HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-01-14 Special --- -
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�lanuary 14� 1974
A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he1d at the City
Hall on January 14w fol1owing a workshop in which the fo�1owing subjects
were discussed�
1 , Le'tter from the Fire Department regarding use of the am�ulance I
2. Councilman Zeitler re children playing in recycling bui1ding �
3. Street program (bond e1ection) - It was agreed to try to p7ace
this subject on the Apri1 6 ba1loty and workshop on January 28
wi11 be devoted to spelling out the program t"o be presented,
4. Mrs. Annette Williams asked tFiat Council Members purchase parking
space at the stadium @ $30 for three years to help defray cost
of surfacing the lot. This is being done with material from
FM 518 widening project.
5. Mr. Morgan was authorized to purchase a traffic .counter for the Police
Present; Mayor Ra7ph Lowe
Councilman�Richard Haken
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
' � Counci1man Benny'Baker �
Councilman Edward Zeit1er
' Councilman Milton Windler
With a quorum present� and with Counci1man Wi1liam Patton absent9 the fol1ow-
ing business was� transacted:
ORDINANCE4 Reenactment of ordinance setting speed limit on Sunset at ' i
- cree crossing. (Ord. #196-E)
MOTION° (Haken) For passage on emergency basis of Ord. #196-E.
Secon�': G"onza1ez
Vote: Unanimous MOTION CRRRIEQ
WARRANTS: Check #3748 to Ody Jerden to ,pay his fee for the Barton Law Suit
MOTIQN: (Windler) To approve payment of Warrant 3748 (G&A)
Secon'�: Zei t1 er
Vote: Unanimous F0� MOTION GARRIED
� � CHARTER REVISIQNS - Recommendations from the Charter Review Committee were
�, iscusse an some were a1tered. Severa1 new proposa1s were discussed at
�� length„ and decision was made to present those ehanges approved by a majority
of the Council to the citizens for their vote a�ong with the Apri1 6
City Officials Election, The City Secretary was instructed to write and
post an ordinance cal7ing this election.
• �/:';��;:1(�111�NMF��T�ION: (Windler) To authorize posting of ord�nance covering
4 � charter revis�on e1ection
M���..�oi"r �r�Se�con�:1 Bake��e�l :�:h,;����:' F:•{�i�:;iri�e��i�ri'y <�dnf���rn. 7'h�:. n��.��t�ir�c�, w�s ad;yc�urn�d
at. Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Wind7ere Baker, Haken� Zeit1er
�� MANHOI,E COVERS - Mr. Morgan reported that 17 manhole covers on FM 518 �
� wi11 not fit as Brown & Root have made these manhole tops, and requested �
permission to purchase new ones for FM 518 at $100 eachs the others
being usab1e. in o�:her parts of the City. Permission given.
ADJOURNMENT - 7'he meeting adjourned at 1 :10 a,m.
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� ApprovedN ity Secretary
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