was opened nd re as fo�lows� k M. 7ston� Co ructors Inc. 03�911 .00 on Si A � n� 9�96� .00 on Site � No ion was taken � id, Effort wi1 e made t eep the cost �a hin the a11ocat amount 100�00� ru review and r 'sion of the � 1� specifications. � / � � -O�f�e�-'.ry��es--�or-�kre-e-�e��-�rg� i-rre-7-�de�d-zz--r°�r��-f-r�o�n-E�rg-i-�r��-t°�i-�rg-�c-i-err,ce -�- rrc;-on t e-t-r-wo-�1�-�-o-x---�Gk���-�-i-�,�-Rd�-�-e-r��i-o�-w-i-��r--Ra-]-ph-some�►°s-a�rrd-B�i-1 ly— _NEclkni-�-efr�g�rd-i-�g a�g�°ee�ne�n�t I��ee+�=-Re-U-y-�a-�-Eh-E-�a���3;;-��,-;-�I�e-Ei_ty-.- �-a�pp-�i-rr�r�er�t-�d admi ni ster�n of oath of offi ce to Ra mond Nel o � as alternate member of the Zoning Boar of A justment. The City Secretary was not present during .this portion of tbe meeting. I � I