HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1974-01-07 Regular �!, /�-.z �-��;�--� �,--
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January 7, 1974
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City
�, Ha11 a� 7:30 p.m, on Monday, January 7; 1974� with the following members
' present:
, �
, ;
�--' Mayor Ra7ph L. Lowe
Cou�tcilman Milton Wind1er
Councilman Wi11iam Patton
Councilman Benny Baker
Councilman Edward Zeit1er
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez (arrived late a�h the meeting)
Councilman Richard Haken (arrived late at the meeting)
With a quorum present� and with none absent (for the entire meeting) the
� fol1owing business was transacted.
d'� �
��"' P�EADING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - P�inutes of the'a�gu1ar Meeting of December
79 I97�� approved as read.
out-of-town guests for the meetingtl
County �udge Ray Holbrook
County Commissioner Paul Hopkins
Major Cs �1. Tennemeyer, Corps of Engineers
Mr. Gary Pate, Consulting Engineer for Galveston County
-- , Other announcements:
1 , The Mayor discussed and explained some of the troub7es with garbage
�' � pick-up during the holidays„ stating that hopefully this service will �
be operating regularly in the future.
2. A meeting in League City on Saturda�y, January 12, held by the Corps
of Engineers to discuss flooding in Galveston County and planned control .
3. Some aspects of the new State Open Meetings Law were outlined.
4, The -final Revenue Sharing check for 1973 has been received showing an
increase for the year of $7y000 over 1972,
5. The tieautification Committee terms expire this month, Georg U�bricl� was
rF�c��.rc:�sted to make recommendation on reappointment of his committee.
�� The $47,500 check from the Parks and Wildlife Department for half payment
oi' the cost of Stevenson Park shou1d be in the City by January 15.
7. The contract with WC&ID 108 is �to be heard by the courts in Galveston
tomorr�w� January 8, for inter�retation of terms.
� 8. Mayor Lo,Ne �t.�ted� that he wished to pub1ic1y thank State Senator Babe
_ Schwartz f �:��, i� i s i ntercess i on on the Ci�y`s behal f wi th the Texas
Water Qua'I'i �,% Board regarding placemen� on the priority 1ist for
; sewage trea�:inent �j��zant funds.
l . Awardin�of�id on Street Resurfacinq - Bids opened on December 17 1 .� '� �
ave een tab�ulated by the EngineerA and upon recommendation of the
City Managery the fo11owing action was taken:
f�OTION: (i'eitler) To award the bid to Bost Ditching Service as
� tl�e low bidder.
Second: Bal;�r
Vote;.-l�����,�.�.�5 MOTION CARRI�A
':F�R (5) Lo�-re� Wind1er9 Patton� Baker9 Zeit7er ���''_
(Councilmen Gonzalez and Haken had no� arrived at �he meeting) �
AGAINST; naw�e
- - - -------
----- -----
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�v� CLEAR CREEK FLOOD CONTROL ME�TING - This meeting was cal7ed primari1y
�.' to exp ain to the citizens of Friendswood in a nub7ic meeting the plans
invo1ved in the Harris/Ga1ves�on Counties $200,000 project to help
alleviate flooding of C1ear Creek in The Friendswood areaa Judge Holbrook
gave a history of this agreement and fina1ized plans� and asked that the
City Council and the Drainage Board approve the plan� which includes c1eaning
out portions of Clear Creek and straightenirig out some horseshoe bends to
expedite run-off� He stated that it would be the responsibi1ity of the
City to acquire the necessary working easements and rights-of-way�. and '
the Drainage District to maintain the creek banks in the future so that
the work wou1d have a 1asting beneficial effect. Dr. Christopher Kraft
who is serving the City as a 1iaison officia1 for acquiring such easements
stated that he felt this assignment could be comp1eted in two to three months.
Mr, Pate� Consulting Engineer for the County� said that approximately three
months would be required before the pr�ject cou1d actua��y begin.
MOTION: (Windler) That the Clear Creek Clean-out Project be adopted
and that the City accept the responsibility for acquiring
necessary rights--of-way. .
Second� Baker
Vote; Unanimous MOTION CARRIED
A letter is to be written to the County cpnfirming this action.
CLOSED P.ERSONNEL SESSION - Se1ection of a 7th member.of the Planning Comm.
�,�� Counci returne to open session for the fo��owin � . �.
g -a��tron�.�.�4i,�.cf1 �:�ariani-
mous1y approved appointment of Mr. Kenneth Fossler to this position and
he w�s'��a�.hia.nistered the Oath of Office by Mayor Lowe. (The appointment
was for Positioh #7 which will expire in November� 1975)
2. And Ca ers ,ma roject - a ment - Mayor Lowe :stated that a fina1 payment
as een requested but is eing he1d up due to fai1ure of the company
to comp1ete the project. He asked that the City Attorney contact the
School Attorney �o discuss the matter. ' ;
�,� 3. Destruction of Records - The City Auditor� Mrse Cantory has submitted -
�� t ree etters aut orizing destruction of obsolete records by the City.
The recommendation has also been approved by the Fisca1 Agent and the
City Attorney, (These letters are attached to these minutes and made
a p.art of the minutes for record purposes, ) .
MOTION: (Patton) To authorize destruction of old records as recommended
by the Auditor.
, Second; Zeitler
Uotee Unanimous MOTION CARRIEQ '
�f��, 1 � Po11 Ranch Estates - Mr� Bi11y McAninch requested permission to connect
� suGdivision ines to City water and sewer 1ines: In discussion� it was
decided to approve the subdivision p1at at this time9 but to withhold
permission to tie into lines following verification of the City Engineer
that all requirements have been complied with.
Mrs, Leah North of the Planning Commission stated a number of reasons
why she felt that the P1anning Commission had approved the p1at pre-
maturel,y. These were discussed and genera11y reso7ved to Counci1 's
sati sfacti on,
The matter of a parce1 of 1and which was set aside for a sewer p1ant � �
in an agreement between Mr; McAninch and the City was also discussed,
B. J. Hao�ks� City Attorney, and Mr. Ralph Somers were asked to review
the 1etter� agreement covering this subject and report to Council their
MOTZON; (Patton) To �pprove the p1at for Po11y Ranch as presented
Secon : Zei t1 er
Votee FOR (6) Lowey Wind1er� Patton„ Gonza1ez� Saker� Zeitler
AGAINST: n one
--------- -- � �-
specifications are now comp1ete and a bid request has been put out
for January 28th. Request is for bids on the two 1ocations presently
being considered for the purpose of comparison of cost.
CHARTER REVIEW COMMII'TEE �- Councilman Gonzalez stated that it has already
een agreed to discuss the..street program at the workshop on January
14„ and moved that the charter revisions be scheduled for workshop on
� January 28, The motion died for 1ack of a secondy and it was decided
� � to make this subject number two for the meeting on the 14th of January.
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� YQUTH COUNSELING COMMITTEE - Councilman Baker stated that he was opposed
to certain aspects o this program and was not present at the 1ast
meeting W�en a vote was ta[cen on it. He is opposed to a11 terms running
simultaneouslyN and to having a Counci1man on the committee.
T-12-�A - Zonin Chan e (Woods & Whitaker) - Second Reading
�w MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve second reading of Ord, T�12-A
� Second: Haken
� Vote� Unanimous MOTION CARRIEQ
� T-12-B - Zoning Chan e (Rest Home) - Second Reading
MOTIpN: (Haken) To approve second reading of Ord. T-12-B
� Second: Pattpn•
Vote: FOR (6) Lowe� Wind1er� Patton� Haken, Baker, Zeit1er
Pro osed revised un ordinance -� Councilman Patton discussed items
to e inclu ed, an information was turned over to the City
I ` Attorney �or writing of the: ordinance.
;� ,
MOTIONu �Patton) To approve for^ payment �V&0 Warrants 2706 thru 2112
Secon�': Zeit1er
MOTION: (Patton) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 3735„ 3736� 3738y
� 3739,, 3740 thru 3743.
Second: Zeitler
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�p
, Mation rnade and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was
adjourned at 71:30 p.m. �
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GI,QS�p S�SSION - Prior to ths meeting of January 7� at 6:30 p,m. p Council �``° ��
met in c�osed session wi�h members of the Fire pepartment �o discuss various���
1acations for the new fire department bul1ding: No officia� action was taken.
The City Secretary was not present a� this mee.tings No minutes were taken.